Monthly Archives: January 2018

Trump condemns Taliban role in Afghan attacks, says no talks

The monkeys are at it again. I would call them apes, but apes have no tails and they came down from the canopy thousands of years ago. These people on the other hand are monkeys with a religion. TGO Refer … Continue reading

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Parents allegedly raised kids in apartment smeared with feces

How disgusting!!! What does one do with people like this? The poor children are the ones who always suffer… TGO Refer to story below. Source: New York Post By Larry Celona, Kevin Fasick and Melkorka Licea January 27, 2018   … Continue reading

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Officials say 95 killed, 158 wounded in Afghan car bombing

Barbarians! This is what Muslims are, barbarians! I wonder what all the liberals, who so passionately defend Islam, say when these atrocities occur? Oh wait, I know, the individual who did this was “radicalized”. In other words, Islam and Muslims … Continue reading

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Fox News Says It Won’t Book Steve Wynn Following Sexual Harassment Allegations

Wait, there’s more… this world is out of control! Pepe Le Pew actually hit on Sylvester! That’s really bad, because skunks and cats are not even compatible, and both are males. Talk about sexual harassment!!!!!  Ok folks, as ridiculous as … Continue reading

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Man Claims He’s Infamous Alcatraz Escapee In Newly Surfaced Letter

If the movie ‘Escape from Alcatraz’ accurately depicts the escape of these men, and they somehow managed to survive, this would be an incredible story. TGO Refer to story below. Source: HuffPost Ed Mazza HuffPost January 25, 2018 It’s one of … Continue reading

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Marlins’ Yelich traded to Brewers for 4 prospects

I suppose the Marlins are going to field a little league team. They may actually lose 120 games this coming season. What a farce! And at the other end of the spectrum, you have the Yankees, as they continue their … Continue reading

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Millions attend world’s second-largest Muslim gathering

A thing of beauty, isn’t it? I’m being sarcastic of course. Well, I’ll just let the images tell the story. Here’s a scary thought: Pakistan has nuclear weapons.  TGO Refer to story below. Source: Al Jazeera More than two million … Continue reading

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Student Kills Pakistan College Principal After Accusing Him of Blasphemy

Apologists for Islam always say that those who commit crimes against their fellow man, crimes such as rape, beheadings, torture, murder, suicide bombings, etc. have been radicalized. That those who join IS, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and hundreds of other Islamic … Continue reading

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Cuba is selecting deputies for the National Assembly. Guess who’s on the ballot?

Raul Castro and the rest of the communist leaders on the island, what more can be said of these vermin? They are nothing but common thieves, just as are all other dictators across Central and South America, and the world … Continue reading

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Parents who allegedly held children captive were planning to move ‘within days’: Sources

The attorney for the defense should be hung from his balls (if he has any). The parents… I can’t think of a punishment harsh enough for these two cockroaches. Maybe a pit full of rattlesnakes? A shallow pool full of … Continue reading

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Cher calls Trump’s America ‘one of the worst times in our history,’ says women will be ‘the ones to fix it’

Don’t you just love it when clueless bimbos get involved in politics? The worst part of it is, these Bozos never seem to get it. They’re stupid enough to let a former hippie with serious personal issues dictate to America … Continue reading

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Aunt of 13 siblings allegedly held captive tried ‘for years’ to get in touch with the family

So now we know that the children’s aunt, sister of the mother, is also stupid and bordering on brain-dead. In these kinds of cases of extreme abuse, one realizes that everything fell into place for the perpetrators. Obviously, in this … Continue reading

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Inside the Texas home where the malnourished, shackled siblings lived over 18 years ago

The electric chair, firing squad, hanging, lethal injection; they are all way too benevolent forms of death for these two germs who inhabit human bodies. The only just penalty for these two is systematic torture for the rest of their … Continue reading

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Dozens dead after twin blasts in Baghdad

Islam, the religion of “peace”? George W. Bush was a real idiot, we know that. But to call Islam the religion of peace could only mean one of two things: either he is actually mentally retarded or the biggest kiss-ass … Continue reading

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Thirteen siblings found chained, starving in California home; parents charged

Even mother alligators care for their young, which means these two criminals are lower than reptiles in the food chain. Speaking of food, these people deserve to be thrown in a pool of alligators. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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Abducted Chibok girls say ‘we won’t return’: Boko Haram video

This is so sad. But once again, it’s those crazy Muslims… Now tell me, was Donald Trump’s comment about Africa inaccurate? I didn’t think so either. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press  Aminu ABUBAKAR AFP January 15, 2018 … Continue reading

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Fear and doubt should not determine response to immigrants, Pope says

Nice message Mr. Francis. Now do the right thing and take in several thousand immigrants into Vatican City. In other words, instead of just preaching, act. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters Reuters January 14, 2018   VATICAN CITY (Reuters) … Continue reading

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Trump says immigration deal ‘probably dead’

I believe that every single person who claims that Donald Trump is a racist for his statement regarding Haiti and Africa should not only criticize him, but do something about it. Since they obviously believe his statement is false, they … Continue reading

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Saints safety Marcus Williams will go down in playoff infamy after whiffing on Stefon Diggs

A lack of brains on the part of the safety cost the team the entire season. Sports isn’t just about athletic ability. One also has to play intelligently.  The entire New Orleans Saints team and all their fans must be … Continue reading

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Dutch PM disavows US envoy’s ‘no-go zones’ claims

It must be the water, or maybe the air; something. There has to be some sort of malaise that is affecting ALL the politicians in Europe. To categorically deny what everyone with half a brain knows, especially the people living … Continue reading

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Debate over whether Trump is racist revived by comments

Everyone is a “racist” at some level. One does not need to be full of hate against a particular individual or group, such as Hitler, to be called a racist. However, just because one criticizes someone that doesn’t make them … Continue reading

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Dianne Feinstein: If Trump Can’t Stop Being Racist, He Needs To Go

Don’t really know if Trump used that language ‘shithole’ referring to Haiti, but if he did, that was clearly wrong (but only because he’s the president). The fact is, that Haiti is a shithole, as are many African countries (and … Continue reading

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Accused N.Y. subway bomber pleads not guilty to terrorism charges

Not guilty? What more evidence is needed? Give him his trial, then after found guilty, fry him. No need to waste taxpayer’s money keeping this vermin alive. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Brendan Pierson Reuters January 11, 2018 … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: A Special Kind Of Hate

As always, Pat Condell is right on point. TGO    

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She Banned Muslims Before Trump. Now She Wants to Be Governor

For my part, I don’t hate Muslims, because not every Muslim is a bad Muslim, but having said that, I don’t have this fascination with Muslims that everyone in the media and politics seems to have. After all, what is … Continue reading

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Pope Francis warns against ‘the thirst for power and for riches’

The leader of the wealthiest corporation on the planet, the Catholic Church, has the balls to warn against the thirst for power and riches! Really?  If this is not the most hypocritical, corrupt organization on earth I don’t know what … Continue reading

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French intelligence ‘doctored files’ to cover up failings over Islamist murder of priest

When one considers all of the BAGGAGE associated with letting Muslims into their country, many of whom are absolute pigs, is it really worth it? I think not. TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Telegraph Henry Samuel The Telegraph January … Continue reading

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Muslims May Become America’s Second-Largest Religious Group By 2040, Pew Reports

I knew this was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. We’re in deep do-do now! The problem is not the women, pictured below, it’s the men. The ultra-fanatical, emotional, irrational, indoctrinated men of Islam; the cause … Continue reading

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Ice Age Baby Skeleton Rewrites History of the First Native Americans

This is fascinating stuff…  It’s common knowledge that we’re all descendants of the first homo sapiens who originated in east Africa, and that their offspring eventually crossed the Bering straits from Asia into north America, thereby populating the western hemisphere. … Continue reading

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Anti-Immigrant Signs Pop Up On California Highways As State Becomes A Sanctuary

This is too funny… California is too liberal for its own good. If it were up to the people and especially the politicians in the state, the entire country of Mexico would be living there, and with it immigrants from … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Britain Is A Riot

As usual, Pat Condell doesn’t hold anything back. And as usual, he is always right on point. I would change one thing to the title of this video, and that is that not only is Britain a riot, so is … Continue reading

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France vows crackdown after New Year attack on police

Just keep those migrants (Muslims) coming baby… The European movement by its political leaders in England, Sweden, Germany and France (just to name a few) is turning Europe into a cesspool. You wanted them, you got them. Now deal with … Continue reading

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‘Let’s Not Extinguish Hope in Their Hearts.’ Pope Francis Calls for Empathy Toward Migrants and Refugees

Since the Pope is such a good Samaritan he should act instead of just speaking. Why doesn’t he take in several thousand of the migrants (Muslims) who are currently raping women in Europe? These individuals could move into Vatican City … Continue reading

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Four killed in London New Year knife violence: police

Time to ban knives! By the way, the article (naturally) fails to mention the names of those arrested. Odds are that names such as Mohammed are in the mix. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP December 31, … Continue reading

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Baltimore breaks city record for killings per capita in 2017

Solution: stop having babies that you cannot afford and cannot care for. Kids brought up on the streets will generally get involved in illegal activities. This is no secret and doesn’t require a doctorate’s degree in psychology to figure out. … Continue reading

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German police union chief slams NYE ‘safe zone’ for women

Rainer Wendt is a douche-bag apologist for the so-called “migrants”, which who they really are is Muslims. Of course, it isn’t politically-correct to call these people out because they may get offended and create even more havoc than they already … Continue reading

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