Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes! – Media Wants You Blind For Biden | Wacky MOLE

These hypocritical buffoons in the leftist (mainstream) media are something else! And of course, let’s not forget Karine Jean-Pierre, for whatever comes out of her mouth is undeniably the opposite of the truth. By the way, that bimbo in one … Continue reading

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The Establishment, Anti-Americans & Evil…What’s The Difference? | Things That Need To Be Said

It’s so refreshing to listen to honest black individuals stating the truth, rather than repeating the lies of the Fake News media and their propagandists… Video: YouTube

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Has Israel Learned From The Stupidity Of The West?

Unless we rid ourselves of democratic leadership in this country, immoral, inept and incompetent as they are, we WILL become the next France and Iran will make Hitler look like a nice guy.  This administration, similar to the Obama administration … Continue reading

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Trump’s Tax Return

Dave Chappelle mocks Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and the rest of the hypocritical democrats. This is one of many reasons why the Left despise the man. Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson On Twitter- episode 2!!!

Here is episode 2 of Tucker Carlson on Twitter… Video: YouTube

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Needless to say, Joe Biden isn’t well. I made a bet with a democrat friend of mine that Joe (the buffoon) Biden, wouldn’t run for the presidency. Let’s see if I’m right… Video: YouTube

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Biden Won’t Be Dems’ 2024 Nominee Despite Reelection Bid Announcement—Here’s Why: Steve Forbes

According to Steve Forbes, Biden will NOT be running for re-election after all. The fact is, he wasn’t ready to run in 2020, and only got elected because people voted against Donald Trump, not for Joe Biden. As for Kamala … Continue reading

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‘IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU?’ Watch Clay Higgins UNLEASHES On Mayorkas For Staying SILENT… Begs For Help

Joe Biden’s administration, and by that I mean his handlers, as clearly he’s just a puppet, are destroying this country. Alejandro Mayorkas, the lying scum pictured below on the left, is one of the main characters in this clown show.  … Continue reading

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‘Joe Biden is a criminal’: Obama-era staffer blows whistle on Biden’s business deals

The Bidens are dirtier than a pig pen, and the FBI is even more corrupt, if that’s even possible! Video: YouTube

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MSNBC Host’s Craziest Rant Ever Predicts the End of Civil Rights | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Question: Has there ever been, in the long history of television, a more idiotic, disgusting, low IQ, mean spirited, racist low-life, scum-bag, than Joy Reid?            Answer: No. If it wasn’t for the fact that this … Continue reading

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The Evil Past of Kamala Harris

This country is already f_cked after two years of a buffoon in office and the progressive, liberal agenda that Susan Rice and Barack Obama (who are the ones dictating policy) have implemented.  As for Kamala Harris. She’s a democrat, what … Continue reading

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Kennedy State of the Union response: Louisianians deserve better than Biden’s record

Pure and simple… just bullsh_t and lies. This is what the Biden administration; sorry, the Obama administration (he is the one running the show from behind the scenes) is all about. Video: YouTube

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Biden admin has changed its alibi almost hourly: John Ratcliffe

This country, which is being run by Barack Obama during his unofficial third term “in office”, is the laughingstock of the world, just like the puppet voted in by the brain-dead democrats front-man is.  It is quite clear by now … Continue reading

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Joy Reid Begins 2023 with Rapidly Declining Ratings

Let me see now… certainly there is one redeeming quality that Joe Reid possesses, right? Wrong! Joy Reid is a hate monger; she is the typical black individual who has learned that there is money to be made through the … Continue reading

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Find Out Why The Worst American President Ever Was So Loved

Here are some views from Thomas Sowell at then President Barack Obama and the rest of the “intellectual” class… Video: YouTube

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‘We Are Still Failing Badly’: Al Gore Delivers Fiery Remarks On Climate Change Dangers

Here we have Al Gore, preaching, as he has for decades, about global warming, climate change, and all the rest of it. This gas-filled politician doing his sales pitch for a “green planet”, denouncing the rest of us “plain folk” … Continue reading

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The stupidest Thing Obama Did To America

Yes, Barack Obama was pretty much a waste… A president who in eight years did basically nothing but increase rather than decrease racism in America in addition to showing the world what suckers and apologists Americans are. Ah yes, and … Continue reading

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Obama ripped into White House doctor for calling out Biden’s cognitive decline

The biggest enemy this country, the United States, has is not China or Russia or Iran. Our biggest enemy is the democrat’s thirst for power and the liberal media, who is in bed with democrats and will do anything and … Continue reading

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Biden’s Gas Tax Gimmick!

Biden is a moron, and so are his handlers, who would rather beg the Saudis, Iranians and the communist regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela for oil instead of having it produced right here in the United States. What makes … Continue reading

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The DIStractions Are Coming

The slimy democrats are no doubt scheming to come up with some devious and under-handed strategy to maintain power as we inch closer to the 2022 midterm elections. Video: YouTube

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Capitalism: A Short Story – Taking On The Memes!

Barack Obama’s claim to fame (other than being the first black President) was Obamacare. My democrat friends still believe it was the greatest thing since sliced bread; it wasn’t.  Once again, I will state the obvious… if socialism is so … Continue reading

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Steve Hilton: The Left’s hypocrisy is on full display

Liberals are nothing if not HYPOCRITES! Video: YouTube

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Black Americans don’t support this: Jones

No protests for the death of these black kids. Black Lives Matter supporters, hypocrites that they are, are nowhere to be seen. I suppose that the lives of these innocent victims, something George Floyd certainly wasn’t, don’t matter. Video: YouTube

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Hunter Biden’s business partner visited White House 19 times: report

One would think that republican or democrat, the media would want to know the truth about Joe Biden’s involvement with his son, Hunter Biden and their respective business dealings.  The United States is no longer united. We are operating as … Continue reading

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The Truth About Biden’s Decline, with Buck Sexton

Buck Sexton puts things in perspective as it pertains to Joe Biden and being President of the United States.   Video: YouTube

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Putin will ‘break’ if Biden does this one thing: Lt. Gen. Kellogg

Joe Biden has no testicles and no spine. Video: YouTube

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Juicy Smollet Guilty = Yells At Judge & USA (comedian K-von laughs)

Talk about a plan going downhill… this imbecile, Jussie Smollett, continues his lies, even after being sentenced.  This video shows the light side of this issue but in fact this is a very serious matter on all fronts. This idiot … Continue reading

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Clinton’s spying on Trump ‘much larger than we thought’

I am curious to see how far this goes. I say this because it seems that liberals are somehow able to control the narrative, and the actual consequences of conservatives, such as the two impeachments of Donald Trump. While conservatives … Continue reading

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The Media Want You To Ignore the Biggest Political Scandal In American History – Pay Attention

We all know that the leftist (Fake News) media is immoral. They have an agenda and will do whatever it takes to relentlessly push it forward. With the Left, it’s all about power, and of course, they’re all hypocrites who … Continue reading

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Marco Rubio: If true, this would be one of the greatest political scandals in American history

Interesting interview regarding Russia/Ukraine and of course, the crooked democrats and liberal media and what they allegedly did to Trump… Let’s see where this probe by John Durham goes. Video: YouTube

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How Society Falls into Tyranny | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man. Watch and listen to this short video clip and you will see that his words, taken straight out of one of the many books he’s written, are right on point.  Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/DPp2dAvqQFg

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Joe Biden vs. Reality (Volume One)

Funny isn’t it, how democrats called Donald Trump a BIG liar… Video: YouTube  

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This about Biden is ‘terrifying’: Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine succinctly points out what we got when this country elected Joe Biden. Video: YouTube

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JUST IN: Ted Cruz Interrogates Mayorkas Over ‘Biden Cages,’ COVID-19 Positive Undocumented Migrants

Ted Cruz obliterates Alejandro Mayorkas and demonstrates what a sham the entire Biden administration is.  These liberal democrats just openly lie as if people didn’t have eyes and a brain. They do this for two reasons: They’re immoral. They’re pompous … Continue reading

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Russian collusion theory now seems to be ‘the hoax of the century’

Let’s see how this all plays out… Video: YouTube

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With The Help Of Barack Obama, Bruce Springsteen Insults His Fans!

Barack Obama is quite the a-hole, as liberals tend to be. Liberals peddle this racism BS relentlessly in an effort to continue the divide between races. However, none of this would “work” if not for the stupidity of people like … Continue reading

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‘I Want You To Pause And Think About That’: Ted Cruz Warns Of National Debt

A little bit of history and some perspective… Video: YouTube

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Thousands of Illegal Migrants Are Being Released into the U.S.

What Tucker Carlson describes is plain as day. There is a reason why liberals have opened the border, despite the BS they feed us.  Watch what Bill Clinton said in a State of the Union Address… Video: YouTube

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‘Fox & Friends’ hosts react to Cuban rallies against communism

Nothing will change in Cuba. These protests will not make one bit of difference. The socialist/communist scum ruling the island nation already shut down the internet so that people cannot communicate with one another and to prevent the Cuban people … Continue reading

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‘Juneteenth’ is a Federal Holiday (Because Orange Man Bad)

What can be said about Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barack Obama and the rest of the deadbeats in the democrat party that hasn’t already been said? These people are all a bunch of clowns, and this includes the … Continue reading

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The Truth About Liberals’ “Compassion”

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man who speaks the truth, regardless of the consequences. It’s really too bad that blacks have adopted shysters such as Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and even George Floyd as their heroes. Jesse Jackson … Continue reading

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Gravitas Plus: The Lab Leak Theory

A very informative and unbiased video regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, its possible origins and the theories/politics at play. Video: YouTube

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Why Things Won’t Get Better

There’s a huge segment of the democrat party which can best be described as criminal. If you fall into this category, chances are you won’t even watch the video below. If you’re not part of that segment of the democrat … Continue reading

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Tears, joy, call to action as Chauvin is convicted

I’m personally glad this trial is over, as hearing the names George Floyd and Derek Chauvin quite frankly got old. Now let’s see how long this peace lasts. When will the next delinquent black man resist arrest and get shot … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama

Well, it’s too late now… Barack Obama was bad because his policies and agenda were bad. But Joe Biden is woefully inept. He was inept in his prime and he’s inept now. In addition to the fact that he’s always … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell on the incentives of Race Hustlers-Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man who everyone should embrace, especially the African-American community. Unfortunately, few blacks even know who this man is. Why you may ask? After all, he’s intelligent, rational, well-educated, articulate, honest, decent, etc. The reason relatively … Continue reading

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The Two People Pulling Joe Biden’s Strings

Socialism, huh… the hypocrisy of it all. Video: YouTube  

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The Filibuster is EVIL!! (But Only When Republicans do It.)

When all else fails, the immoral democrats turn to RACISM in order to get their way. One would think that this strategy would have already run its course and become obsolete. We will have to wait and see whether this … Continue reading

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Who Is Running the Country Right Now?!

Something for all Americans who love this country and our way of life (which is rapidly changing/deteriorating) to think about.  Video: YouTube

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He’s Worse Than Obama! The Zero-Transparency President!

Transparency, yeah right! Those who believe they’re going to get transparency from the Biden administration are dumber than a bag of rocks. But hey, this is what most Americans wanted, correct? They wanted to get rid of Trump, and Trump … Continue reading

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