Monthly Archives: May 2017

Three suicide blasts send Iraq death toll to 42

This is so sickening! Day after day after day another bomb goes off, another child is blown to bits, another family is destroyed. Yet people continue to defend this disgusting belief-system! What is wrong with you people? What will it take … Continue reading

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Somali Islamist insurgents stone man to death for adultery

Beautiful isn’t it? The year is 2017, and these Muslim savages are still stoning people to death. This is Sharia law. This is what Muslims throughout the world are trying to impose on the west. They want to poison western … Continue reading

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Sexy brunette. TGO    

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Post Manchester, There Needs to be Leadership For Britain

Telling it like it is… It’s truly refreshing to read a post such as that written below. The truth of the matter is, there isn’t a politician on this planet with the balls to say the truth about Islam. Religion … Continue reading

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Sea lion attacks little girl into waters

Some parents are really stupid! This reminds me of the idiotic mother who didn’t keep an eye on her child last year in the Cincinnati zoo. Minutes later, the child was down in the moat with a silverback gorilla which had … Continue reading

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Terrorism: Liberals and the True Threat

My sentiments exactly. And what any sane, logical, honest individual also believes… TGO Video: YouTube

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British police say 19 dead, 50 injured in Manchester ‘terrorist incident’

The cowards strike again, and we all know who the cowards are. They are people of a certain religion, the only religion that commits these types of cowardly atrocities. Naturally, this story is about Muslims. The story begins with a harmless … Continue reading

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President Trump Speech in Saudi Arabia At Arab Islamic – American Summit (FULL SPEECH)

To those of you who believed that Donald Trump would embarrass the United States of America when traveling/speaking abroad, I encourage you to listen to his speech in Saudi Arabia. TGO Video: YouTube

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Times Square car assault, complete route, various cameras 5-18-17 “GRAPHIC WARNING”

This is truly diabolical. Richard Rojas, the driver of this car, should never be allowed to see the light of day again. TGO Video: YouTube

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Motorist who ran amok in Times Square says he tried ‘to get help’

There are some real nut-jobs out there. What I always wonder is, how come many of these people want to harm others? Why don’t they harm themselves? I mean, really, why not take a hammer and smash a few of … Continue reading

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Trump to address Muslim leaders. But will he say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’?

I hope he says ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ as many times as deemed appropriate. Why shouldn’t he? Is the term false? No. Isn’t it a fact that radical Islamic terrorism exists? Yes. So then, why the hell would he not say so? … Continue reading

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Islamic State claims attack on state TV station in Afghanistan

More madness in the Arab (Muslim) world. ISIS, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, whatever… They’re all nothing but indoctrinated savages, crazed by their barbaric Bronze Age ideology. TGO  Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Rafiq Shirzad Reuters May 17, 2017 JALALABAD, … Continue reading

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The Latest: No bail for man accused of killing mother

Decapitating his mother. This is one sick individual. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press May 16, 2017 <img alt=”” class=”StretchedBox W(100%) H(100%) ie-7_H(a)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAwO2lsPXBsYW5l/” itemprop=”url”/> ESTACADA, Ore. (AP) — The Latest on an Oregon man charged … Continue reading

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Four Red Cross employees kidnapped in central Mali

OK, I have a multiple choice question: do you think the kidnappers were Catholics, Methodists, Quakers, Buddhists or Muslims? Correct, you got it right. You accurately stated that the kidnappers were Muslims! The continents may be different, but one thing … Continue reading

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Osama bin Laden’s son vows revenge on the west for killing his father

Wonderful! The douche-bag’s son (he has other sons by the way) wants to revenge his father’s death. Well, no surprise there. Killing is in these people’s blood. Now imagine being the son of the ultimate Muslim killer. TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Jilted Indian man rapes, kills ex-girlfriend: police

What savages! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP May 14, 2017 <img alt=”India has a gruesome record on rape, with New Delhi alone registering 2,199 rape cases in 2015 — an average of six a day” … Continue reading

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Three Basic Handgun Types

Another instructive video on firearms (handguns). TGO Video: YouTube

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George Carlin – Everyday expressions (that don’t make sense)

George Carlin was awesome. Here’s a short stand-up routine to add some levity to the day. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Mexican activist who took on drug cartels that killed her daughter murdered in her home

Mexico is a sewage pit. A country so rich in resources, with such natural beauty, should not be this disastrous. But after all, it’s the people who make a country good or bad. What does that say about the Mexican … Continue reading

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Islamic State group claims attack on Pakistan lawmaker

Another day, another suicide attack by an indoctrinated Muslim. And because of this crazy, f*cked-up belief-system, innocent men, women and children die every day. And this doesn’t include the tens of millions of girls and women who suffer daily because … Continue reading

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India top court examines Islamic instant divorce

How convenient, divorce by uttering three words. These Muslim morons never cease to amaze… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP May 11, 2017 <img alt=”India allows religious institutions to govern matters of marriage, divorce and property … Continue reading

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Fatima mystery blends visions, miracles and supernatural

Visions of the Virgin Mary? I have other visions, although my visions are not inspired by faith. Instead, my “visions” are inspired by logic, and what they tell me is that people are really, really stupid! Visions, miracles and the … Continue reading

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Blasphemy verdict sinks Jakarta governor, elevates Islamic hardliner

Beautiful isn’t it? Judging a man by a “holy” book, a book as worthless as the paper it’s written on. Here we are, in the 21st century, in the most populated Muslim country on the planet, and people are being judged, condemned … Continue reading

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Verdict expected in blasphemy case against Jakarta’s Christian governor

I’ll say one thing for Muslims, they’re consistent. They’re consistently fanatical, consistently idiotic and consistently backward (to say the least). But they are consistent. Insulting the Islamic holy book. Really? I didn’t know inanimate objects could be insulted? What a … Continue reading

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Warren Buffett Calls Out Trump’s Obamacare Repeal Bill

These two old farts, the liberal Warren Buffett and the communist Bernie Sanders, should shut up already. All they do is complain, and it all stems from having a Republican in the White House. Unless they’re willing to help, something … Continue reading

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Swiss guards, loyal soldiers of the pope, take the oath

Aren’t they cute in their colorful uniforms? Especially interesting is that they not only protect the Pope with weapons, but also with faith. Awww, how sweet, they protect the Pope with faith. They look and sound pretty fruity to me. … Continue reading

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U.S. chief justice taps New York judge to handle Puerto Rico bankruptcy

Puerto Rico in bankruptcy, who would have thought? Let’s see now, Puerto Ricans, for the most part, are lazy. A large percentage of them are crooks and most of them drink like fish and party day and night. Other than that, … Continue reading

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Pope criticises US military for using word ‘mother’ to describe MOAB bomb

Really Mr. Francis? Is this what’s important to you? Why not put an end to the child rape that’s been a part of your church for decades once and for all? Why not hang out to dry your pedophile priests, … Continue reading

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Doubts over Saudi order that ‘eases’ control over women

Islam is a thing of beauty isn’t it? So is Saudi Arabia, where men are douche-bags and women are slaves. I wonder where all of the American feminists are, those who defend Islam. Maybe they should move to Saudi Arabia … Continue reading

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Looting ravages Venezuela, unrest death toll hits 36

All countries in Latin America are f*cked. And the reason they are f*cked is because they are full of corruption, which gives way to leftist dictators such as Nicolas Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chavez. Yet the worst of all … Continue reading

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Aaron Hernandez’s Suicide Note Released

Aaron Hernandez’s life was wasted, as has been the case with so many other professional athletes. At the end of the day people are who they are. Money, fame, etc. makes no difference. TGO Refer to story below. Source: International Business … Continue reading

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Islamic State leader in Egypt tells Muslims to avoid Christian gatherings

More members of the religion of piss show their true colors. What can be said of a people in the 21st century who kill others simply because of their religious beliefs? And along those lines, what can be said of … Continue reading

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Shooting Techniques Part 3 [ Trigger Control ]

More tips for safe, accurate shooting… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Shooting Techniques Part 2 [ Grip ]

The proper grip is very important when shooting a handgun. Here are some tips. TGO Video: YouTube

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Shooting Techniques Part 1 [ Stance ]

More good advice for novice shooters. TGO Video: YouTube

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New Shooters

Good advice for new shooters. TGO Video: YouTube

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“They’re not our friends” US Marine’s anti-Islam post goes mega viral

Nothing new here. What this video describes is the obvious. Of course, talk with Muslim apologists and they will totally disagree with the contents of this video, true as they are. TGO Video: YouTube

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Legal Carry ( Inside the Waistband)

How/where to carry your firearm, choose you decide to do so. This video explains some of the various options available. TGO Video: YouTube

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Legal Carry (Decisions to Make)

This gentleman is one of the most popular individuals on the internet in terms of the gun genre. He’s extremely knowledgeable in all aspects firearms, shooting, etc. And as you will see if you watch his many videos, he is quite … Continue reading

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When Is Ramadan 2017?

Here we go again… Another year, another “holy” month for Muslims. How exciting! Muslim (men) around the globe filling mosques, praying and fasting. Too bad they’re not as fanatical about being sympathetic to other human beings and animals. All those … Continue reading

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