Monthly Archives: April 2021

Kristi Noem suing Biden for canceling July 4 fireworks at Mt Rushmore

It seems Joe Biden is no longer a member of the democrat party and instead has made the switch to the communist party. What else is this imbecile capable of? Oh, I know, and you watch… at some point during … Continue reading

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She’s a doll.

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Looking back in time often helps to put things in perspective. Check out the video below, which will be followed by VOLUME TWO shortly thereafter.  You may notice that Joe Biden is still an idiot and Kamala Harris is still … Continue reading

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My goodness…

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Mark Levin SHREDS Biden’s Radical First Address to Congress

Joe Biden is a world-class wimp. The far left socialists in the democrat party are calling all the shots and are using this used-up rag doll named Joe Biden as their messenger. Once again, the morons who voted for this … Continue reading

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Nothing fake on her.

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Here’s the bottom line: Joe Biden is a bumbling idiot (we already knew that). Jennifer Psaki is clueless (we already knew that also). Politicians, especially liberals, are hypocrites (we already knew that as well). The Center for Disease Control (CDC) … Continue reading

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The ‘leader of the free world’ is ‘cognitively delinquent’

The United States is in deep doo-doo with Joe Biden at the helm and Kamala Harris waiting in the wings. Thanks to all of the pee-brains who voted for this buffoon we are now the laughing stock of the free … Continue reading

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Why Things Won’t Get Better

There’s a huge segment of the democrat party which can best be described as criminal. If you fall into this category, chances are you won’t even watch the video below. If you’re not part of that segment of the democrat … Continue reading

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She’s feeling sexy…

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Portland mayor changes tone on violent protests

This p*ssy, Ted Wheeler, after a year of these scum-bags destroying the city of Portland, now wants civilians to help identify these people (ANTIFA)? Really! This is the same *sshole mayor who when Trump sent in the National Guard to … Continue reading

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Stories of Us: Kevin Sorbo

A former member of the Hollywood elite talks about our society. How sad that the United States has gotten to where it is. Our society can best be described as decaying and rotting right before our eyes; and it’s happening … Continue reading

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A very attractive woman.

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White Cops Can’t Even Save Black Girls From Being Stabbed Without Getting Called Racist Murderers

Wow, talk about telling it like it is! This woman doesn’t hold back, and it’s a good thing she doesn’t. Maybe if more people speak out this country won’t become the cesspool that liberals want to make it. Video: YouTube

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Beautiful hips with a bonus…

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Caitlyn Jenner running for governor of California

I know this story is several days old, but just wanted to say that the freak show that California has become with the radical left morons running the state into the ground is going to get a whole lot freakier… … Continue reading

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Another nice spread…

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President Biden is ‘barely able to get through a speech’

More discussion on the climate change non-issue… Video: YouTube

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Asian MILF? Hard to say.

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‘Joe Biden’s stupidity is now a threat to the West’: Bolt

Joe Biden is a puppet of the socialist mob, pure and simple.  Once again, this country is the laughing stock of the world. Why centrist democrats with a functioning brain can’t admit Biden is an idiot is beyond me. I … Continue reading

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She’s quite a woman…

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AOC Relaunches the Green New Deal

Wow, what geniuses! These people should be physically masturbating instead of mentally masturbating, which doesn’t produce any satisfaction. Unless of course these idiots actually get off talking stupid sh*t. When I hear grown men and women pushing such ridiculous agendas, … Continue reading

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Nice spread. 

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Why Kamala Harris MUST NOT Become President

In some sense, Kamala Harris already is President of the United States. Not officially, but if we think about it, some of the things she is in favor of are already being pushed for. The Iran nuclear deal and stricter … Continue reading

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A sexy brunette with very nice features…

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Tucker reads ‘angry’ parent’s letter to ‘woke’ private school

The far left is rotten to the core. They are obsessed with pushing their liberal agenda to the point that they have now become a cult. All of their silly terms such as diversity, inclusiveness, equity, the new “gender pronouns” … Continue reading

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A perfectly round mound…

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“MAWA” … Biden’s Blurry Vision For America

As previously stated on this blog, Biden has always been a buffoon, and nowadays he’s a buffoon with dementia. His handlers are ultra-left wing zealots if not outright socialists, which is evident based on the things they write for him … Continue reading

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Mark Levin: CNN Is the Master of Gaslighting the Public

Chris Cuomo and all of the Chris Cuomo’s of the world, particularly those who are part of the liberal media, are disgusting!!! This racist propaganda has to stop! Everyone is sick of it already! Until such time as members of … Continue reading

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My personal favorite.

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Neighbor says officer who shot Ma’Khia Bryant ‘did what he thought was best’

I have the solution to all of this BULLSH*T; no more white cops!!! Seriously, cities across the country should be mandated to terminate all white police officers (immediately) and hire only black police officers. Results: NO MORE “RACIST” SHOOTINGS!!! Obviously, … Continue reading

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McEnany: Ohio police shooting reveals narrative the left won’t talk about

Jennifer Psaki is a douche-bag, pure and simple.  The Left is disgusting, pure and simple. The race card is despicable, pure and simple. Liberals are sick, pure and simple. Democrats need to STOP their BULLSH*T, pure and simple! Video: YouTube

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She has a nice smile…

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The media is LYING to you about George Floyd and Ma’Khia Bryant.

It takes Candace Owens, a woman, to have the BALLS to speak the truth when the rest of the media (including the few conservative media outlets) wimp-out when reporting the facts about George Floyd (and other black criminals) and cave … Continue reading

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A hot-looking gypsy…

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Tucker: More wise words from out Democrat leaders

Oh my goodness, how can anyone be so ignorant, and yet, have grown men standing behind her clapping at the sheer nonsensical stupidity that comes out of this woman’s mouth!  Democrats truly are a pathetic bunch of spineless fools for … Continue reading

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There’s no need to ask her ‘where’s the beef’…?

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Leo Terrell exposes Democrats’ ‘big lie’ after Derek Chauvin verdict

Leo Terrell says it like it is, good for him! He is 100% correct in everything he stated! As for Maxine Waters, it’s interesting how the video gut cut off. She’s an idiot and nothing that comes out of her … Continue reading

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Feeling sexy…

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Thomas Sowell on the Current Black Culture

Honesty, decency and common sense; qualities which are not too common these days as our society has taken a huge turn for the worse. Video: YouTube

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She’s so sexy…

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Tucker reacts to politicization of Derek Chauvin trial

Democrats are immoral, pure and simple. For Nancy Pelosi to say that George Floyd, who, once again, put a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach and threatened to shoot her during a home invasion, is synonymous with justice, is not … Continue reading

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She’s a real cutie…

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Tears, joy, call to action as Chauvin is convicted

I’m personally glad this trial is over, as hearing the names George Floyd and Derek Chauvin quite frankly got old. Now let’s see how long this peace lasts. When will the next delinquent black man resist arrest and get shot … Continue reading

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She and a “friend” have been on this blog before, and for good reason.

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Democrats Prove They Hate The Constitution!

America’s socialist bimbo once again shows us her low-IQ, although admittedly, it is much higher than that of those who voted for her and/or follow her on Twitter. Those people are bordering on mental retardation. Video: YouTube

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An old-fashioned girl, if you know what I mean…

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Miller: Biden caved to AOC, now we’re going to have a threat to national security

Noteworthy items to pause and think about… Video: YouTube

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