Monthly Archives: May 2022

My Honest Opinion About “2,000 Mules.” – We’re Screwed!

I don’t pay much attention to these sorts of issues because they have no practical use. I mean, really… let’s suppose that in fact it is PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt that the allegations made in the documentary are 100% … Continue reading

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She’s so, so hot!

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Nancy Pelosi Denies Reality: Doctor Refutes Pelosi Claims with Science

Nancy Pelosi is a douche-bag, but then we already knew that. The far Left is doing their absolute best to destroy our morals, and with it our society and country, and quite frankly they’re succeeding. If women can’t keep their … Continue reading

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Sexy Asian with beautiful hair and…

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Elon Musk takes aim at Bill Gates over alleged scheme

The Left is going to have a collective aneurism over Elon Musk fairly soon. They just can’t tolerate anyone making them look like the fools they are and actually caring about our 1st Amendment. Left-Tards want total control of their … Continue reading

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A sexy, beautiful and voluptuous woman.

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Police Cowardice Responsible for Uvalde Tragedy!!! (F#@K the Police!)

I’ve followed this guy’s gun channel (along with others) for years and have rarely heard him speak this way about any group of individuals, but here he completely trashed the police. I’m not sure that most police officers are as … Continue reading

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Wow, what a woman…

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Signs You Might Be A Woman

The left-tards’ latest idiocy is now saying that being a man or a woman is a matter of choice based on how one feels. The left-tards are retarded and full of sh_t! Video: YouTube

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There’s nothing like the “real thing”.

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Sanctimonious Media Preaches On God, Guns And ‘Grabs’ | Wacky MOLE

Nancy Pelosi should receive Communion from the Catholic Church, because in fact both she and the church are one in the same – HYPOCRITES! Nancy Pelosi is a hideous and despicable human being, and like many such individuals she uses … Continue reading

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She likes to show off her spectacular rack…

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Ilhan Omar Demands an Insane Punishment for Anyone Stating This | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Ilhan Omar, a radical bimbo, is another leftist imbecile who belongs to, you guessed it, the democrat party.  Has anyone noticed that all of these radical, Looney Tunes, socialist nut-jobs… Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cory Bush, … Continue reading

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Reporter Goes Silent When Gov. Abbott Points Out the Flaw in Her Gun Plan | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

These liberals have a one-track mind. When they find what they believe to be a talking point, they will grab onto it and won’t let it go, no matter how false the claim might be. They’re not about facts, they’re … Continue reading

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Very nice…

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This is catastrophic for Biden: Monica Crowley

The former assistant treasury secretary, Monica Crowley, hit the nail on the head, with her comments about the Biden administration and what they’re doing to America. As I told one of my liberal friends a few months back: everything this … Continue reading

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They’re such good “friends”.

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White House Encourages Breaking the Law!! (Because Feelings)

These people are a joke, the whole lot of them. But that’s not the worst of it. The worst of it is that they’re inept, incompetent, and immoral. Video: YouTube

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Wow, could she possibly be any hotter?

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Kudlow: We won’t restore high growth until we rid ourselves of nightmarish, progressive dream

These old liberal farts, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and John Kerry are about as worthless as tits on a bull. The four of them combined are over 300 years old and have a collective IQ of around that … Continue reading

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Beautiful natural breasts on a very attractive woman.  

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Tucker: Biden divided the country in a moment of deep pain

This is so, so, very sad. I don’t know what the answer is… banning AR-15s, banning all handguns, all rifles, all shotguns, all ammunition…  As the saying goes, “the genie is out of the bottle”. There is no way to … Continue reading

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A super-attractive brunette with a great body.

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Do these 3 things to restore electoral confidence: Sen. Kennedy

Senator John Kennedy is really amusing to listen to. Additionally, he says it like it is and his arguments are rational and factual. As for the Biden administration… it’s inept, incompetent, and immoral. If I didn’t know any better I’d … Continue reading

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The real thing…

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Life of Marx: Meeting Engels | Thomas Sowell

A brief history of the lives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels… Video: YouTube

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She has it all… 

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‘The Five’ talk how Americans are bashing Biden’s presidency

Joe Biden is incapable of being president of a small-town PTA, much less the United States of America.  As for the liberal media mob, they take HYPOCRISY to another level, and are totally shameless! Video: YouTube

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Lovely “contours”.

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Concha: Biden’s handlers are ‘petrified’ to do this

It seems that everyone we turn to in the Biden administration is a train wreck. He (Joe Biden) definitely cannot communicate, and that’s an understatement. Kamala Harris is a cackling bimbo with nothing of value to offer. And now, the … Continue reading

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Flexible women are a lot of fun…

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President Biden ‘struggles with the simplest concepts’

The world is laughing at us! Video: YouTube

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A worm’s eye view of a very well-endowed brunette.

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Race-Baiting Activists Fan the Flames of Hate – Because They Need It

Racism is the Left’s main talking point. As stated in the video below, these mental sloths need racism, as, being that they aren’t very sharp, this is all they have to “offer.”  Video: YouTube

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Laptop repairman details ‘pay-to-play scheme’ found on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Joe Biden and others are no doubt guilty of profiting and/or covering up for others who profited from Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine and China.    Yet as crooked as Hunter and possibly other members of the Biden family may … Continue reading

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A city in crisis: How fentanyl devastated San Francisco – BBC Newsnight

What a disaster! These liberal politicians with their idiotic policies are destroying human lives, and obviously America’s cities.  It all begins at our open border with Mexico as tons of fentanyl and other drugs are smuggled into our country. What … Continue reading

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She’s nice and squishy…

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Biden looks to the enemy for help: Kilmeade

Is it me, or does it not seem as if the whole country is falling apart? The Biden administration seems more and more inept and clueless with the passage of time. Everywhere one looks there is chaos… illegal immigration, inflation, … Continue reading

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A hot brunette.

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Joe Biden ‘dazed and confused’ but Kamala Harris ‘ready and capable’

Amazing! Video: YouTube

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Wow, she is hot.

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‘With All Due Respect That’s Utter Nonsense’: Josh Hawley Clashes With Jennifer Granholm

These liberal democrats really think that they’re so wise and the rest of the country is stupid. They continue to push the LIE that Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine is the reason gas prices are through the roof. These people … Continue reading

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The Godfather Never Before Seen Footage (Rare Footage 1971)

Rare footage of The Godfather (Part 1) which along with The Godfather (Part 2) in my opinion, is the greatest movie ever made. Video: YouTube

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She’s so fine…

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Biden is an imbecile, pure and simple. Video: YouTube

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She is stacked.

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Ultimate Debate: Can ‘Men’ Get Pregnant?

Just listen to this exchange between the reporter (interviewer) and the obviously liberal, pro-abortion activist on gender and naturally, on abortion. And yet we wonder why the United States is being caught and surpassed by countries such as Japan, South … Continue reading

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Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) Stumps Abortion Advocate Aimee Arrambide

This video demonstrates an example of the mentality of BRAIN DEAD, PRO-ABORTION FREAKS in this country! The far-left half-wits who have about as much common sense as an earthworm (with all due respect to earthworms) actually believe that a woman … Continue reading

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