Monthly Archives: February 2024

Vivek Ramaswamy Predicts That ‘Joe Biden Is Not Going To Be The Nominee’ In Speech To CPAC

I predicted that Joe Biden wouldn’t be the nominee several months ago, to me this was plain as day.  Vivek Ramaswamy is very bright. Video: YouTube

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The Establishment, Anti-Americans & Evil…What’s The Difference? | Things That Need To Be Said

It’s so refreshing to listen to honest black individuals stating the truth, rather than repeating the lies of the Fake News media and their propagandists… Video: YouTube

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This Ukranian doll is still my favorite, and absolute perfection…

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JD Vance Mocks Democrats For Being ‘Obsessed With Russia’ At CPAC

To all you fair-minded people out there, just watch and listen… Video: YouTube

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Coulter Embarrasses Democrats! But Is She Right?

The simple truth is impossible to argue against, because it is 100% factual. But don’t tell that to the spin masters in politics, or their supporters in the liberal media.   As for Van Jones, he’s the immoral character who on … Continue reading

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A tight ass with beautiful, full lips in display…

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Media Demand The End Of Fact-Checks On Biden – Urge Joe To Avoid Debate | Wacky MOLE

Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid, and the rest of the leftist hacks on MSNBC, as well as their counterparts on CNN are beyond stupid and malevolent. But hey, the overwhelming majority of Americans believe their rhetoric, so what does that tell … Continue reading

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She has a nice smile…

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This Is What Is Really Happening At The US-Mexico Border | Joe Rogan & Dr Phil

What Joe Biden and the rest of his crooked administration has done to America and its citizens by allowing 10 million-plus illegal immigrants into this country is CRIMINAL.  As for the liberal media hacks who protect Biden, they’re SCUM. Video: … Continue reading

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Beautiful and sexy.  

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George Soros To Own The Airwaves!

George Soros is a sleeze-bag. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are also sleeze-bags, as are most of the democrat politicians in Washington D.C. and throughout the country. They play dirty and stick together like Siamese twins. But hey, any number … Continue reading

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What a sh*t-show Joe Biden and “his” administration are!!! He’s totally clueless and brain-dead, while the rest of his handlers are corrupt! Video: YouTube

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Irresistible. I believe so…

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The Russia Trip | Part 1

Amazing! What a difference between what we see in any large American city! Video: YouTube

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Very nice!

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How White Liberals Have Adopted Blacks as Mascots | Thomas Sowell

Here we have this fruitcake, Rachel Levine, Assistant Health Secretary, who was born a man and now claims to be a woman appointed with brain-dead bimbo Karine Jean-Pierre, who is “special” (according to her) as she’s the first black/woman/lesbian to … Continue reading

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Such a well-endowed baby face…

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Media Bias: Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News

Liberal media hacks have no morals and are a total disgrace.  Video: YouTube

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Apparently, she doesn’t mind “it” being hairy…

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Media Create Stripper Names As They Dance Around Bad Bidenomics | Wacky MOLE

The HYPOCRISY and IMMORALITY of the Leftist FAKE NEWS media is beyond description!!! Video: YouTube

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Joe Rogan : “Jordan Peterson was WARNING people about this…”

The left is disgusting and perverted! Video: YouTube

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Joe Biden Is An “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” Says Report/Everyone

Joe Biden is a world-class liar! Oh, and no, he is NOT fit to run a hot-dog stand, much less the President of the United States! The fact that the liberal media and democrat politicians CONTINUE to cover up for … Continue reading

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Difficult to resist… Video: YouTube

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The Media Battle For Biden’s Bad Brain! | Wacky MOLE

What a pathetic horde of lying hypocrites these liberal media hacks are! Video: YouTube

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She looks surprised…

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Special Counsel Report: No Charges! Joe Mentally Unfit!

Joe Biden has been a puppet for quite some time now, this is a fact. The obvious question then becomes: Who is running the country? Is it the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, a combination of both? Who knows? What we do … Continue reading

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Tucker Putin Interview – This Changes EVERYTHING

Erin Burnett (CNN bimbo and propagandist) and Jen Psaki (MSNBC bimbo and propagandist) are leading the way in demonizing Tucker Carlson, which is what these two corrupt networks do; demonize the right and push their liberal agenda. Why individuals with … Continue reading

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“Afghanistan is a BullSh*t Argument” – Bill Maher Argues why Biden Has Done a Good Job

Bill Maher can’t admit the truth… it’s all about the Red team vs the Blue team with him. As usual, democrats are INCAPABALE of honesty!!! The Withdrawal from Afghanistan was a circle-jeck if ever there was one. Biden is a … Continue reading

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Mama Mia!!!

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BREAKING: Speaker Johnson Eviscerates President Biden’s Border Policy in Fiery House Floor Speech

An excellent, honest, common sense speech on illegal immigration and Joe Biden’s open border policy. Video: YouTube

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Who doesn’t love a hot, sexy AND flexible woman?

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Here’s What Really Happened on January 6th

The DEEP STATE is rotten to the core! Video: YouTube

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The Dangers Of The Biden Border Crisis

Those in the Biden administration who support open borders, such as Joe Biden himself, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, Karine Jean-Pierre, and many others, are actually bigger scum than some of the illegal immigrants and members of the drug cartels. By … Continue reading

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She has it all…

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Revealed: Biden Loves His Media Backers! Come DNC For Yourself – Wacky MOLE

The closer we get to November the crazier the leftist morons will get, as if they’re not already Looney Tunes! Video: YouTube

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