Monthly Archives: February 2019

This Is The Exclusive Video For CPAC

Yes folks, here we are, gearing up for the 2020 elections. Liberals, like the plague, are ready to pounce on every living being in the country. They have Hollywood, they have the liberal media, they have Academia. They control California, … Continue reading

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AOC: Not Having Kids A Legit Question | The View

Okay, so as a follow-up to my blog post yesterday, my argument is further supported; Sonny Hostin continues to make up ground on Joy Behar as the biggest bimbo, loser, deadbeat, moron, Left-Tard (I think you get the picture) on … Continue reading

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Videos Emerge of Bernie Sanders Praising Communist Dictator

‘Bernie the Commie’ is a world-class douche-bag!!! TGO Video: YouTube

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These Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Memes Are The Funniest Things I’ve Seen All Year ????

This is too funny, but oh, so true!!! TGO Video: YouTube

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein and students debate Green New Deal | The View

I’m trying to determine who is the bigger moron, Joy Behar or Sonny Hostin. Months ago it would have been a slam-dunk, and I would have said Joy Behar. But with each segment I watch of these two bimbos I … Continue reading

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Bernie Sanders fires back at Trump over socialism

My question is, does ‘Bernie the Commie’ actually believe the BS that comes out of his mouth? I certainly hope not, because if he does, he is really, really STUPID! TGO Video: YouTube

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Super-sexy brunette. TGO      

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The Democrats Have A BIG Bernie Sanders Problem

I can’t wait for the 2020 presidential debates. But then again, the 2024 presidential debates/elections are going to suck, because we will undoubtedly have a Left-Tard elected president. But, 2010 will definitely be interesting. Any guess as to who the … Continue reading

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Bill Maher WANTS Trump to win in 2020

Bill Maher is not a stupid man. But I don’t believe he wants Trump to win in 2020. I think that the problem is that he too, has been inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and he cannot control himself … Continue reading

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Love those brunettes. TGO  

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Ben Shapiro on slavery reparations and 2020 Democrats

The Left-Tards just keep coming up with doozies don’t they? Now, in addition to free college tuition, housing and healthcare, plus the childish and absurd “green new deal”, democrats want to pay reparations to those affected by slavery! These cretins … Continue reading

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Teen banned from wearing MAGA hat at school speaks out

The Left-Tards are sick. A student can wear the hat of a commie such as Bernie Sanders and that won’t provoke violence (because conservatives are not insane) but students can’t wear a hat that represents a slogan by the president … Continue reading

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Nice! TGO

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Sen. Bernie Sanders: We could learn a lot from Cuba

Yes Bernie, you commie, we could learn a lot from Cuba. We could learn how a country nicknamed “The Pearl of the Antilles” became an island slum. We could learn how people who opposed the Castro regime were jailed without … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on Feinstein arguing the ‘Green New Deal’ with kids

This is all so disgusting!!! TGO Video: YouTube

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Lara Trump’s answer to Ocasio-Cortez’s climate change rant

Okay, I just realized that I’ve been wrong all of this time. I’ve been calling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a bimbo; I apologize. She’s not a bimbo, she’s actually mentally retarded. Her stupidity goes far, far beyond simply being dumb and uninformed. … Continue reading

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Transgender athletes DOMINATE in Connecticut championships

I knew that the pollical-correctness BS was going to eventually screw things up in America, I just never expected things to get as f*cked-up as they are. Children’s lives are being destroyed by these brain-dead Left-Tards who actually believe that … Continue reading

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Impressive. TGO

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Feinstein and Ocasio-Cortez clash over Green New Deal

AWESOME! The bimbo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, basically saying that Dianne Feinstein doesn’t know what she’s talking about… Dianne Feinstein, who is no prize herself, and the other idiot, Nancy Pelosi, better reel this little dweeb in, and fast. All of that … Continue reading

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Napa County Sheriff almost loses life to Javier Hernandez Morales

Liberals who support open borders and sanctuary cities/states are BRAIN-DEAD, pure and simple! TGO Video: YouTube

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Cuba votes in referendum on new constitution

Miguel Diaz-Canel is what in Spanish is called ‘un hijo de puta’ which translates to a ‘son of a bitch’. He’s a scum-bag just like Raul Castro and the late Fidel Castro, who was the granddaddy of all sons of … Continue reading

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Why are some top Democrats suddenly embracing reparations for slavery?

What’s next people? How far do we go? These Left-Tards are desperately trying to outdo one another by offering more and more free stuff; more empty promises… More “goods” which there is absolutely no way to deliver. Are the American … Continue reading

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NO HOLDS BARRED: Dinesh D’Souza’s top 5 campus moments from Fall 2018

One  has to be really committed to a cause to go into universities, much less liberal universities, and face crowds of both students and staff who are skeptical to start with and will challenge every word spoken. Dinesh D’Souza is … Continue reading

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It’s safe to say that she’s not shy. TGO  

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JCN President warns Ocasio-Cortez: We’re not going away

The hypocrisy of it all… Liberals suddenly “hating” billionaires, but only when doing so justifies their political agenda. As long as billionaires are donating to fund caravans, democratic presidential candidates, or running countries (such as Venezuela) into the ground then … Continue reading

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She’s definitely a hottie. TGO

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vs. Amazon: The political fallout

The Left-Tards sure know how to pick them, don’t they? Let’s see now, in terms of the “darlings” of the democrat party we have (in no particular order): Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, … Continue reading

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Sexy brunette. TGO  

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Trish Regan: Bernie Sanders will never be president

This old fool is the scum of the earth. He’s a hypocrite of the highest order. Just another Left-Tard with his head up his ass, trying to influence the young with his twisted ideologies. Hey Bernie, since you’re such a … Continue reading

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A lovely view… TGO

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Piers Morgan rips social media’s excuses for Jussie Smollett

Not one of these Left-Tards, not Kamala Harris, not Cory Booker, not Don Lemon, not one, has admitted that they overreacted by calling this entire hoax a lynching. And what can be said of the liberal media? They’re disgusting. TGO  … Continue reading

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Looking sassy. TGO

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D’Souza SLAMS the Left’s “ideological dementia” over Smollett hoax

Nothing surprises me anymore. The Left-Tards are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and it has gotten so bad that they will stop at nothing in an attempt to bring him down and “erase” the 2016 election. TGO Video: YouTube … Continue reading

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Bernie jumps into 2020 with Trump attacks, far-left policies

Commie-Bernie KNOWS that he will never get elected president. He KNOWS this as an absolute fact. He also KNOWS that with all the publicity he will receive during his presidential campaign that he can make huge profits in a book … Continue reading

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez taken to task by fellow progressives

Folks, this woman is a twenty-something year-old. She knows little about ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING. She’s a fluke! She knows nothing about the economy, nothing about how the government functions, and she has no knowledge of history; in short, … Continue reading

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Cute brunette. TGO  

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Gutfeld on new twists in Jussie Smollett investigation

This is what we’ve come to expect from the Left-Tards, FAKE NEWS… They really are so pathetic. But then again, what can one expect from those who support Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cory Booker, … Continue reading

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Is she beautiful and sexy enough for you? TGO

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MSNBC Panel Warns Ocasio-Cortez is Going to Get Trump Re-Elected

This is not about anything other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being a f*cking communist; not even a socialist as she claims to be. She despises the wealthy, as most wannabe wealthy hypocrites do, and simply gets her panties all bunched-up when … Continue reading

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Ocasio Embarrasses Self on Green New Deal

The Left-Tards are so out of touch with reality… It’s almost as if a movement was started (more than likely in Academia) a couple of decades ago which gained momentum. Then, instead of pausing, analyzing the direction things were headed … Continue reading

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Border Bill Is Out: 1,100 pages of CRAP

For the life of me I do not understand why any reasonable, decent, well-intentioned American would ever sign this ridiculous bill! TGO Video: YouTube

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I just love brunettes. TGO  

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Here’s what AOC’s INSANE Green New Deal Actually Proposes

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, not unlike Ilhan Omar (mentioned in my previous blog post) is another idiot! Yet more idiotic than her, if that’s possible, are the morons who endorsed her “green new deal”; Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, etc. Do … Continue reading

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Ilhan Omar’s Disgusting Attack: ‘This is Un-American’

This woman is a complete idiot! A punk who doesn’t even know what she is talking about attacking an individual with loaded questions implying that Americans deliberately support criminal behavior.  Everyone who voted to put this low-life in public office … Continue reading

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An attractive and sexy woman. TGO

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Senate Intelligence Committee finds NO evidence of collusion

Logic, reason, fair-mindedness and evidence no longer play a part in U.S. politics, not as long as Donald Trump is president. This Mueller investigation has been a sham, a hoax and a total waste of tax-payer dollars. All they’ve accomplished … Continue reading

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Minn. press raises questions about Ilhan Omar’s former marriage

Any chance that an investigation will be launched? Not by the democrats, they only investigate the president of the United States, Donald Trump and the Russian “collusion”. Ilhan Omar has a few things going for her; she’s a woman, a … Continue reading

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COLLUSION COLLAPSE: Mueller Poised to Disappoint the Dems

This guy, Jon Miller, is great! He exposes everything that’s wrong with the Mueller investigation and then some… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Classy and sexy. TGO  

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Kamala: I Smoked Weed In College | The View

Right before the end of the segment the two Left-Tards, Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar, show their true colors by once again taking a stab at Trump, who had absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject at hand. Trump Derangement … Continue reading

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