Category Archives: Politics

Articles and general discussion on political issues such as the economy, democracy, communism as well as politics across the globe.

The Media’s Amazing Contortions For Kamala – Wacky MOLE

The liberal media hacks continue to show their true colors… they are liars and hypocrites!  After covering up for Joe Biden for over four years, since prior to the 2020 election, they have no disposed of him like used toilet … Continue reading

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FACTCHECKING the Most DANGEROUS & DISHONEST Political Ad in U.S. History!

The democrats in office now, not all of them, but many of them, are scum, as are the media hacks who support them. Video: YouTube

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The Media VS. Biden Bashing! | Wacky MOLE

The White House AND the media is responsible for the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and they’re not going to let up despite all the talk of “lowering the temperature”. Video: YouTube

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EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES: Biden’s Post-Debate Interview

From day one, Joe Biden has been a train wreck of a president. Jill Biden is a power-hungry bitch, who doesn’t care one bit about him. We know what Hunter Biden is all about, and as for Karine Jean-Pierre, she … Continue reading

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MSNBC changes its tune on Joe Biden following ‘trainwreck’ presidential debate

These liars and hypocrites in the liberal media and their criminal friends in the democrat party really pushed the lies too far and it has backfired on them. Yet of course, since they have no shame, not one of them … Continue reading

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Media ‘Best Biden Ever’ Claims Bomb – Debate ‘Pain’ Ensues | Wacky MOLE

What I find truly disgusting is that these scumbags, yes… they’re all scumbags, have repeatedly been telling us NOT to believe our eyes and ears because Joe Biden was sharp as a tack! Even though it was obvious that he was … Continue reading

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Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes! – Media Wants You Blind For Biden | Wacky MOLE

These hypocritical buffoons in the leftist (mainstream) media are something else! And of course, let’s not forget Karine Jean-Pierre, for whatever comes out of her mouth is undeniably the opposite of the truth. By the way, that bimbo in one … Continue reading

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Is the Bad Orange Man Going to Prison?

I hope I’m wrong, but I believe that Donald Trump will serve prison time, whether in an actual prison, or house arrest, he will more than likely be “locked up.” At that point, all hell will break loose in this … Continue reading

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‘The Five’ reacts to new video of Biden on Trump verdict

The democrat party is as corrupt as can be., and as usual, they went too far yet again. They never know when to stop, they have no limits. They will do ANYTHING to remain in power so that they can … Continue reading

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‘This case should never have been brought’: Rep. Byron Donalds defends Trump post-guilty verdict

These leftist hacks in the mainstream (liberal) media are ALL THE SAME! They are nothing but supporters of the democrat party and REFUSE to acknowledge the persecution of Donald Trump. Video: YouTube

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“Dark Brandon” Strikes Again!!

Joe Biden is pathetic! He’s pathetic because he’s inept, incompetent and immoral. For the record, he’s also the WORST President in the history of the United States! Those of you who voted for this buffoon should be ashamed of yourselves, … Continue reading

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Joe Biden has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He’s inept, incompetent, and immoral… in addition, he a pathological liar! As for Erin Burnett, she’s the typical mainstream media hack. She KNOWS that Biden is lying about the 9% claim, but she … Continue reading

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Trump Trials Fall Apart So Media Demand ‘Just-Us’ | Wacky MOLE

What a collection of stupid, mean-spirited c*nts these bimbos are… What I find amazing is that people actually watch this clown show. It goes to show you the level of ignorance of the American left.  Video: YouTube

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Either Mr. Carreon is mentally deranged, or he has something to gain for promoting the hapless Joe Biden so feverishly. Because let’s face it, Joe Biden has got to be the absolute worst president in the history of this country.  … Continue reading

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I Don’t Care | Things That Need To Be Said

I know it sounds cliche, but this country, the once proud United States of America, is doomed!!! The leftists, socialists, globalists, Marxists, whatever one wants to call them, they have destroyed this country from within. We did it to ourselves. … Continue reading

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“If You Complain That the Economy is Poor, You’re Spreading MISINFORMATION!”

This Jim Clyburn moron is a liar, just like Joe Biden. These people lie every time they open their mouths, and the country is onto them, even democrats, shallow as they can often be! Video: YouTube

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O’Reilly: Blackmail is at the center of the Trump hush money trial | On Balance

Just the facts… Video: YouTube

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Media Protect Biden From Cannibals, Gas Prices, His Anti-Israeli Activists and Himself | Wacky MOLE

These clowns in the liberal media are a joke. They would support a monkey (which is basically what they’re now doing) as long as it was running against Donald Trump, or any republican for that matter! Video: YouTube

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MUST WATCH: John Kennedy Issues Blunt Warning To Schumer, Democrats Over Mayorkas Impeachment

An amazing speech! But what’s even more amazing is the HYPOCRISY of the democrat low-lives and those who support them!!! Video: YouTube

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Biden Says “Watch Me,” so Watch This Biden Montage and YOU Decide…

Joe Biden is by far, and it isn’t even close, by far… the most inept, incompetent, and immoral president in the history of the United States of America!!! It is beyond comprehension that ANYONE would vote for this buffoon, a … Continue reading

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The FINAL State of the Union Address: The Analysis

I wonder how many B-12 IVs, cans of Red Bull, and/or prescription drugs Joe Biden was given for the State of the Union Address? Certainly he was “on” something! Anyway, he’s still a f*cking imbecile, a liar, and an immoral … Continue reading

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SCOTUS & Super Tuesday Cause Leftist Media Tears To Fall – Wacky MOLE

Jim Acosta and Joy Reid, what a despicable pair of imbeciles! But in reality, is there ANYONE who is on the air for CNN or MSNBC who is not revolting and evil? Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson Responds to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Watch and listen, please! Video: YouTube

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Joe Biden has been disastrous for this country! He was incompetent 40 years ago and he’s incompetent now. Except now, he doesn’t know what day of the week it is, as his mental acuity continues to plummet.  This is why … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson on Donald Trump | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Yes, just like Tucker Carlson, I believe the 2020 election was rigged. If for no other reason (and there are other reasons) because democrats and their crooked friends in the Fake News media, Facebook and Twitter covered-up/suppressed the Hunter Biden … Continue reading

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They’re Whining About The Media? Too Funny!

Karine Jean-Pierre, like the rest of the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden himself, just flat out LIE with a straight face. Naturally, the liberal media hack at CNN, in this instance John Berman, just listens without pushing back! Once again, … Continue reading

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Biden ‘Could Throw Every Republican In Jail’ & Other Leftist Media Fantasies |Wacky MOLE

Wow! The Fake News media hacks and most of our “entertainers,” like the bimbos at The View, are losing their minds over the “threat” of Donald Trump winning the 2024 Presidential election.  Aside from having no morals, they’re so stupid … Continue reading

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Elderly Man With A Poor Memory DOESN’T Need A Cognitive Test!

Joe Biden is not only incompetent, but he is also a liar. As for his supporters, they’re imbeciles. I mean, how else can one describe individuals who would actually vote for this buffoon to another four years as President of … Continue reading

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Vivek Ramaswamy Predicts That ‘Joe Biden Is Not Going To Be The Nominee’ In Speech To CPAC

I predicted that Joe Biden wouldn’t be the nominee several months ago, to me this was plain as day.  Vivek Ramaswamy is very bright. Video: YouTube

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The Establishment, Anti-Americans & Evil…What’s The Difference? | Things That Need To Be Said

It’s so refreshing to listen to honest black individuals stating the truth, rather than repeating the lies of the Fake News media and their propagandists… Video: YouTube

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JD Vance Mocks Democrats For Being ‘Obsessed With Russia’ At CPAC

To all you fair-minded people out there, just watch and listen… Video: YouTube

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Coulter Embarrasses Democrats! But Is She Right?

The simple truth is impossible to argue against, because it is 100% factual. But don’t tell that to the spin masters in politics, or their supporters in the liberal media.   As for Van Jones, he’s the immoral character who on … Continue reading

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George Soros To Own The Airwaves!

George Soros is a sleeze-bag. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are also sleeze-bags, as are most of the democrat politicians in Washington D.C. and throughout the country. They play dirty and stick together like Siamese twins. But hey, any number … Continue reading

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What a sh*t-show Joe Biden and “his” administration are!!! He’s totally clueless and brain-dead, while the rest of his handlers are corrupt! Video: YouTube

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How White Liberals Have Adopted Blacks as Mascots | Thomas Sowell

Here we have this fruitcake, Rachel Levine, Assistant Health Secretary, who was born a man and now claims to be a woman appointed with brain-dead bimbo Karine Jean-Pierre, who is “special” (according to her) as she’s the first black/woman/lesbian to … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan : “Jordan Peterson was WARNING people about this…”

The left is disgusting and perverted! Video: YouTube

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Special Counsel Report: No Charges! Joe Mentally Unfit!

Joe Biden has been a puppet for quite some time now, this is a fact. The obvious question then becomes: Who is running the country? Is it the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, a combination of both? Who knows? What we do … Continue reading

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Tucker Putin Interview – This Changes EVERYTHING

Erin Burnett (CNN bimbo and propagandist) and Jen Psaki (MSNBC bimbo and propagandist) are leading the way in demonizing Tucker Carlson, which is what these two corrupt networks do; demonize the right and push their liberal agenda. Why individuals with … Continue reading

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“Afghanistan is a BullSh*t Argument” – Bill Maher Argues why Biden Has Done a Good Job

Bill Maher can’t admit the truth… it’s all about the Red team vs the Blue team with him. As usual, democrats are INCAPABALE of honesty!!! The Withdrawal from Afghanistan was a circle-jeck if ever there was one. Biden is a … Continue reading

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Here’s What Really Happened on January 6th

The DEEP STATE is rotten to the core! Video: YouTube

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The Dangers Of The Biden Border Crisis

Those in the Biden administration who support open borders, such as Joe Biden himself, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, Karine Jean-Pierre, and many others, are actually bigger scum than some of the illegal immigrants and members of the drug cartels. By … Continue reading

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Revealed: Biden Loves His Media Backers! Come DNC For Yourself – Wacky MOLE

The closer we get to November the crazier the leftist morons will get, as if they’re not already Looney Tunes! Video: YouTube

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Replacing Joe Biden… Here’s The Problem

I believe that Joe Biden will be replaced, and I have been saying as much for two years now. I also believe that if Michelle Obama becomes the nominee, she will beat Trump hands down. As for Newsome, he will … Continue reading

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What an idiot! Stumbling, bumbling Joe Biden is incapable of running a hot dog stand, much less the United States of America! Video: YouTube

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UFC, WEF & GOP – More Things That Need To Be Said

What the Biden administration has done at the southern border is criminal. These liberals have no morals and consequently no shame! As for the rest of the BS the elites attempt to indoctrinate us with, FCK THEN, and FCK the … Continue reading

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TOP 30 Joe Biden Blooper & Blunders Countdown! (2024 EDITION)

This is hilarious, sad, and maddening!!! Yet, despite all of this, the brain-dead liberals in this country will continue to support this buffoon, and quite possibly, may re-elect him later this year. AMAZING!!! Video: YouTube

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The Definition of Insanity…

Joe Biden is an absolute moron. Kamala Harris is an absolute idiot. Karine Jean-Pierre is an absolute idiot. But the biggest imbeciles are the people who voted for this clown show known as the Biden administration. Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson reacts to 2024 Presidential Candidates!

Tucker Carlson discusses 2024 presidential candidates and his opinions of each of the frontrunners.  Video: YouTube

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What Gives Dr. Peterson Hope?

Something for all of you people out there who have honestly believed the hype about climate change and the death of our planet in the next several years or decades, depending on which lying politician you listen to. Video: YouTube

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DeSantis vs Newsom Debate: The Analysis

Gavin Newsom is a pathological liar, and he has turned California into a sewer, which is consistent with democrats, he just happens to better at it than most! Video: YouTube

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