Monthly Archives: June 2013

Bomb attacks kill 43 people in Pakistan

More of the same from the barbaric Muslims. These people will find any reason to kill other (innocent) people, regardless of whether they’re westerners or their own kind… The bottom line is that once religious indoctrination takes effect, one is … Continue reading

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Gay, evangelical and seeking acceptance in church

The word evangelical immediately reminds me of a couple of individuals that I personally know; one man and one woman… Quite frankly, I couldn’t say which of the two is a bigger idiot, but worse than that, they’re running nose … Continue reading

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You’re Interacting With Dark Matter Right Now

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Atlantic By Megan Garber | The Atlantic Here’s a little experiment. Hold up your hand. Now put it back down. In that window of time, your hand somehow interacted with dark … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What a gorgeous woman… TGO

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Pope warns church leaders against seeking power

So far this Pope has been unlike any other pope in history. Will he keep it up? Will he change the Catholic Church for the better? Will he eradicate the sexual molestation and rape of children within his church? My … Continue reading

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Finding the Path to Earth’s Early Oxygen

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: LiveScience By Becky Oskin, Staff Writer  The game changer for life on Earth was photosynthesis. Now scientists think they’ve found a molecular stepping-stone for this complicated chemical process, which flooded the atmosphere … Continue reading

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Market bomb, shooting kill 7 in Iraq

Iraq is back to being the Iraq we all know and despise. That is, until another Saddam Hussein comes along, and there is little doubt that another one will. Then its people will once again be terrorized by that individual’s … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

From the tip of her big toe to the tip of her nose; awesome! TGO

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At least 22 killed as bombs tear through coffee shops in Iraq

The madness continues in Iraq as Muslim madmen (is there any other kind) continue to terrorize the country as a result of their religious indoctrination. Islam; could any doctrine be more corrupt? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters BAGHDAD … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

A living doll… TGO

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This is who we are helping in Syria?!

Who do we, the United States of America, support? Do we support the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which is responsible for using chemical/biological weapons against the Syrian people; whose soldiers are guilty of raping young boys; whose military practice target … Continue reading

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Pope signals Legion of Christ reform to continue

The best thing the Pope can do is shut down this criminal institution known as the Legion of Christ, as it is a disgrace to mankind. To be this “devout” means one has to be brain-dead, or worse, a hypocrite … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She looks good in red… TGO

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Aaron Hernandez charged with murder

Some people are really, really stupid; and then there’s Aaron Hernandez. Wow, to basically throw away one’s entire life… I will never understand what goes through people’s minds just prior to committing murder, especially premeditated, cold-blooded murder which is what … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Wow, I love those profile shots of Denise. TGO

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Lebanese troops secure hardline cleric’s complex

Lebanon, just another typical day in yet another country dominated by crazy people, Shiite Muslims, and even crazier people, Sunni Muslims. A real shame, because it is a beautiful country. Still, there is no denying that, like all other Muslim … Continue reading

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Bombs in Iraq hit minibus, protesters, killing 6

KABOOM! Yet another bomb explodes in Iraq. No surprise there… What would be a surprise is if there were no explosions in a Muslim country just once a week. That would be shocking! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Nice… TGO

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Pope ‘snub’ of concert stuns cardinals, sends signal

Well, at least with this Pope it isn’t business as usual in the Vatican… He certainly keeps people on their toes with his unpredictability. Something tells me he isn’t going to be very popular among his peers. TGO Refer to … Continue reading

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This Hideous Creature Could Hold the Key to Curing Cancer

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Question: What happens when a hairless, bucktoothed rat secretes goo that clogs a vacuum in a research lab at the University of Rochester, New York? Answer: Two scientists accidentally stumble upon … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Very sensual. TGO

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Attacks kill at least 7 people in Iraq

More of the same from Muslim vermin… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA | Associated Press BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Suicide bombers and a gunman assaulted a police station in northern Iraq on Sunday, one … Continue reading

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Pakistanis kill 10 tourists, including American

Muslim scum-bags continue their attacks against innocent people. The level of cowardice displayed by Muslims continue to amaze me. All these people know how to do is murder those who cannot defend themselves. I suppose this makes them feel like … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What a beautiful smile… TGO

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Richard Dawkins: If I meet God when I die…

Richard Dawkins, like most brilliant men, dispels the thought of a being (God) designing our universe and life in general. One has to be indoctrinated by religion to believe these silly thoughts. TGO Video: YouTube

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Suicide bombers, gunmen kill 23 in Iraq attacks

Another day, another suicide attack in a Muslim country. Well, there’s one “good” thing to say about these people: they are definitely consistent. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ADAM SCHRECK | Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — … Continue reading

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Militants attack Shiites in Pakistan, 15 killed

Pakistan, like all countries dominated by Muslims, is a toilet bowl. At the core of this is Islam, what else? As long as man continues to love his gods more than his fellow-man, death and destruction will prevail. TGO Refer … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Absolute perfection. TGO

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LeBron James leads Heat to second straight NBA championship with Game 7 victory over Spurs

The Miami Heat did it again; world champions! This was a hard-fought series. San Antonio is a hell of a team and could have just as easily clinched the Title in Game 6. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Yahoo … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

The perfect bikini body. TGO

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Shameless doc’s PR pitch: Gandolfini’s death ‘a wake-up call to guys who snore like freight trains’

I have a friend who snores like a freight train, but when I speak to him about it he hasn’t much to say. In fact, when told he’s overweight, that he doesn’t exercise and that he smokes, it’s more of … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

A beautiful face and beautiful cleavage. TGO

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Catholic religious order opens abuse files

More proof of sexual abuse on minors by members of the Catholic Church. Well, at least they opened their files.  If I were an optimist I would say that was a step in the right direction, but being that I’m … Continue reading

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Iraqi suicide bombers hit Baghdad mosque, kill 34

KABOOM, KABOOM! Muslim morons continue to blow up their own people as a result of their religious indoctrination and barbaric tribal mentality, which go hand in hand. What a messed-up culture… And to use the word culture is to give … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She’s hot! TGO

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Flare Star Gets 15 Times Brighter in Minutes

Interesting stuff… TGO By Megan Gannon | A normally dull star in Ursa Major, the Great Bear constellation, give off an incredible flare while scientists watched, increasing its brightness 15-fold in just three minutes, before returning to normal. Dubbed … Continue reading

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Suicide attack kills 11 people in Iraq

KABOOM! Another day, another bomb explodes in a Muslim country and another rag-head blows himself to pieces thanks to his indoctrinated brain, indoctrinated by Islam – the religion of piss. TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press By … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Amazing how a fully clothed woman can be so sexy; cleavage and a certain “look” is all that is needed… TGO

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Bear mauls Alaska man who gave it barbecue meat

Brilliant, simply brilliant… And they say we’re an intelligent species. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A black bear mauled a man at a campground in Alaska, but the animal won’t likely … Continue reading

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Bombs, suicide attack kill at least 15 in Iraq

More of the same with these deadbeat Muslims… They will never learn to live like civilized human beings, not until they let go of all their barbaric, tribal crap. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By SINAN SALAHEDDIN … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Lovely “lungs.” TGO

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Hard-line Egypt cleric sentenced for burning Bible

What a great world this would be if there were no Bibles or Korans! Just think of all the blood that has been spilled throughout the history of mankind as a result of the lies and superstitions written in those … Continue reading

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Death toll in SW Pakistan attacks increases to 24

Simply disgusting. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ABDUL SATTAR | Associated Press QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani police say the death toll from attacks on a hospital and a women’s university bus in a southwestern provincial … Continue reading

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Religious conservatives asked to back GOP plans

These conservative Christians, with their silly belief that the Bible is literally true, are a throwback to the Dark Ages. Their entire lives revolve around a hippie who has been dead for 2000 years. How dumb is that? And speaking … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She is one attractive woman. TGO

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Amid Gitmo strike, ex-detainee tells of force-feed

What a waste of money and American military manpower. These people are more trouble than they’re worth. If they don’t want to eat, let them starve; who cares? It’s their choice, if they want to take their own lives they … Continue reading

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Bomb on Pakistani women’s university bus kills 11

Nice going you douche-bags. And I’m referring to all of you “peaceful” Muslim cowards who don’t dare criticize Muslim criminals; those who kill innocent people because of their infatuation with Muhammad the moron, the Koran, Allah and all the rest … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Denise is a real Wonder Woman… TGO

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Pope wades diplomatically into gay marriage debate

It will be interesting to see how Pope Francis tackles the many subjects which the Catholic Church has traditionally been opposed to; homosexuality, same-sex marriage and abortion to name a few… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

What great “lungs.” TGO

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