Monthly Archives: January 2023


A beautiful brunette with near-perfect, natural breasts (save for the piercing).

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Surprising Answers From Fmr CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Spending, Defense & Entitlements

Interesting… the problem is that with today’s ultra-liberal/socialist electorate, those ideas, good as they may be, will receive very few votes from the left. In addition, those ideas may also alienate quite a few conservatives. Video: YouTube  

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Simply beautiful…

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The Myth of Overpopulation

Food for thought… Most people would disagree with the argument put forth in this video. What’s your opinion on the matter? Video: YouTube

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She has a nice smile and a whole lot more…

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As is quite evident by now, not only is Joe Biden stupid and demented, he’s also a liar! Thanks again democrats, you all did a “great” job voting for this dunce! Video: YouTube

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She’s a cutie…

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The Scaremongers Are Wrong

60 Minutes is a joke! The producers as well as the hosts of this show are nothing but megaphones for the socialist agenda. Their aim is quite simple and happens to work. It is to scare people, mostly the young, … Continue reading

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All of these Russian/Ukrainian models are super-flexible, must be all the ballet training.

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Common Sense…

Here are some short takes for your viewing pleasure, or maybe things you vehemently disagree with. We’ll start out with Bill Maher, a liberal who actually exercises common sense. Video: YouTube

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‘We Are Still Failing Badly’: Al Gore Delivers Fiery Remarks On Climate Change Dangers

Here we have Al Gore, preaching, as he has for decades, about global warming, climate change, and all the rest of it. This gas-filled politician doing his sales pitch for a “green planet”, denouncing the rest of us “plain folk” … Continue reading

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My goodness! Talk about irresistible…

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What a buffoon!  Once again, a special “thank you” goes out to all of the morons who voted for this moron! You people are almost as “brilliant” as Joe Biden is!!! Video: YouTube

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Just love brunettes…

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Wow, what a beauty, look at those eyes!

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Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part One

Don’t confuse democrats with the facts. Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the liberal/socialist mob continue pushing their “green energy” BS, with the help of the crooked media of course. Meanwhile, the … Continue reading

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What?! – Media Claim Biden Docs Are Just ‘Recipes’ & Reagan’s MLK Holiday Is Racist | Wacky MOLE

Joy Reid and Whoopi Goldberg are idiots, but then we already knew that. As for the rest of the liberal morons at CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC, I often wonder how they can actually look themselves in the mirror … Continue reading

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A beautiful and very sexy Asian woman.

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We just saw a frontal view of this beautiful woman, now we see her from another perspective. Frankly, I don’t know where she looks more beautiful. Suffice it to say that she is amazing from every angle. 

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Hundreds of thousands of kids left alone at border in FY 2022 | Rush Hour

Forgetting about inflation, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, and all the rest of the Biden administration’s incompetencies, and just looking at what his policies have done at the southern border, I am amazed that ANYONE would support these immoral clowns! Yet … Continue reading

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Resident Can’t Remember Names (Volume 1)

What a buffoon! Joe Biden is so out of it that he doesn’t know what year we’re in! His family should have stepped in and demanded that he not run for the presidency, because he’s an embarrassment to himself (not … Continue reading

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O’Reilly: Biden Want’s to ‘Redeem’ America, ‘Like Jesus’

Let me see how I can put this without being too brash… Joe Biden is full of SH_T!!!!! Video: YouTube

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What a doll!

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Confessions of an Environmentalist

Here is a common sense argument pertaining to “climate change” and “protecting our planet” – you know, the planet which has existed for over 4.5 BILLION years. In other words, don’t let Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joe Biden, John Kerry … Continue reading

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Wow, there’s a lot going on ‘there’.

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We’re Straight! It’s Great! Get Over It, Trannies! Things That Need To Be Said

AWESOME!!!!! Talk about “Things That need To Be Said” – THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST VIDEO!!! I am so sick of this fake narrative supported by the spineless among us, and they know who they are! These are the … Continue reading

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Nice, very Nice!

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Ron DeSantis hits back at Karine Jean-Pierre: ‘Incompetence’

Karine Jean-Pierre is not only clueless, but she is also a bigger liar than even Joe Biden! To say that Joe Biden is trying to fix the border shows that she has no shame! But then again, the Biden administration … Continue reading

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She’s old-school. How many of you prefer old-school; legs and underarms excluded of course? 

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Matt Walsh reacting to Bill Maher on slavery

Members of the far Left are truly imbeciles! They have the brain of a snail and the common sense of a shark.  Bill Maher is a liberal, but he is not a far Left woke moron. He’s intelligent enough and … Continue reading

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I just love her… dimples.

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Justice Dept retrieved documents from Biden’s Delaware home: Report

Transparency? No, of course not. This is Biden and the Biden Justice Department with that tottering buffoon Merrick Garland.  Does anyone with an ounce of brain and common decency actually believe that there is no cover-up here by the Biden … Continue reading

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She is quite sexy, and that’s an understatement. 

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‘Car-a-Lago’: The Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal

Just one more example of the hypocrisy of the democrat party, the Biden administration (which is a sham) and the liberal media’s bias against Trump and in favor of Biden. Joe Biden, his administration, and the democrat party are a … Continue reading

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She is one sexy brunette…

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The Constitution: A Nation of States

A brief history lesson with respect to the Constitution of the United States of America… Video: YouTube

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A Ukranian doll… I wonder where she is now?  

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OUR Government Has Decided Who Has Rights and Who Doesn’t

All I know is that this country is doomed. It is being destroyed from within by all of these liberal half-wits without a spine who have bought into the political-correctness, idiotic, woke mentality of the socialist crowd; and a socialist … Continue reading

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The Latina next door…

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Thomas Sowell – Brilliant Economic Insights

Here are some short takes from Thomas Sowell, a brilliant man with tremendous insight, knowledge and common sense. This may explain why he is shunned by the liberal media and criticized by leftist “intellectuals” who instead revere dirt-bags such as … Continue reading

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A stacked, very attractive brunette.

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America’s Schools are a Failure. Here’s Why.

Food for thought… We are now living in a WELFARE STATE, with POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, WOKENESS and all the rest of the nonsense and stupidity all around us. The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is destroying … Continue reading

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Covid: Who Was Right?

Who was right about Covid? The answer is simple: Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida.  Who was wrong about Covid? Again, the answer is simple: Gavin Newsom, governor of California and Andrew Cuomo, former governor of New York… just to name … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Claims He Talked to GHOSTS!! 👻👻 (NOT A JOKE!)

Not only do we have a bumbling buffoon for president, we also have a liar. But hey, this is who the “brilliant” democrats in this country wanted. So now, here he is, along with his liberal handlers, destroying America. Great … Continue reading

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Wow, impressively sensual…

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Thomas Sowell and Joyce Lee Malcolm On The MOST SENSITIVE TOPIC – WE CAN’T EVEN TYPE IT HERE 🤐🤐🤐

Like most indoctrinated individuals, gun control zealots (liberals) don’t want and are actually unwilling to have an open discussion on the flaws of gun control. In this sense they remind me of global warming activists, where no amount of evidence … Continue reading

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A sexy French maid…

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Thomas Sowell EXPOSES BLM, Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson on SELF-VICTIMIZATION and Black Subculture

One wonders how long it will take for African Americans at large to recognize that people such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as well as crooks such as the individuals associated with Black Lives Matter (BLM) are out for … Continue reading

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Beautiful and natural…

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The Hollywood Movie That Destroyed Black Americans Forever – Thomas Sowell || Most DANGEROUS Movie

Thomas Sowell, being black, can make the statement that the movie Roots destroyed black Americans. If the same was stated by a white individual, he or she would be ostracized and canceled forever. Watch the short video for some insight … Continue reading

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