Monthly Archives: February 2018

“STOP SUPPORTING DICTATORS” Meghan McCain destroys Whoopi Goldberg

Interesting video on many fronts… Naturally, I disagree with Whoopi (what else is new). Here’s a woman who supported NFL players kneeling before the national anthem of the United States of America. Yet, she criticizes the vice president of the … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro on Oprah’s presidential possibilities

Could Oprah be the next president of the United States? At this point, anything is possible. TGO Video: YouTube

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Don’t try this at home. TGO  

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Doyle Lee Hamm execution: Repeated jabbing of death row inmate in attempted lethal injection amounts to torture, says lawyer

Only in America! Only in America is a convicted murderer treated with such delicacy. I wonder if his victims and their families suffered any pain, physical and emotional, when this scum-bag took their lives? TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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Johnnie Walker is being replaced by Jane (on some bottles)

This is one Scotch I won’t be ordering anytime soon. My guess is this marketing move on the part of Diageo is going to tank. I think the shelves of liquor stores and bars will remain full as most women … Continue reading

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Monica Lewinsky: ‘I’m Not Alone Anymore’ Thanks To The Me Too Movement

Am I missing something here? Last time I checked, Monica Lewinsky was having an affair with Bill Clinton. In fact, isn’t it true that she allowed the President to insert a cigar in her vagina? And now she’s a victim … Continue reading

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Florida House Republicans Demand Sheriff’s Ouster Over Parkland Shooting Response

The emotional and illogical democrats, with their anti-gun agenda, can place all of the blame for this tragedy on the AR-15. The truth of the matter is that the Broward County Sheriff’s office and the FBI dropped the ball; BIG … Continue reading

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Vatican rolls out exorcism training course to counter rise in ‘demonic possessions’

Oh boy, here we go… You know, there are some really, really stupid people in this world! Just consider, there is actually an organization called the International Association of Exorcists. But if you think they’re stupid, just consider paying $178/hour … Continue reading

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Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence

I am sure that now that the Pope has called for the immediate halt to the violence in Syria, the crazy Muslims who have been slaughtering each other for 1400 years will stop fighting promptly. And for his next trick, … Continue reading

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NRA Blasts ‘Cowardice’ Of Corporate Partners Turning Away From Gun Group

You gotta love it! This is hysterical, liberals really and truly are hysterical!!! So, let me try to understand this… A crazy person is shooting people (mostly kids) while FOUR (4) – not one, not two, not three, but FOUR … Continue reading

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FURIOUS Ben Shapiro EVISCERATES Trevor Noah & The Media In Gun Control Debate

So the left says it’s all about the guns… Talk about hypocrisy! TGO Video: YouTube

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Ben Shapiro REACTS To CNN’s Townhall Meeting

The following clip includes too much logic for liberals to contend with. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Show more Politicians & Police Will Protect Us! (Sheriff Israel Step Down!)

So, so true. See video below. TGO Source: YouTube

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Deputy Refused to Protect Students

The Yankee Marshal is one of the people whose gun channel I follow on YouTube. And although I don’t always agree with his views, I follow him because unlike most people who have their own ‘gun channel’, he’s not afraid … Continue reading

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A Word to the Google Feminists

Awesome, because it’s true! TGO Video: YouTube

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Shooting survivor confronts NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch

I have never in all my life seen such a despicable show, because that’s what it was, a show; set up by a “news” network. How low can CNN get? To hold a ‘town meeting’ to push a politically motivated … Continue reading

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“DON’T Call Women ATTRACTIVE??” Tucker Tries His Best to Reason with Crazy Cathy

As stated before, the crazy liberals are running this country into the ground…  So now it’s inappropriate for a group of guys to talk, among themselves mind you, about women in terms of how ‘hot’ they feel some may be.  … Continue reading

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Apple, Amazon, YouTube Urged To Pull NRA TV Channel

This country is rapidly moving in the direction of a socialist state, where the government will dictate all aspects of our lives, including freedom of speech. Unfortunately, liberals are too caught up in their own agenda and too stupid to … Continue reading

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Chileans lose faith as Vatican scrambles to contain sex abuse scandal

Religions; I suppose they served some purpose during Medieval times. They are certainly the motivating force behind some great architecture and art, but at what cost? Nowadays, religions are totally useless, and as corrupt as ever. There are no more … Continue reading

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Two car bombs explode in Somali capital and kill 18 people

Meanwhile… the crazy Muslims continue slaughtering one another and turning their cities into a pile of rubble, all in the name of Allah. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Abdi Sheikh and Feisal Omar Reuters February 23, 2018   … Continue reading

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Douglas school cop ‘never went in’ during the shooting. There were other failures, too

This is the REAL issue with all of these horrific events; NEGLIGENCE, INCOMPETENCE, LACK OF INTEREST, LACK OF COMMUNICATION, LACK OF FOLLOW-UP, etc. The problem is not guns, or rifles, or any other type of weaponry. The problem is human … Continue reading

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Parkland Could’ve Been Worse. Vegas Could’ve Been Worse. They Can Always Be Worse

Yes, without question both shootings could have been a lot worse. This thought crossed my mind during the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings. A person with a firearm and extra magazines (doesn’t need to be an AR15) could easily take out … Continue reading

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Radical Islamic Scholar Given U.S. Entry by Hillary Clinton Now Charged With Rape

Ah yes, crooked Hillary importing the rift-raft from other countries; what else could one expect? She along with Barack Obama were quite a team – a losing team. Thankfully, they’re both out of the White House for good. TGO Refer … Continue reading

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Don Lemon Has 2 Words For People Who Say It’s Not Time To Talk About Guns

I have two words for Don Lemon; F*CK OFF!!! It is so disgusting to hear these morons constantly whining about banning this or that weapon, yet, they don’t know the first thing about these weapons! Knowing Don Lemon’s lifestyle, he … Continue reading

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Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

An adopted kid, whose adopted parents passed away, expelled from school, living with another high school kid in a trailer park. He was said to be quirky, stand-offish, weird, a loner. A recipe for disaster. What is freaky is to … Continue reading

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Laura Ingraham Hosts Segment On ‘Safe’ AR-15 Hours After Florida School Shooting

The killer had barely been apprehended and already the liberal media was talking about gun control. Surely they can’t be stupid enough to believe that legislating guns will prevent crimes. Once again: last time I checked cocaine was illegal, can … Continue reading

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Whoopi Goldberg Likens Adam Rippon Meeting With Mike Pence To A Jew Meeting A Nazi

I’ve always wondered what makes Whoopi Goldberg, and other morons like her, such important “thinkers” whose opinions should really matter? Really folks, think about this, who the f*ck is Whoopi Goldberg to make her an authority on what is right … Continue reading

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Taliban letter addresses ‘American people,’ urges talks

A letter from the criminal Taliban with a moderate tone. Tells me they’re getting their asses kicked and want a “break”. Here’s my answer: f*ck you all!!! Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — … Continue reading

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Mother sobs in court while testifying about 8-year-old daughter’s rape and murder

Hopefully the scum bag that raped and killed this little girl will suffer from the worst, most painful form of cancer imaginable. He deserves to slowly rot from the inside out. Refer to story below. Source: Aol. Alex Lasker February … Continue reading

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Explosion At Power Station Plunges Northern Part Of Puerto Rico Into Darkness

What a disaster of a country! And this Carmen Yulin Cruz, mayor of San Juan, is a real bimbo. In fact, Ricardo Rosello and all the rest of the government cronies are a bunch of idiots.  Hurricane Maria exposed this … Continue reading

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Mexico detains hundreds of US-bound migrants

The more time passes the more Donald Trump’s policies make sense.  I can understand the plight of the poor people of Central America, who live in countries where poverty, drugs and gangs are as common as the warm climate. But … Continue reading

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Suspected poacher mauled to death by pack of lions in South Africa

Sometimes, although not often enough it seems, there is justice in the world. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Aol. Alex Lasker February 12, 2018     A suspected poacher was reportedly killed and almost entirely eaten by a pack … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: I Vote Against You

Pat Condell is awesome. I cannot for the life of me understand why intelligent, rational people can’t relate with everything he says? TGO Video: YouTube

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Salma Hayek Says She Felt ‘Ashamed’ She Wasn’t Part of Original Harvey Weinstein Exposé

I think we get it; Harvey Weinstein has sexually harassed every attractive woman in Hollywood, and every attractive woman in Hollywood let it go on, and on, and on… This time, Salma Hayek is the victim.  Now, years later, they … Continue reading

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Nancy Pelosi conducts rare House ‘filibuster’ lasting more than eight hours in defense of immigrants

Nancy Pelosi. How this stupid bimbo is still in Washington is a mystery; I guess it says something about the politicians in our capital.  I think that Nancy Pelosi, and all Democrats (hypocrites) for that matter, who so passionately stand … Continue reading

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Super Bowl fans riot and smash shops during celebrations in Philadelphia

Hey, there’s a Super Bowl and the team that represents this city is in it; let’s “celebrate” by looting and destroying public and private property! It really doesn’t matter who wins or loses, because it’s not about the game. It’s … Continue reading

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Islamic scholar courted fans, detractors before rape charges

I’ve seen Tariq Ramadan in debates with Sam Harris. I don’t have an opinion as to whether in fact he raped the two women accusers. It seems these days that every man in the media limelight is a sex offender. … Continue reading

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Michele Bachmann: God Didn’t Call Me, So I’m Not Running For Senate

Oh boy! Scary isn’t it, that someone who can actually run for the Senate and have a legitimate shot at winning the election (thanks to brain-dead people like her) are still around in 2018… TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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Did Pope Francis Help Cover Up aSex Scandal? Letter Reveals the Pope Knew About Heinous Pedophilia Case

I’ve been writing about the corruption of the Catholic Church since I can remember. Yet all the while die-hard Catholics have criticized me for it, claiming that none of the sexual abuse allegations are factual, rather that they’re made up … Continue reading

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President Trump politicizes death of Colts’ Edwin Jackson to call for immigration reform

Isn’t it disgusting the way the geek pictured below, Henry Bushnell, spins the story in an attempt to try and make Trump look like the bad guy. In other words, let’s ignore the facts, instead, let’s criticize Trump for “politicizing” … Continue reading

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Minnesota Republicans Under Fire For Saying Muslims Are Infiltrating The Party

Muslims are infiltrating all factions of western societies, including politics. Just look at what’s happening in western Europe. Who would have ever thought that London of all places would have a Muslim mayor??? Now answer this my liberal friends. Can … Continue reading

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Texas executes man who killed his daughters

So, this worthless representation of a human being lived almost another twenty years after killing his own children@!#$@%. And they say the judicial system in this country isn’t f*cked up! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP February … Continue reading

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Rep. Maxine Waters thinks Trump TV appearances warrant a parental advisory

It should be illegal to be both as stupid and as ugly as Maxine Waters is. But as dumb as she is, she’s a genius compared to those who vote for her. All she does to get her posse’s vote … Continue reading

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Twitter erupts after Melania Trump didn’t stand when Trump mentioned “family & faith” during the State of the Union

Interesting how Twitter didn’t erupt by the fact that Nancy Pelosi, the witch-bitch, hardly stood up at all. Or how the African contingent, whoever they were, didn’t stand up either.  Does anyone believe the media is biased??? TGO Refer to … Continue reading

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