Tag Archives: MSNBC

The Media Tries To Paint Over Walz Of ‘Stolen Valor’ | Wacky MOLE

Is there a group of people more dishonest than those in the mainstream (liberal) media? I don’t believe there is. These people blatantly lie over, and over and over again and have no shame. They will say anything to support … Continue reading

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MSNBC changes its tune on Joe Biden following ‘trainwreck’ presidential debate

These liars and hypocrites in the liberal media and their criminal friends in the democrat party really pushed the lies too far and it has backfired on them. Yet of course, since they have no shame, not one of them … Continue reading

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Media ‘Best Biden Ever’ Claims Bomb – Debate ‘Pain’ Ensues | Wacky MOLE

What I find truly disgusting is that these scumbags, yes… they’re all scumbags, have repeatedly been telling us NOT to believe our eyes and ears because Joe Biden was sharp as a tack! Even though it was obvious that he was … Continue reading

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Trump Trials Fall Apart So Media Demand ‘Just-Us’ | Wacky MOLE

What a collection of stupid, mean-spirited c*nts these bimbos are… What I find amazing is that people actually watch this clown show. It goes to show you the level of ignorance of the American left.  Video: YouTube

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“If You Complain That the Economy is Poor, You’re Spreading MISINFORMATION!”

This Jim Clyburn moron is a liar, just like Joe Biden. These people lie every time they open their mouths, and the country is onto them, even democrats, shallow as they can often be! Video: YouTube

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Media Protect Biden From Cannibals, Gas Prices, His Anti-Israeli Activists and Himself | Wacky MOLE

These clowns in the liberal media are a joke. They would support a monkey (which is basically what they’re now doing) as long as it was running against Donald Trump, or any republican for that matter! Video: YouTube

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The Return Of Avenatti: Media Foists Frauds As They Suffer Extreme TDS | Wacky MOLE

What a pathetic bunch these liberal hacks on MSNBC are!  Then there’s the bimbos from The View, more specifically this time around, Sunny Hostin, talk about an ignorant woman! You know you’re stupid when Whoopi Goldberg (not sure she’s a … Continue reading

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Media Claim Deceit & Death Are ‘Good’ For Biden – Then Call Trump A Cult Leader | Wacky MOLE

Joy Behar is either the dumbest person on television or the most evil, maybe both. The crap that comes out of her mouth on a daily basis is enough to fertilize all the farm fields in the Midwest! One wonders … Continue reading

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Media Goose Step In Unison To Protect ‘Sacred Airwaves’ From GOP Messages | Wacky MOLE

The leftist sphincters in the mainstream media are liars and haters, but most of all, they are HYPOCRITES!!! Video: YouTube

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The Democrats ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax: DEBUNKED!!

These scumbags in the liberal (FAKE NEWS) media are one of two things; either truly sick, or the most dishonest vermin on the planet… actually, I believe they’re both!!! Video: YouTube

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Media Boasts Of Bogus ‘Bloodbath’ – Ignores Biden’s Border | Wacky MOLE

The leftist mob in the liberal (FAKE NEWS) media are despicable human beings, as are those in charge of these media outlets! Video: YouTube

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SCOTUS & Super Tuesday Cause Leftist Media Tears To Fall – Wacky MOLE

Jim Acosta and Joy Reid, what a despicable pair of imbeciles! But in reality, is there ANYONE who is on the air for CNN or MSNBC who is not revolting and evil? Video: YouTube

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MSNBC Election Coverage: Embarrassingly Bad Propaganda!

The level of hypocrisy and the lack of morality of the hacks in the mainstream (liberal) media in this country is beyond disgusting! The three individuals referenced in this video are among the most despicable liars and race-baiters on television. … Continue reading

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Media Demand The End Of Fact-Checks On Biden – Urge Joe To Avoid Debate | Wacky MOLE

Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid, and the rest of the leftist hacks on MSNBC, as well as their counterparts on CNN are beyond stupid and malevolent. But hey, the overwhelming majority of Americans believe their rhetoric, so what does that tell … Continue reading

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What a sh*t-show Joe Biden and “his” administration are!!! He’s totally clueless and brain-dead, while the rest of his handlers are corrupt! Video: YouTube

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Media Bias: Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News

Liberal media hacks have no morals and are a total disgrace.  Video: YouTube

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Media Create Stripper Names As They Dance Around Bad Bidenomics | Wacky MOLE

The HYPOCRISY and IMMORALITY of the Leftist FAKE NEWS media is beyond description!!! Video: YouTube

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The Media Battle For Biden’s Bad Brain! | Wacky MOLE

What a pathetic horde of lying hypocrites these liberal media hacks are! Video: YouTube

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Revealed: Biden Loves His Media Backers! Come DNC For Yourself – Wacky MOLE

The closer we get to November the crazier the leftist morons will get, as if they’re not already Looney Tunes! Video: YouTube

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Surprise! Media Declare Biden Big Winner Of Primary–Don’t Be In A ‘Bad Mood’ On Economy | Wacky MOLE

To say that all those who work at CNN and MSNBC, to name a couple, are lying hypocrites is an understatement! Video: YouTube

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Media Suffer Iowa Caucus Conniption – Claims Economic Concerns Are ‘Perverted’ – | Wacky MOLE

That panel shown in the video that has Rachel Maddow sitting in the middle with Jenn Psaki, Joy Reid and the rest of the leftist propaganda-spewing talking heads is something to behold. One has to wonder the IQ of people … Continue reading

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Media Back Biden’s Border – Give Gay Love Over Harvard Resignation | Wacky MOLE

The leftist media has no filter. They simply lie to the public, and the public (liberals) in this case, are so ignorant that they believe the BS.  As for Jake Tapper and Joy Reid, what can be said other than … Continue reading

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Who Gets to Decide Book Bans?

I stumble upon this racist *sshole, Joy-less Reid, from time to time and each time I do the stupidity that oozes out of her mouth is worse than the previous time I saw her. And if you’ll notice, and this … Continue reading

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Media Turns Blind Eye to Biden Bribery Evidence – But Can See God Supporting Abortion | Wacky MOLE

These leftists are shameless. Now, after the votes will grant republicans with subpoena power to investigate Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and halt their refusal to provide requested documentation, democrats are saying that THIS, is a waste of time. Never … Continue reading

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The ineptitude of this “President” is laughable. But then again, one has to point out that the liberal (ass-sniffing) liberal media a-holes continue to cover up for this buffoon! So, you tell me, who is the biggest idiot, Joe Biden … Continue reading

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Bad Biden Polls ‘Frighten’ Media That Prefer Panda-monium | Wacky MOLE

The leftist mob on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC (among others) are just about the lowest IQ people anywhere on the planet. But I don’t believe they compare with the bimbos on The View, or their guests! It’s all … Continue reading

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Media Trust Hamas – But Claim Trump Would Execute Them | Wacky MOLE

Just listen to the stupidity, the utter cow manure, that comes out of the mouth of Rachel Maddow!!! Video: YouTube

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Media Slap ‘Terrorist’ Label On GOP – But Hesitate With Hamas | The MOLE

The demorats continue their assault on the Jewish state. Why? Because they’re scum-bags, why else! A message to Chris Hayes, that low-life piece of cow manure on MSNBC: Gaza doesn’t have an “iron dome” because they don’t need one. Israel … Continue reading

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Sky News host reacts to Joy Reid’s ‘unhinged’ rant about Elon Musk

What else can be said about these liberal morons that hasn’t already been said? When one watches idiots like the fat tub of lard being arrested in Walmart for attempted shoplifting, to the criminal vermin on CNN and MSNBC spewing … Continue reading

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Media: Silence Trump, Ignore GOP! – People ‘Are Not Grateful Enough’ For Biden |Wacky MOLE

These people on CNN and MSNBC are truly sick and obviously pathological liars. It is truly amazing that grown men and women can be such blatant hypocrites, as these vermin all KNOW that the crap that comes out of their … Continue reading

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Don’t Worry, Hawaii… Joe Biden Feels Your Pain!!

Joe Biden is a walking SH*T-SHOW. And the Biden administration as well as the pathetic, ass-sniffing liberal media, is despicable and shameless!!! Video: YouTube

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Media Uses Hillary To Cry About Election Denial – ‘Peters Out’ On Biden Bribery News | Wacky MOLE

The level of ignorance in this country is evident by the fact that that people still watch CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC, as the hacks in these media outlets are nothing short of propagandists for the hypocritical democrat party.  … Continue reading

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Media: If You Don’t Vote The Way We Tell You To– We May All Be Destroyed! |Wacky MOLE

These clowns in the liberal media are pathetic. Pathetic because they aren’t funny, yet they’re laughable. They suck up to Joe Biden (or any democrat chimpanzee) in power.  But hey, many Americans watch these imbeciles on CNN and MSNBC daily. … Continue reading

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Media Goes Full Trump Derangement -A ‘Terrorist’ Who Doesn’t Deserve ‘A Fair Trial’| Wacky MOLE

 These Dems are pathetic, shameless liars! Video: YouTube

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The Media Plays Defense For The Bidens, Demand Republicans ‘Let It Go’ | Wacky MOLE

Liberals continue their cover-up of the Biden crime family by making comments that demonstrate just how stupid they are, and more importantly, how stupid they think the American people are that they can’t see the facts and instead believe the … Continue reading

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A ‘Blow’ To The White House & Media Gives ‘Snow Job’ Of Coverage | Wacky MOLE

The Biden White House is a mockery!!! Never in a million years would I have thought that Joe Biden would have been such a delinquent and fraud!!! As for the mainstream media, they’re just insects; spineless low-lives who have sold … Continue reading

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Media Giggles Like Schoolgirls Over Biden, Hate On America | Wacky MOLE

Joe Biden (Looney-Tunes) Whoopi Goldberg (the whale) and Sunny Hostin (the race Monger). Add (lipless) Nicole Wallace, Joy Behar (etc… and what does one get??? A sh_t popsicle!!! Video: YouTube Self-explanatory…   Video: YouTube  

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Tucker Carlson on Twitter EP 5 – The Presiden’t Son

Hunter Biden, that crack-cocaine sniffing low-life who hires prostitutes as frequently as Charlie did in ‘Two and A Half Men’, has been pardoned of all crimes, including a federal crime for firearms possession… REMARKABLE!!! All of this after a staged … Continue reading

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Media Won’t Report Facts On Trump – Engage In ‘Thought Experiment’ & ‘Strange Thoughts’ Instead

Leftist democrats, and their hypocritical criminals in the media, are rotten to the core. Video: YouTube

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Media: Censoring GOP Would Solve ‘The Problem’ – Why Don’t People Like Biden Economy? |Wacky MOLE

The crooked Left, there’s nothing quite like these hypocritical scum-bags in the entire world. The only consolation is that they know they’re slime, while continuing to act the way they do, which makes them all the more disingenuous!!! Video: YouTube

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Leftist Media: Don’t Worry About High U.S. Debt – Worry About GOP Instead! |Wacky MOLE

Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Joy Reid… if one could fit them all in a bag you would end up with enough feces to fertilize all the wheat fields in Kansas! Have you ever seen and heard such … Continue reading

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Media Prefers ‘Joe Biden Drooling’ Over Actual Reporting | Wacky MOLE

The Leftist (Fake News) media… what else can be said about the hypocrites who work at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and many others? Video: YouTube

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Schizo Media Trashes Tucker But Lavishes Lemon Love | Wacky MOLE

Don’t you just “love” the leftist mob? I especially get a chuckle from watching Whoopi Goldberg, who looks like an overweight gorrilla in pajamas; Ana Navarro, a slush who was often seen plastered in public (I will withhold the location); … Continue reading

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Media Declares 2A Obsolete, ‘Democracy’ Loses If ‘Capitalism Wins’ | Wacky MOLE

Joy Reid, Sonny Hostin, Joy Behar, Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough… not exactly genius material… But then, what can one expect from MSNBC, The View and CNN?  If it wasn’t for the fact that these people are socialist media mobsters … Continue reading

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‘You will never be a woman’: Megyn Kelly blows up about Dylan Mulvaney

Megyn Kelly, a woman, and a beautiful woman at that, has more balls than all the men on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, politicians, and the rest of the spineless men (and women) out there who continue with the … Continue reading

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Interminable Indictment Coverage! Media Loses Their Minds Over Trump | Wacky MOLE

A week after the Trump indictment fiasco for some perspective… yes, another bogus attack on Trump! Anderson Cooper shows the world why he and CNN, are such a-holes!!!  Then we have Rachel Maddow, another dishonest left-wing “journalist,” showing us why … Continue reading

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Media Bans Using ‘Trans’ With Tragedy – Goes Insane Over Trump | Wacky MOLE

These videos don’t require any explanation as it is self-evident that the individuals highlighted herein and their commentaries are idiotic at best, and naturally, always tainted with lies, distortions, and when convenient, exclusions.  Video: YouTube

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How Wrong is She?

Joy Reid is one of the most ignorant and twisted individuals in this country. Just listen to the crap that comes out of her mouth and make up your own mind.  Now, just for a minute, imagine someone this racist, … Continue reading

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Media Throws Tantrums Over Trump – Hits Peak Mountains Of Idiocy | Wacky MOLE

There are quite a lot of stupid shows and stupid people on television, but collectively, The View has to be number one in terms of stupidity. Leading the charge are Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin, who are major … Continue reading

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Tucker: This video shatters the left’s narrative about January 6

What happened on January 6 was a disgrace. As usual, a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us law-abiding citizens, as is currently happening throughout many U.S. cities. However, there is no question that democrats have no … Continue reading

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