Tag Archives: Democrat Party

MSNBC changes its tune on Joe Biden following ‘trainwreck’ presidential debate

These liars and hypocrites in the liberal media and their criminal friends in the democrat party really pushed the lies too far and it has backfired on them. Yet of course, since they have no shame, not one of them … Continue reading

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‘This case should never have been brought’: Rep. Byron Donalds defends Trump post-guilty verdict

These leftist hacks in the mainstream (liberal) media are ALL THE SAME! They are nothing but supporters of the democrat party and REFUSE to acknowledge the persecution of Donald Trump. Video: YouTube

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MUST WATCH: John Kennedy Issues Blunt Warning To Schumer, Democrats Over Mayorkas Impeachment

An amazing speech! But what’s even more amazing is the HYPOCRISY of the democrat low-lives and those who support them!!! Video: YouTube

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Biden Says “Watch Me,” so Watch This Biden Montage and YOU Decide…

Joe Biden is by far, and it isn’t even close, by far… the most inept, incompetent, and immoral president in the history of the United States of America!!! It is beyond comprehension that ANYONE would vote for this buffoon, a … Continue reading

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The FINAL State of the Union Address: The Analysis

I wonder how many B-12 IVs, cans of Red Bull, and/or prescription drugs Joe Biden was given for the State of the Union Address? Certainly he was “on” something! Anyway, he’s still a f*cking imbecile, a liar, and an immoral … Continue reading

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The Establishment, Anti-Americans & Evil…What’s The Difference? | Things That Need To Be Said

It’s so refreshing to listen to honest black individuals stating the truth, rather than repeating the lies of the Fake News media and their propagandists… Video: YouTube

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George Soros To Own The Airwaves!

George Soros is a sleeze-bag. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are also sleeze-bags, as are most of the democrat politicians in Washington D.C. and throughout the country. They play dirty and stick together like Siamese twins. But hey, any number … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Is An “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” Says Report/Everyone

Joe Biden is a world-class liar! Oh, and no, he is NOT fit to run a hot-dog stand, much less the President of the United States! The fact that the liberal media and democrat politicians CONTINUE to cover up for … Continue reading

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Here’s What Really Happened on January 6th

The DEEP STATE is rotten to the core! Video: YouTube

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“Life, Liberty, and Uhhhh… YOU KNOW THE THING!!”

Joe Biden is a walking, stumbling sh*t-show, and an embarrassment to the United States of America! He is also a puppet of the ultra-liberal demorats! Video: YouTube

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Joe Biden is toast. He’s about as qualified to be president of the United States as Mike Tyson is of becoming a world-class ballet dancer. What I’d like to know is what type of drugs are the democrats who still … Continue reading

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‘Revolution’: Tucker Carlson Interviews Victor Davis Hanson

Hopefully there will be some of you who stumble upon this blog, watch this video, and pass it along to friends and family. This video, where Victor Davis Hanson describes what the Left is doing to the United States of … Continue reading

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Democrats take HYPOCRISY to another level. These are the same hypocrites who impeached Donald Trump twice for a whole lot less, the same hypocrites who have indicted him four times since to ruin his political AND personal life!!! Video: YouTube

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Douglas Murray MIC DROP on SLAVERY reparations DEBATE

Liberals obsessed with slavery, such as Joy Reid, Al Sharpton and many, many others are just race-hustlers trying to separate people and create hatred between blacks and whites! Remember, democrats who are far Left don’t want people to get along, … Continue reading

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This John Fetterman video is SAD and CRUEL.

The liberal imbeciles in Pennsylvania actually voted for John Fetterman as Senator of the United States. Now mind you, this guy was NEVER qualified to be in any political position, but Senator! These are the same people who voted for … Continue reading

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Trump Indictment: ‘It is now OPEN SEASON’ on any and all former presidents | Victor Davis Hanson

Listen to the thoughts of a true intellectual as they pertain to what this country has become, thanks to the liberals. Video: YouTube

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Tammy Bruce slams Pelosi for ‘complete mockery’ of America’s rule of law

Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. She doesn’t have a kind cell in her body. She’s a world-class hypocrite and as mean-spirited as anyone can imagine. Her obsession with power will drive her to do just about anything. Hopefully, we … Continue reading

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Tucker: This video shatters the left’s narrative about January 6

What happened on January 6 was a disgrace. As usual, a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us law-abiding citizens, as is currently happening throughout many U.S. cities. However, there is no question that democrats have no … Continue reading

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MSNBC Host’s Craziest Rant Ever Predicts the End of Civil Rights | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Question: Has there ever been, in the long history of television, a more idiotic, disgusting, low IQ, mean spirited, racist low-life, scum-bag, than Joy Reid?            Answer: No. If it wasn’t for the fact that this … Continue reading

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The Evil Past of Kamala Harris

This country is already f_cked after two years of a buffoon in office and the progressive, liberal agenda that Susan Rice and Barack Obama (who are the ones dictating policy) have implemented.  As for Kamala Harris. She’s a democrat, what … Continue reading

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Truth B*mbs 💣 Dropped on Donna Brazile on ABC News as she Tries to Defend KAMALA HARRIS💥

Spoken like a true democrat… CLUELESS!!! Donna Brazile is your typical liberal; blind and living in fantasyland. To talk so positively about a woman (Kamala Harris) who is, like Joe Biden, inept, incompetent, and immoral is just plain ridiculous. Video: … Continue reading

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House Oversight Committee on Twitter and Hunter Biden’s Laptop

More on the House Oversight Committee hearings on the Hunter Biden laptop scam perpetrated by the FBI in conjunction with Twitter, Facebook, et. al.  These clowns potentially (and more than likely) changed the course of history by suppressing public information … Continue reading

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Joy Reid Begins 2023 with Rapidly Declining Ratings

Let me see now… certainly there is one redeeming quality that Joe Reid possesses, right? Wrong! Joy Reid is a hate monger; she is the typical black individual who has learned that there is money to be made through the … Continue reading

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Why I don’t Have to bother Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

Sad isn’t it, how the average black American can’t see that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are fakes. They’ve made themselves multi-millionaires preying on the misfortune of blacks. Yet these people just can’t see them for who/what they truly are … Continue reading

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Black Congressman Destroys Adam Schiff after he suggests his opinion is racist

Adam Sh_thead (Schiff) had to stick his tongue where the sun doesn’t shine this time; he messed with the wrong guy. Of course, being that he’s a liberal, which means that he’s shameless, the fact that this gentleman wiped the … Continue reading

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Justice Dept retrieved documents from Biden’s Delaware home: Report

Transparency? No, of course not. This is Biden and the Biden Justice Department with that tottering buffoon Merrick Garland.  Does anyone with an ounce of brain and common decency actually believe that there is no cover-up here by the Biden … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Claims He Talked to GHOSTS!! 👻👻 (NOT A JOKE!)

Not only do we have a bumbling buffoon for president, we also have a liar. But hey, this is who the “brilliant” democrats in this country wanted. So now, here he is, along with his liberal handlers, destroying America. Great … Continue reading

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These kinds of people will destroy America | Thomas Sowell

The Left is on a crusade to destroy American values and along with our values, the country as we know it. This has been a systematic and concerted effort on their part for at least the last couple of decades, … Continue reading

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What a buffoon! This guy lies like a rug, and naturally, the liberal and corrupt Fake News media covers for him. As for Karine Jean-Pierre, she is undoubtedly the dumbest, most unprepared press secretary in the history of Washington! Video: … Continue reading

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Tulsi Gabbard explains her decision to leave the Democratic Party

Well, here’s one person with balls!  Everything she said is absolutely true about the democrat party and the rest of the idiotic woke mob, both throughout society and of course in Washington. I’m looking forward to those midterm elections… Video: … Continue reading

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Biden’s latest ‘bumbling moment’ was ‘one of his worst’

Absolute ineptitude. Joe Biden is completely lost. But as if that wasn’t bad enough, so are the allegedly 81 million people who voted for him. Thank you, democrats, once again you all demonstrated just how “brilliant” you are! This country … Continue reading

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‘Hypocrisy’: Democrat calls out ‘woke elites’ for Martha’s Vineyard reaction

The hypocrisy of the Left is unparalleled! Video: YouTube

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Joe Rogan: This was the real goal of the Trump raid

Anyone who actually believes that this entire sh_t-show with the FBI showing up at Trump’s home was not politically driven has the IQ of an amoeba.  Video: YouTube

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‘Totally lost’: Joe Biden has ‘no idea what’s going on’ during signing ceremony

How sad. He is totally clueless. He doesn’t even know what he’s signing. But hey, democrats got their wish in 2020. They elected a puppet to the White House, because, you know, “Orange Man” bad. Video: YouTube

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Hillary’s Got the Servers and Hunter’s Got the Blow, But Trump Gets the Raid

The democrats just made a HUGE mistake yesterday when they sicked the FBI on Donald Trump. This is the one “good” thing about democrats, they always push things way too far. Their thirst for power is such that they never … Continue reading

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FBI raid on Trump has sent faith in American democracy to ‘rock bottom’

If this doesn’t motivate people to get out and vote during the 2022 midterms and the 2024 general election, I don’t know what will! This relentless attack on Donald Trump by the democrat party, the mainstream media and the FBI … Continue reading

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‘I’m Not Gonna Shut Down the Economy; I’m Gonna Shut Down the Virus!!’

The worst president in the history of the United States, bar none. Everything Joe Biden touches turns to sh_t, everything! Beyond that, his entire administration is a joke and nothing that comes out of their mouths can be believed.  Other … Continue reading

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Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

Meanwhile… the Biden administration, egged on by the socialist members of their party, continue to waste money and push their fake narrative on climate change and global warming. Our planet has been around for approximately 4 billion years. Modern man … Continue reading

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Biden and Pelosi’s bumbling outrages China, humiliates US

My guess is that these buffoons will simply do nothing, that is to say, they will let this situation die, which will obviously show just how weak the United States under this “leadership” is. How pathetic! Video: YouTube

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Hunter Biden’s text messages expose potential Putin connection

This will turn out to be a BIG nothing-burger. With Joe Biden in the White House and the spineless Merrick Garland as Attorney General these issues with Hunter Biden are going nowhere.  As for Joe Biden knowing nothing and/or having … Continue reading

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‘Cognitive decline’: Biden tries to ‘shake hands with thin air’ during Israel trip

Joe Biden wasn’t fit to be President 40 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago and he definitely isn’t fit to be President today. Those around him, especially his family, are doing him a disservice by encouraging him to … Continue reading

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Watch Joe Biden Embarrass Himself as He Contradicts Himself on This Issue | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy – this is democrats in power are all about! Don’t believe me, just watch and listen… Video: YouTube

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Biden pushing ‘con artist tricks’ on American people: Devine

More of the same from Joe Biden, who is totally lost, just like the rest of the democrat party in control of our country. Video: YouTube

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This administration is the laughingstock of the United States. Not even democrats can defend it, hard as they may try. As for the administration’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, we all know why she’s at the podium… enough said. Video: YouTube

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This is the 3rd failed impeachment trial of Trump: Hurt

The left-tards are so intimidated, so afraid, so obsessed with Donald Trump that they have orchestrated this third major charade to try and destroy him. Ignorant that they are, they don’t realize just how disconnected most Americans are with this … Continue reading

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Who is running the White House?

I don’t know who is running the White House, what I do know is that it isn’t Joe Biden, the individual who was elected to do so. Video: YouTube

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Ilhan Omar Demands an Insane Punishment for Anyone Stating This | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Ilhan Omar, a radical bimbo, is another leftist imbecile who belongs to, you guessed it, the democrat party.  Has anyone noticed that all of these radical, Looney Tunes, socialist nut-jobs… Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cory Bush, … Continue reading

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President Biden ‘struggles with the simplest concepts’

The world is laughing at us! Video: YouTube

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Biden Gives Speech On The Economy; Blames ‘ULTRA MAGA’

Once again, Joe Biden is a train wreck… Video: YouTube

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Media: Saving Babies Is Like ‘The Salem Witch Trials’ – Wacky MOLE

These liberal nut-jobs are getting more and more idiotic with the passage of time. Their obsession with anti-rational thinking drives them insane! It sounds as if they’re looking for a country-wide (if not a worldwide) rally to support and celebrate … Continue reading

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