Monthly Archives: June 2017

 Khamenei’s representative says Islamic state’s Baghdadi ‘definitely dead’: IRNA

Does it really matter if this Muslim douche-bag is dead? Does it make a difference? I say, no. Osama bin Laden is dead. Did terrorism come to an end? No! Is terrorism more prevalent then ever? Yes! The truth is, … Continue reading

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Pope’s close aide charged, bringing sex abuse scandal to Vatican

I’ve been saying it for years, the Vatican (Catholic Church) is a corrupt organization. It’s members feel they are above the law. A significant percentage of them are homosexual, which is fine, except for the fact that homosexuality is against … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton: Reading ‘Harry Potter’ builds compassion for immigrants, refugees

Harry Potter books? Really? These books build compassion for immigrants? What does reading the Koran (Quran) do? What kind of compassion does reading the Islamic “holy” book do? Please explain it to me, because I really do not understand. The … Continue reading

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Hostages in Philippine town forced to fight, loot, become sex slaves: army

Will the world ever grow tired of these Islamic douche-bags, or has mankind become so lame, so de-sensitized that all they care about is who is the next Jeopardy champion or who is teaming up with who in Dancing with the Stars?  … Continue reading

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New York City gay pride parade

I have nothing against homosexuals, I really don’t. But why a gay pride parade? I’m not proud of being a heterosexual, I just am. Why take pride in something you were born with? I don’t celebrate that I have a … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Becomes First President In Two Decades To Not Host A Ramadan Dinner

The difference between Donald Trump and all the other presidents, is that he’s not a politician, which means he isn’t a hypocrite. With all that’s going on in the Muslim world, with terrorism running rampant in Europe and throughout the … Continue reading

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Europeans learn to live with _ and adapt to _ terror attacks

Muslims, what a piece of work these people are. There are approximately 1.6 billion of them throughout the planet. This is bad news for us, especially since they breed like rats because many of them have more than one wife, … Continue reading

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Jane Sanders’s Fraud Investigation: Bernie Sanders’s Wife Hires Lawyers Over Burlington College Loan Allegations

It would appear that the Sanders are not the squeaky clean couple that they project themselves to be. But then again, we know that politicians are never squeaky clean. Thankfully, Donald Trump won the election. Just imagine having to look … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber blows himself up as Saudis foil Mecca plot

Islam, the religion of peace, is so peaceful that members of the faith even try to blow up their holiest of sites. Now just imagine a couple (or group) of Catholic suicide bombers trying to blow up St. Peter’s Basilica in … Continue reading

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More than 50 people killed in multiple Pakistan attacks

More bombs, more death and destruction. The cause: Islam! Islam, the so-called religion of peace, is once again to blame for death and destruction. And to this the liberals say: “not all Muslims are terrorists.” BRILLIANT! A truly epic response from … Continue reading

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LeoGrande: Trump Has Set U.S.-Cuba Relations Back Decades

What Trump has done is prove that he’s not going to suck up to communist regimes, such as that in Cuba. A country whose scum-bag leaders have criticized the United States for decades and which has murdered and imprisoned countless … Continue reading

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Dozen frustrated Dems face steep challenge to unseat Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders should pack their bags and move to Cuba or Venezuela, being that they like socialism so much. Either way, they should both get out of Dodge, commies that they are! TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Mexico rejects Trump claim that it is the world’s second most violent country

Whether number two or number twenty, the number is immaterial. The fact of the matter is that Mexico is a toilet bowl. However, having said that, if the United States population at large wasn’t comprised of potheads, coke addicts, pill … Continue reading

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Johnny Depp apologizes for ‘bad joke’ about Trump: ‘I intended no malice’

Johnny Depp already did his “job”. He made an outlandish statement and got all the publicity he wanted. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Good Morning America KATHERINE FAULDERS and MICHAEL ROTHMAN Good Morning America June 23, 2017 Johnny Depp … Continue reading

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Ruling dynasty gave its name to Saudi Arabia

And we are supposed to be interested in this because… Is this somehow a news story? Why is the media so obsessed with Islam that every single day there is a story about it? Granted, most of the time the stories … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: The Invasion of Europe

You gotta give it to Pat Condell, he certainly says it like it is. Too bad politicians are too spineless to do the same. TGO Video: YouTube    

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Colin Kaepernick is making his choice: Activism over the NFL

No one ever accused Colin Kaepernick of being smart, now he proves everyone right. What a dunce! What NFL team would want this nut-job on their roster? Hopefully none, but without question if in fact he is given a job … Continue reading

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Vatican: Pope to visit Chile and Peru in January 2018

And these trips are important because…? Is the Pope/Vatican going to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Peruvian people who lost their homes and possessions during the floods? I didn’t think so. What the Pope is going to do is … Continue reading

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Muslims targeted by violence in wake of IS-claimed attacks

Gee, I wonder why there may be violence against Muslims? Let me see now… maybe it’s because bombs are going off in their city and Brits are getting blown to bits! And who is responsible for these attacks? Let me … Continue reading

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Trump’s Cuba speech a ‘grotesque spectacle’ fitting of the Cold War, says Cuban foreign minister

Bruno Rodriguez, communist, member of the Castro-clan. Is it any surprise this douche-bag is criticizing Trump? There won’t be a pipeline of American dollars flowing into Cuba, at least not as much as there would have been. Victory, United States. … Continue reading

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Spanish bullfighter dies after being gored

Good, one less bullfighter in the world is a good thing. I don’t wish harm on anyone, but if a person is stupid enough to get into an arena with a bull, and willing to kill an animal for self-adulation, … Continue reading

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Russia says Trump is using ‘Cold War rhetoric’ on Cuba

Russia should take Cuba under its wing and remake it the number ONE Latin American country, as it was prior to becoming the sewage pit it is today after almost 60 years of Fidel and Raul Castro. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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Obama sparked a tidal wave of change in Cuba. Trump’s new policy misses the point.

You’re the one who misses the point! The communist Castro regime has ruled Cuba since January 1, 1959. They did much of this by garnering support from the Cuban people, blasting the United States and its capitalist system. The ignorant masses thought … Continue reading

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Czech Cave Sheds Light On Neanderthal-Homo Sapiens Transition

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: International Business Times Himanshu Goenka International Business Times June 15, 2017 Sometime just over 40,000 years ago, the last surviving cousins of the modern humans, Homo Neanderthals, likely met their Homo sapiens … Continue reading

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Cubans now face same deportation risk as other immigrants

It’s about time! It’s about time that Cubans, most of whom supported the Castro regime, stop sucking the life out of the United States and its taxpayers. These people had their noses up Fidel Castro’s ass! They supported the communist ideology … Continue reading

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Prophet’s cloak attracts Ramadan faithful in Istanbul

The “prophet’s cloak”? Really? Have these people not heard of the Shroud of Turin? At what point do grown men realize they’re acting like idiotic children? Don’t they see the similarities in their copy-cat faiths? My goodness!!! People across the globe need … Continue reading

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Terry McAuliffe: ‘There are too many guns on the street’

Here we go again, another shooting, another liberal douche-bag talks about gun control. Yeah right, taking guns away from law-abiding citizens is how you control criminals from committing crimes. Brilliant! I swear these democrats must be suffering from some kind … Continue reading

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Mom Accused of Leaving Children in Car for 15 Hours Allegedly Said, ‘They’ll Cry Themselves to Sleep’

How can anyone, much less a mother, be so malicious and/or utterly stupid? And what about her friends, who also knew the children were in the car and did nothing??? According to the story one of the women was in … Continue reading

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Tunisians Protest To Eat And Drink During Ramadan

Do any of these archaic religious customs make sense anymore? Does it really make a difference? If people want to fast, they should be able to fast. If they want to eat, they should be able to eat. If they … Continue reading

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AP Explains: Qatar’s ties with Iran and Islamist groups

In my view, and it’s a view shared by many, although few will admit publicly, none of these people are trustworthy. They have that desire, that need to fight; it’s in their blood. They can never live in peace. Being … Continue reading

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USS Gabrielle Giffords: Are You F#¢kin’ Kiddin’ Me?

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with the Yankee Marshal? TGO Video: YouTube

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Perfect 10: Nadal routs Wawrinka for record 10th French Open

Rafael Nadal is a great champion, there’s no doubt about that. Yet, I still consider Roger Federer to be the best tennis player in history. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press HOWARD FENDRICH Associated Press June 11, 2017 <img … Continue reading

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Donald Trump expected to announce Cuba policy next week

I would be totally opposed to open relations with Cuba. Fidel and Raul Castro, along with all of their ass-sniffing communist colleagues, stole businesses, homes, automobiles, etc. from the Cuban people. They murdered and imprisoned thousands of their fellow countrymen, … Continue reading

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Logical Fallacies 101: Gun Free Zones

As stated in the video, why do educated, logical, intelligent people make stupid laws? I think I know the answer; political correctness. Succumbing to media indoctrination and pressure. TGO  Video: YouTube

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Shiite Muslim sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy

And this country possesses the nuclear bomb, scary isn’t it, that such a backward country has the capability of killing tens of thousands of people with the press of a button! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated … Continue reading

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ISIS Violence In Syria Threatens More Than 40,000 Children

This is heartbreaking. TGO Refer to story below. Source: International Business Times Juliana Rose Pignataro International Business Times June 9, 2017 More than 40,000 children are in imminent danger as a result of the Islamic State’s fighting in Raqqa, Syria. … Continue reading

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Islamic Barbaric Refugees

All I can say is, wow! TGO Video: YouTube

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US forces back Philippine troops in Islamist held city

Why is it always the United States? For once I’d like to see other nations support countries going through a crisis. How about Russia, China, India, Japan, France, Germany, etc. getting in on the action? TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Twin blasts in Iraq kill 21, wound dozens

Islam puts out so many of these brain-dead suicide bombers that if they all got together and blew themselves up at one time, the explosion would probably turn the Grand Mosque in Mecca to dust. Just a thought… In the meantime, … Continue reading

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Marches against Islamic law to be held in many US cities

Deplorable isn’t it, that any American would counter marches against Islamic law. Are Americans that stupid? Do people not see what Islam is all about? Haven’t they seen Muslims burning American flags? Haven’t they seen what is happening in Europe? Do they … Continue reading

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Douglas Murray Interview on the Death of Europe

Honest narrative on Muslim immigration in Europe. TGO Video: YouTube

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Some major attacks in Europe in recent years

Islam is a religion of peace. And if you believe that, I’ve got several hundred acres of pristine farmland in Antarctica, good for growing corn. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press The Associated Press Associated Press June 4, … Continue reading

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CNN host sorry for profanity-laden anti-Trump tweet

This guy is a total loser. He joined a Hindu sect and tries to come across as a Muslim scholar. He’s a smug, self-righteous liberal who thinks that because he has a college degree that he’s an intellectual; he isn’t. … Continue reading

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Trump calls for ‘travel ban’ amid London terror attacks

It blows my mind that people continue to ignore the fact that these terrorist attacks are perpetrated by Muslims! Despite the dead and mutilated men, women and children – the ignorant masses, spineless members of the media and politicians continue to ignore the reality; … Continue reading

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For boxing enthusiasts… TGO Video: YouTube

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7 killed, 3 suspects dead after ‘brutal terrorist attack’ at London Bridge, Borough Market

All of you brain-dead liberals out there who still defend Islam with your idiotic argument, claiming that not all Muslims are terrorists, here’s the reality. While all Muslims are not terrorists, it is Muslims who are terrorizing people throughout Europe, North … Continue reading

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12-foot-long alligator strolls across South Carolina golf course, ignoring human onlookers

An encounter with this guy can certainly interrupt the flow of your day! TGO Refer to story below. Source: ABC DAVID CAPLAN Good Morning America June 3, 2017 <img alt=”” class=”StretchedBox W(100%) H(100%) ie-7_H(a)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAwO2lsPXBsYW5l/” itemprop=”url”/> South Carolina’s Fripp Island … Continue reading

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Trump’s withdrawl from the Paris Agreement

I know that Trump can do no right. Everything he does or says is criticized and everything he doesn’t do or say is equally criticized. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump. I’m also not a big fan … Continue reading

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Laughing At The New Inquisition

As always, Pat Condell says it like it is. TGO Video: YouTube

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Ex-captive of Islamic State sheds tears on return to village in northern Iraq

Muslims are a class act, aren’t day? Sexual slaves in the year 2017. Hmmm, I ask myself, what other faith does this to women in this day and age? The answer, NONE, just Islam. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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