Tag Archives: FBI

Here’s What Really Happened on January 6th

The DEEP STATE is rotten to the core! Video: YouTube

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Biden family has done something ‘we’ve never seen before’: Whitaker

This whole thing has been a major cover-up. Merrick Garland (Attorney General) ran interference for Joe Biden, Christipher Wray (FBI Director) ran interference for Joe Biden, the mainstream media ran interference for Joe Biden… Anyone who cannot see through this … Continue reading

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‘ABANDONED BY THE BIDENS’: Devon Archer doesn’t have anything to lose, says Miranda Devine

A question for democrats, who is more of a scum: Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray? Video: YouTube

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Hunter & Joe Threaten Business Partners via WhatsApp?!?

The Biden family is crooked as can be! Remember when the mainstream media relentlessly talked about what a liar Donald Trump was, and how his children were corrupt? Where are these vermin now? Oh, I know, they’re covering up for … Continue reading

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Merrick Garland, a Clear and Present Danger

At this point, after seven long years of dirty politics and criminality on the part of the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, etc., by democrats (of course), I don’t believe that any of these scum-bags, from Hillary Clinton to Hunter Biden, … Continue reading

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Biden’s bribery buddy alleged to have kept audio recordings with the president

Those of us who want to know the TRUTH about what happened with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Burisma, Ukraine, China, etc. may never know the facts because our Justice Department/Merrick Garland, the FBI/Christopher Wray, and the mainstream media are all … Continue reading

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‘I Will Name Names!’: Harriet Hageman Outright Alleges That ‘Tyrants’ Wray And Garland Are Corrupt

I have a very close friend who unfortunately is a liberal. He basically only watches CNN and MSNBC, and so he doesn’t even know about much of the things that go on in this country, things that are factually true, … Continue reading

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‘Joe Biden is a criminal’: Obama-era staffer blows whistle on Biden’s business deals

The Bidens are dirtier than a pig pen, and the FBI is even more corrupt, if that’s even possible! Video: YouTube

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House Oversight Committee on Twitter and Hunter Biden’s Laptop

More on the House Oversight Committee hearings on the Hunter Biden laptop scam perpetrated by the FBI in conjunction with Twitter, Facebook, et. al.  These clowns potentially (and more than likely) changed the course of history by suppressing public information … Continue reading

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House Oversight Committee on Twitter and Hunter Biden’s Laptop

The four despicable scum-bags sitting in that hearing, the SPEECH POLICE for Twitter, are the reason you never heard about the Hunter Biden laptop until after the 2020 election! These people changed the course of history. These vermin, these insects, who … Continue reading

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Justice Dept retrieved documents from Biden’s Delaware home: Report

Transparency? No, of course not. This is Biden and the Biden Justice Department with that tottering buffoon Merrick Garland.  Does anyone with an ounce of brain and common decency actually believe that there is no cover-up here by the Biden … Continue reading

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FBI whistleblower tells all to Dan Bongino

The lust for power from the liberals in the Biden administration who control our federal institutions is unparalleled. These people will stop at nothing to control their narrative and the American people.  Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Merrick Garland, … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan: This was the real goal of the Trump raid

Anyone who actually believes that this entire sh_t-show with the FBI showing up at Trump’s home was not politically driven has the IQ of an amoeba.  Video: YouTube

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Hillary’s Got the Servers and Hunter’s Got the Blow, But Trump Gets the Raid

The democrats just made a HUGE mistake yesterday when they sicked the FBI on Donald Trump. This is the one “good” thing about democrats, they always push things way too far. Their thirst for power is such that they never … Continue reading

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FBI raid on Trump has sent faith in American democracy to ‘rock bottom’

If this doesn’t motivate people to get out and vote during the 2022 midterms and the 2024 general election, I don’t know what will! This relentless attack on Donald Trump by the democrat party, the mainstream media and the FBI … Continue reading

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It’s a very damaging sabotage if its true: James Trusty

Thankfully, this spineless weasel, Merrick Garland, never made it onto the Supreme Court, as now his reign is limited to the presidency of Joe Biden (which can’t end soon enough).  As for FBI director Christopher Wray, it doesn’t appear as … Continue reading

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This could be the greatest episode of corruption in US history: GOP lawmaker

This whole thing stinks beyond description.  Just when one thinks that democrats, the FBI, and the socialist liberal media can’t collude any more than they already have, they once again prove just how corrupt they are and the heights to … Continue reading

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Clinton’s spying on Trump ‘much larger than we thought’

I am curious to see how far this goes. I say this because it seems that liberals are somehow able to control the narrative, and the actual consequences of conservatives, such as the two impeachments of Donald Trump. While conservatives … Continue reading

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They’re coming after anyone who doesn’t agree with them: Nehls

I’m not going to even comment on this video as I prefer the viewer watch it and determine if the speaker (Troy Nehls) sounds credible and what he is saying appears legitimate. Video: YouTube

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‘Startling’ connection between Biden and China: Peter Schweitzer

Joe Biden isn’t going to be investigated by the FBI, the State Department, or anyone else for that matter. Being that he’s a democrat means that he’s free from scrutiny. Who has ever heard of criminals investigating other criminals? Remember … Continue reading

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‘How Many People Have Been Charged With The Portland Incident?’: Graham Grills FBI Official On Riots

Liberals are obsessed with January 6, 2021 (the violence at the Capitol). Naturally, their obsession is a matter of convenience, because it is a political weapon against conservatives and more importantly their arch enemy, Donald Trump (orange man bad). However, … Continue reading

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Russian collusion theory now seems to be ‘the hoax of the century’

Let’s see how this all plays out… Video: YouTube

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You wanted Joe Biden, you got him, along with the rest of the Clowns

Merrick Garland is a perfect example of the ineptitude, incompetence and immorality of the socialist (Biden) administration. Hope you brain-dead, Trump-haters are enjoying the show; a year-long sh_t-show at the southern border, rampant crime, vaccine mandates, bail reform, a major … Continue reading

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‘I’m Not Trying To Be Disrespectful’: GOP Member Asks Garland To Submit To Ethics Review

Unbelievable! Anyone with just a tinge of objectivity can see that Merrick Garland is avoiding the response to a perfectly reasonable question. This is what politicians do when they lie; they repeat the same ‘non-response’ over and over again as … Continue reading

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‘FBI Is Starting To Resemble Old KGB’: GOP Lawmaker Laces Into Garland At House Hearing

The statement made in these hearings is true. The FBI is resembling the old KGB. The reason is that the United States is more and more suppressing its citizens, while giving others (such as illegal immigrants) all of the freedoms … Continue reading

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Deep state undermined Trump presidency: Glenn Greenwald

Food for thought as they say…  Video: YouTube

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Sen. Hawley grills DOJ official on attempt to ‘chill’ parents’ speech

This country is going to hell in a handbasket! So,  parents who are looking after the well-being of their children in public schools are being threatened by the Attorney General’s office with the FBI , but the Senator of Arizona … Continue reading

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Bill Gates backs project to ‘dim the sun’, Tucker Carlson reacts

Liberals really and truly are idiots, there simply is no other way to put it. This whole obsession with climate change/global warming, as concocted by the Left, is getting out of control. But, to their credit, liberals generally succeed at … Continue reading

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McCarthy calls Swalwell a ‘national security threat’

Eric Swalwell is one of those rare individuals who is a complete and total dirt-bag in every sense of the word. In addition, he is a complete idiot! Just imagine a Chinese woman (spy) sleeping with him to obtain information … Continue reading

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They Can’t Lie Their Way Out of This One!

The simple truth… TGO Video: YouTube  

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EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s son emailed shop owner about hard drive to ‘get it back’: Former Trump chief

This is amazing!!! Anyone who still believes that Joe Biden is clean is either a liberal-homer, in need of a psychiatrist or living in a cave!  Joe Biden is corrupt and dirty as can be. Just imagine being in bed … Continue reading

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Hunter Biden Scandal: Did the FBI Sit on Burisma Evidence?

This is appalling and totally disgusting!!! Yet, wouldn’t you know it, one of the two immoral bimbos in the segment shown in Bill O’Reilly’s video (below) is the one who “moderated” yesterday’s Town Hall! Anyone who saw that Town Hall … Continue reading

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Declassified FBI document shows intel briefing used to advance Russia probe

This just gets better and better. This entire Russia/Trump collusion BS that democrats have been selling the American people for going on four years now is going to blow up in their respective faces. Could democrats prove to be even … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz TEARS into Obama Administration at Senate hearing

Democrats don’t care about any of this for the simple reason that they are immoral and corrupt. This is why after almost four years of attacks and abuses against Donald Trump, with the media on their side, they are doing … Continue reading

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Trump’s Press Sec SLAMS the Media for Ignoring Obamagate

Don’t you just love these smug “reporters” who are nothing more than political hacks for the Left? Every single one of their questions is loaded with innuendo. They don’t ask questions to seek answers, they ask questions to attack and … Continue reading

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Trey Gowdy reacts to Trump’s call for Obama to testify

The democrats are dirty as mud, period. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Gowdy: I wish Obama would apply rule of law equally to Dems and Republicans

True to form, just like the rest of the liberal mob; Obama is also a hypocrite. Do these people have ANY shame? TGO  Video: YouTube  

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Gowdy angrily questions why FBI treated Flynn, Hillary Clinton differently

What irks me most about republicans is that in terms of firing back against democrats and their corruption they talk a big game, but at the end of the day they do nothing! We’ve been hearing about the William Barr/John … Continue reading

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Sen. Hawley: IG Report Shows FBI “Effectively Meddled” in Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign

Those CROOKED democrats! What a herd of hoodlums… TGO Video: YouTube

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Gowdy on Comey admitting he was wrong: Two years too late

Hillary Clinton is the queen of scum. The entirety of the democrat party is crooked and the liberal media is in bed with all of them. TGO Video: YouTube

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Comey: ‘I was wrong’ to say FISA process was ‘followed’

To say James Comey is a weasel is an understatement, and an insult to weasels! TGO Video: YouTube

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James Comey Lied!

Everything that the democrats have done to Trump, even since before he became president, has been a sham. Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Comey, Strok, Page, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler and the liberal media are ALL complicit in this charade. TGO Video: … Continue reading

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Trump SLAMS the FBI After IG Report: “They Spied on Our Campaign”

What a bunch of immoral scum-bags! Democrats have been riding Trump for three years, and still he surges forward… TGO Video: YouTube

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Tucker: Media proclaims FBI is innocent

Wow! This is amazing!!! TGO Video: YouTube

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Geraldo: IG FISA report findings are a cause for concern

Time for the pendulum to swing the other way… All of the falsehoods, immorality and fabrications of the democrats, which include the impeachment hoax, are going where they belong, in the toilet. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Rep. Biggs: Lisa Page once engaged in FBI cabal, now playing the victim

This woman is quite the b*tch, first trying to destroy Donald Trump and now acting like a victim. Her time to pay the price for her actions is around the corner. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Prager: the left is not used to being investigated

Liberals are concerned with the current investigations being conducted on the part of republicans, and weasels that they are, don’t like it? Gee, that’s too bad, now it’s their turn to feel the heat for their deceptions, lies and corrupt … Continue reading

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El Paso shooting: 21-year-old suspect Patrick Crusius ‘espoused racist tropes and voiced support for Christchurch mosque gunman’

This is so sad and troubling. Innocent people being gunned down by some psycho!  What is also troubling, in my view, are people such as that buffoon Beto O’Rourke (and many others) who immediately blame everything on Donald Trump. What … Continue reading

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Comey will not be prosecuted by DOJ for leaking memos: source

Patience, patience… The attorney general is very intelligent. There is a great deal more to be uncovered. Why prosecute the obvious delinquent when there is so much more to pursue? Don’t underestimate the patience and cunning of Bill Barr.  By … Continue reading

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Whitaker: Barr, Ratcliffe are ‘perfect team’ to investigate Russia probe

It’s time for the republicans to turn the tables on the immoral democrats who have been relentless in their efforts to destroy Donald Trump and his administration. TGO Video: YouTube  

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