Monthly Archives: November 2012

I’m back…

I was out of town on business but have now returned. The image you see below is taken from the plane on the return trip. I hope to soon be posting my daily rhetoric… TGO

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Evangelicals Becoming More Devout, Catholics Less So

As the saying goes, religious people come in all shapes and sizes, they also all share certain genetic defects, such as gullibility, ignorance, lack of common sense, the inability to reason, etc. In this country, probably no other group embodies … Continue reading

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Nigeria: 11 dead in suicide bombs at army church

Muslims continue doing what they do best; killing people. TGO Refer to story below: Source: Associated Press By GODWIN ATTAH and YINKA IBUKUN | Associated Press KADUNA, Nigeria (AP) — At least 11 people were killed and about 30 injured … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Oh baby… TGO

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Casey Anthony detectives overlooked Google search

Interesting development in the Casey Anthony case… One wonders whether this “discovery” would have made a difference in the verdict? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Florida sheriff’s office that investigated … Continue reading

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Pope tells new cardinals: shun “worldly logic of power”

More BS from the Pope, who continues to demonstrate why the Catholic Church is the most hypocritical organization on the planet; as well as being the most corrupt. Just imagine, a church which for 800 years achieved its incredible power, … Continue reading

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In world’s most religious country, humanists rally for secular space

We atheists are growing in numbers, and with good reason. People across the globe are beginning to see what religion offers, which isn’t much. They are also realizing that religious belief carries a great deal of baggage, not to mention … Continue reading

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Suicide bombs kill 11 at military church in Nigeria

KABOOM! Muslim morons continue to end their lives by blowing themselves to pieces; all in the name of religion. Brilliant! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Garba Mohammed and Isaac Abrak | Reuters KADUNA, Nigeria (Reuters) – Two … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Delicious. TGO

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Bomb at Pakistan Shiite procession kills 7

Cute little boys… Too bad that in a few years they’re all going to be indoctrinated, hateful little Muslims, just like their crazy fathers, uncles and grandfathers. These stupid bastards with their Muhammad, their Allah, their Imam Hussein and who … Continue reading

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After abuse scandal, Pope names new bishop of Cloyne, Ireland

The Catholic Church’s re-shuffling of priests, bishops and cardinals continues, as does the sexual abuse of children by clergy. The love of God and faith has been used as a veil to cover up some of the most hideous crimes … Continue reading

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Ex-boxer ‘Macho’ Camacho dies after shooting

Because of the nature of the sport, very few professional fighters are what one would call “decent” human beings. Most come from broken homes and grow up in the streets as thugs. By the way, boxers aren’t the only ones … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

She oozes sensuality… TGO

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Obama Thanksgiving address: Calls to unite behind WH, doesn’t thank God

Wow, what a crime, the President failed to thank God!!! Obama should be arrested for blasphemy! Can anyone tell me what God has done for the human race? Please? The so-called all-good, all-powerful God of Christianity inflicted his most beloved … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: America’s Religion Fetish

This short clip was recorded about  a year ago when Texas governor Rick Perry was leading the polls for Republican presidential nominee of the United States. Scary… Well, it’s a good thing he wasn’t the eventual “winner” for the party, … Continue reading

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2 tons of pigeon droppings found in Swedish church tower; hatch left open for decades

Maybe those pigeons knew a little more about churches than we give them credit for… TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press By The Associated Press | Associated Press – Thu, Nov 22, 2012 STOCKHOLM – A hatch on a … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Sooooooo sexy… TGO

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2 killed, dozens injured in massive Texas pileup

Amazing! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press BEAUMONT, Texas (AP) — Two people died and more than 80 people were hurt Thursday when at least 140 vehicles collided in Southeast Texas in a pileup that left … Continue reading

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Pope urges dignity, rehabilitation for prisoners

The Pope should really just focus on trying to indoctrinate the masses, perpetuating archaic and superstitious beliefs and practicing the Catholic Church’s myriad of silly rituals. In doing so, he would keep his nose out of other people’s affairs… TGO … Continue reading

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Does Anyone Really Believe in the Mayan Apocalypse?

If human history (and present-day human behavior) has taught us anything, it has taught us that human beings are a superstitious and gullible species; capable of believing ANYTHING. Depending on the culture and level of indoctrination, people will accept anything … Continue reading

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Egypt Brotherhood leader blasts peace with Israel

These idiots never know when to stop… Muslims get their asses kicked by the Israelis each time and still they want more. Goes to show how stupid they are. TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Getting ready to cook Thanksgiving meal… TGO

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Internal emails offer details on bin Laden burial

Call me a skeptic, but I don’t believe that Osama bin Laden was “buried” at sea; not for one moment. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By RICHARD LARDNER | Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Internal emails among … Continue reading

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Water on Mars and Earth Had Similar Origins

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Staff | The Earth’s oceans and the water that once flowed on Mars likely came from a similar source: meteorites that landed on the planets when they were … Continue reading

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Pope warns Gaza conflict could spread

The Pope is a real genius for stating that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians could spread to other parts of the Middle East isn’t he? Wow, that takes an enormous amount of foresight on his part. I wonder … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Great body. TGO

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Israel museums hide art to protect it from rockets

Those of us who live in somewhat secular societies should be grateful for that, for as one can plainly see, living in a country (or region) dominated by fanatical religious beliefs is at best a daily struggle and at worst … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Perfection… TGO

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Brazilian soccer star on trial for killing lover

Strange story… Who would murder his lover, have her quartered and fed to dogs? If the guy below is responsible for this, he needs to be exterminated. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By JULIANA BARBASSA | Associated … Continue reading

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‘Super-Jupiter’ Discovery Dwarfs Solar System’s Largest Planet

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Staff | In a rare direct photo of a world beyond Earth, astronomers have spotted a planet 13 times more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our … Continue reading

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Public nudity ban eyed in fed-up San Francisco

Leave it to the people of San Francisco to push the envelope further and further in terms of freedom; warranted or otherwise… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By LISA LEFF | Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — … Continue reading

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Palestinian civilian toll climbs in Gaza

The madness continues… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By IBRAHIM BARZAK and KARIN LAUB | Associated Press GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli aircraft struck crowded areas in the Gaza Strip on Monday, driving up the … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Lovely pose. TGO

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Israeli air strike kills 11 civilians in Gaza: Hamas

If the stupid Palestinians had any brains, which they don’t, they’d realize that they can’t win against the Israelis, who are not only better organized and equipped, but backed by the United States. This is the main defect of Muslims … Continue reading

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Obama’s Wine Gift Could Violate Rules

Really? Is this for real? Politicians across the nation, especially those at the highest levels of Washington, take in millions of dollars in “favors” each year. You mean to say that a $125.00 bottle of wine as a gift is … Continue reading

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New pope installed to lead church in Islamist-run Egypt

Can these religions, and the men who head them, become any more ridiculous than they already are? Really folks, this guy looks like more of an idiot than Pope Benedict XVI from the Catholic Church; and that’s no easy task! … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Splashing in the ocean… TGO

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Pat Condell” Insulting religion

As always, Pat Condell is exactly on point. TGO Video: YouTube

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Film defrocks church hierarchy over handling of sex abuse

In my opinion pedophile priests are the lowest form of scum in any society; bar none. People such as the man pictured below, who sexually abused over 200 deaf boys, should be hung by their testicles, hoisted in the air, … Continue reading

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Egypt: Train hits school bus; 49 children killed

What a disaster! Innocent children killed and families destroyed because of negligence on the part of government officials too concerned about their own personal wealth and power to take care of basic needs and in turn protect the livelihood of … Continue reading

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Israel hits Hamas government buildings, reservists mobilized

As long as there are Muslims in this world, there will be conflict; it’s that simple. And let’s not forget, the Jews are no piece of cake either – they are equally confrontational. The difference is that Jews are civilized … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Beautiful! TGO

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Super Material Can Stop Speeding Bullet

Interesting… TGO Refer to story below. Source: ABC News By Kevin Dolak | ABC News Blogs – Thu, Nov 15, 2012 Researchers at a Rice University lab are researching technology that could potentially stop a 9-millimeter bullet and seal the entryway behind … Continue reading

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Casualties, attacks in Israel-Hamas conflict

Amazing, isn’t it? These morons have been at war since the beginning of time (it seems) and they’re still going at it. Hopefully this time around there will be a full scale attack by one side or another, prompting all … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Love her – eyes… TGO

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Rat kill in Galapagos Islands targets 180 million

Rats, along with bats, are among the most disgusting animals on the planet. If there are two species of animals that should become extinct, these are it. Unfortunately, they will probably outlive the human race. TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Woman In Ireland Dies After Being Denied an Abortion During a Miscarriage

Thanks to the mentally crippled Catholics who are obsessed with their sick brand of faith another human being has suffered and died. Unfortunately this is nothing new, hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children have suffered and died … Continue reading

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Hamas rocket kills 3 Israelis, wider war looms

Here they go again… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Nidal al-Mughrabi | Reuters GAZA (Reuters) – A Hamas rocket killed three Israelis north of the Gaza Strip on Thursday, drawing first blood from Israel as the Palestinian … Continue reading

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Picture of the Day

Awesome! TGO Note: Click on image to enlarge

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Total Solar Eclipse of 2012 Begins: First Photos

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: By Mike Wall | The last total solar eclipse until 2015 has begun, with the moon’s shadow commencing its three-hour trek across Earth’s surface in far northern Australia. The total … Continue reading

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