Tag Archives: White House

They’re Whining About The Media? Too Funny!

Karine Jean-Pierre, like the rest of the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden himself, just flat out LIE with a straight face. Naturally, the liberal media hack at CNN, in this instance John Berman, just listens without pushing back! Once again, … Continue reading

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Special Counsel Report: No Charges! Joe Mentally Unfit!

Joe Biden has been a puppet for quite some time now, this is a fact. The obvious question then becomes: Who is running the country? Is it the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, a combination of both? Who knows? What we do … Continue reading

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Democrat Senate Staffer Scandal Shocks D.C.; Media Blames Republicans!!

More HYPOCRISY from the Left. You just gotta love these clowns! Video: YouTube

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How Long Before All Cars Are Electric – Joe Rogan

The delinquent White House and all the rest of the dirtbags, such as Al Gore, who are getting richer and richer by the day pushing this global warming/electric vehicle agenda are lying to you.  Video: YouTube

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Press Secretary Kringe Jean-Pierre: “VERY CLEAR.”

If Karine Jean-Pierre has any semblance of a conscience, she must have nightmares each and every night for lying to the American people and to herself.  CLEARLY, she knows that she is lying, and if she has any sort of … Continue reading

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A ‘Blow’ To The White House & Media Gives ‘Snow Job’ Of Coverage | Wacky MOLE

The Biden White House is a mockery!!! Never in a million years would I have thought that Joe Biden would have been such a delinquent and fraud!!! As for the mainstream media, they’re just insects; spineless low-lives who have sold … Continue reading

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‘Joe Biden is a criminal’: Obama-era staffer blows whistle on Biden’s business deals

The Bidens are dirtier than a pig pen, and the FBI is even more corrupt, if that’s even possible! Video: YouTube

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Karine Jean-Pierre: Professional Communicator

It is difficult to say which is the bigger idiot, Karine Jean-Pierre or Joe Biden. Suffice it to say, that they are both morons! Add to this duo the other bimbo, Kamala Harris, and one immediately realizes that the Biden … Continue reading

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Resident Can’t Remember Names (Volume 1)

What a buffoon! Joe Biden is so out of it that he doesn’t know what year we’re in! His family should have stepped in and demanded that he not run for the presidency, because he’s an embarrassment to himself (not … Continue reading

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OUR Government Has Decided Who Has Rights and Who Doesn’t

All I know is that this country is doomed. It is being destroyed from within by all of these liberal half-wits without a spine who have bought into the political-correctness, idiotic, woke mentality of the socialist crowd; and a socialist … Continue reading

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‘Totally lost’: Joe Biden has ‘no idea what’s going on’ during signing ceremony

How sad. He is totally clueless. He doesn’t even know what he’s signing. But hey, democrats got their wish in 2020. They elected a puppet to the White House, because, you know, “Orange Man” bad. Video: YouTube

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Who is running the White House?

I don’t know who is running the White House, what I do know is that it isn’t Joe Biden, the individual who was elected to do so. Video: YouTube

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Concha: Biden’s handlers are ‘petrified’ to do this

It seems that everyone we turn to in the Biden administration is a train wreck. He (Joe Biden) definitely cannot communicate, and that’s an understatement. Kamala Harris is a cackling bimbo with nothing of value to offer. And now, the … Continue reading

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Hunter Biden’s business partner visited White House 19 times: report

One would think that republican or democrat, the media would want to know the truth about Joe Biden’s involvement with his son, Hunter Biden and their respective business dealings.  The United States is no longer united. We are operating as … Continue reading

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‘Utter disarray’: Jen Psaki reportedly planning to leave the White House

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the Biden administration is in utter disarray. One only has to watch what’s going on throughout the world and right here in the United States to come to this conclusion. Video: YouTube

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Where are the ‘apologies’ regarding Hunter’s laptop?

Why would anyone expect these pigs in the liberal media, plus Jack Dorsey (Twitter) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) to apologize? These people are scum, and furthermore, they knew exactly what they were doing, so it wasn’t as if they made … Continue reading

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Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert, escalating tensions

Hopefully, Vladimir Putin isn’t crazy enough to launch nuclear weapons toward Ukraine or any of the NATO-member countries if talks with Ukranian leaders don’t go his way.  Video: YouTube

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‘Gender-Neutral’ Counselors Make a Choice – Of What Children To Bunk With At Camp

To begin with, the first two words of the title of this video are bogus. Liberals love to come up with these terms which sound cute and/or sophisticated, but are fake. There is no such thing as being “gender-neutral”. Everyone … Continue reading

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Joe Concha blasts Don Lemon for gushing over slightly lower gas prices

The fruit, Don Lemon-head, is another tool for the Left. He and his cronies at the Communist News Network (CNN) are trying to come to the aid of that buffoon in the White House, Joe Biden, whose approval rating is … Continue reading

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‘I’m Just Trying To Get You To Answer’: Kennedy Presses Mayorkas On Release Of Criminal Migrants

Senator John Kennedy is entertaining. He definitely has a way with words and can get his point across without necessarily being confrontational.  As for Alejandro Mayorkas, he’s another buffoon in the Biden administration, where he fits right in with the … Continue reading

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The Infamous Kamala Harris/NASA Video: An Analysis

What else can be said about the Biden administration that hasn’t already been said? To say they are a joke is an understatement.  Did these people actually believe that the public wouldn’t find out that this was all an elaborately … Continue reading

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Fake Sets Can’t Mask Reality of Biden/Harris Regime – Things That Need To Be Said

This guy says it like it is and says quite a bit. The truth of the matter is that the Biden administration is nothing like what was sold to the American people last summer/fall. What we have here is an … Continue reading

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Deep state undermined Trump presidency: Glenn Greenwald

Food for thought as they say…  Video: YouTube

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White House in damage control after Biden falsely claimed he visited synagogue

Joe Biden is a pathological liar. In this regard, he perfectly fits the bill of the fanatical ultra-left. Although to be fair, the ultra-left are bigger hypocrites than liars.  Thanks again America for electing this loser. Your Trump derangement syndrome … Continue reading

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Trump Turns On Bill Barr at CPAC and Crowd ERUPTS in Laughter

Comparing Donald Trump to Joe Biden, political interests notwithstanding, is like comparing a tiger to a sloth. Trump is sharp as a tack, full of energy and charisma, while Biden is dull as a wet noodle, lifeless and boring.  Video: … Continue reading

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‘The Five’ reacts to the White House blaming Republicans for defunding police

What do Kamala Harris, Lori Lightfoot, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (among many others) have in common? Well, they’re all liberal democrats, they’re all politicians (and idiots) and they all want to defund the police. Brilliant! What do … Continue reading

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‘Decrepit’ Joe Biden ‘sucking up’ to George Floyd family

Wow, this Australian newscaster really says it like it is and doesn’t let up. Personally, I feel bad for the little girl he references, George Floyd’s daughter. No child should be without a father. Although quite frankly, it doesn’t seem … Continue reading

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Sen. Kennedy: Biden needs to stop ‘honking like a goose’ and solve problems

Once again, Biden is weak, incompetent and certainly not a leader. All he is, is a front man for the liberals running the show – and a show it is! In contrast, Senator John Kennedy is awesome. He’s a no … Continue reading

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Megan Rapinoe Gets Fact-Checked Hard by Comedian K-von (…and she doesn’t like it!)

This woman, and I use the term loosely, is nothing but an angry Leftist and naturally, a hypocrite. When will these dunces acknowledge that female athletes don’t get paid as much as male athletes for the simple reason that they’re … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on Biden’s border catastrophe

What a mess the Biden administration is… a real cluster f*ck! But of course, the black woman on the panel, a democrat, puts a spin on reality.  Video: YouTube

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Pelosi ‘admits’ she played politics while millions lost their jobs, ‘The Five’ react

Nancy Pelosi is a douche-bag! TGO Video: YouTube  

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John Roberts?

For what it’s worth coming from me (which isn’t much) John Roberts, chief White House correspondent for Fox News, is a world-class scum-bag!!! For those of you who care to know why I write this, check into it. He’s just … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Is On ANOTHER PLANET | Bill O’Reilly

If this doesn’t concern the American people, mostly democrats, I don’t know what does? Clearly, Joe Biden is lost and not fit to be president of his local chamber of commerce, much less President of the United States!  Meanwhile, the … Continue reading

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Tucker on big tech trying to censor his show

We are living in a time of total and absolute hypocrisy in this country. Liberals, who are supposed to be what the name implies, are anything but liberal. They sensor people, they oppress them, they impose their belief systems on … Continue reading

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Trish Regan: Impeachment is fizzling, voters are tuning out

If democrats can’t see through the delinquency of members of their party they are really much more of a pathetic lot than I expected. One has to be a complete moron not to realize that they’ve been trying to impeach … Continue reading

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Bill O’Reilly’s Debate Take: Beto is a Clown, and Warren is a Con

Beto O’Rourke is definitely a buffoon. As for Elizabeth Warren, she’s a socialist who could not, EVER be compared with Donald Trump. To make a sports analogy, it would be like comparing Tim Tebow to Tom Brady; there is no … Continue reading

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Trump Calls Whistle-Blower Another ‘Political Hack Job’

This is one of the many reasons I support Donald Trump; he doesn’t cave in to the liberal media machine as most republicans do. He says it like it is and makes them out to be what they are, political … Continue reading

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China is feeling the pain of U.S. tariffs. Now it’s time for negotiators to secure a deal.

We must continue to pressure China. We cannot let up now, it’s time to push forward because in the long run (hopefully in the not-too-distant future) America will be better for it. TGO Refer to story below. Source: USA TODAY … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on the July 4th parade

The immoral, liberal scum-bags in these montages make me want to throw up. But that’s a good thing. How can that be a good thing you may ask? I’ll tell you. Because as sick as they make me by hearing … Continue reading

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Crooked Hillary is a total slime-ball, an absolute scum-bag. She’s a low-life from head to toes. She is so corrupt yet so connected to the democratic mob that she is actually above the law.  I only wish that republicans had … Continue reading

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Pelosi says Trump is ‘goading us to impeach him’

This bitch has no shame, but we already knew that. She says that impeachment would be divisive to the country. Really? Who is it that’s been talking about impeachment for two years now you bitch? It’s you, the democrats!!! You … Continue reading

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Rashida Tlaib Privately Pushing Trump Impeachment Investigation

I’ve always said that Americans get what they deserve and deserve to get it good and hard. Of course, I’m referring to the stupidity of the liberal Left-Tards who elect these hypocrites with an agenda into office. The hatred and … Continue reading

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White House backs down, fully restores Jim Acosta’s press pass

The White House is not trying to limit the number of questions asked in press conferences, as baldy is suggesting (always the spin). What they are doing is preventing one arrogant *sshole (Jim Acosta) from attempting to take over these … Continue reading

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Piers Morgan on Hollywood’s hatred of Trump

Robert DeNiro, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift; all Left-Tards. One thing that is so ironic and hypocritical is that one of the things that the left criticizes Trump for is being hateful. Yet some of these celebrities are … Continue reading

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CNN attorney: The WH cannot get away with this

This is such BS! Jim Acosta doesn’t simply ask questions. What he does is ask a question and when Trump provides an answer he enters into a debate with Trump over his response. In fact, this is exactly what happened … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan on The Clinton’s Lying

One can only imagine what things would be like with a lying, manipulative, power-hungry Hillary Clinton in the White House… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Joe Rogan on Trump & Jim Acosta

An interesting conversation on several fronts. TGO Video: YouTube    

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O’Reilly: Where Pinhead Jim Acosta Went Wrong

I don’t always agree with Bill O’Reilly, but in this instance he is absolutely correct. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Jim Acosta Plays Victim after White House Suspends Press Pass

Jim Acosta and the rest of the cronies at the Communist News Network (CNN) seem to actually believe that Donald Trump is going to continue to put up with their twisted agenda of demonizing his administration, and he isn’t. TGO … Continue reading

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White House pulls Jim Acosta’s press pass

What an absolute douche! Everyone who saw video of the entire incident knows he was at fault. Yet as can be expected, the Communist News Network (CNN) didn’t show the entire clip. Hopefully he’ll never set foot in the White … Continue reading

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