Call me crazy, and maybe I’m wrong, but there is more to the Caylee Anthony homicide case than meets the eye, at least in my opinion. And unlike many, including Jose Baez (her attorney) as well as others in the press, I don’t believe that the truth will be forever unknown; quite the contrary. I believe that we will all know what happened to Caylee before the year is out. Maybe I’m being naive, but this is my opinion. TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Reuters

Cindy Anthony, a familiar fixture throughout Casey’s trial, scheduled a visit at the jail with Casey for 7 p.m. on Friday.
“This morning under policy, Casey was told of the visit and she has declined the visit so it will not occur,” said jail spokesman Allen Moore.
Moore said Cindy would be notified of her daughter’s decision.
Mark Lippman, the lawyer for Casey’s parents, told Reuters during the trial that Casey had cut off communication with Cindy and George Anthony.
Casey Anthony is scheduled to be released from jail on July 17, just over three years after she first told anyone that Caylee had been missing for a month.
Casey, 25, was convicted of lying to detectives and sentenced on Thursday to the maximum four years in jail for sending investigators on a wild goose chase after claiming a nanny had kidnapped her daughter.
But due to credit for the time she served awaiting trial and good behavior while in jail, Casey will be let out in little more than a week.
Her imminent release raises questions about where she will live.
During the trial, defense lawyers accused George Anthony of sexually abusing Casey and helping to cover up Caylee’s death. But no evidence of sexual abuse was presented, and George denied the allegations under oath.
After the verdict, George and Cindy Anthony described Casey’s defense strategy as “baseless” but said the jury made a fair decision.
Moore said the jail has no need to know where Casey will live, and she was not sentenced to probation so she will not have to provide an address to the probation office.
Casey will be only the second inmate in the past 15 years to not walk out the front door of the jail lobby after being released from custody, Moore said. The jail has planned a secret exit for her protection.
The only other inmate who got such special handling was Noelle Bush, daughter of then-Governor Jeb Bush and niece of then-President George W. Bush. Moore said the Secret Service was concerned Noelle, who was arrested on drug-related charges, could be targeted by terrorists.
“Lisa Nowak, she walked out the front entrance,” Moore said, referring to the former NASA astronaut who drove from Houston to Orlando to attack a romantic rival.
“And we’ve had local politicians, police chiefs and all sorts of people, and they’re all required to walk out the front entrance,” Moore said.
(Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Greg McCune)
Fly with the angels Caylee Marie Anthony
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥ Keep this balloon going in memory of Caylee Marie ♥ forever in our hearts♥ Remember, Caylee, in your next life, don’t go into a pool by yourself, just like your mother and grandparents told you in your last life. TO HONOR CAYLEE’S MEMORY….PLEASE PASS THIS ON R.I.P. Baby girl Fly with Angels, but wear a lifevest!!
As far as the death threats:
State of Florida needs to arm all the Anthony’s including the non-killer Casey, then just have the state pick up all the bodies of those who trespass against them. Simple solution.
Dude from Madison, when it comes to the non-killer Casey, just arm me with a box of Trojans and I’ll kill her 3 yr. hunger, everyone else, well, they’re on their own. They created a monster’s bed, now they’re gonna have to lie in it.
So, where to from here? What’s your next cause? Or are you sticking with Nancy Grace like a bad yeast infection?