Monthly Archives: October 2014

Clashes erupt as Israeli police kill Palestinian suspected of shooting Jewish far-rightist

Middle East peace? Hah! The term is actually similar to saying 1 + 1 = 3. There will never, ever, never be peace in this region. Incoherent, emotional cripples will be feuding until the end of time, and as always … Continue reading

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New York woman beheaded by man who then jumped in front of train: report

What is wrong with people? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters) – A man in his 30s beheaded a woman in her 60s on New York’s Long Island and then jumped in front of a moving … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Liberal Apologists for Islamic Fascism

As always, Pat Condell is right on point. TGO Video: YouTube

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Suicide bomber in Iraq kills 27 Shi’ite militiamen near Baghdad: police

KABOOM! Another brain-dead Muslims bites the dust. I know that people are totally oblivious to the fact that almost every day of the week at least one moron blows himself up in an Islamic country. But just consider for a … Continue reading

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Afghan cleric jailed for raping 11-year-old girl

This story is so utterly revolting! Just think about this for a moment; an eleven year old girl gets raped, raped – and her own family wanted to kill her because she dishonored them!!! Really? The fact that even the … Continue reading

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What is the Chaos Theory?

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Investopedia By: Bob Schneider AAA | The chaos theory is a complicated and disputed mathematical theory that seeks to explain the effect of seemingly insignificant factors. The chaos theory name originates from … Continue reading

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Mormon founder had teen bride during polygamy days

Those dumb Mormons… If people knew how silly their beliefs are, they would laugh all day long – and to think that Mitt Romney, a Mormon, made it all the way to a presidential election… If that doesn’t say something … Continue reading

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Iran hangs woman in defiance of international campaign

Was she innocent or guilty? I suppose no one will ever know. Either way, she’s dead. Chances are she was also sexually assaulted in prison. As next to blowing people up, rape is next in the pasttime of fundamentalist Muslims, … Continue reading

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Hatchet attack on NY police ‘terrorist act’: police

Ah yes, another moron “radicalized” by Islam. Now I’m no lover of religion, believing that all of them are a quackery, if not worse. But isn’t it something that one never hears of radicalized Catholics, or Buddhists, or Hindus, or … Continue reading

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Texas man charged with raping two children, infecting them with HIV

If his DNA matches that of the girls, f*ck the trial. But, since that won’t happen, after the trial this man should be electrocuted, hanged, face a firing squad; whatever the capital punishment of choice is in Texas; immediately!!! TGO … Continue reading

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FBI: US girls may have tried to join jihadis

What do parents do with kids, especially girls, who have somehow become so twisted that they would actually fly to Germany in an attempt to join IS fighters? What could possibly influence three teenage girls to do this? The answer … Continue reading

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Suicide, car bombings in Iraq kill at least 33

KABOOM!!! More senseless killing by brain-dead indoctrinated religious freaks in Iraq… Islamic fundamentalism (is there any other kind?) continues to plague the Middle East. In the decades to come, as Muslims continue to populate the world, what is transpiring now … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: The Religion Of Permanent Offence

Couldn’t have said it better myself; not even remotely so… TGO Video: YouTube

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America’s Saudi problem in its anti-IS coalition

Saudi Arabia; hell on earth. An Islamic State in its truest form, where women are slaves and beheadings are commonplace. This is what Islam is all about.  I would recommend that every Muslim living in the United States move to … Continue reading

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GhostRider vs TGO: Cuba

Ah yes, my old friend GhostRider is back once again; I’ve missed him over the past few months. In fact, what is posted below is his response to my commentary regarding a story I posted on Cuba. You can see … Continue reading

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Dallas Cowboys RB Randle arrested on theft charge

In the wake of what has transpired with Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, now you have another knucklehead arrested for shoplifting. Really? Are these guys really that stupid? The obvious answer is yes! I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan, but personally, … Continue reading

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Bishops say gays have gifts to offer church

Never in the history of mankind has an organization, much less a religious one, prostituted itself as the Catholic Church has. Here is an institution that for over eight hundred years was the end-all when it came to morality; it’s … Continue reading

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Islamic State suicide bomber detonates truck near Syria-Turkey border

More of the same from those same crazy Muslims, who continue to show the civilized world that they are barbarians, and will always be barbarians because that’s what Islam is; a violent, Bronze Age faith. And to all of you … Continue reading

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IS jihadists execute four women in northern Iraq

IS members are real tough guys, aren’t they – killing women. How low can these people get? They have no regard for human life whatsoever. I’m surprised they haven’t begun executing children, although I wouldn’t put it past them. Religion, … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 11 in market north of Baghdad

KABOOM! Another rag-head bites the dust in the name of Allah; brilliant! Since these ignorant Muslims are so eager to die, what they should do is gather around in the middle of the desert, hundreds of thousands of them, and … Continue reading

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Rights group: Saudi officials on ruthless campaign

King Abdullah is a world-class a-hole; not just because he’s a king, but most of all because he is a Muslim, which means he is a fanatical dipstick. Saudi Arabia is a dictatorship of the worst kind; a religious dictatorship. … Continue reading

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Lack of ocean heat puzzles NASA hunt for warming ‘hiatus’

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press October 6, 2014 4:19 PM Washington (AFP) – The deep ocean may not be hiding heat after all, raising new questions about why global warming appears to have slowed in … Continue reading

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Sam Harris: The Self is an Illusion

I have a friend who is obsessed with consciousness. He was involved in a motorcycle accident and was placed in a drug-induced coma to stop the swelling in his brain. Since then, his obsession with the subject of consciousness and … Continue reading

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Islamic State moves into south west of Syrian Kurdish town

Already there is talk (in this article) of putting troops on the ground. If that happens, it’s another ten-year war, similar to those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc. Anyone in the military who says otherwise is simply lying. Is that … Continue reading

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Pope accepts ‘unfaithful’ British bishop’s resignation

The British bishop should be applauded and rewarded! Just think about it, a normal human being among the Catholic clergy; what a concept! The fact that he didn’t have sex with a man or a child is definitely a plus, … Continue reading

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Mexico leader vows justice over 43 missing students

And people wonder why I say that Mexico is a cesspool… What can one expect from people who are descendants of the Aztec, who conducted all kinds of barbaric rituals, including killing their first-born as an offering to the gods? … Continue reading

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Pope backs reform as Church begins review on family, marriage

The Catholic Church really and truly is a joke. Now they’re once again going to go through “reforms” in order to be more in tune with the times. What does this say to you; I know what it says to … Continue reading

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Ousted Haitian dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier dies

Well, there is one less murdering scum-bag in this world, as a result oft the death of this brutal dictator. Wouldn’t it be great if both Fidel and Raul Castro died as well? If so, the Caribbean would be a … Continue reading

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Records: Kissinger made plans to attack Cuba

Too bad that no U.S. president had the balls to attack Cuba and end the communist regime of Fidel Castro and his ass-sniffing cronies, including his gay brother Raul Castro. That cockroach has totally obliterated what was once a proud … Continue reading

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