Monthly Archives: November 2018

Robin Williams on fatherhood

Hard to believe that a personality such at the one Robin Williams’s had would be that of someone who would take his own life. But after reading a bit about him, his disease was literally causing him to lose his … Continue reading

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She’s amazing. TGO  

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Cuomo: Trump miscasts migrants as monsters

Chris, I have an idea. Being that you’re such a caring and thoughtful individual, and that your network has pushed the photograph of that woman and the two kids ad nauseum, you should sponsor them. Yes, you should travel to … Continue reading

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She is sizzling hot. TGO

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How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes

Too rational and logical for the Left-Tards to grasp, but factual nonetheless. TGO Video: YouTube  

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George Carlin on some Cultural Issues

He was a brilliant man. TGO Video: YouTube

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Sexy Asian. TGO

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Migrant caravan is ‘highly organized’: Filmmaker Ami Horowitz

Just to reinforce information which was quite evident from day one of this caravan… TGO Video: YouTube

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Sen. Bernie Sanders Not all migrants have a credible claim

Bernie Sanders, what a joke. This buffoon’s claim to fame was promising teenie-boppers free education, and they ate it all up… Free, free, free… – everything’s free! Now he’s all about saving the planet. Trying to appeal to the young … Continue reading

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Ex-GM worker who voted for Trump had this to say

This is too funny. I feel bad for people losing their jobs, but what is too funny is the Communist News Network (CNN) grabbing at straws, doing everything within its power to attack Donald Trump. As if Carmela Denno, whoever … Continue reading

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Sexy blond. TGO

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CNN Was Wrong About Caravan?

More of the same from the Left-Tards. More loaded questions. More implications that tear gas was used on women and children.  The Left-Tards at the Communist News Network (CNN) are relentlessly trying to blame border control officers for their use … Continue reading

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Head of US Border Protection discusses confrontations at border

From the beginning of this interview I already knew where Chris Cuomo was going with this. It is astonishing that the liberal media Left-Tards are criticizing and looking to place blame on American citizens doing their job, protecting our southern … Continue reading

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Sexy brunette. TGO

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Breaking down the facts about the caravan

Just the  facts…  It is mind-boggling that the media Left-Tards would deliberately attempt to lie and distort the facts, when it is crystal clear what is going on here. Surely the American people are not stupid enough to turn a … Continue reading

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Border Wall Showdown Ignites Outrage From Virtue Signaling Left

Too much common sense for liberals to assimilate; or is it simply hypocrisy? TGO Video: YouTube  

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Sexy brunette. TGO    

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BUSTED: DNC Media Caught Building Wall of Deceit Around Caravan

The liberal media is pathetic and disgusting. Trump is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, they are the enemy of the people! TGO Video:

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Who is to blame for the border crisis?

Saying it like it is. TGO Video: YouTube

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Border agent reveals what is really happening at border

More of the same… TGO Video: YouTube

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She’s such a tease. TGO

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Judd Defends Use of Tear Gas at Border: Agents Got Control of ‘Very Dangerous Situation’

Wow, finally someone says it: “Why did Mexico allow this”? TGO Video: YouTube

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Cute and sexy. TGO

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Steve Scalise defends Trump’s bid to secure the border

More of the same… TGO Video: YouTube

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Asian women look so much younger than they actually are. TGO

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EPIC: CNN Guest Schools Symone Sanders For Defending Kamala Harris ICE Comments

The black gentleman, Niger Innis, is MY HERO! He is absolutely right on point in his comments and has the BALLS to say the TRUTH.  Kamala Harris is an immoral liberal (is there any other kind?). Phrasing her question regarding … Continue reading

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That’s a really cool-looking couch. TGO

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Homan: There would be no caravan if Democrats acted

More of the same… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Why would you ever get out of bed? TGO

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Dan Bongino on the border crisis

Democrats are shameless. To be on national television and tell people that Trump never put forth a bill on immigration is brutally dishonest. But what can one expect from these people who have no morals? They (democrats) wanted this. They … Continue reading

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A beautiful and shapely brunette. TGO  

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Trump threatens to close Mexico border ‘permanently’ after US police fire tear gas at migrant caravan

Lost in all of this, by design of course, is a question that no one in the media dares to ask, or has ever asked, and that is: “Why did Mexico allow these migrants to cross its southern border (with … Continue reading

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2 attacks in Somalia; Islamic cleric who played music killed

Somalia is one of the countries who’s citizens are banned from entering the United States. Maybe, just maybe, liberals will admit that this is a smart move on the part of U.S. intelligence, especially since the same action was taken … Continue reading

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Asking for a spanking? TGO  

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Steve Hilton: Trump vs. the elites

Never before in the history of the United States has a president had to put up with resistance from within and the undermining of the media at every turn. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Carl Bernstein Gives INSANE Suggestion to Media

Carl Bernstein, we know what you’re hoping to accomplish with your suggestion. Hopefully, the American people are too smart to fall for this. But then again, in this liberal-minded world we happen to be living in right now, where stupidity … Continue reading

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Soccer anyone? TGO  

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Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends, with plenty of food, fun and football! TGO 

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I’m not really into blonds. TGO

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Who is Funding the Migrant Caravan?

The hypocrisy of the left is something to take note of. The Left-Tards don’t care about these migrants, in fact they’re using them for their own political gain. TGO Video: YouTube

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Tucker: Tijuana residents wary of caravan

The Left-Tards at the Communist News Network (CNN) must have had a bad case of the runs when they saw these protests against the Honduran migrants in Tijuana, Mexico. I suppose that they too, are racists, fascists and Nazis, just … Continue reading

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Understated eroticism. TGO

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Mexico protests Caravan with Passion

Common sense rules in Mexico. TGO Video: YouTube

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White House backs down, fully restores Jim Acosta’s press pass

The White House is not trying to limit the number of questions asked in press conferences, as baldy is suggesting (always the spin). What they are doing is preventing one arrogant *sshole (Jim Acosta) from attempting to take over these … Continue reading

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Professor Jordan Peterson on climate change and climate policy at the Cambridge Union

Too much logic and common sense for the average Left-Tard to grasp. I know, I know, liberals think they’re going to “save the planet”. These people can’t even apply reason to the simplest of issues, as they’re too emotional to … Continue reading

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Cute and sexy blond. TGO

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Mexicans protest migrant ‘chaos’, ‘disorder’ in Tijuana

What a disaster. Did these people actually believe they were just going to waltz into the United States? Whoever organized this “caravan” made a grave mistake. Unfortunately, the ones who suffer are the people who were foolish enough to believe … Continue reading

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Judge Jeanine: Move over fake news, here come fake laws

Perception? We should be concerned about the perception that “many” have of ICE? Really, perception? I perceive you as a hypocrite, a cynic and a crummy human being. You’re a disgrace to the Senate, and that’s a reality, not a … Continue reading

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Nancy Pelosi & Alexandria Cortez meltdown on CNN, MSNBC & FOX News Live – Dumb and Dumber

Democrats don’t have a lot to brag about when it comes to their “leaders”. First, there is Nancy Pelosi, a true ding-bat if there ever was one. Then, there is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new “darling” of the party. She calls … Continue reading

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Sexy blond. TGO

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