Tag Archives: Southern Border

Mexico Sucks & Terrorists, Too | Things That Need To Be Said

I wonder why this socialist Mexican president, owned by the drug cartels, never made these demands on Donald Trump?  As for the staff on 60 Minutes, they’re pathetic liberal hacks. Video: YouTube

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‘A Yes or No Answer’: Carlos Gimenez Pins Mayorkas for His Opinion on Biden’s Border Policies

Listen to this line of questioning from Carlos Gimenez, and then you tell me if Alejandro Mayorkas and Joe Biden, are complicit in the death of tens of thousands of American citizens. Video: YouTube

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‘IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU?’ Watch Clay Higgins UNLEASHES On Mayorkas For Staying SILENT… Begs For Help

Joe Biden’s administration, and by that I mean his handlers, as clearly he’s just a puppet, are destroying this country. Alejandro Mayorkas, the lying scum pictured below on the left, is one of the main characters in this clown show.  … Continue reading

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Watch Eric Swalwell Breaks Down CRYING After Marjorie Taylor Greene Drop This B0MBSHELL Statement

It is really difficult to determine who is the biggest lying scum-bag; Eric Swalwell or Alejandro Mayorkas. Suffice it to say they are both garbage. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/_ZlQhxrL8kA  

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JUST IN: Josh Hawley Explodes At Mayorkas Over App He Says Helps Illegal Immigrants Enter US

Why do these republicans waste their time talking to this vermin? He is clearly a liar and a total scum-bag. All he does is talk sh_t and eat up time with his bogus rhetoric when the entire world KNOWS what … Continue reading

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Chinese spy balloon spotted hovering over US

Joe Biden and his administration (the cluster-f_cks that they are) are not only incompetent and clueless, but they are also spineless! Our southern border has been open since the day he took office and now we allow a Chinese spy balloon … Continue reading

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Hundreds of thousands of kids left alone at border in FY 2022 | Rush Hour

Forgetting about inflation, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, and all the rest of the Biden administration’s incompetencies, and just looking at what his policies have done at the southern border, I am amazed that ANYONE would support these immoral clowns! Yet … Continue reading

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Ron DeSantis hits back at Karine Jean-Pierre: ‘Incompetence’

Karine Jean-Pierre is not only clueless, but she is also a bigger liar than even Joe Biden! To say that Joe Biden is trying to fix the border shows that she has no shame! But then again, the Biden administration … Continue reading

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The Left Is Using President Puddingcup’s Age As a Scapegoat For Their Crappy Policies | RC

Short, sweet, and to the point. She’s awesome! As for the New York Times, they’re a joke. Video: YouTube

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Biden’s Record-Smashing Border Crisis Isn’t a Blunder – It’s a Plan | Reality Check

It’s clear as day… there is no question that the Biden administration has purposely opened the southern border since Day 1 of the presidency. Mind you, we all know that this administration is inept, incompetent and immoral, there is no … Continue reading

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Biden’s Secretary Tries to LIE to Rand Paul, Gets CAUGHT Instantly

Alejandro Mayorkas is an even more revolting individual than Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and the rest of the despicable leftist scumbags who make up the democrat party. This guy, and the rest of them, lie to the American … Continue reading

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‘Why Aren’t We Finishing The Wall?’: GOP Lawmaker Grills Mayorkas On Border Security

For the life of me I don’t understand why republicans continue to ask this lying clown, Alejandro Mayorkas, any questions regarding the southern border. He’s making a mockery out of the Senators and of the United States.  The Biden administration … Continue reading

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Free Swimming Lessons Available! – If You Plan To Illegally Cross The Rio Grande

The lack of morality of Joe Biden, Jennifer Psaki, and of course the liberal media (in this case MSNBC) and all of the lying scum who they interview, is something to behold. I always wonder how people can watch these … Continue reading

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Biden’s Overwhelming Border Crisis Is About To Get Worse…a Lot Worse

The border issue is exactly the way the liberals want it. They want open borders. They want to fill this country will all sorts of people, and it doesn’t matter to them who they are. This is their agenda. They … Continue reading

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Psaki roasted for pointing out Putin’s invasion of Ukraine when Biden was VP

Joe Biden made two decisions during the first week of his administration that have been DISASTROUS! Stopping construction of the border wall and stay in Mexico policy. Canceling construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Among his many blunders, these two must … Continue reading

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Joe Biden is either ‘unhinged, confused or lying’

Wow! Listen to Joe Biden talk about what he wants to be remembered for! This guy is either dumber than we think or simply the worst kind of liar! Does he actually believe he’s accomplished any one of those things … Continue reading

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Joe Concha: Media needs to hold the Biden administration accountable ‘more than ever’

Joe Biden will definitely be asked the questions that Joe Concha mentions in this brief video. Yet even then, with the Fake News media’s protection, Joe Biden’s poll numbers sink deeper into the abyss. Video: YouTube

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‘How Many People Have Been Charged With The Portland Incident?’: Graham Grills FBI Official On Riots

Liberals are obsessed with January 6, 2021 (the violence at the Capitol). Naturally, their obsession is a matter of convenience, because it is a political weapon against conservatives and more importantly their arch enemy, Donald Trump (orange man bad). However, … Continue reading

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Victor Davis Hanson on Illegal Immigration | Highlights Ep.35

Countries who are considered our enemies, China, Russia and Iran being the most obvious, are happy as can be. Their goal, to somehow destroy us or at the very least to undermine our democracy and thereby gain more power if … Continue reading

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‘It’s Immoral And Harming Americans’: Lee Slams Mayorkas On Illegal Immigrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas is such a liar! I saw a press conference where he threw those accused of whipping illegal immigrants under the bus! This guy is revolting! Video: YouTube

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JUST IN: Ted Cruz Interrogates Mayorkas Over ‘Biden Cages,’ COVID-19 Positive Undocumented Migrants

Ted Cruz obliterates Alejandro Mayorkas and demonstrates what a sham the entire Biden administration is.  These liberal democrats just openly lie as if people didn’t have eyes and a brain. They do this for two reasons: They’re immoral. They’re pompous … Continue reading

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‘No, This Is An Important Question!’: Hawley Demands Mayorkas Answer Him On Afghan Refugee Vetting

Alejandro Mayorkas, like most every appointed member of the Biden administration, is an immoral hack covering up for what is unquestionably an open border policy. Video: YouTube  

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Jesse Watters: The truth about Joe Biden

I know one thing… everything that Joe Biden touches turns to sh_t. Whether it’s him, or his handlers, this administration is pitifully incompetent!  Video: YouTube

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DeSantis reacts to Biden secretly forcing illegals into Florida

The actions of this administration are despicable! Just imagine for one minute what the outcome would have been if it was Trump who had opened the southern border and then was secretly transporting illegal immigrants into other states. He more … Continue reading

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Youngkin Wins! Big Republican Victory In Virginia! Here’s Why & What It Means For Democrats!

These socialist cretins have some nerve talking about Trump and by extension his supporters as being diseased! If anyone is diseased it’s these socialist mobsters who relentlessly push racism in order to divide the country, who support open borders, who … Continue reading

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Joe Biden’s Ridiculous October Town Hall (An Analysis)

Joe Biden is not only a doofus, he’s a lying doofus! As for Jennifer Psaki, she’s just a lying bitch. Video: YouTube

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Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history

All I can say is: “WOW, WE’RE F_CKED!!! Actually, I could say more, but what’s the point? We already know that the Biden administration is inept, incompetent, and worst of all, immoral! Video: YouTube

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‘What am I doing here’: Biden stumbles again during CNN Town Hall event

Joe Biden is an embarrassment to the presidency and to the United States. This once great and respected nation has become the laughing stock of the world! Video: YouTube

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Joe Biden’s Horrible Poll Numbers (An Analysis)

Joe Biden and his handlers are incompetent leftist fools. But the bigger fools are those Americans who voted for him! Video: YouTube

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‘They Are Not Telling You The Truth’: Ted Cruz Tears Into Biden, Harris Over Border

At the end of the day, the solution to the influx of illegal immigrants through the southern border is quite simple. Ted Cruz points this out. These people in the Biden administration created the crisis at the southern border intentionally; … Continue reading

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Tucker: These are the moral priorities of the Democrats

Democrats have no morals, this is quite obvious to anyone with any semblance of objectivity and decency. The obsession for control and its relentless pursuit takes these people to a level of depravity which is difficult to comprehend. For those … Continue reading

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‘Are You Happy?’: Hawley Squeezes Mayorkas Over Unceasing Surge Of Migrants Crossing Border

What comes out of the mouth of Alejandro Mayorkas every time he speaks is one BIG fart. In fact, that’s what comes out of the mouth of all of these TURDS in the Biden administration. They are making a mockery … Continue reading

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Border crisis is ‘exactly’ what Biden wants: Ken Paxton

Few of the democrats in Washington D.C. are as repulsive as this hypocrite, Alejandro Mayorkas. This is a rather telling statement, considering that the democrats include people such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ilhan Omar and many others.  One of … Continue reading

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Pompeo, Christie sound off on Biden’s border crisis

What Joe Biden has done in just a few short months is a testament to his ineptness and incompetency. It was clear for many months before the election, even before the campaign began, that he wasn’t fit for the job. … Continue reading

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Joe Concha slams liberal media for praising Biden after Afghanistan crisis

For anyone to say that Joe Biden has done a good job since becoming president is laughable. But of course, what else can we expect from CNN, the Communist News Network? They’re all about favorable propaganda for the democrat party, … Continue reading

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It’s ‘hard to exaggerate’ how ‘dangerously bad’ US President Joe Biden is

To say that the United States is in decline is an understatement. Just think of what has transpired in eight short months of the Biden administration… everything these people touch they screw up, and screw up in a BIG way. … Continue reading

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The Beggar-In-Chief! Is Biden The Weakest President In History?

Once again, the simple truth… Video: YouTube

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Ron DeSantis Drops a NUKE on People Pushing First Graders To Wear Masks

The best governor in the country, bar none, speaks the truth about the bogus and corrupt Biden administration. This time using our children to deflect attention from the train wrecks he has created in our country as well as abroad. … Continue reading

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Fox confirms officials warned Blinken of Afghanistan collapse

The more we learn about the situation in Afghanistan the more we realize that Joe Biden and his administration have been lying to the American people.  If what Joe Biden has created, both at the southern border and especially in … Continue reading

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Biden’s Border + Afghanistan = Disaster

It’s always refreshing to hear people state the facts without pulling any punches, and this individual certainly does that.  Joe Biden (and those pulling his strings) are a train wreck, as is the inept Kamala Harris. This entire administration, including … Continue reading

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Tucker: We are led by buffoons, everything they touch turns to chaos

Our withdrawal from Afghanistan, our southern border crisis, our economy/inflation, our liberal agenda, cancellation of the pipeline/begging Iran & Venezuela for oil, etc. – it seems that everything the United States and specifically the Biden Administration touches turns to crap! Video: … Continue reading

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Leaked audio backs Mayorkas into ‘political corner’: Cuccinelli

It’s difficult to say, with so many immoral democrats in Washington D.C. (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, etc.) where Alejandro Mayorkas ranks among them. Let’s just say that he’s … Continue reading

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Tucker: They are intentionally stealing the country from American citizens

What blows my mind is that the Biden administration opened the border from day one (as Tucker points out) yet republicans in Washington D.C. do nothing about it but whine and moan! What happened to impeachment? Biden is allowing hundreds … Continue reading

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‘You Are In A State Of Denial’: Ron Johnson Lashes Out At Mayorkas Over Migrant Border Surge

This dirt-bag, Alejandro Mayorkas, talks about the laws of the United States yet the Biden administration is breaking those laws by letting people cross our southern border willy-nilly, as if there was no border! What Biden has done at the … Continue reading

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‘I Don’t Completely Understand It’: John Kennedy Asks Biden Secretary Why Border Isn’t Secure

Senator John Kennedy uses too much common sense for a liberal to comprehend, because as Voltaire said; common sense isn’t common, and certainly liberals are not endowed with much of it.  As you will see, the Secretary of Agriculture, appointed … Continue reading

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“China is laughing America” Biden cares more about Chinese making money than Americans

In about a minute this man lays out what Joe Biden and his left-wing handlers have done to this country in just a few months.  Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/g_vH87JQF2U

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Chad Wolf blasts Kamala Harris’ border visit: She didn’t see border crisis

Kamala Harris is a joke. Joe Biden is a joke. This administration is a joke. Once again, the long and short of it is that these people are inept, incompetent and immoral. The American people, for the most part, are … Continue reading

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Harris parachuting into El Paso for a few hours a ‘huge flop’: Rep. Gonzales

Kamala Harris, like her boss, is inept, incompetent and immoral. But it doesn’t end there. The entire Biden administration, with a few exceptions, is in over their heads. This is what happens when one fills jobs with minority quotas in … Continue reading

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Pavlich on Harris’ ‘cringy’ interview: There’s a reason she got zero votes

Joe Biden is a bumbling idiot and Kamala Harris is a cackling idiot. Bottom line, they’re both idiots.  But I repeat, a great many brain-dead Americans wanted buffoons in the White House, and now they have them. Sooooo, if you … Continue reading

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Sen. Kennedy slams Biden for making America ‘one giant sanctuary city’

Senator John Kennedy lays out in plain English (and often times in colorful ways) the liberal agenda of the Biden administration. Video: YouTube

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