Monthly Archives: April 2017

‘We’re all Muslims’: How Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists united against Donald Trump in Detroit

No, you’re not all Muslims. You’re all morons, which come to think of it, is the same thing. But since you all consider yourselves Muslims, I have a suggestion. Why don’t you all leave the United States and move to … Continue reading

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Singling Out A Billion Muslims

Pat Condell makes a mockery of Muslims and the brain-dead liberals who support them, regardless of their actions. TGO Video: YouTube

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Trump celebrates first 100 days as president, blasts media

I’m not a Trump supporter as such. Although having said that, I do agree with him on a couple of key issues. The main issue in which I support him is immigration. I really don’t know when it was that Americans … Continue reading

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Is The Death Penalty Anti-Christian?

What does that mean, anti-Christian? Does being Christian infer some sort of high moral standard? If so, where did it come from? Certainly not from the Bible. The Bible is one of the most immoral books ever produced; notwithstanding the … Continue reading

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Chicago Archdiocese to settle priest abuse suits for $4.45M

The gay man’s club, also known as the Catholic Church, continues to pay victims of sexual child abuse as retribution for it’s crimes. Yet how many of these abusers serve time in prison on sodomy and child rape charges? Not many. TGO … Continue reading

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1,000 shot in Chicago so far this year

The hypocrisy of it all. The State with one of the strictest gun laws in the nation leads all states in gun violence. I know, I know, most of the guns used in these crimes were purchased in other states. Wow, … Continue reading

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A look at immigrants in the US without legal status

I don’t believe these polls for one minute. The total number of illegal immigrants is probably double what the poll suggests. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press April 25, 2017 SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — A … Continue reading

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Pakistan Taliban target Shi’ite minority with roadside blast, kill 10

KABOOM! Another bomb detonated by Muslims against Muslims. That’s one thing about these crazy bastards, they kill everyone (not just infidels). Westerners, Christians, Muslims, women and children; it’s all the same to them. They just like to kill. The irony … Continue reading

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Suicide bombers kill four in Northeast Nigeria: vigilantes

KABOOM! The religious zealots, Muslims who else, continue their rampage to blow themselves up and in the process take innocent lives. These vermin are so obsessed with their criminal faith that they willingly die. The stupidity of Muslims is beyond … Continue reading

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Should The Bible Be Taught In Schools?

 The short answer is NO! These Bible-thumpers who just will not quit need to STOP!!! Leave religion out of public institutions already. No doubt, these people have already indoctrinated their kids. Now, leave the rest of the children alone! TGO … Continue reading

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Man who made his living killing African wildlife gets eaten by African wildlife

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy… Sometimes, although all too rarely, there is justice in this world. Refer to story below. Source: BGR Mike Wehner BGR News April 21, 2017 <img class=”StretchedBox W(100%) H(100%) ie-7_H(a)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAw/” itemprop=”url”/&a Scott Van … Continue reading

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Conjoined Twins Refuse to Be Separated Despite Doctor’s Warnings

This is so sad. I can’t begin to imagine the hardship that these girls have endured. TGO Refer to story below. Source: People Alexia Fernandez People April 22, 2017 When Carmen and Lupita Andrade were born, doctors said they only had … Continue reading

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Huge crowds of Shiite faithful throng Baghdad shrine

Don’t let it ever be said that Muslims are fanatics. By the way, can you spot one woman in the crowd? I couldn’t either. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press   AFP April 23, 2017 Baghdad (AFP) – … Continue reading

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Pope likens migrant holding centers to ‘concentration camps’

I have a suggestion for the Pope. Why not take in several thousand of these refugees living in what he calls concentration camps, and move them to the Vatican. Certainly the Vatican has enough space for these people, doesn’t it? And … Continue reading

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‘Happy Days’ Star Erin Moran Dies at 56

It’s always sad to hear that one of the people we grew up watching on television as kids has passed away.  Don’t know if it’s just me, but Henry Winkler’s tweet didn’t sound too warm. It seemed as if there … Continue reading

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Sam Harris goes to town on Islam and Political Correctness

An interesting perspective on Islam from Sam Harris. TGO Video: YouTube

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Arkansas conducts first execution since 2005, plans 3 more

I always find it amusing how everyone is concerned with these douche-bag criminals who cave in an innocent person’s skull with a tire iron, but these same people are never concerned with the victims. I say, you bludgeoned someone to … Continue reading

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3 Pakistani women confess to killing man over blasphemy

As tragic as these stories are, they are somewhat amusing in that they demonstrate the level of stupidity possessed by Muslims. How can grown men and women be so completely brainwashed by a bogus belief-system such as Islam? Scarier yet, … Continue reading

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Sam Harris on why Clinton Lost the White House

Sam Harris is right on point. Hillary’s absolute denial of the dangers of Islam and the fact that Muslims are turning Europe into a cesspool was a significant contributor to her losing the election. And of course, whenever one of these Muslim … Continue reading

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Sam Harris on the so called ‘Golden Age’ of Islam

Short but sweet… Sam Harris makes the point in minutes. How many of you Muslims out there are open-minded and honest enough to admit that he is totally correct? TGO Video: YouTube  

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Police officer killed, two wounded in Paris shooting

This is what Muslim apologists, these stupid morons with little if any brain matter between their ears want for the United States. They are so overwhelmingly obsessed with liberalism that they don’t know their ass from their elbow. Mindless, gutless … Continue reading

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What’s Bill O’Reilly’s Next Move?

Agreed. The douche-bag will be back; somewhere… TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Hollywood Reporter The Hollywood Reporter Michael O’Connell © Provided by The Hollywood Reporter Bill O’Reilly -THR 2016 – 35 Most Powerful People in Media- Getty-H 2017 … Continue reading

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N.Korea warns of “super-mighty preemptive strike” as U.S. plans next move

I suppose the world will always have buffoons as political leaders. A handful come immediately to mind; Muammar Kaddafi, as well as the now extinct Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. But this guy, Kim Jong Un, might just be the … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Ban the Burka

Ah yes, the burka. What a fine example of Muslim design. If this doesn’t tell you something about just how f*cked up Islam is, nothing will. TGO Video: YouTube

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Bill O’Reilly out at Fox News

Anyone who ever watched this clown knew he was a fake. All of these self-righteous individuals generally are, and he is no exception. TGO Video: Daily News/YouTube

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Ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez hangs himself in his prison cell

What a wasted life! Youth, fame and fortune… But in the end, just another in the long line of wasted lives. How tragic. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press BOSTON (AP) — Former NFL star Aaron … Continue reading

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April the giraffe gives birth

This is so cool… Nature is amazing! TGO Video: ABC News/YouTube

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A Saudi woman’s plea for help exposes risks runaways face

And once again, Islam is in the news. This time the issue is not suicide bombers, ISIS, al-Qaida, the Taliban, etc. This time around it’s about the plight of Muslim women, more specifically in Saudi Arabia. It’s not enough that … Continue reading

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Mass evacuation in Syria to proceed after blast kill 68 kids

For those of you not interested in reading the entire article, following is a paragraph from the story below: “A wounded girl, who said she lost her siblings in the blast, told Al-Manar TV from her hospital bed that children who … Continue reading

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Syrian TV says dozens killed in blast near evacuation buses

More of the same in the Middle East… More violence, more bombs exploding, more people killed and maimed; it’s the Islamic way of life and it may never change. Not as long as the Koran is viewed as a holy … Continue reading

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Boko Haram Has Forced 117 Children to Act As Suicide Bombers

These assassins have the mindset of barbarians living in the 7th century, the problem is, of course, that we’re in the 21st century. Most of us, at least those who live in the West and certain other parts of the world (non-Islamic countries) … Continue reading

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Afghanistan: Massive US bomb kills 36 Islamic State fighters

This is what the United States needs to do in Iraq, Libya and all other nations hostile to the West. We need to step up the fight before these rotten Islamic countries poison the rest of the sensible people on earth … Continue reading

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The Latest: Garcia wins 1st major title at the Masters

Close but no cigar for Justin Rose, who I had picked to win The Masters this year. The bottom line is that the driver failed him at the end, although he did have a chance to win in regulation… TGO … Continue reading

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The Latest: Rose, Garcia on top at Masters after 3rd round

Who will win this year’s Masters tournament? My money is on Justin Rose. But regardless of who wins, it is sure to be an extremely entertaining Sunday. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press Associated Press April 8, 2017 … Continue reading

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A massive asteroid is going to zip past Earth later this month

If one of these rocks collides with Earth, that would more than like be the end of our species. This is how random life is. All of the wars over territory, power, money and of course, all of the religious … Continue reading

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Two killed in suicide bombing outside Alexandria church: Egypt state TV

Nothing changes… Days, weeks, months and years go by, but the stories are the same; Muslims continue killing innocent people. And it all boils down to their stupid beliefs, which of course, come from the Koran – that unholiest of … Continue reading

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France expels Swiss Islamist

How impressive. The French actually put on their man pants and expelled a Muslim from their country. Personally, I’m very proud of the French government for this. Now all they need to do is keep it coming… TGO Source: Associated … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Islam has destroyed Sweden

All women should watch this video. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Suspect in Stockholm attack identified as Uzbekistan-born man: Police

Muslims destroying Europe. Continue reading

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Blast rocks St. Petersburg Metro

Islam is a cancer to societies across the globe. Continue reading

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