Category Archives: George Carlin

One of the greatest comedians of all times talks about social issues; among other things.

George Carlin on some cultural issues

George Carlin was not your typical comedian… Video: YouTube

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George Carlin – Back In Town

George Carlin was the greatest. Always full of wit and common sense… Video: YouTube

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Just plain sexy. TGO

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George Carlin – Everyday expressions (that don’t make sense)

George Carlin was awesome. Here’s a short stand-up routine to add some levity to the day. TGO Video: YouTube  

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George Carlin – Telephone

George Carlin, once again making fun of silly people… TGO Video: YouTube

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George Carlin – Parents of Honor Students

George Carlin was awesome! TGO Video: YouTube

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George Carlin – Goofy Boy Names

Something for all you people out there who are expecting a son to think about… TGO Video: YouTube

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George Carlin on politicians…

With the presidential elections less than a year away, I thought of showing the public a different perspective on politicians and their elections, and who best to do this than the late George Carlin; probably the brightest comedian of all … Continue reading

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George Carlin talks about cats…

A stray neighborhood cat, a rather cute and friendly one I might add, made an appearance at the front door of the house a couple of months ago, and being that we are good and compassionate people, he was given … Continue reading

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George Carlin – Modern Man

George Carlin certainly was a brilliant comedian… TGO Source: YouTube

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George Carlin – The Ten Commandments

George Carlin once again makes a mockery of religion, and rightfully so, this time targeting the Ten Commandments. He had a talent for using his intelligence, wit and common sense to demonstrate just how silly some of our religious beliefs … Continue reading

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George Carlin on Children

George Carlin talks candidly about children, and of course, parents. TGO Refer to video below. Source: YouTube

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George Carlin on our Similarities

As always, George Carlin being witty, entertaining and funny. TGO Refer to video below. Source: YouTube  

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George Carlin on Abortion

Once again, the late and great George Carlin telling it like it is; this time as it pertains to abortion. TGO Refer to video below. Source: YouTube

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George Carlin on the Ten Commandments

The late and great George Carlin once again making fun of religion… TGO Refer to video below. Source: YouTube

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