Monthly Archives: August 2012

Did Clint Eastwood lose the plot at Romney’s convention?

Wow, it really sucks to get old. Even after all that Clint Eastwood has accomplished in his lifetime, more than 99.9% of the population ever will, and still he is criticized for being old, looking old, and sounding old (and … Continue reading

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Romney appeals to voters disillusioned with Obama

Now the frenzy begins… People will get all caught up in the BS that is politics, argue with those from the “other side,” and get all whipped-up about their candidate. Then four years from now, after nothing changes, they’ll do … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What a beautiful, sexy back. The front isn’t too bad either… TGO

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Mexican religious sect vows to fight to keep public schooling out of its community

Here we go again, or should I say still; yet another group of morons with sh*t-for-brains wasting their lives away as a result of religious beliefs. When will this madness, this disease of the human species come to an end? … Continue reading

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10 Things to Know for Thursday

The latest… TGO Refer to news below. Source: Associated Press By The Associated Press | Associated Press Late-breaking news, upcoming events and stories of interest: 1. RYAN SAYS ROMNEY ‘WILL NOT DUCK THE TOUGH ISSUES’ VP candidate draws on Wisconsin … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Unbelievably hot! TGO

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New Orleans withstands Isaac’s wrath, for now

These poor people of New Orleans can’t get a break… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Ellen Wulfhorst and Scott Malone | Reuters NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) – Hurricane Isaac dumped heavy rains on the U.S. Gulf Coast and … Continue reading

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World’s Oldest Person, Besse Cooper, Turns 116

116 years old! That’s it? What’s the big deal? A great many biblical characters lived hundreds of years… For example, Methuselah 969, Jared 962, Noah 950, Eve 940, Adam 930, Seth 912, etc., etc., etc. Really folks, it’s all right … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

There’s nothing like the real thing…  TGO

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Portland archbishop apologizes after abuse claim

Sexual abuse by Catholic priests is so commonplace that people are already desensitized to the whole issue. This really is a shame, because not caring about those who cannot fend for themselves is truly pathetic. TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Iraq executes 21 in single day

Iraq is the total opposite of the United States, where people can commit the worst of crimes and have the “bleeding hearts” fight to the death to prevent the death of the criminals, while their victims have long passed away. … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She is a really healthy woman. TGO

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“Go-Topless Day” in New York seeks equal rights to bare chests

Sounds good to me! I say; let it be. And, even though I totally detest all religions, I would certainly support the “Raelian Movement.” Just think of it: no heaven, no hell, no “holy books,” no guilt, no shame, no … Continue reading

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‘Don’t cry for me’, says defiant Armstrong

Armstrong is going to blow this off, as most cheats do, which is a real shame. This is what all of those home run hitters in baseball; Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro, Barry Bonds, etc. did. But if Lance … Continue reading

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Armstrong ‘protected’ from 2005 hotel raid – lawyer

Now all of the dirty laundry will be exposed… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press AFP – Sat, Aug 25, 2012 Lance Armstrong, branded a drug cheat and banned from cycling by the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), narrowly escaped a … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Wow!!! TGO

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Scotland’s Catholic priests blast gay marriage plan

What hypocrisy! The organization with (by far) the largest number of homosexuals on the planet, and of course I’m referring to the Catholic Church, is opposed to gay marriage. Catholic clergy, with their girly robes and silly little hats, actually … Continue reading

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How Did Armstrong Get Busted?

As stated before on numerous occasions on this Blog, it was inevitable that Lance Armstrong would eventually be stripped of his Tour de France titles. Quite frankly, it is surprising that it has taken this much time to prove that … Continue reading

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Iraq attacks kill 10 people

The madness continues in Iraq, but then again, the same is true in just about every nation dominated by Muslims. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press AFP A series of attacks in and around Baghdad and in north … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Great all-around. TGO

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Who’ll get Armstrong’s Tour titles? No easy answer

It’s really a shame that cycling, which happens to be one of my favorite sports, is so ripe for the use of performance enhancing drugs. It is such a grueling sport at the professional level that participants will take all … Continue reading

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Christian girl held on blasphemy cannot read: Vatican

There’s really no other way of saying it; Muslims are retarded. Just imagine the mentality of people who arrest a young girl for supposedly burning a book with verses from the Koran! Really? The stinking Koran? A book written by … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Impressive… TGO

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Norway jails “sane” Breivik for maximum term

I understand all of the legal BS that attorneys take advantage of because of loopholes in the law books. But this business of determining the fate of murderers based on whether or not they are deemed sane or mentally unstable … Continue reading

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Armstrong facing loss of 7 Tour de France titles

I always believed it would come to this… There was no way in my mind that Armstrong could win seven consecutive tour titles against more naturally gifted cyclists, many of which were also doping. It just comes down to a … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Lovely… TGO

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Machete-wielding raiders torch Kenyan village, kill 48

Savages; nothing but savages… How the human race has survived as a species to this point is beyond me. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Joseph Akwiri | Reuters – Wed, Aug 22, 2012 MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) – Attackers armed … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Never has a nurse looked this good… TGO

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Ingredients for Big Black Holes Detected in Milky Way’s Core

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Charles Q. Choi | Scientists investigated our galaxy’s central molecular zone, which contains the most massive, densest, and most turbulent molecular clouds in the Milky Way. These surround the … Continue reading

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Philadelphia Catholic church passes school management to foundation

The corrupt Catholic Church will stop at nothing to increase its profits. And amazingly, most Catholics don’t view “their” church as a business; which in reality that’s all it is – and a crooked business at that. The fact that … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What a woman! TGO

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Vatican win: Judge says priests aren’t employees

What a joke! I wonder how much money the Catholic Church offered Judge Michael Mosman to come up with this ludicrous conclusion? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press In Vatican victory, judge rules priests are not employees in … Continue reading

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Romney opening up _ a little _ about his religion

Religion and politics, unlike religion and science, have quite a bit in common. For one thing they both prey on people’s emotions; telling them what they want to hear. But probably more than anything else, they both engage in deception. … Continue reading

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Pioneering comedian Phyllis Diller dies at age 95

She was great! One by one, all of the BIG-TIME performers of the golden age of television are falling by the wayside… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Steve Gorman | Reuters LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Comedian Phyllis … Continue reading

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Giant Dying Star Caught Devouring Alien Planet

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Staff | A swollen star near the end if its life has been caught devouring one of its own planets — a scenario that could one day be … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Sizzling hot. TGO

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Pakistan Christian girl held, accused of blasphemy

The God-freaks, and I’m referring to Muslims, continue their relentless obsession with the Koran. A book written by man, just like the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and all the other so-called “holy books” invented by mankind’s imagination. When is … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Beautiful curves… TGO

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Suicide bomber kills 7 Russian policemen

KABOOM! Muslims continue to show the world that they are members of the scummiest religion on the planet, and that’s saying a lot, considering how insane adherents of other religions can be! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press … Continue reading

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Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays

Sued for supporting gays; that’s gotta be a first… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) — Some Russian activists have sued Madonna for millions of dollars, claiming they were offended by her support for … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

The total package… TGO

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Waiting for a miracle: Is it inhumane for religious parents to prolong treatment of sick kids?

Parents who wait for a miracle from God; who more than likely doesn’t exist and even if he does clearly doesn’t care about us, are too stupid to have children – and so they shouldn’t. With all of the misery … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Spectacular… TGO

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Suicide car bomber kills 5 Pakistani security troops at checkpoint in southwest

KABOOM! How does one defend against an enemy who doesn’t care about dying; one who in fact knows he’s going to die? TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press By Abdul Sattar, The Associated Press | Associated Press … Continue reading

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Lebanon Shiite clan says it abducted more Syrians

The Middle East will always be a cluster-f*ck. These people are just completely irrational, and it all starts with religion. Their fanaticism with religion then extends to other factions of life, and at the end of the day their tribal … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Sexy secretary? TGO

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CERN scientists create the highest temperature mass humanity has ever seen

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Tecca By Tecca | Today in Tech – Tue, Aug 14, 2012 Couldn’t they have waited until the wintertime when we could actually use the heat? CERN, the European physics lab responsible for discovering … Continue reading

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20 Shiites pulled off Pakistani bus and shot dead

The “religion of peace” continues to show its true colors as these God-freaks repeatedly slaughter their own people just because they practice a different brand of Islam. Stone Age barbarians is what they are; the whole lot of them. TGO … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She’s so hot… TGO

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Powerful Spinning Star May be Fastest Stellar Runaway

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Nola Taylor Redd | Fleeing from the scene of a violent supernova explosion, a compact runaway star may be the fastest traveling pulsar yet discovered, scientists say. The small … Continue reading

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