Tag Archives: Mexico

Mexico Sucks & Terrorists, Too | Things That Need To Be Said

I wonder why this socialist Mexican president, owned by the drug cartels, never made these demands on Donald Trump?  As for the staff on 60 Minutes, they’re pathetic liberal hacks. Video: YouTube

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‘That’s A Bunch Of Bulls—!’: Tom Homan Rips Karine Jean-Pierre At Major GOP Event

Here we have a guy in Tom Homan, who says it like it is with respect to the U.S./Mexico border, and doesn’t pull any punches.  He provides statistics and describes what is truly happening as it pertains to the Biden … Continue reading

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‘That’s A Ridiculous And Silly Question!’: Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz’s Explosive Wrath At Border

W hen it comes to the border (and many other issues) these liberals are idiots. As for the mainstream (Fake News) media, they’re just scum – plain and simple. Video: YouTube

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JUST IN: Sparks Fly When John Kennedy Mercilessly Grills DEA Administrator: ‘Why Don’t You Do That?’

The corrupt Biden administration isn’t interested in stopping the Mexican drug cartels from smuggling Fentanyl into this country. The reason is simple, those in the Biden administration, including Joe Biden, don’t care. All they care about is letting in as … Continue reading

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JUST IN: Ted Cruz’s Shocking Confrontation With Mayorkas Leads Sec To Call His Conduct ‘Revolting’

Ted Cruz demonstrates how a dirt-bag should be treated. He just destroyed this guy in the eyes of the world, and rightly so! Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, Karine Jean-Pierre, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the whole lot of them, including … Continue reading

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JUST IN: Josh Hawley Explodes At Mayorkas Over App He Says Helps Illegal Immigrants Enter US

Why do these republicans waste their time talking to this vermin? He is clearly a liar and a total scum-bag. All he does is talk sh_t and eat up time with his bogus rhetoric when the entire world KNOWS what … Continue reading

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Kari Lake goes BEAST MODE on rude interrupting reporter, then ends the interview

For the life of me I can’t understand why any American who cares about this country would EVER support the democrat’s plan for open borders. There is NOTHING positive coming to this country via open borders. If people go through … Continue reading

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Larry Kudlow: This is a catastrophe

If what Joe Biden has done to this country, with just the issue of open borders, is not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is!!! Video: YouTube

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Hundreds of thousands of kids left alone at border in FY 2022 | Rush Hour

Forgetting about inflation, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, and all the rest of the Biden administration’s incompetencies, and just looking at what his policies have done at the southern border, I am amazed that ANYONE would support these immoral clowns! Yet … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell – Immigration Realties

Amazing, isn’t it? Thomas Sowell was speaking to the problems associated with illegal immigration as far back as 1996, and probably earlier than that.  Refer to the video below if you’re interested. Video: YouTube

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Biden’s Record-Smashing Border Crisis Isn’t a Blunder – It’s a Plan | Reality Check

It’s clear as day… there is no question that the Biden administration has purposely opened the southern border since Day 1 of the presidency. Mind you, we all know that this administration is inept, incompetent and immoral, there is no … Continue reading

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Biden’s Overwhelming Border Crisis Is About To Get Worse…a Lot Worse

The border issue is exactly the way the liberals want it. They want open borders. They want to fill this country will all sorts of people, and it doesn’t matter to them who they are. This is their agenda. They … Continue reading

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Biden, Harris needs to apologize to Border Patrol agents: Former DHS secreary

There is no investigation because democrats don’t want an investigation. This is what democrats do: they throw sh_t out there to see what sticks; facts don’t matter. If what they stated as facts are lies there is no apology – … Continue reading

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Bill Barr reacts to Hunter Biden news, cartel violence

The liberal media hacks are corrupt, but the corruption starts at the top of the Big Tech and Media companies… The CEOs and high-level executives of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Disney, Coca-Cola, AT&T, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The New York … Continue reading

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Sen. Manchin courageously stepping up once again to lead Dems on this

As usual, the Biden administration is sucking up to the progressive Left and refuses to re-activate construction of the Keystone Pipeline, as well as offshore drilling and fracking. He should meet with Canadian and Mexican leaders and initiate a program … Continue reading

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‘You Do Know You’re Under Oath?’ Graham Grills Mayorkas on Immigration, Afghanistan Withdrawal

More BS from the Cuban clown, Alejandro Mayorkas, who is incapable of answering simple questions. Why you may ask? Well, because the response (if he was honest) would be one that the American people wouldn’t like. In other words, he … Continue reading

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‘I’m Just Trying To Get You To Answer’: Kennedy Presses Mayorkas On Release Of Criminal Migrants

Senator John Kennedy is entertaining. He definitely has a way with words and can get his point across without necessarily being confrontational.  As for Alejandro Mayorkas, he’s another buffoon in the Biden administration, where he fits right in with the … Continue reading

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Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history

All I can say is: “WOW, WE’RE F_CKED!!! Actually, I could say more, but what’s the point? We already know that the Biden administration is inept, incompetent, and worst of all, immoral! Video: YouTube

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‘They Are Not Telling You The Truth’: Ted Cruz Tears Into Biden, Harris Over Border

At the end of the day, the solution to the influx of illegal immigrants through the southern border is quite simple. Ted Cruz points this out. These people in the Biden administration created the crisis at the southern border intentionally; … Continue reading

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Kamala Harris is TRIGGERED By the U.S.-Mexico Border!

This video is about three months old. I purposely never posted it as I had a suspicion that the border crisis would worsen instead of improve. And well, I was right. So here we are, approximately three months later, and … Continue reading

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Covid 19 – The Ultimate Political Weapon

What this administration gets away with is truly remarkable. Yet there is no pushback from the media, the liberal media, the FAKE NEWS media. Once again I ask, why is what Joe Biden doing not an impeachable offense? Allowing tens … Continue reading

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Tucker spars with Geraldo Rivera in heated segment on immigration

The liberal mindset of Geraldo Rivera actually somehow defends illegal immigrants coming into this country, unvaccinated and obviously without masks. All the while, our government is basically forcing people to get vaccinated and is already highly encouraging, if not (once … Continue reading

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Trump Blames Biden-Harris Administration For Surge Of Migrants At Border

A country with open borders is not a country. ALL sovereign nations protect their borders, because otherwise there is no country. Without borders the United States simply becomes the country of every immigrant that is allowed to come in ILLEGALLY. … Continue reading

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And that was it: she visited the border and blamed the previous administration; problem solved

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! What a fcking cnt! And what an immoral and corrupt administration! These low-lives are as base and corrupt as those in Cuba, Venezuela, China and North Korea! Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/1Yuc96Bz1Qw

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Raymond Arroyo reveals the horrors on the southern border

The Biden administration is doing a “fine” job at the border, especially since, unlike President Trump, they are engaged in “humanitarian” policies… What a load of crap! Why are the criminal hacks in the liberal media not reporting any of … Continue reading

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“Hiding In Plain Sight”: Ron Johnson Ties Fauci To Gain Of Function Research Funding

There are so many individuals who are responsible for all of the deaths caused by COVID-19; the Chinese government, the corrupt and immoral liberal media, big tech and of course many of our hypocritical leftist politicians. In addition to the … Continue reading

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Pavlich on Harris’ ‘cringy’ interview: There’s a reason she got zero votes

Joe Biden is a bumbling idiot and Kamala Harris is a cackling idiot. Bottom line, they’re both idiots.  But I repeat, a great many brain-dead Americans wanted buffoons in the White House, and now they have them. Sooooo, if you … Continue reading

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Scalise Confronts Fauci With Migrant Detention Pics: “Does this look like social distancing to you?”

It’s nice to know that illegal immigrants have fewer restrictions than do American citizens, isn’t it?  What is this country coming to? Video: YouTube

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Where’s Kamala Harris? Tomi Lahren visits border, calls out VP

More of the same… It is really difficult to comprehend how this level of incompetence and the cavalier attitude of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their entire administration is basically accepted with little if any consequences. Video: YouTube

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Kamala Harris breaks 21-day silence on border crisis

This Richard Fowler clown, like most liberals, is either too stupid or just a plain liar, and in my opinion he isn’t stupid. He’s just a typical democrat who will NEVER admit, at least not publicly, that Joe Biden and … Continue reading

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Joe Concha rips Kamala Harris for failing to address border crisis

Kamala Harris is totally inept, as is Joe Biden. This is the ‘do-nothing-positive’ administration. Everything they have done so far is screw things up that were already in place and working well. And where are the liberal media hacks on … Continue reading

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Dan Patrick slams AOC’s latest immigration claims as ‘idiotic’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an imbecile, in addition to being immoral of course. She knows what’s going on at the border. Joe Biden knows what’s going on at the border… everyone knows it. These liberals in Washington and the liberal news … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz releases footage of Biden staffer blocking photos of migrant facilities

Let me see, first you have this liberal bimbo trying to keep a U.S. Senator from taking photos, then you have another liberal hack, Chris Wallace, framing his statement to Jennifer Psaki by saying that the Biden administration is being … Continue reading

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“This is the thing that Biden does not want you to see”: GOP senator visits border processing center

Can anyone say OPEN BORDERS? How about CATCH and RELEASE? How about Joe Biden is a LIAR? Just watch and listen… Video: YouTube

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Sen. Graham: If Democrats continue to blame Trump they will be in trouble.

What’s the old saying? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Well, it wasn’t broke, but dumb-*ss Biden, either following the direction of his socialist masters or that of his feeble little brain, had to undo what Trump did, which … Continue reading

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Fact-checking Joe Biden’s press conference claims

Joe Biden is a liar. As for the children crossing the border, they deserve the best care, but that comes at a price. Do you feel that the $1,400 received from the COVID stimulus package (of which only 9% went for … Continue reading

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Exposing The DHS Chief’s BIG BOLD LIES!

Once again, the simple truth… As for Alejandro Mayorkas, you guessed right, he’s a world class scum-bag. Video: YouTube

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Newt Gingrich takes swing at Psaki: She’s a propaganda defender

The liberal media hacks are a bunch of Biden (democrat) *ss-sniffers. The sad part of it is that the masses are either ignorant, indoctrinated or just plain in denial regarding the constant lies and cover-ups and just accept whatever comes … Continue reading

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Joe Biden’s ‘Border Challenge’ (NOT A CRISIS)

One wonders how much longer the liberal media AND the general public are going to give Biden and his lying appointees a free pass regarding the situation at the border? It is really disgusting to listen to people such as … Continue reading

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Morally, it isn’t right to allow people from Central America (or anywhere else for that matter) to enter our country illegally. This is true for many different reasons. Illegal immigrants are being exploited for their hard work and low pay, … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson tears into Biden’s immigration policy live from El Salvador

It’s a good thing we have people like Tucker Carlson to expose the Biden administration, and liberals in general for their hypocrisy and lies.  In addition to the fact that Biden is totally clueless and spineless, he’s being manipulated by … Continue reading

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Reporter Confronts Press Sec. on Biden’s New Nickname “The Migrant President”

Aah, aah, aah… She is really difficult to listen to…  What she is trying to say after all of the mumbling is that the reality is that the Biden administration is totally CLUELESS; and why the f*ck am I up … Continue reading

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Gutfeld on Biden’s border catastrophe

What a mess the Biden administration is… a real cluster f*ck! But of course, the black woman on the panel, a democrat, puts a spin on reality.  Video: YouTube

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Biden’s immigration agenda to flip Texas blue

Something that you people out there should consider before you continue blindly voting for democrats… TGO Video: YouTube

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New Migrant Caravan Coming as Biden Plans Amnesty for Millions

Get ready for higher taxes as Joe Biden and the liberal Left-Tards change immigration policies in an effort to obtain future votes.  It won’t take long for the democrats to completely f*ck up this country, just wait a few months … Continue reading

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National security requires Biden to break pledge on illegal immigration: DeVore

Here we go… Biden hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already there is movement afoot regarding illegal immigration. Of course, this was known by those of us with common sense. It’s safe to say that over the next four … Continue reading

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Soccer Feminists Oppress Themselves… How To Fix It | Andrew Schulz

This is funny… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/18/19 | URGENT!TRUMP BREAKING NEWS O­c­t­o­b­e­r 18, 2019

The hypocrisy of these people (now including republicans) is beyond belief!  Sure, let’s go halfway across the world to help the Kurds, while democrats want to have open borders!!!  Our “leaders” (other than Trump) are demented! TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/nS22eDWmxNk

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CBP reports 65 miles of new border wall constructed

A moratorium on deportations? The democrats will try ANYTHING to bring ANYBODY into this country in order to gain votes. It reminds me of Bernie Sanders saying that rapists and serial killers (even the Boston bomber) should be allowed to … Continue reading

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Immigration: Baby girl in critical condition after illegal border crossing in Texas

Even the title of the article is skewed to make border security/the wall and naturally by extension, Donald Trump, appear responsible for the little girl’s condition! An objective, impartial and accurate title of the article would have read: “Baby girl … Continue reading

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