Monthly Archives: November 2014

Pat Condell: A Public Apology

Sarcastic as can be, but once again, he makes his point known loud and clear. TGO Video: YouTube

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Those Weird Atheists

I ran across this article on the internet and felt it was very well written and right on point. I encourage you to read it. TGO by S. A. Joyce Although there have been non-believers and skeptics as long as … Continue reading

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Islamic State group recruits, exploits children

Nothing stated in this article should be of any surprise; despicable as it all is. As the saying goes, the end justifies the means; that’s what these people are all about. They have no rules. If it means recruiting their … Continue reading

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6 new Catholic saints at a glance

… Meanwhile, as people throughout the world deal with wars, famine, disease, poverty, natural disasters, etc., the Catholic Church is inventing more saints. You gotta love these old gay men in their dresses and funny hats… TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 40 at volleyball match in Afghanistan

KABOOM! More of the same from the brain-dead, indoctrinated assassins; members of what religion? If you said Islam you were right on. What other religion has its adherents killing innocent men, women and children? None other. TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Somalia’s al-Shabab kills 28 non-Muslims in Kenya

Barbaric murderers, that’s what these Muslims are. Anywhere and everywhere it’s the same thing; they kill, kill, kill. This is what Muslims do; just because. Their despicable faith is the catalyst and their fanaticism in this faith, in the Koran … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Choosing to be Offended

This time around Pat Condell puts a different spin on his discourse, yet once again he makes his point, and makes it well; nothing new there… TGO Video: YouTube

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AP PHOTOS: Survivors of female genital mutilation

This is such a despicable practice; one of the many such rituals that we owe to that cancer that is religion. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By NARIMAN EL-MOFTY    SIDFA, Egypt (AP) — In this ancient … Continue reading

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Islamic State beheading videos might now be backfiring

The last thing the United States should do is put men on the ground. We need to continue to pound these people with missiles and let the locals take care of the ground attack. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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AP Exclusive: Charles Manson gets marriage license

This could only happen in the United States of America. Charles Manson, among one of the biggest douche-bags ever produced by this country is getting married in prison; how “lovely.” This guy should have been fried decades ago but instead, … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 13 in Nigerian market: police

KABOOM! Another towel-head blows himself up. Yes sir, the religion of piss strikes again. More deaths in the name of Allah. These people want to conquer the world by destroying its people; brilliant! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated … Continue reading

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IS group claims beheading of US aid worker Kassig

These Muslims are beasts, and that’s an understatement! There is no other religion that remotely resembles Islam when it comes to violence and just sheer barbarism. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By Rita Daou with W.G. Dunlop … Continue reading

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Bill Cosby’s guest shot with Letterman canceled

You never know with people… Of course, these are just allegations. But as the saying goes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By FRAZIER MOORE  NEW YORK (AP) — Bill Cosby’s upcoming appearance … Continue reading

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Sam Harris on Joel Osteen

If you’ve never read any of Sam Harris’ books, you should. TGO Video: YouTube

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Official Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Women are going to be all over this movie. TGO Video: YouTube

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Navy SEAL who shot bin Laden was at war for years

In my opinion this guy put his family in jeopardy during the television interview. But what the hell, there is no reason to fear those crazy Muslims. TGO The bottom line is that one of the biggest douche-bags in recent … Continue reading

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Catholic flock thinning in Latin America

The Catholic Church is definitely on the decline, and this is a very good thing. One of the most corrupt organizations in the history of mankind is dwindling in its popularity and followers. That it has taken this long is … Continue reading

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Depth of Biggest Sea on Saturn’s Moon Titan Measured by NASA Probe

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Mike Wall  Kraken Mare, the biggest hydrocarbon sea on Saturn’s huge moon Titan, is at least 115 feet (35 meters) deep and perhaps much deeper, a new study suggests. Radar … Continue reading

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The Science of ‘Interstellar’: Black Holes, Wormholes and Space Travel

Sounds like an interesting flick, if you’re into that sort of thing – you know, the universe, time travel, black holes, etc. TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Mike Wall  The sci-fi epic “Interstellar” is just a movie, … Continue reading

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MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!

These fanatical Christians really do deserve our pity. How people can be this ignorant is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I’m just not that smart, then again, maybe this woman (and people who “think” like her) really are that stupid! TGO … Continue reading

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The Real History of Space Travel

Informative article for you space-junkies. TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Hollywood Reporter By Graeme McMillan November 8, 2014 4:08 PM As the promotion for Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar puts it, “Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Britain’s Cultural Problem

The Brits ought to be embarrassed! But then again, they are a bunch of pansies. They think they’re superior to everyone else with their British accent and all the BS rituals they have. What a bunch of pussies, caving in … Continue reading

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‘Big Bang’ of Species May Be Explained by Continental Shift

Interesting observations regarding the “abrupt” increase in animal species several hundred million years ago. TGO Refer to story below. Source: LiveScience By Kelly Dickerson  A sudden explosion of new life-forms hundreds of millions of years ago may have been triggered … Continue reading

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Possible rules of the Saudi road for women: No makeup or drivers under 30

Islam; what a backward ideology, not the least of which in its treatment of women, who are nothing but the slaves of men. Imagine a society that has banned women from driving or wearing make-up, as if they were inferior … Continue reading

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Three things you (probably) don’t know about Islam

Those of you who are interested in learning something about Islam and the Koran (Quran) should view this video. Those of you who have already made up your minds that Islam is a peaceful religion, go elsewhere and continue believing … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Sweden – Ship of Fools

I wasn’t aware that the Swedish people were so lame. I always thought of the Scandinavian countries as being some of the best places to live in the world; the weather not withstanding. But it appears this isn’t the case. … Continue reading

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Robin Williams paranoid before suicide

Well, I suppose this article provides closure to the death of Robin Williams. If the results of the autopsy are factual, and there is no reason to believe otherwise, he did not die accidentally while attempting to heighten his sexual … Continue reading

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Mexico says missing students likely burned to ashes by gang

Mexico is such a “nice” place… Mind you, it could be paradise. Beautiful terrain (mountains, rivers, valleys, lakes, waterfalls, beaches – you name it). Unfortunately, it also has Mexicans, about 100 million of them, along with one of the most … Continue reading

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Atheist scientist claims religion will be gone in a generation. Is he right?

I seriously doubt that religion will be eradicated in one generation. This would be the ideal situation, but after 3000 years-plus of religious dogma being inculcated in the minds of members of our gullible species, I seriously doubt that it … Continue reading

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Gunmen kill 5 in attack in eastern Saudi Arabia

More killing by Muslim fanatics, this time in “the kingdom.” Some kingdom, the hub of Islam, where Sharia law is practiced. That makes it a sewer, not a kingdom. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ABDULLAH AL-SHIHRI  … Continue reading

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IS jihadists tortured Kobane child hostages: HRW

Just when one thought it couldn’t get any worse, that these low-lifes couldn’t stoop any lower, they show the world just what Islam, at its “purest” form, is capable of. But wait, it was all done in the name of … Continue reading

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Iraq security forces on alert as Shi’ites gather for Ashoura

Here we go… Another tribal ritual attended by more than 1 million Shiite Muslims across Iraq, just asking for trouble. Now one knows this is going to attract the attention of the other Muslims who don’t practice this particular ritual. … Continue reading

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Death toll from Islamic State massacre of Sunni tribe in Anbar surges

That idiot in history known as Muhammad had no idea that his barbaric ways would still be in vogue by his brain-dead followers hundreds of years later. I’m sure he would be proud of the actions of his tribe. TGO … Continue reading

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Casting Out Demons: Pope Francis Declares Support for Exorcisms

Incredible isn’t it? Here we are in the 21st century and these brain-dead priests in the Catholic Church, not to mention Pope Francis, still believe in the practice of exorcism! In fact, as the article states, there is actually an … Continue reading

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Islamic State kills 85 more members of Iraqi tribe

These vermin continue to slaughter people as if they were cockroaches. They have no compassion for human live. This is what Islam does to people. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Raheem Salman and Ahmed Rasheed  BAGHDAD (Reuters) … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Boo Hoo Palestine

Pat is always on point. TGO Video: YouTube

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