Student ejected for telling professor there are only 2 genders

University a-holes disguised as professors are teaching our kids that there are 72 different genders… BRILLIANT!!!

I have to say it, this country is f_cked! While our youth is being indoctrinated with this level of stupidity, students in China and India are excelling in mathematics, engineering and science. Yet sadly, our spineless politicians, university administrators, and naturally our liberal Fake News media and all its hacks continue to push these idiotic concepts to our students and society in general. 

In twenty years, if not sooner, the United States will be easily overtaken by China as a world leader.  

As a Chinese friend told me a few days ago; one year in the United States is equal to 15-20 years in China, that’s how fast China is advancing! The problem is, not only is China advancing at such a rapid pace, the United States is not even standing pat, we’re regressing! Add to that the fact that they have a one-party system with an entire country aligned and focused on their goals, and the U.S. has no shot at competing with them!

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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