Tag Archives: Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson Responds to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Watch and listen, please! Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson on Donald Trump | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Yes, just like Tucker Carlson, I believe the 2020 election was rigged. If for no other reason (and there are other reasons) because democrats and their crooked friends in the Fake News media, Facebook and Twitter covered-up/suppressed the Hunter Biden … Continue reading

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The Russia Trip | Part 1

Amazing! What a difference between what we see in any large American city! Video: YouTube

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Here’s What Really Happened on January 6th

The DEEP STATE is rotten to the core! Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson Reveals why he ACTUALLY got FIRED from Fox News…

Tucker Carlson opens up about his firing at Fox News and other general views. Video: YouTube

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What did Elon Musk say to make Tucker Carlson BURST OUT LAUGHING?

This is short, sweet and brilliant! Video: YouTube

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‘Revolution’: Tucker Carlson Interviews Victor Davis Hanson

Hopefully there will be some of you who stumble upon this blog, watch this video, and pass it along to friends and family. This video, where Victor Davis Hanson describes what the Left is doing to the United States of … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson on Twitter! Episode 7!!! 6/27/23 FULL- Gavin Newsome for PRESIDENT???

The Biden administration has been a complete train wreck from day 1. The wreckage continues, seemingly getting worse and worse with each passing day… Hopefully, the American electorate will use common sense this time around and elect a republican president. … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson on Twitter Ep.6 – JUNE 22, 2023

The liberal (Fake News) media just might be the most difficult thing for this country to overcome, possibly even more difficult than the presidency of Joe Biden, and that’s saying something! They are all about indoctrinating the public, not informing … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson on Twitter- episode 4! Tucker talks about Joe Biden NOT being a dictator

Here is episode 4 of Tucker Carlson on Twitter… Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson is BACK!!! Watch Tucker Carlson On Twitter- episode 1

Here is episode 1 of Tucker Carlson on Twitter… Video: YouTube

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Schizo Media Trashes Tucker But Lavishes Lemon Love | Wacky MOLE

Don’t you just “love” the leftist mob? I especially get a chuckle from watching Whoopi Goldberg, who looks like an overweight gorrilla in pajamas; Ana Navarro, a slush who was often seen plastered in public (I will withhold the location); … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson breaks silence after leaving Fox News | New York Post

Fox News caved in as a result of social pressure and lawsuits, so they dumped their best employee, which they will ultimately regret, if not already. Video: YouTube

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BREAKING: Tucker Carlson OUT At Fox News Effective Immediately, Brie & Robby REACT

WOW!!! Video: YouTube

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Media losing their mind over Tucker Carlson asking Beto O’Rourke questions

More liberal stupidity… what else is new? They have the common sense of a worm. Video: YouTube

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Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground

Tucker Carlson pretty much says it all in this video with regard to Joe Biden’s utterly peculiar press conference last night… really WEIRD! Video: YouTube

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Tulsi Gabbard explains her decision to leave the Democratic Party

Well, here’s one person with balls!  Everything she said is absolutely true about the democrat party and the rest of the idiotic woke mob, both throughout society and of course in Washington. I’m looking forward to those midterm elections… Video: … Continue reading

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Tucker: These people are lunatics

I don’t believe the people Tucker Carlson is referring to are lunatics. What I do believe, and in fact know from hearing the things they say and reading the things they write, is that they are SCUMBAGS, LIARS, and HYPOCRITES. … Continue reading

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‘She’s losing it’: Joy Reid ‘essentially’ calls Tucker Carlson a ‘fascist’

The most racist individual in the Fake News media, which is quite telling, is unhinged yet again. By the way, Joy Reid owns the perfecta, as she’s also the biggest hypocrite in the leftist media. Video: YouTube

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College student who questioned Brian Stelter speaks out

Mr. Potato Head, Brian Stelter, has no shame. He was exposed for being a fraud, and more importantly, CNN was exposed for its lies (yet again) this time by a college student. Interesting isn’t it, this student has more brains … Continue reading

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Tucker: Biden broke the oldest rule of all

This is the most inept, incompetent, and immoral administration in the history of the United States. The Biden administration is taking the place of Ringling Brothers’s circus; Joe Biden is the buffoon and head clown, while Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, … Continue reading

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Student ejected for telling professor there are only 2 genders

University a-holes disguised as professors are teaching our kids that there are 72 different genders… BRILLIANT!!! I have to say it, this country is f_cked! While our youth is being indoctrinated with this level of stupidity, students in China and … Continue reading

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They’re coming after anyone who doesn’t agree with them: Nehls

I’m not going to even comment on this video as I prefer the viewer watch it and determine if the speaker (Troy Nehls) sounds credible and what he is saying appears legitimate. Video: YouTube

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Biden presidency is unlike anything we’ve ever seen: Victor Davis Hanson

This video is two and a half months old but still relevant today and summarizes a great deal of what is wrong with this administration and the Left in general. Video: YouTube

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Tucker: Nothing like this has ever happened in the United States

This is no accident folks, this is all by design, and we’ve all stood around for almost a year now watching it happen and have done nothing about it. Going on 2,000,000 illegal immigrants (including thousands of criminals), tons of … Continue reading

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Dana Perino analyzes CNN list of Democrats who could replace Biden

This is a follow-up commentary to the story below. Interesting observation from Dana Perino: Tucker: This is how dumb CNN is The democrats have some real “winners” in their party, don’t they? I was left wandering how Gavin Newsom, governor … Continue reading

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San Francisco Police Department member tells Tucker they are fed up

The most beautiful city in the United States has become a sewage pit. Is it any surprise? It shouldn’t be, it is run by spineless, liberal vermin. City, county and state officials who are afraid of their own shadow and … Continue reading

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Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history

All I can say is: “WOW, WE’RE F_CKED!!! Actually, I could say more, but what’s the point? We already know that the Biden administration is inept, incompetent, and worst of all, immoral! Video: YouTube

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PETA executive calls for Dr. Fauci’s resignation

This is disgusting! The cruelty inflicted on these animals is sickening to anyone with even a small sense of moral decency.  Dr. Fauci is more and more reprehensible with each passing day. Video: YouTube

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Tucker: These are the moral priorities of the Democrats

Democrats have no morals, this is quite obvious to anyone with any semblance of objectivity and decency. The obsession for control and its relentless pursuit takes these people to a level of depravity which is difficult to comprehend. For those … Continue reading

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Tucker reveals the most pressing question for Americans about the border crisis

This is an absolute disgrace! Joe Biden and his hoodlums are destroying this country from within, from the U.S. Capitol itself! The decisions these people are making is jeopardizing not only American citizens and our way of life, but the … Continue reading

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Joy Reid Is Officially The Worst Talking Head On TV

This is funny… Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/4i-UE6Pq3gw

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Tucker: They won’t admit they are wrong and don’t care what you think

Unbelievable! Americans and Afghanis who helped the U.S. are left behind to fend for themselves with ISIS and the Taliban. The total debacle that the Biden administration is responsible for, including the deaths of 13 Americans, is shameful.  One would … Continue reading

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Tucker: What the hell was that?

At some point, and I don’t know when that was, we as Americans gave away our balls to the rest of the world. Sucking up to every human being on the planet that is not an American citizen is disgusting. … Continue reading

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Tucker reveals the names of every Republican who voted yes on infrastructure

Unbelievable!!! With each passing day this country is falling deeper and deeper into a socialist state. These liberal democrats want to control every aspect of our lives, and if we sit idly by and do nothing, our society will be … Continue reading

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Thousands of Illegal Migrants Are Being Released into the U.S.

What Tucker Carlson describes is plain as day. There is a reason why liberals have opened the border, despite the BS they feed us.  Watch what Bill Clinton said in a State of the Union Address… Video: YouTube

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Tucker: They are intentionally stealing the country from American citizens

What blows my mind is that the Biden administration opened the border from day one (as Tucker points out) yet republicans in Washington D.C. do nothing about it but whine and moan! What happened to impeachment? Biden is allowing hundreds … Continue reading

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Tucker spars with Geraldo Rivera in heated segment on immigration

The liberal mindset of Geraldo Rivera actually somehow defends illegal immigrants coming into this country, unvaccinated and obviously without masks. All the while, our government is basically forcing people to get vaccinated and is already highly encouraging, if not (once … Continue reading

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Cameras In Classrooms! Good Idea or An Orwellian Nightmare?

A one hundred percent (100%) true assessment of what’s happening in this country regarding the indoctrination of children. So… police are required to carry body cameras when dealing with delinquents but filming what goes on in classrooms with children is … Continue reading

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Kamala Harris allegedly keeps list of ‘enemy’ journalists

More from Tucker on Kamala Harris… Video: YouTube

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Tucker reacts to unclassified government UFO report

I believe it is safe to say that we knew the government’s report on UFOs was going to be inconclusive and state they have no knowledge of what these objects are. Why don’t they at least come out and say … Continue reading

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Fired Space Force commander issues warning to military leaders

The Left-Tards’ flawed and dangerous ideologies can be described as a metastasized malignant tumor that is rapidly spreading throughout society and destroying all of our institutions. From the indoctrination of our children with “Critical Race Theory” to the politicization of … Continue reading

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Tucker: Fauci deserves to be under ‘criminal investigation’

Dr. Anthony Fauci is as crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this famous stretch of road, see photo below: I personally began to suspect the motives of Dr. Fauci well over … Continue reading

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Candace Owens rips into Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama for acting like ‘victims’

Michelle Obama is a despicable woman. Just think how idiotic her statements are! A black woman who spent 8 years in the White House claiming that she’s oppressed and fearful of living in the United States because she’s black! I’m … Continue reading

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Tucker slams ‘absolutely awful’ CNN host who berated dancing bride

First of all, Alisyn Camerota, the CNN host, is a left-wing hack. Second of all, the mayor of Washington D.C., is a leftist/socialist douche. Thirdly, the governor of New Mexico is a brown-nosed liberal, sucking up to the black mayor. … Continue reading

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Tucker reads ‘angry’ parent’s letter to ‘woke’ private school

The far left is rotten to the core. They are obsessed with pushing their liberal agenda to the point that they have now become a cult. All of their silly terms such as diversity, inclusiveness, equity, the new “gender pronouns” … Continue reading

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Tucker fires back at criticism over immigration, voting comments

For those of you with A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) this video is a little long, but definitely worth watching. If you’re honest and objective, even if a democrat, you will probably have to agree with Tucker Carlson on this as … Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson tears into Biden’s immigration policy live from El Salvador

It’s a good thing we have people like Tucker Carlson to expose the Biden administration, and liberals in general for their hypocrisy and lies.  In addition to the fact that Biden is totally clueless and spineless, he’s being manipulated by … Continue reading

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Tucker responds to the New York Times

I’ve come to the conclusion that liberals are either evil or just plain stupid, with an obvious high degree of hypocrisy in the mix…  Video: YouTube

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Tucker: Cancel culture’s latest victim

Mentally retarded liberals, mostly ignorant young punks (the same punks torching our cities) are destroying this country with their political-correctness idiocy, sensitivity nonsense, racial bullsh*t, and all the rest of it… Yet for some reason, corporate leaders are cowering to … Continue reading

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