Monthly Archives: November 2011

Irish to publish 6 reports on Catholic child abuse

Once again, the Catholic Church is rotten to the core. It is filled with sexual deviants who have no sympathy for the security and well-being of minors. Yet still, people continue to support this hypocritical and money-hungry organization! Second only … Continue reading

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Hospitalized George Michael “improving”

George Michael is a controversial performer, as many performers are. In show business and the music industry controversy pays off, but some level of talent is necessary, and George Michael has loads of talent. According to the article he is … Continue reading

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UAE gives women right to pass nationality to children

The United Arab Emirates are making big strides in women’s rights. It’s about time that women were given some semblance of respect, even though they are nowhere near being treated as equal to men in Muslim countries. The fact that … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What big, beautiful eyes! TGO

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Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie: When Paired with Brands, Can You Spot the Fake?

Personally, I’ve never liked Jennifer Lopez; she comes across (to me) as a fake. Angelina Jolie on the other hand, has always seemed genuine; in addition to being lovely. Of course, what do I know? I’ve never met either one … Continue reading

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Saudi beheaded for murder while drunk

Not much to say on this other than it would seem that the bottom line is that the man who was put to death under the sword was guilty of murder. Period. The reason for committing the crime; alcoholic intoxication, … Continue reading

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Iran ‘hangs nine for rape, drug trafficking’

Some may be in favor of capital punishment, others may not be. Either way, one thing is for sure, the nine people hung for rape and/or drug trafficking will never rape or sell illegal drugs again. The key element here, … Continue reading

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Military: 3 rockets from Lebanon strike Israel

Keep the faith people, Middle East peace is just around the corner. Any day now all of the Muslim countries surrounding Israel will learn to love their Jewish neighbors and there will be peace in the region. And if you … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Indescribable perfection. TGO

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Woman alleges long affair with Cain

Herman Cain appears to have been quite  a ladies man… Notwithstanding his religious views, Herman Cain appears to be an intelligent man. Having said that, if everything alleged against him in terms of sexual harassment, groping, and now a prolonged … Continue reading

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Sexy action figures…

If you had to vote for one favorite action figure, who would she be? TGO Note: Click on images to enlarge

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Syracuse fires basketball coach amid sex probe

It seems that yet another coach, this time fatso Bernie Fine, is guilty of sexually abusing young boys. I wonder what percentage of sex abusers are victims of sexual abuse themselves? I would imagine that studies on this subject have … Continue reading

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Hotel bomb kills 3, wounds 27 in Philippines

More innocent people killed by Muslims, this time in the Philippines. Muslims continue to say that theirs is a peaceful faith, and that those who commit these atrocious acts of violence are extremists. While this may be so, my question … Continue reading

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Catholics celebrate new Mass, return to “traditional roots”

The amount of time, energy and money wasted each year on religion cannot even remotely begin to be calculated, and there is no doubt in my mind that if these resources were put to real, tangible activities the human condition … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber hits Iraq military base, 19 dead

KABOOM! Religious towel-heads continue to blow themselves up in this wasteland of a country. By the way, the term “Iraqi security” is similar to the term “Middle East peace,” they are misnomers. Neither of the two are accurate as neither … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

A very “healthy” girl… TGO

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NASA rover launched to seek out life clues on Mars

Too bad that those of us interested in science, particularly astronomy and space exploration, won’t be around a thousand years from now to witness the future. There is no doubt that we instinctively have a need to explore and conquer, … Continue reading

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4 dead, churches burned in north Nigeria attack

Yet another example of the “goodness” of religious people… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press AP MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Witnesses and authorities say at least four people died in an apparent attack on a northeast Nigeria city … Continue reading

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Pope calls for responsible, credible climate deal

All of a sudden the Pope is interested in pollution control and the future “well-being” of our atmosphere? Since when has the Catholic Church been interested in anything remotely having to do with industry or science? Stick with your prayers … Continue reading

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Israel threatens to cut off power, water to Gaza

Great, just great… Cutting off power and water to Gaza is going to go a long way toward attaining peace in the Middle East – between the Jews and Palestinians. This region of the world is doomed to forever exist … Continue reading

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Obama Leaves God out of Thanksgiving Speech, Riles Critics

The Jesus freaks in this country, which are many, must be having epileptic fits as a result of Barack Obama’s Godless speech. For all you brain-dead, Bible-loving, nit-wits out there obsessed with God; not all of us thank God as … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Beautiful, sexy and natural… TGO

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Pope: sex abuse is ‘scourge’ for all society

I don’t believe we need the Pope to tell us the obvious… What we need the Pope to do is stop talking gibberish and instead take action to clean up the Catholic Church, which is about as corrupt an institution … Continue reading

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Analysis: Catholics, Muslims pursue dialogue amid Mideast tension

I suppose the fact that leaders of the world’s two most popular religions can speak amicably is a good thing, at least it’s a start, but in my opinion religious conflict between the two groups, not to mention the Jews, … Continue reading

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Woman pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers

Only in America… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ROBERT JABLON | AP LOS ANGELES (AP) — A woman trying to improve her chance to buy cheap electronics at a Walmart in a wealthy suburb spewed pepper … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What a profile! TGO

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Burglar abuses “dumb” victim in apology letter

This is rather silly; a burglar writing a letter of apology… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters Reuters – Thu, Nov 24, 2011 LONDON (Reuters) – A convicted burglar forced to write a letter of apology delivered a barely literate diatribe … Continue reading

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Pope envoy: Rules for Legion-linked group invalid

Like every other group that has ever been associated with the Catholic Church, the Legion of Christ is a complete and total sham. Their leaders are immoral, just as their conspirators in the main church, and their adherents are morons … Continue reading

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German war memorial features Nazi bell

I’m curious to know how Jews feel about this; should the Nazi past be swept under the rug, or should Nazi relics continue to be displayed? TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press AP BERLIN (AP) — A … Continue reading

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Moroccans hold Arab Spring-inspired election

Politicians are the same all over the world… Those seeking election generally say all the right things in order to get elected, then once in office they “forget” all the promises they made. People who expect anything different from those … Continue reading

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Saudi dynasty should leave power: top Iran cleric

At the end of the day, all countries governed by Muslims are a mess; some more than others, but they’re all a mess. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press AFP Saudi Arabia’s ruling Al-Saud dynasty should give up … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Amazing! TGO

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Earlier deals, longer hours woo Friday shoppers

The stupidity of the American consumer is without boundaries. People have been brainwashed into spending countless hours in line for the “newest” gadget, which will be replaced in 6 months by the next “newest” gadget. The truth of the matter … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving!

As we celebrate Thanksgiving and enjoy the football games, just imagine how much more enjoyable these games would be if all referees looked like this? HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! TGO

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‘Die Hard’ star Willis selling Idaho home for $15M

Talk about a nice life; tons of money and attractive women all around. In addition, successful actors also have lots of spare time with which to play. TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press AP – Wed, Nov 23, 2011 … Continue reading

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Several killed in Nigeria religious clashes

More violence, death and destruction in the name of God. I continue to say that religion is the worst invention of man; a cancer to peace on Earth. TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press AFP Clashes between … Continue reading

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Ex-Catholic priest gets up to 40 years for rape

I believe that this is the first pedophile Catholic priest (at least the first one I’ve heard of) who has been convicted of rape and will serve time. FINALLY! The corrupt Catholic Church is a disgrace to the human race. … Continue reading

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Political Poll

With the upcoming presidential elections, the candidates for which have already begun taking shots at one another, I was curious as to who the American people felt was the dumbest ever U.S. politician. As you will see I’ve only provided … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Oh my… TGO

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Pope accepts resignation of another Irish bishop

Another prominent Catholic clergy resigns from this pedophile-infested church. In the meantime, brainwashed, ignorant adults continue to send their children to Catholic churches and schools, where they may potentially be abused by these sexual predators. As The Great One himself, … Continue reading

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Cuba relaxes rules on family migration to capital

Imagine that, now Cubans can travel (more) freely within their own country, who says communists are scum? Cubans need to look on the bright side, its only taken the Castro regime 52 years to begin to lessen its stranglehold on … Continue reading

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Mo. shop owner apologizes to religious skeptics

People really do need to lighten-up when it comes to religion, and I’m referring to religious and non-religious people alike. If this shop owner was offended by someone’s “disrespectful” comments about religion, what difference does it make? Where does it … Continue reading

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French court rules on Noriega extradition

This slime-ball is still in the news? Just think of all of the man-hours wasted on this dirt-bag over the past decades. It’s sad that decent, kind-hearted people die every day and yet vermin like this are still alive. This … Continue reading

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New find sheds light on ancient site in Jerusalem

Other than in terms of its value as historical knowledge, does it really matter who built this wall? It’s just a wall. I realize that it’s a “holy” prayer site for Jews, who will forever continue to stand before it … Continue reading

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Roots welcome Bachmann with pointed song

Doesn’t she look plastic? To me she seems like such a fake. She’s also not presidential material, but then, the only Republican who might be (in my opinion) is Mitt Romney. But who the hell wants a Mormon president? If … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

With her as my secretary, I would never leave the office… TGO

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Catholic priest arrested on charges of sexual assault of boy

Is it by coincidence that there are this many numbers of pedophiles in the Catholic Church? No, it isn’t. The Catholic Church has always had a significant percentage of sexual deviants among the clergy. By the way, those who are … Continue reading

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Religion-related lobby groups thrive in Washington

So much for the separation between Church and State… The United States is rapidly becoming a land governed by religion instead of government,  and we all know the result of that; just look at the Middle East and North Africa. … Continue reading

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As crowds swell in Cairo, military in crisis talks

The crisis in Egypt continues as the military refuses to relinquish power to a civilian government. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By BEN HUBBARD | AP CAIRO (AP) — A crowd of tens of thousands swelled in … Continue reading

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Video purports to show Tibetan nun self-immolating

Just imagine seeing this scene as you walk or drive through your city streets. I tell you, there are people in this world who literally have shit for brains. And guess what, most of them are religious fanatics. I believe … Continue reading

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