Tucker slams ‘absolutely awful’ CNN host who berated dancing bride

First of all, Alisyn Camerota, the CNN host, is a left-wing hack. Second of all, the mayor of Washington D.C., is a leftist/socialist douche. Thirdly, the governor of New Mexico is a brown-nosed liberal, sucking up to the black mayor. Put all three of these women together and what do you get? CACA!

The party that is supposed to be about liberalism wants to control every aspect of your life, and as long as morons keep voting for democrats they will do just that. I suppose ignorant people need to be told what to do and when to do it because their minds aren’t capable of making decisions. They’ll be happy as long as the government continues sending out those checks, correct?

These people are all morons. The left will MILK this virus as long as possible and the liberal imbeciles will follow their lead as morons always do.

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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