Monthly Archives: January 2021


Nice… TGO  

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‘I’ll circle back’: Psaki’s non-answers become a ‘growing frustration’

A great deal of buffoonery from buffoons…  Between the Keystone XL pipeline shutdown, stopping construction of the border wall and shutting down fracking, clueless Joe Biden has put 200,000 Americans out of work, while pushing the “save the planet” BS … Continue reading

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Checking herself out and proud of what she sees… TGO

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Joe Wants Unity? Here’s Where To Start!

I am sick and tired of CNN, MSNBC and other socialist media outlets doctoring videos/statements made by republicans and then calling themselves “news organizations”. These are not “news organizations”, these are (as referenced above) media outlets.  The relentless lies spoken … Continue reading

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She’s really sexy. TGO

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Triple Masks? Seriously?!?

Dr. Fauci has the testicles to blame Donald Trump for his inconsistency in the “messaging” regarding COVID-19, really? He’s a liar, a hypocrite and a back-stabber. Dr. Fauci has no shame. TGO Video: YouTube

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Sweet… TGO

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Jesse Watters: Cuomo continues to embarrass himself over COVID statements

As always, Juan Williams, the idiotic democrat, puts a spin on the truth regarding Andrew Cuomo. The fact of the matter is that Andrew Cuomo, just like Gavin Newsom in California, was praising Trump for his support at the time.  … Continue reading

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Love those curves… TGO

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Did Having Covid-19 Change My Perspective? Here’s My Story…

The facts and nothing but the facts. TGO Video: YouTube

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Rand Paul Drops NUKE on Dems’ Plans for Second Impeachment

Awesome!!! Democrats, and some republicans, are so saturated with hatred toward Donald Trump that they are pushing to impeach him, yet again. These people are HYPOCRITES. They are actually so intimidated by Trump that they want to do everything in … Continue reading

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Beautiful. TGO

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Where To From Here? Let Me Give It To You Straight

Something for all of us to consider… TGO Video: YouTube  

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Just lounging… TGO

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New Migrant Caravan Coming as Biden Plans Amnesty for Millions

Get ready for higher taxes as Joe Biden and the liberal Left-Tards change immigration policies in an effort to obtain future votes.  It won’t take long for the democrats to completely f*ck up this country, just wait a few months … Continue reading

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She has beautiful… skin. TGO

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“Rules For Thee… But Not For Me!” – VOLUME THREE

The hypocrisy of the Left is something to behold! TGO Video: YouTube

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Nude yoga seems like fun… TGO

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Laptop repair shop owner at center of Hunter Biden scandal reveals everything

There is no question that Joe Biden lied to the country when he stated that he had NO KNOWLEDGE of Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine, China, etc. One would have to be either a moron or naïve beyond description to … Continue reading

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Ready for a massage… TGO

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Laughter Is The Best

We all know that Joe Biden is a liar, that Hunter Biden is a delinquent, that Chuck and Nancy are rats and that the liberal media hacks are going to suck up to the new press secretary and the ENTIRE … Continue reading

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A tremendously sexy woman with a perfect body. TGO

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A CHILLING Message From Antifa on Inauguration Day Shows They’re NOT Done | The Glenn Beck Program

It seems that members of ANTIFA, who Joe Biden said was “an idea” during a debate against Trump, continue to destroy Portland and Seattle. We have to thank Ted Wheeler and Jenny Durkan, the two morons who “run” those cities … Continue reading

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She is special. TGO

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An awesome metaphor to describe what life without Donald Trump will be for the liberal (Fake News) media/hacks as well as the rest of the Left-Tards. TGO Video: YouTube

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Quite simply, awesome! TGO

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Right After Being Inaugurated, Biden Carries Out His “First Act as President”

Here we go… sleepy Joe, who supposedly got over 80,000,000 votes (ha, ha, ha) is the new president of the United States of America. How long will he last? Who knows?  Unity? Really? Joe talks about unity while Big Tech … Continue reading

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No excess fat on her… TGO

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Trump 2024? Let’s Talk About It

I agree, Trump would never run for office in 2024. However, the immoral democrats are so intimidated by him, hence Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) that they are impeaching him now in order to hopefully avoid/discourage him from running again. TGO … Continue reading

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Nice and meaty… TGO

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Dave Rubin slams AOC’s ‘media literacy’ commission: These people want control

At the rate we’re going (and this is a very real possibility) we may soon have speakers at the downtown intersections of major American cities blaring pro-government propaganda at pedestrians, just as they do in North Korea. Or perhaps, we’ll … Continue reading

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You Might Be Surprised to Hear Me Say This About Impeachment…

Dinesh D’Souza is 100% correct, this impeachment of Donald Trump, like the first one, is like watching a show, a circus if you will. There is no reason for Trump supporters to take any of this seriously. No reason to … Continue reading

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Woke Mom Accused of “Child Abuse” After Pushing Her 4 Y/O Child To Choose His Gender

The woman you are seeing on your screen is mentally retarded. She has bought into the Left’s indoctrination and drank the Kool-Aid – ALL of the Kool-Aid. One has to wonder how adults can be so utterly ignorant and stupid. … Continue reading

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Golden Ratio = Mind Blown!

For those of you who had never heard of the ‘Fibonacci sequence’ or the ‘golden ratio’, following is a very basic video which explains it. I believe you will find it interesting. TGO Video: YouTube

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Thomas Sowell on the Current Black Culture

Our society continues to deteriorate… TGO Video: YouTube

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O’Reilly: This Impeachment is Only About Revenge

A disgusting insight into the connection between the liberal news media and the democrat party. TGO Video: YouTube  

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The Final Strategy to Destroy Donald Trump; News Industry Collapsing

What has happened to this country as a result of the Left, and by the Left I’m referring to the liberal media, the entertainment industry, academia, the tech giants and of course the immoral politicians is truly sad. I’m not … Continue reading

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How Democrats Finally Got What They Wanted …

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that democrats always get what they want… Just as an example, I’m still waiting for the John Durham report followed by the arrests of James Comey, John Brennan and Christopher Steele. Do you … Continue reading

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Harvard students push to strip conservatives of diplomas

On the one hand we have the clueless, ignorant, indoctrinated, imbeciles attending Harvard University and on the other you have Juan Williams, a liberal who’s ALWAYS spinning the facts to justify the Left’s idiotic claims and actions. Who is worse? … Continue reading

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She is special. TGO

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Was This All About OPTICS?

This was the perfect storm, and at the same time it all could have been prevented. The morons who stormed the U.S. Capitol have done more damage to the republican party than anyone can imagine. What did these idiots hope … Continue reading

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Wow!!! TGO

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AOC Says We Need To “Liberate” Southern States To “Heal” in DERANGED Livestream

This video was filmed a couple of days ago… I always believed, and do so to this day, that AOC is an imbecile. But after watching this video I must “adjust” my sentiments… She is still really, really stupid, but … Continue reading

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Holy-moly… TGO  

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It’s Come To This

Stupid yet funny… What is truly sad is that the democrats showcased in this parody are real *ssholes! They’re also ruining this country with their cancel-culture and fake impeachments, just to name a couple. TGO Video: YouTube

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She’s beautiful. TGO

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Tucker: Cuomo’s convenient lockdown U-turn

HYPOCRISY!!!  Andrew Cuomo waited for a month after the election to state the obvious, what Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and other republicans have been saying for months…  I suppose he waited a month trying to put some time between the … Continue reading

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Very curvy. TGO

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Jim Jordan’s Case Against Impeachment Is What Every American Needs to Hear

AWESOME!!!  Compare Jim Jordan’s words with those of the democrats during yesterday’s impeachment clown show. Everything he said is 100% true. Whether democrat, republican or independent, there is no rebuttal to what Jim Jordan stated in less than 5 minutes. … Continue reading

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Awesome as always. TGO

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