Monthly Archives: March 2022

Kayleigh McEnany: This is why the media didn’t cover Hunter Biden

Democrats are so lame! Look at Juan Williams’ face and his facial expressions (in case you didn’t get it, he’s the liberal in the group) as the rest of the panel talks about the obvious. These leftists have no shame, … Continue reading

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Oh my goodness, what a tease!

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She is so, so sexy…

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Benson: ‘Shoudn’t be surprised’ Maxine Waters told homeless to go home

Maxine Waters has got to be the dumbest member of our federal government, even dumber than (should I say it?) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Yes, here we have the “perfecta” – two bimbos, one young and one old. In addition to a … Continue reading

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She must have been super-hot in her day…

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Leaked Disney Meeting Exposes Insane Gender Plan for Parks & Films | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

The people in this video are sick individuals OBSESSED with GENDER and SEXUAL DEVIANCY!  Once again, for all of the woke morons out there… There are only two sexes – male and female, period! Everything else is BS. However, if … Continue reading

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Sexy brunette.  

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Swamp babe…

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Gen. Keane: We have a serious problem here

Leave it to the democrats to waste billions of dollars on toys for the “global warming” hoax while leaving us exposed for the real global threat! I tell you these people are clueless! They can’t see the forest for the … Continue reading

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Latinas are generally nice and saucy…

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Very attractive and sexy.

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Cruz: Democrats pretend they don’t believe this

Democrats are totally incompetent. Their policies are complete failures, from the economy to crime, to foreign policy. In short, they’re a complete mess. Video: YouTube

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What a beautiful and desirable woman!

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Wow, talk about curves…

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We look like amateurs right now: Rep. Gallagher

Listen to commentary from Mike Gallagher, a congressman from Wisconsin, on the current state of affairs with the Biden administration and the war in Ukraine. I know this isn’t the point of this video, but as a side note, compare … Continue reading

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Joe Biden is a mess. Kamala Harris is a mess. This entire administration is a mess… It took just 15 months, and this is being generous, for the United States of America to become the laughingstock of the world!  Once … Continue reading

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Oscar Hosts Spread This Lie to Insult Parents Protecting Their Kids | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

These Hollywood “stars” are just a conglomerate of imbeciles who have drunk the leftist Kool-Aid and are mentally challenged.  We see these people clapping like a bunch of trained seals and it really makes me wonder what it is they’re … Continue reading

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Showing off her assets by the pool…

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There’s nothing like the real thing…

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LGBTQ and the Tramp — The Woke World of Disney

Wow, this guy is on fire! On fire and 100% correct that is. Disney, like Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and so many other corporations, is made up and led by spineless, socialist individuals. This moronic, cancel culture mentality which prevails … Continue reading

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‘I’m not controversial’: Piers Morgan

I haven’t agreed with Piers Morgan on all issues in the past, certainly not on gun control, but I wholeheartedly agree on his statements in the video below, as I’m sure almost everyone does. Video: YouTube

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This is the moment Biden’s SCOTUS pick ‘disqualified’ herself: Gingrich

I must say, Ketanji Brown Jackson totally demonstrated where her mind is at and just how much of a leftist radical she is when she said she couldn’t define a woman, which is something that a small child can do.  … Continue reading

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Biden, Harris needs to apologize to Border Patrol agents: Former DHS secreary

There is no investigation because democrats don’t want an investigation. This is what democrats do: they throw sh_t out there to see what sticks; facts don’t matter. If what they stated as facts are lies there is no apology – … Continue reading

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Biden and his ‘sidekick’ Kamala Harris have embarrassed America: Hilton

The Biden administration is the most incompetent in the history of the United States, bar none! It is quite remarkable that these people have managed to set the United States back 2o years in just over a year’s time. And … Continue reading

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Millions of voters have ‘never heard the truth’ about Biden files

I wonder how many American citizens out there fall into one of the two following camps: They still deny the story and do not and will not believe that Joe Biden is guilty of any sort of corruption or other … Continue reading

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‘This woke world is getting wilder and nastier’

You just have to love this exchange. First Will Smith smacks Chris Rock, then he begins to talk all kinds of BS and starts to cry. Reminds me of Jussie Smollett and his acting… Well, at least they can’t blame … Continue reading

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‘Woke’ Oscars ceremony shows why Russia and China think the West a ‘pushover’

The Oscars… I remember a time when the Oscars could actually be seen, when there were real (quality) movies being made. Those days are gone. Video: YouTube Id

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The girl next door?

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Beach yoga… beautiful.

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Thomas Sowell on the Chicanery of Global Warming

Thomas Sowell exposes the hoax of global warming… Video: YouTube

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She’s such a tease…

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She can wash my car anytime…

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Why the Japanese Were ATROCIOUS in WW2

A brief history of Japan.

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A really hot and sexy Asian.

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Bath time…

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Media Claims SCOTUS Nominee KBJ Is ‘Perfect’ – Just Like Obama! Wacky MOLE

It’s not by chance that I refer to these leftist morons as “Left Tards”, because they actually are mental retards, and of course, HYPOCRITES!  They all seem to have selective amnesia and have forgotten about malicious, despicable and for the … Continue reading

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A beautiful view.

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What happened to her?

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Biden is not in a position ‘physically and mentally’ to lead US: GOP lawmaker

An interesting video in several respects. For some perspective, it identifies the amount of wealth which Vladimir Putin possesses. Video: YouTube

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She is so, so enticing…

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Beautiful and sexy.

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This is very bizarre: Gingrich

This video is a week old yet quite relevant. Listen to Newt Gingrich talk about several issues relevant to the current state of affairs. Video: YouTube  

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She looks so inviting…

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A sizzling hot, beautiful, sexy brunette.

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It’s Why I’m Taking My Family To Idaho!

Yeah man, those democrats sure do know how to run cities and states… how to run them into the ground that is! We all know that liberal policies don’t work, which is why the three states on the west coast … Continue reading

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She must have been really, really hot when she was younger…

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In addition to all her other attributes, she’s flexible too.

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‘We made a total mistake’: Jack Dorsey questioned over Hunter Biden censorship

What a liar! With the amount of garbage and Fake News that appears on Twitter each and every day this low-life is going to try and convince people that he made a mistake? That’s total BS! He and his cronies … Continue reading

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A living doll…

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