Monthly Archives: March 2020

President Trump spars with CNN’s Jim Acosta at press briefing

As Trump says: “Here we go”. After that, all that comes out of this insect called Jim Acosta’s mouth is CACA. By the way, don’t think for one minute that this wasn’t all scripted by CNN. Acosta is nothing but … Continue reading

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She’s nice and squishy. TGO

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Sunset on New York. Is The City ITSELF A Casualty?

A very insightful video… TGO Video: YouTube

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Oh my goodness… TGO

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Tucker shreds AOC for demanding relief money go to illegal immigrants

Short and sweet… TGO

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Love her blue eyes… TGO

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Wuhan Coronavirus: The Mainstream Media’s Inconsistencies

These people, and many others like them in the liberal media, are DISGUSTING! They are actually worse than the virus itself, because the virus is just a living organism with no agenda or motive. These people, on the other hand, … Continue reading

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She’s quite a tease. TGO

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Is Donald Trump A Dictator?

The Left-Tards never tire of blasting Trump for what he does or doesn’t do; for what he says or doesn’t say, or for how he says it. The truly sad part in all of this, and I’m referring to the … Continue reading

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I’m not a fan of “women’s hairstyles” below the waist. I prefer all or nothing. TGO

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Gutfeld on the media’s prison of two ideas

The liberal media is full of sh*t!!! CNN’s political hacks may be the worst of all, but in truth the Left would rather elect a chimpanzee as president in 2020 rather than Donald Trump. Hopefully by now, after 3 1/2 … Continue reading

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She has a nice smile, and… TGO

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Some Things You Might Not Know …

One man’s opinion on the corona virus? Do you agree or disagree? TGO Video: YouTube

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Absolute perfection! Every nook, crease and cranny is just right… TGO

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McConnell sounds off on Senate Dems for politicizing coronavirus relief

These democrats should be ashamed of themselves. When are fair-minded voters going to realize what these people are all about? Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are a malignant tumor for the people of this country. They both need to be … Continue reading

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Always a sexy pose… TGO

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Sen. Kennedy: The US was founded by geniuses, it’s being run by idiots

“How did they make it through the birth canal?” What could be a better phrase to describe the intelligence of Nancy Pelosi and her liberal mob of unintelligible, political thugs than this line! What scum! Our country is going through … Continue reading

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These ladies all seem to know one another… TGO

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China ‘willfully inflicted coronavirus upon the world’

What did China do to stop this virus and now worldwide pandemic? Watch and listen… But don’t tell that to the Left-Tards in this country, they defend China more than the United States! TGO Video: YouTube  

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Feeling frisky. TGO

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Trump SHUTS DOWN Reporter with Gotcha Question about ‘Kung Flu’

The first woman asks a loaded question. The second woman just piles on. One bimbo followed by the next. Naturally, they’re both liberal *ss-holes. Trump, being Trump, shuts them both up with simple facts. The virus DID IN FACT ORIGINATE … Continue reading

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Love those brunettes… TGO    

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Trump WRECKS reporter at Conference

CNN, just to mention one of the major FAKE NEWS outlets in the world, is putting out the clip of Trump lambasting this joker who pretends to be a serious reporter (watch the slimy SE Cupp’s segment). Naturally, they only … Continue reading

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Speaker Pelosi attempts to smuggle Hyde Amendment loophole into coronavirus package – EWTN News Night

The world’s greatest c*nt, Nancy Pelosi, once again showing her true colors. Why is this cockroach masquerading as a human being still in politics? TGO Video: YouTube

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Coronavirus-Impeachment Timeline

It is important that we acknowledge what the timeline of the corona virus was as it pertains to the United States and what was going on here as the virus was taking off in China. If you guessed the impeachment … Continue reading

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She is simply spectacular. TGO  

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Nunes on China’s efforts to shift the narrative on coronavirus pandemic

All authoritarian countries; China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela… are scum. All of the death, disease and ill effects of the corona virus are on China. China is crap. Its leaders are crap and the same is true of the … Continue reading

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Nice spread. TGO

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Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media

Since the moment that Donald Trump won the presidency, the liberal media has been out of control, and it isn’t getting any better, quite the opposite. I watched Trump’s briefing on the corona virus this afternoon and quite frankly it … Continue reading

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Very nice… TGO

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Fear Factor … An Insideous Contagion

Hysteria at never-before observed levels… The only thing that could rival this would be an invasion on earth by an alien life form from another galaxy. This is what the liberal media thrives on; promoting FEAR.  It truly is sad … Continue reading

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She looks so fine… TGO

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Every Word AOC Says About Coronavirus is Wrong | Stu Does America

She is dumber than a door knob. Why anyone would listen to this bimbo is beyond me. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Very nice. TGO  

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Democratic VP announcement ‘demeaning and irksome’

Identity politics. Let’s hire a woman vice-president. Why? Because she’s a woman. No other reason. Is she the best candidate? Who cares! All that matters is that she is a woman. If she was somehow a Muslim woman of Mexican … Continue reading

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Long, lean legs and so much more… TGO

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DOCTOR: What You Need To Know About Coronavirus Now | Dr. Amesh Adalja | CORONAVIRUS | Rubin Report

Great information on COVID-19. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Beautiful. TGO

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The Intolerance of Tolerance

Something to think about, especially for those of you on the Left… TGO Video: YouTube      

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Nice… TGO

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Biden and Sanders face off in first one-on-one debate

What a clown show! Biden: Over the hill. Irrational. Flip-Flopping. Out of Touch. Sanders: Socialist. Green New Deal Advocate. Free, Free, Free… The truth of the matter is that neither of these two old fuddy-duddies are equipped to be leaders … Continue reading

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Nice view… TGO    

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Panic Politics…They Want You Scared

This guy nailed it! In a short video he described EXACTLY what the liberal politicians are doing.  I did some very basic research, which took all but a couple of minutes. It turns out that since 2010 the average number … Continue reading

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Nothing is more freeing than being nude on a beach. TGO

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Charlie Kirk has a message for Dems trying to intimidate conservatives

The Left claims that conservatives are aggressive and violent, but quite the opposite is true. TGO Video: YouTube

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She is quite a woman. From toes to nose, sheer perfection. TGO  

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‘Biden’s cognitive issues can no longer be ignored’

I’m not a Joe Biden fan, I’m a Trump supporter. I look at policies and results. I’m not a part of the mob who blindly follow the liberal media in condemning Trump. Just recently, Trump was accused of helping spread … Continue reading

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Show off! TGO  

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Be A Man They Said

There are many irrational people out there who identify as being part of a group or movement. Antifa comes to mind immediately, so does the KKK and White Supremacist *ssholes. But although not nearly as dangerous (after all they are … Continue reading

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Nice toes to nibble on… TGO

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