Tag Archives: Don Lemon

Sky News host reacts to Joy Reid’s ‘unhinged’ rant about Elon Musk

What else can be said about these liberal morons that hasn’t already been said? When one watches idiots like the fat tub of lard being arrested in Walmart for attempted shoplifting, to the criminal vermin on CNN and MSNBC spewing … Continue reading

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Schizo Media Trashes Tucker But Lavishes Lemon Love | Wacky MOLE

Don’t you just “love” the leftist mob? I especially get a chuckle from watching Whoopi Goldberg, who looks like an overweight gorrilla in pajamas; Ana Navarro, a slush who was often seen plastered in public (I will withhold the location); … Continue reading

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Media Declares 2A Obsolete, ‘Democracy’ Loses If ‘Capitalism Wins’ | Wacky MOLE

Joy Reid, Sonny Hostin, Joy Behar, Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough… not exactly genius material… But then, what can one expect from MSNBC, The View and CNN?  If it wasn’t for the fact that these people are socialist media mobsters … Continue reading

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Megyn Kelly On Media Bias

The liberal/socialist media is despicable! In terms of despicable, and completely shameless, not only are MANY media “personalities” such as Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmie Kimmel, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon and others total hypocrites… but who could possibly … Continue reading

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Media Hold A ‘Not-See’ Party – Claim Biden Is Unifying! | Wacky MOLE

Joe Biden is quite the President, isn’t he? Yes, the goofball really knows how to bring “people together”.  And while Biden is bringing “people together”, the imbeciles in the liberal (Fake News) media support every bumbling word that comes out … Continue reading

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Megyn Kelly Explains EXACTLY Why CNN Plus Failed… Before It Even Launched

CNN, the Communist News Network… with “winners” such as Chris Cuomo (fired Freddo) and Don Lemon (the fruitcake). They have Jeffrey Toobin (the masturbator) and Jake Tapper (fart face). And let’s not forget Brian Stelter (Mr. Potato Head). The rest … Continue reading

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Stories of Us: Amala Ekpunobi

Wow! This young lady is impressive! Compare her narrative with that of the white, leftist imbeciles who saturate college and university campuses throughout the country. In fact, you can listen to what she has to say and contrast that with … Continue reading

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Gov. Kristi Noem: CNN ‘always gets everything wrong’

CNN is comprised of lying liberal hacks. They are the absolute worse television station of all, followed closely be MSNBC. I cannot think of a worse media outlet. From Anderson Cooper to Erin Burnett, Don Lemon to Dana Bash… they … Continue reading

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Watch CNN Host Distort Reality Live on Air Trying to Argue Against Freedom | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

This bald-headed geek and mama’s boy, Brian Stelter, is an ass-wipe. How does he report the news you may ask? Well, he pretty much does what all media hacks at CNN do: Distort the truth…  Avoid “inconvenient” (real) news altogether… … Continue reading

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Flashback: 2019 Media Chant ‘There Was No Spying’ on Trump

As is usually the case with the Left and the Fake News media hacks, they go into a frenzy whenever any negative news that shows the democrat party’s true colors is in the air. Unfortunately (for them) they may soon … Continue reading

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Record High Gas Prices! – The Failure Administration (Vol. 1)

How many votes did Joe Biden get? I’m not really sure, but we have been told by democrats (several thousand times) that he got more votes than Donald Trump, so let’s go with that. In the event that you’re not … Continue reading

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Biden’s press conference was ‘painful’: Hemingway

Americans are already accustomed to seeing Joe Biden’s incompetence in action. We’re used to seeing his ineptness and listening to his gaffes. What I wonder is, what does the rest of the world think of Joe Biden when they watch … Continue reading

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Media Cynics Are Helping Dems Use Jan 6 to Federalize Elections

The socialist media mob seizing every opportunity to push their agenda… There is not one individual in any of the clips in this video who believes what they are saying. I recall these same media outlets, mainly CNN and MSNBC, … Continue reading

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Jussie Smollett – Guest DESTROYS Don Lemon’s narrative to his face. | LambentHost

This video is about a month and a half old, but is certainly worth viewing. I don’t know who the guest on Don Lemon’s show is, but it is safe to say that he will more than likely NEVER appear … Continue reading

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Victor Davis Hanson blasts Left’s ‘Let’s go Brandon’ hypocrisy

Nicole Wallace, just like Chuck Todd, Chris Hayes, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Rachel Maddow and others at MSNBC, are OBSSESSED with January 6, 2021 and by extension (as if he actually organized the “event”) Donald Trump.  Their counterparts at CNN, which … Continue reading

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Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Are Tanking… BECAUSE OF TRUMP?!? (LOL)

If Joe Biden is a buffoon of the highest order, which he is, what does that make people such as Chuck Todd, Brian Stelter and Don Lemon – to name a few? Actually, I don’t know that there is a … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan Slams CNN: ‘You F***ing Propagandists’

Calling CNN a news network is like calling Donald Trump shy. CNN is nothing but a propaganda machine for the Left. Anderson Cooper, Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta and the rest of the immoral numb-nuts at this … Continue reading

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Joe Concha blasts Don Lemon for gushing over slightly lower gas prices

The fruit, Don Lemon-head, is another tool for the Left. He and his cronies at the Communist News Network (CNN) are trying to come to the aid of that buffoon in the White House, Joe Biden, whose approval rating is … Continue reading

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TRIAL BOMBSHELL: Smollett says he was in contact with CNN’s Don Lemon during investigation

Jussie Smollett is a lying douche-bag who concocted an entire story to degrade Donald Trump and his supporters. He should be found guilty and penalized to the full extent of the law; but we all know that won’t happen. As … Continue reading

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Mainstream media lies about Kyle Rittenhouse and Darrell Brooks

I’ve been stating this for months if not years, but it’s worth repeating; the individuals who make up the liberal media are not only comprised of hypocrites, but immoral hypocrites. In fact, immoral hypocrisy is the most accurate term to … Continue reading

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BREAKING: Kyle Rittenhouse breaks down in tears as jury finds him NOT GUILTY on ALL counts

Kyle Rittenhouse reacts to the non-guilty verdict. The liberal talking-heads are preparing their scripts for tonight’s broadcasts on CNN, NBC and others. I can only imagine the venom that will come from the mouths of Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Rachel … Continue reading

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Chris Wallace: Biden’s ‘honeymoon’ with Americans is definitely over

Yes, Biden’s honeymoon is certainly over. But then again, didn’t we know this was coming? From the moment Biden took office and began undoing everything Donald Trump had put in place one could get a sense that this guy was … Continue reading

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Gutfield blasts CNN over crime coverup

Jim Acosta, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo… can anyone think of four more repulsive people anywhere? Only CNN could hire this quartet of hypocrites and cretins. As for crime in Washington D.C., the mayor is Muriel Bowser, any … Continue reading

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No Show for Joe: Biden’s CNN town hall tanks in the ratings

The fruitcake interviewing the buffoon; what a combination! We can tell what little enthusiasm the American people have for the pair since basically no one tuned in.  Video: YouTube

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Tucker reacts to Brian Stelter being ‘roasted’ by guest on his own show

Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Jim Acosta, Anderson Cooper, John King, Alisyn Camerota, John Berman, Dana Bash, and the list goes on, and on, and on… These people are all part of CNN, which along with MSNBC, … Continue reading

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Ex-CNN anchor reacts to Toobin return, refusal to let go of Trump

A former insider tells the truth about CNN that others may not believe coming from the average laymen. The truth is that CNN provides the viewer with Fake News. Everything is twisted and biased in one direction and one direction … Continue reading

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Why Things Won’t Get Better

There’s a huge segment of the democrat party which can best be described as criminal. If you fall into this category, chances are you won’t even watch the video below. If you’re not part of that segment of the democrat … Continue reading

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Oops! Al Gore Spills The Beans! Accidentally Exposes Dems’ Playbook!

Al Gore says his comment isn’t partisan? What a joke! People actually believe this load of crap? Unfortunately, the answer is yes! This is why the incompetent Joe Biden is president. The level of immorality at CNN and by democrats … Continue reading

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Tim Scott fires back at CNN Don Lemon’s tyraide agaist him

Joe Biden is a buffoon, and an immoral buffoon at that. The fact that he would take credit for ANYTHING having to do with COVID-19 is a joke. He has done nothing since coming into office but screw things up, … Continue reading

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‘The Five’ react to CNN banning Chris Cuomo from interviewing his brother

What you see before you are two slime-balls. Chris Cuomo working for CNN (that’s all we need to know about that) and his brother, Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York.  Then you have CNN (Communist News Network) who we all … Continue reading

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Don Lemon’s Latest “Slam Dunk” Is Wrong and Stupid | Stu Does America

As much as these *ssholes at CNN, MSNBC and the other myriad of media outlets want to blame Donald Trump (who else) for inciting the storming of the U.S. Capitol by these morons, it is they (liberals) who are mostly … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on CNN tearing into Trump supporters

Don Lemon is a scum-bag, as is Chris Cuomo, Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, etc. Most if not all anchors at CNN, men and women alike, are mostly elitist hypocrites.  What happened yesterday at the U.S. Capitol is, in part, a … Continue reading

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‘The Five’ reacts to CNN’s interview with Biden, Harris

So here you have some of the hacks at CNN talking about how wonderful it is to interview Joe Biden and Kamala Harris… The interviewer is Jake Tapper, otherwise known (to me) as fart-face, because he always looks as if … Continue reading

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‘The Five’ slam CNN’s Don Lemon for his latest insult toward Trump supporters

Don’t you just love these condescending a-holes who actually believe that unless we think like they do that somehow that makes them superior to us? The fruit that is Don Lemon thinks he’s so smart and cute with his remarks…  … Continue reading

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New Audio: CNN chief Jeff Zucker cozies up to Michael Cohen

Tucker Carlson is awesome! Meanwhile, the people at CNN are real, top-notch hypocrites! TGO Video: YouTube  

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Gutfeld on the New York City exodus and De Blasio’s response

Bill de Blasio is a world-class d*ck! The two buffoons at CNN, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo are, well, they’re buffoons (in addition to being immoral hypocrites). These liberals just don’t get it. They are truly stupid! TGO Video: YouTube

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Tucker on CNN anchors’ reasoning for Biden to speak up on violence

I’ve been saying for quite some time now that these liberals are immoral. If these two hacks at CNN aren’t proof of that I don’t know what is! Watch as Don Lemon-Fruit states the reason W H Y the violence … Continue reading

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Joe Biden and the Curious Case of the Cognitive Test

These immoral buffoons on MSNBC and CNN turn my stomach. ‘Giraffe-Neck’ Rachel Maddow, ‘Stiff’ Morning Joe, ‘Humpty-Dumpty’ Brian Stelter, ‘Fruitcake’ Don Lemon, ‘Freddo’ Chris Cuomo and all the rest of the liberal media hacks are lying *ssholes.  As for Joe … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on Portland’s 50 days of violence

What more can be said about the a-holes at CNN? That little tub-of-lard named Brian Stelter reminds me of Humpty-Dumpty. The two buffoons, Freddo and Sour-Fruit, are about as funny as diarrhea.  As for Juan Williams on The Five, being … Continue reading

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Can Trump Do It Again?

Just facts and common sense. TGO Video: YouTube  

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‘The Five’ rips CNN’s Don Lemon for dismissing Terry Crews in heated interview

Don Lemon is one of the biggest turds in a network saturated with turds. Like all hosts at CNN, he’s one of their little soldiers pushing forward the liberal agenda. Unfortunately, very few of his guests have the testicles to … Continue reading

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CNN is a news outlet like I’m an alien from another galaxy. This man is absolutely correct, CNN is a propaganda machine for the Left, period. You don’t believe me? Here’s my simple two-part challenge (test): Turn on CNN at … Continue reading

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The Mainstream Media Will Not Tell the Truth About Black Lives Matter

Notice how the moment that Don Lemon can no longer control the narrative, because his guest won’t allow it, he goes to a commercial break. There will be no objectivity at CNN, no opposing points of view. Guests are invited … Continue reading

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Tucker: Liberal activists now want to ‘defund the police’

Liberals are sick, individually and collectively. Their goal is to create anarchy and chaos, destroy our country from within and open our borders to the world. We are witnessing the beginning of the end. As stated in the video, this … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on the media’s role in the riots

Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and Jim Acosta are beyond scum. They’re the worst kind of slime. They’re not stupid people. They know exactly what’s going on in America, and particularly with the protests/riots. They know about ANTIFA, the … Continue reading

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Tucker: Media fan racial flames

What happened to George Floyd was (in my opinion) unconscionable. We don’t know the whole story, but I’m going to take it to an extreme. Even if George Floyd took a swing at one of the officers and proceeded to … Continue reading

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Gutfeld: Liberal hypocrisy machine erupts over Trump taking hydroxychloroquine

This is awesome! Obviously, you left-tards out there won’t like it, as it exposes your mal-adjusted thoughts and some of the individuals you worship; Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Wolf Blitzer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden. That’s too bad, it’s … Continue reading

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Cuomo calls out what Lindsey Graham wore on Fox News

Two of the biggest buffoons at CNN doing what they do best; criticizing Trump, the Trump administration and republicans at large. These clowns are so obsessed with Trump that they more than likely masturbate each night thinking about him; especially … Continue reading

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CNN’s Laughing At Us!

Lemonhead and the other two morons actually believe that Trump supporters are stupid. I actually pity them.  In terms of Trump himself, the entire line-up of 2020 democrat candidates for the presidency in 2020, and I mean ALL OF THEM … Continue reading

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CNN’s Don Lemon Has TDS Meltdown Over Trump Thanos Meme REACTION I Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Lemonhead, as Tucker Carlson refers to him, is such a flagrant *sshole (and I’ll stop there) that he can no longer be watched. I was never a fan, but from time to time I would watch CNN just to get … Continue reading

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