Tag Archives: Imbeciles


OH MY GOD!!! What gibberish!!! Who wants to listen to all of this BS (crap) from the President of the United States??!!?? Anyone who votes for this moron… all you democrat a**holes out there, you’re all more senile than he … Continue reading

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Chips Ahoy! Virtue Signals About Diversity; FAILS MISERABLY!

The brain-dead pin-heads are more full of sh*t than a city sewer! But of course, they’re all LIBERALS! Video: YouTube

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Karine Jean-Pierre: Professional Communicator

It is difficult to say which is the bigger idiot, Karine Jean-Pierre or Joe Biden. Suffice it to say, that they are both morons! Add to this duo the other bimbo, Kamala Harris, and one immediately realizes that the Biden … Continue reading

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We’re Straight! It’s Great! Get Over It, Trannies! Things That Need To Be Said

AWESOME!!!!! Talk about “Things That need To Be Said” – THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST VIDEO!!! I am so sick of this fake narrative supported by the spineless among us, and they know who they are! These are the … Continue reading

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Democrat blasted for wild take on the word ‘pedophile’: ‘Straight insanity’

Could these liberal democrats be any more mentally crippled than they already are? Their obsession with the use of words; with “political correctness”; with calling conservatives fascists, racists and haters; with “canceling” people; with defending criminals; and all of the … Continue reading

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Why is Joe Biden So Gross? (comedian K-von says YUCK!)

The man who the morons among us voted for cannot even read basic information off of a teleprompter. This is the clown you people elected as the leader of the free world. It’s no wonder we’re the laughing stock of … Continue reading

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ANTIFA Member Gets Knocked Out By Conservative In Portland

Members of ANTIFA are real geniuses, aren’t they? Dressed up in their silly costumes, covering their faces like the cowards they are. This is what academia produces, a herd of brainwashed ass-wipes. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/0HCR1QR4zMU

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‘Squad’ members Tlaib, Pressley unveil proposal to defund police

What can be said of Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Presley, two of the bimbos who make up the four-bimbo Squad? It almost seems as if they promote the exact opposite of what works in society.  How can anyone with a … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on anti-Trump derangement

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) can be a life-threatening mental disorder… However, it only affects liberals. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Green New Deal Explained

This is MENTAL MASTURBATION at a never-before seen scale. Do these imbeciles actually think that the American people are mentally retarded  and that they would therefore believe this crap? The democrats must be operating under a conspiracy to re-elect Donald … Continue reading

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Virginia Third Trimester Abortion Bill is Insane

This is completely disgusting! Yet the irony of it is, that these imbeciles are more than likely opposed to the death penalty! In other words, they protect the life of a convicted murdering rapist, a convicted serial killer, etc. but … Continue reading

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WTF: The View Wants to See Trump Aide Arrested For Taking Acosta’s Mic

LATE BREAKING NEWS!!! We have now discovered the biggest *SSHOLE life has produced on planet earth since man evolved from the apes! My apologies go out to all CNN staff: Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota, Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, … Continue reading

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Fla. Woman Says Church of Scientology Ripped Her Family Apart

These are the kinds of people who join religious institutions, especially cults like the Church of Scientology; people with shit-for-brains. Just consider the sort of useless mind these individual have, that they actually break away from their family because some … Continue reading

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