Monthly Archives: October 2020


Wow! TGO

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Tucker: Hunter Biden documents suddenly reappear

Interesting… TGO Video: YouTube

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 A very attractive woman. TGO

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What Happens If Joe Biden Wins?

I believe that Bill O’Reilly nailed it in his assessment. TGO Video: YouTube

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A real beauty. TGO    

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Will Black Voters Give Trump The Edge?

If you’re a black individual and read this post, just ask yourself the following question: What has Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson done to improve the lives of the black community in this country? The answer to that question is … Continue reading

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AOC Goes On Crazy Rant About “Voter Suppression” In NY…Which Is a Democrat-Run State

The socialist BIMBO with a double-digit IQ opens her mouth, and what comes out is pure, high-grade manure. But I’ll say one thing for her, she’s consistent. TGO Video: YouTube

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Very, very nice. TGO

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Shakira – Loca (Live From Paris)

For those of you who may have been living in Antarctica for the past decade and have never heard of Shakira, here she is; a total smoke show if there ever was one. But, I ask that you take a … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz grills Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for ‘censoring’ Hunter Biden story

This Jack Dorsey buffoon is crooked as spaghettis in a bowl. What a sleeze-bag! The guy is just basically making a mockery of republicans AND the U.S. Constitution!!! These people feel they are above the law, and you know what? … Continue reading

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A very cute hottie. TGO

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Bobulinski’s BOMBSHELLS Prove Biden Belongs in Big House, Not White House

I still haven’t seen any coverage of this on any of the liberal (Fake News) media outlets. All they talk about is COVID-19! They’re obsessed with two things: Russia, Russia, Russia and COVID-19!!! As I’ve been stating for months now, … Continue reading

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 Oh boy… TGO

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Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden

That degenerate scum-bag, Adam Schiff, who thinks he’s so smart, sunk Joe Biden by not retracting his comment regarding Russian propaganda as it relates to the story of backhanded deals between the Bidens and China. Adam Schiff messed with someone … Continue reading

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She would be fun to cook with… TGO

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‘The Dallas Cowboys are a mess’ & Mike McCarthy shouldn’t last the season! – Stephen A. | First Take

I’m a BIG Dallas Cowboys fan, have been for a very long time. However, I’m not a big fan of any of the three guys commenting in the attached video. But I have to say, they are all 110% correct … Continue reading

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Beautiful. TGO  

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Amy Coney Barrett sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas

She is all class. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Brunettes are the best. TGO

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Why Is Socialism Suddenly So Popular in America?

You think socialism is great, just talk with a Cuban or Venezuelan, they’ll tell you how “great” it is.  Socialism turned Cuba and Venezuela into third world countries where one can barely buy food, much less other goods and services.  … Continue reading

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You can’t get any sexier than her. TGO

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Pelosi On Confirmation Of Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Very Sad Day For Our Country’ | All In | MSNBC

A question for all of you democrats/liberals out there… Who is more senile, Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi? Personally, I think it’s a toss-up. But to be fair and break the tie, I believe that Nancy is a bigger cnt … Continue reading

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John Roberts?

For what it’s worth coming from me (which isn’t much) John Roberts, chief White House correspondent for Fox News, is a world-class scum-bag!!! For those of you who care to know why I write this, check into it. He’s just … Continue reading

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She has beautiful curves… TGO

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Joe Biden: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview

Joe Biden doesn’t get softballs, he gets ping-pong balls! Just compare the types of questions and the tone from Leslie Stahl’s interview with Trump to the interview with Biden! As for Kamala Harris, all she knows how to do is … Continue reading

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Sexy! TGO

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MUST WATCH: President Trump plays a DEVASTATING video for Joe Biden in #Pennsylvania!

Flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop… Joe Biden will DEFINITELY destroy this country if elected President!!!  Interesting isn’t it, how the Fake News media will never again make even one positive statement in favor of Donald Trump. Yet, even they once upon a … Continue reading

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Not very pretty, but wow, what a sexy and awesome body! TGO

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For Hard Working Democrats Likely To Vote Biden-Harris

An honest perspective on Biden vs Trump. TGO Video: YouTube

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She could be a great deal of fun… TGO

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O’Reilly: “Why I’m Casting My Vote Against Biden-Harris”

This is eye-opening for you liberals out there. TGO Video: YouTube

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Perfection. TGO

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I find brunettes more attractive than blonds. TGO

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Joe Biden looked ‘quite tired’ and was caught ‘searching for words’

At the end of the day, one way to look at Trump vs Biden is simply by seeing who they are. What you have is a career politician (and a corrupt one at that) compared with a career businessman. The … Continue reading

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Who is she you may ask? TGO

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Jeffrey Toobin Suspended By New Yorker | The View

So… Sonny Hostin, Bimbo #1, is apologizing for this low-life, Jeffrey Toobin, saying he has an addiction. Whoopi Goldberg, Bimbo #2, has this somber aura about her, again, feeling sorry for the guy… Can anyone imagine what their reaction would … Continue reading

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I take this personally | Don Jr. on Hunter Biden

After what has recently come out against the Biden’s, which naturally the corrupt liberal media refuses to even acknowledge, much less cover, I cannot comprehend how any person of moral character would still consider voting for Joe Biden? TGO  Video: … Continue reading

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Sexy tan lines… TGO

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They Can’t Lie Their Way Out of This One!

The simple truth… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Yoga anyone? TGO

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I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

The fact that no one is investigating this story is beyond belief! The freakin’ FBI has had a copy of this hard drive for 11 months, throughout the entire impeachment trial of the President, and no investigation!@#@$%^&*? AMAZING!!! Remember, the … Continue reading

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Oh my God!!! TGO

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She has an exotic look about her… TGO  

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Twitter is ‘meddling in the 2020 election’

The Biden’s are criminals. But how about Twitter, Facebook and the liberal media? Freedom of speech is a thing of the past.  Once again, liberals are immoral. TGO  Video: YouTube

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A wardrobe malfunction? TGO

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EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s son emailed shop owner about hard drive to ‘get it back’: Former Trump chief

This is amazing!!! Anyone who still believes that Joe Biden is clean is either a liberal-homer, in need of a psychiatrist or living in a cave!  Joe Biden is corrupt and dirty as can be. Just imagine being in bed … Continue reading

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Very, very nice… TGO

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The 4 Reasons Democrats Fear Judge Amy Coney Barrett

The facts about Amy Coney Barrett and the Left. TGO Video: YouTube

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Nice… TGO

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President Trump endures repeated attacks from NBC anchor

I actually turned off this sh*t-show called a Town Hall. The Leftist bimbo hosting the event (who by the way I had never seen before) is obnoxious. Even her voice is unbearable, and to make matters worse, she did most … Continue reading

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