Tag Archives: Liberal Media

The Media Tries To Paint Over Walz Of ‘Stolen Valor’ | Wacky MOLE

Is there a group of people more dishonest than those in the mainstream (liberal) media? I don’t believe there is. These people blatantly lie over, and over and over again and have no shame. They will say anything to support … Continue reading

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Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes! – Media Wants You Blind For Biden | Wacky MOLE

These hypocritical buffoons in the leftist (mainstream) media are something else! And of course, let’s not forget Karine Jean-Pierre, for whatever comes out of her mouth is undeniably the opposite of the truth. By the way, that bimbo in one … Continue reading

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Joe Biden has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He’s inept, incompetent, and immoral… in addition, he a pathological liar! As for Erin Burnett, she’s the typical mainstream media hack. She KNOWS that Biden is lying about the 9% claim, but she … Continue reading

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I have often referred to Joe Biden as a buffoon, and some people have been critical of my description of him. Yet, the more I watch and listen to him, the more convinced I am that ‘BUFFOON’ perfectly describes him. … Continue reading

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Joe Biden has been disastrous for this country! He was incompetent 40 years ago and he’s incompetent now. Except now, he doesn’t know what day of the week it is, as his mental acuity continues to plummet.  This is why … Continue reading

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JD Vance Mocks Democrats For Being ‘Obsessed With Russia’ At CPAC

To all you fair-minded people out there, just watch and listen… Video: YouTube

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Media Bias: Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News

Liberal media hacks have no morals and are a total disgrace.  Video: YouTube

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Media Create Stripper Names As They Dance Around Bad Bidenomics | Wacky MOLE

The HYPOCRISY and IMMORALITY of the Leftist FAKE NEWS media is beyond description!!! Video: YouTube

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Joe Biden Is An “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” Says Report/Everyone

Joe Biden is a world-class liar! Oh, and no, he is NOT fit to run a hot-dog stand, much less the President of the United States! The fact that the liberal media and democrat politicians CONTINUE to cover up for … Continue reading

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The Dangers Of The Biden Border Crisis

Those in the Biden administration who support open borders, such as Joe Biden himself, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, Karine Jean-Pierre, and many others, are actually bigger scum than some of the illegal immigrants and members of the drug cartels. By … Continue reading

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UFC, WEF & GOP – More Things That Need To Be Said

What the Biden administration has done at the southern border is criminal. These liberals have no morals and consequently no shame! As for the rest of the BS the elites attempt to indoctrinate us with, FCK THEN, and FCK the … Continue reading

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Democrat Senate Staffer Scandal Shocks D.C.; Media Blames Republicans!!

More HYPOCRISY from the Left. You just gotta love these clowns! Video: YouTube

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The ineptitude of this “President” is laughable. But then again, one has to point out that the liberal (ass-sniffing) liberal media a-holes continue to cover up for this buffoon! So, you tell me, who is the biggest idiot, Joe Biden … Continue reading

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Media Slap ‘Terrorist’ Label On GOP – But Hesitate With Hamas | The MOLE

The demorats continue their assault on the Jewish state. Why? Because they’re scum-bags, why else! A message to Chris Hayes, that low-life piece of cow manure on MSNBC: Gaza doesn’t have an “iron dome” because they don’t need one. Israel … Continue reading

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To say that Joe Biden is an embarrassment is similar to saying that he’s a democrat; of course, he’s an embarrassment, he’s a bumbling fool!!! As for the democrat party/media, they’re simply scum-bags! Video: YouTube

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The Weather Channel vs. Joe Biden

When one watches any of these hacks in the liberal media interview Joe Biden, one has to ask: who is the bigger moron, the interviewer or Joe Biden? Of course, we know the answer. Clearly Joe Biden is the idiot, … Continue reading

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Talking Points Memo: Trump’s Indictment

Real news… Video: YouTube

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Joe Rogan slams Joe Biden

Joe Rogan tells it like it is with regard to Joe Biden and the liberal media cover-up, as opposed to their treatment of Trump. Video: YouTube

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Media Giggles Like Schoolgirls Over Biden, Hate On America | Wacky MOLE

Joe Biden (Looney-Tunes) Whoopi Goldberg (the whale) and Sunny Hostin (the race Monger). Add (lipless) Nicole Wallace, Joy Behar (etc… and what does one get??? A sh_t popsicle!!! Video: YouTube Self-explanatory…   Video: YouTube  

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Tucker Carlson on Twitter! Episode 7!!! 6/27/23 FULL- Gavin Newsome for PRESIDENT???

The Biden administration has been a complete train wreck from day 1. The wreckage continues, seemingly getting worse and worse with each passing day… Hopefully, the American electorate will use common sense this time around and elect a republican president. … Continue reading

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By now we all know that Joe Biden is much, much more than a bumbling idiot and buffoon, we also know that he’s a huge liar. Need proof, just watch. Video: YouTube

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Biden’s bribery buddy alleged to have kept audio recordings with the president

Those of us who want to know the TRUTH about what happened with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Burisma, Ukraine, China, etc. may never know the facts because our Justice Department/Merrick Garland, the FBI/Christopher Wray, and the mainstream media are all … Continue reading

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Media: Censoring GOP Would Solve ‘The Problem’ – Why Don’t People Like Biden Economy? |Wacky MOLE

The crooked Left, there’s nothing quite like these hypocritical scum-bags in the entire world. The only consolation is that they know they’re slime, while continuing to act the way they do, which makes them all the more disingenuous!!! Video: YouTube

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Pride Before The Fall: Media Mad About Target Boycotts – Dismiss Biden’s Fall |Wacky MOLE

Joy Reid, Sunny Hostin, Joe Scarborough, et all…, are there bigger idiots and more stupid, hypocritical people than these anywhere out there? Actually, not many, but yes. The rest of the liberal hacks in the media are on least on … Continue reading

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Needless to say, Joe Biden isn’t well. I made a bet with a democrat friend of mine that Joe (the buffoon) Biden, wouldn’t run for the presidency. Let’s see if I’m right… Video: YouTube

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Lying Liars

The liberal media is a joke! They’re made up of a conglomerate of liars, nothing else. Unfortunately, the attention span of the average U.S. citizen is no more than about 30 seconds, and therefore people believe the first thing they’re … Continue reading

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Bjørn Lomborg & Russell Brand DEBATE Climate Change

An interesting (and objective) discussion on climate change… Although Russell Brand and Bjorn Lomborg were very civil in their discussion and didn’t in so many words point out the hypocrisy of the Left, they did address the very important, and … Continue reading

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Tucker: This video shatters the left’s narrative about January 6

What happened on January 6 was a disgrace. As usual, a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us law-abiding citizens, as is currently happening throughout many U.S. cities. However, there is no question that democrats have no … Continue reading

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Chris Cuomo Publicly Humiliated…AGAIN

This guy is funny. As for Chris Cuomo, how does the saying go… “leopards don’t change their spots.” Well, Chris Cuomo isn’t going to change either. He’s a smug, arrogant, self-centered liberal. End of story.  CNN has improved thanks to … Continue reading

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Room Sits in SILENCE After Ex-Trans Teen’s Shocking Testimony | @RubinReport

This is so sad. The life of a child, now a woman, ruined FOREVER by liberal doctors and brain-dead parents amid all of the propaganda regarding sex changes and “identifying as this or that” and the “multiple gender” morons in … Continue reading

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Megyn Kelly On Media Bias

The liberal/socialist media is despicable! In terms of despicable, and completely shameless, not only are MANY media “personalities” such as Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmie Kimmel, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon and others total hypocrites… but who could possibly … Continue reading

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These kinds of people will destroy America | Thomas Sowell

Listen to these words from Thomas Sowell, carefully listen to them, and you will realize that he is stating exactly what is happening in this country, pushed by educators who indoctrinate our children, and the liberal media attempting (and often succeeding) … Continue reading

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The Scaremongers Are Wrong

60 Minutes is a joke! The producers as well as the hosts of this show are nothing but megaphones for the socialist agenda. Their aim is quite simple and happens to work. It is to scare people, mostly the young, … Continue reading

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What?! – Media Claim Biden Docs Are Just ‘Recipes’ & Reagan’s MLK Holiday Is Racist | Wacky MOLE

Joy Reid and Whoopi Goldberg are idiots, but then we already knew that. As for the rest of the liberal morons at CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC, I often wonder how they can actually look themselves in the mirror … Continue reading

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‘Car-a-Lago’: The Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal

Just one more example of the hypocrisy of the democrat party, the Biden administration (which is a sham) and the liberal media’s bias against Trump and in favor of Biden. Joe Biden, his administration, and the democrat party are a … Continue reading

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OUR Government Has Decided Who Has Rights and Who Doesn’t

All I know is that this country is doomed. It is being destroyed from within by all of these liberal half-wits without a spine who have bought into the political-correctness, idiotic, woke mentality of the socialist crowd; and a socialist … Continue reading

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Sen. Kennedy: Biden’s speech was a cynical attempt to fill our heads with stupid

Joe Biden has turned out to be quite the scum-bag. Politics aside (if that’s even possible) he’s a real _sshole!!! Video: YouTube

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Media Freaks Out at What Joe Rogan Just Told His Fans to Do | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe could tell that all of the Covid-related stuff coming out of the Looney-Tunes politicians, particularly in California, which the liberal media was repeating ad nauseum, was nothing but pure, unadulterated cow manure. But hey, … Continue reading

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‘Hopelessly muddled’: Another hot minute of Joe Biden being ‘thoroughly disorientated’

Trump derangement syndrome, resulting from the fake propaganda of the criminal liberal media, Big Tech, Academia, and Hollywood, combined with the idiocy of the masses, got Joe Biden elected in 2020. Nice going folks… all of you who voted for … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan: This was the real goal of the Trump raid

Anyone who actually believes that this entire sh_t-show with the FBI showing up at Trump’s home was not politically driven has the IQ of an amoeba.  Video: YouTube

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It’s a very damaging sabotage if its true: James Trusty

Thankfully, this spineless weasel, Merrick Garland, never made it onto the Supreme Court, as now his reign is limited to the presidency of Joe Biden (which can’t end soon enough).  As for FBI director Christopher Wray, it doesn’t appear as … Continue reading

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This could be the greatest episode of corruption in US history: GOP lawmaker

This whole thing stinks beyond description.  Just when one thinks that democrats, the FBI, and the socialist liberal media can’t collude any more than they already have, they once again prove just how corrupt they are and the heights to … Continue reading

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‘Cognitive decline’: Biden tries to ‘shake hands with thin air’ during Israel trip

Joe Biden wasn’t fit to be President 40 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago and he definitely isn’t fit to be President today. Those around him, especially his family, are doing him a disservice by encouraging him to … Continue reading

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Obama ripped into White House doctor for calling out Biden’s cognitive decline

The biggest enemy this country, the United States, has is not China or Russia or Iran. Our biggest enemy is the democrat’s thirst for power and the liberal media, who is in bed with democrats and will do anything and … Continue reading

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Michele Tafoya Is Done Apologizing | Truth Bomb


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Hell No, Why Won’t They Go? Celebs Threaten to Leave, But Never Do

There are a whole lot of people who have said they wanted to leave this country if this happened or that happened… Yet, they never did and never will.  At the top of this list for me, because he said … Continue reading

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Doocy grills Jean-Pierre: Does President Biden take any responsibility?

I remember when the Fake News media relentlessly went after Trump for being a liar, talk about calling a kettle black. The Biden administration is a train wreck in every measurable metric. They are consistent in their failed policies and … Continue reading

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Republican AG on ‘landmark lawsuit’ against the Biden administration

Joe Biden, Jennifer Psaki, Anthony Fauci, and the rest of the liberal gang are distorters of the truth and outright liars in many instances. And yes, they are in bed with Big Tech and the liberal (Fake News) media as … Continue reading

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‘What Lies Ahead If Trumpists Keep Winning?’ – Media Wades Into Insanity Over Roe | Wacky MOLE

Well, in terms of MSNBC, Chris Hayes can’t get pregnant, and Rachel Maddow doesn’t like men, which means that neither of them have to worry about abortion laws personally affecting their lives in one way or another. In terms of … Continue reading

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John Durham scores win in fight for disclosed documents from Clinton camp

The years 2016 to 2020 have to have been the dirtiest political years in the history of the United States. The Russia collusion hoax, the Mueller investigation, the two impeachments, the relentless attacks on Donald Trump by the liberal, Fake … Continue reading

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