Monthly Archives: February 2013

Cardinals begin long process of picking new pope

It’s amazing how an archaic, corrupt organization like the Catholic Church can still be in business after all of these centuries. But even more amazing is that it is as large, lucrative and powerful as it probably ever was. This is … Continue reading

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POPE LIVE: A ‘pilgrim,’ a farewell, a retirement

THE END. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By The Associated Press | Associated Press “Pope Live” follows the events of the final day of Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy as seen by journalists from The Associated Press around … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise has an amazing body. TGO

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Pope legacy: Teacher who returned to church roots

For all intents and purposes Pope Benedict XVI is gone. I’ve had my share of fun blasting him for, well, for being the Pope; for belonging to one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet; for wearing his funny … Continue reading

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Ohio court spars with lawyers in school Bible case

The Christian moron, pictured below in the center, is a mental Neanderthal, and that might be an insult to the extinct species’ brainpower! Nothing paralyzes the brain like religion does; nothing ever will. It truly is a cancer to the human … Continue reading

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In emotional farewell pope says he resigned for good of Church

The end is near for Pope Benedict XVI… Good riddance. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Philip Pullella | Reuters VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Benedict bid an emotional farewell at his last general audience on Wednesday, saying … Continue reading

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What the Cannibal Cop’s Wife Knew Is What No Wife Ever Wants to Know

Talk about creepy… TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Atlantic Wire By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire “He encouraged me to run at night” and his porn collection saw “dead” and severed people, Kathleen Mangan-Valle said during chilling opening … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise is a very healthy girl… TGO

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Texas public school students don burqas, learn that Muslim terrorists are freedom fighters

This is disgusting! When are the people of this country going to STOP being politically-correct when it comes to religions; particularly Islam? Haven’t we seen enough? Can the American public open its eyes to reality? Sucking up to Muslims and continuing … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

The total package. TGO

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Study says too many Americans still drink too much

Here in the United States, especially in large cities, the pace of life almost dictates having a couple of cocktails after a day’s work. In moderation, alcohol is OK; in excess, it leads to all kinds of problems. TGO Refer … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What an amazing woman. TGO

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Rat tales abound in NYC after Superstorm Sandy

Few animals are as disgusting and can carry disease as rats can. I would say that mosquitoes are equally dangerous in terms of carrying potentially deadly diseases, and bats are equally if not more grotesque than rats. But the fact … Continue reading

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Suicide bombers target Afghan security forces

Indoctrinated Muslim rag-heads continue to blow themselves up and in doing so killing innocent victims. And all of this madness because of that un-holiest of books, the Koran. At this point it is debatable as to which book, the Koran … Continue reading

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Pope, on last Sunday, says following God’s wishes

God’s wishes… What wishes? Can someone please explain to me what God’s wishes were/are? And along with that, please explain to me how you came to know God’s wishes. Did you get them from the Old Testament, the New Testament, … Continue reading

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Catholic activists petition LA cardinal not to join papal conclave

If every cardinal who covered up sexual abuses by pedophile priests, and/or those who at the very least looked the other way were to avoid the conclave, there would be but a handful of cardinals present… TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise looks awesome in a bikini. TGO

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Cuba’s Raul Castro raises possibility of retiring

What should have happened fifty years ago was for someone to put a bullet between the eyes of both Fidel Castro and his gay brother Raul Castro; for being the communist scum that they are and destroying a nation and … Continue reading

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Cardinal: Married Catholic priests a possibility

If the Catholic Church changes its policy and allows priests to marry, they need to consider what will be next, which will be same-sex marriage among priests. This is the natural progression as quite a large percentage of priests are … Continue reading

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Father of Pistorius’s girlfriend speaks out

Personally, I’m not buying the story that Pistorius accidentally shot his girlfriend. As the story goes, he was outside the bedroom on the balcony, walked inside (past the bed) heard a noise in the bathroom and shot through the door … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Oh my God… TGO

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NY Jets quarterback Tebow cancels controversial church appearance

I so despise these holier-than-thou morons/hypocrites… They make me want to throw-up! I mean really folks, how much of this Jesus talk can we take? And all this talk about God’s freaking plan… What plan? A god who supposedly created … Continue reading

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Palestinians protest in West Bank, holy site

Any century now we’ll have peace in the Middle East; maybe in another 5 or 6 hundred years when the religious frenzy diminishes, assuming it ever does… TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press By Associated Press | … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Busting out… TGO

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Water tested after body found in LA hotel tank

This is sick!!! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By TAMI ABDOLLAH | Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — British tourist Michael Baugh and his wife said water had only trickled for days as they brushed their teeth, showered … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She is stunning. TGO

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Question marks for Faldo over McIlroy, Woods

Interesting perspective… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Mark Lamport-Stokes | Reuters – Tue, Feb 19, 2013 MARANA, Arizona (Reuters) – Golf fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the growing rivalry between Rory McIlroy and Tiger … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Words are superfluous… TGO

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Rome’s gays toast the departure of an unloved pope

And here’s the irony/hypocrisy of it all, most Catholic Church clergy, be them priests, bishops, cardinals… whatever – are gay! Is that not enough to make you sick? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Robin Pomeroy | Reuters … Continue reading

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North Korea threatens South with “final destruction”

North Korean is a nation of gutless wimps; all they do is talk and make idle threats. Stop making threats you low-life, communist pansies. Either put up or shut up… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Tom Miles | Reuters … Continue reading

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Adam Lanza

To see a photograph of this pencil-necked dweeb, and think that this imbecile is responsible for the cold-blooded murder of children and grown-ups alike, and that he basically ruined the lives of countless people is revolting. TGO Photography: Frontline

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Picture of the Day

Sexy… TGO

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Subatomic calculations indicate finite lifespan for universe

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Irene Klotz | Reuters BOSTON (Reuters) – Scientists are still sorting out the details of last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson particle, but add up the numbers and it’s … Continue reading

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Has Dark Matter Finally Been Found? Big News Coming Soon

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Clara Moskowitz |  BOSTON — Big news in the search for dark matter may be coming in about two weeks, the leader of a space-based particle physics experiment said … Continue reading

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Pistorius’ agent cancels all future races

How anyone can kill someone in cold blood is beyond me. I realize that we’re emotional beings and that sometimes our emotions can get the better of us. But to kill someone? It’s just unthinkable. TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise; busting out… TGO

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Pope, nearing retirement, says pray “for me and next pope”

Prayer, prayer and more prayer – this is the Catholic Church’s answer to everything; talking into the wind, with no one listening. Remarkable, isn’t it. Almost 2 billion Catholics on this planet, many of them grown men, believe that getting on one’s … Continue reading

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Series of bombings in Baghdad area kill dozens

More of the same from indoctrinated, mentally crippled Muslims… Whether Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Syria, you name it… Wherever Muslims abound, so does violence and death. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ADAM SCHRECK | Associated … Continue reading

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Shiites lash out after Pakistan bombing kills 81

What a miserable life these Muslims have, with their poisonous religion controlling every single aspect of it… Not even single-celled bacteria are as restricted as these mental midgets are. They continue slaughtering each other like cattle and it’s all because one … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise Milani is the total package… TGO

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Sam Harris: Free Will

For those of you interested, Sam Harris provides an extremely thought-provoking argument against the belief of free will… Please click on link below. TGO Video: YouTube

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Thousands in Tunisia rally behind Islamist party

What is it about Muslims? Do they possess defective genes? Why are they emotional cripples? Why don’t they recognize that their Stone Age, barbaric faith is crippling them? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By BOUAZZA BEN BOUAZZA | Associated Press … Continue reading

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Jesse Jackson Jr., wife charged in federal cases

No one should be surprised by this. He had a good teacher in freeloader Jesse Jackson Sr. – like father like son. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By PETE YOST | Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Former U.S. … Continue reading

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RI records of disgraced Catholic order Legion of Christ detail dubious fundraising practices

Those who doubt or simply disbelieve my claims that the Catholic Church is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, just read the article. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By Michelle R. Smith And Nicole … Continue reading

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Suicide attack kills 4 in northern Iraq

Another rag-head blows himself up in the name of Allah. Brilliant! TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press By SAMEER N. YACOUB | Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — A suicide bomber, pretending to ask for help, assassinated a senior Iraqi … Continue reading

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Bomb kills 15 in southwest Pakistan, 50 wounded

As religious apologists continue to defend Islam, Muslims continue to ruthlessly kill their own people; barbarians that they are. TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press  BY ABDUL SATTAR | Associated Press QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani police say … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Sexy swimsuit. TGO

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Picture of the Day

Denise Milani is sizzling hot. TGO

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Havana restores monument to victims of USS Maine

While the rest of the country continues crumbling to pieces, a monument is being restored. One thing which can never be restored is the pre-Castro Cuba. Unfortunately for Cubans, that is gone forever… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By PETER … Continue reading

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Litany of secrets after papal retirement bombshell

Secrets, the Vatican, the Holy See, the heads of the Catholic Church, these messengers of God??? No, can’t be!!! I’m being sarcastic of course. I’ve repeated it over and over and over again on this Blog: “the Catholic Church is … Continue reading

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