Tag Archives: Europe

The Hollywood Movie That Destroyed Black Americans Forever – Thomas Sowell || Most DANGEROUS Movie

Thomas Sowell, being black, can make the statement that the movie Roots destroyed black Americans. If the same was stated by a white individual, he or she would be ostracized and canceled forever. Watch the short video for some insight … Continue reading

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Why Do These People Keep Calling Themselves Progressives?

Interesting discussion… Video: YouTube

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The Strange Myth of ‘Equality’ | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell methodically and systematically destroys the rhetoric of liberals as it relates to “equality”, just as he does to other vacuous leftist arguments. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/FRuH4jTji-Q

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Biden and his ‘sidekick’ Kamala Harris have embarrassed America: Hilton

The Biden administration is the most incompetent in the history of the United States, bar none! It is quite remarkable that these people have managed to set the United States back 2o years in just over a year’s time. And … Continue reading

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War Is Obsolete. Hear Me Out.

All of the speaker’s comments are true. In my opinion, the best thing that could happen at this point is that some brave Russian inside Putin’s inner circle puts a bullet between Putin’s eyes, or poisons him, or cracks his … Continue reading

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Why Geography is the Enemy of Equality | Thomas Sowell

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here, the discussion deals with how geography has affected the ‘inequality’ of … Continue reading

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What People Don’t Realize About America | Thomas Sowell

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here he describes what some people are doing that could potentially destroy … Continue reading

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The Truth About the Founding Fathers Owning Slaves

Happy belated New Year to all! As those who follow this blog are aware, I’ve taken a few days off from posting anything just to reflect on 2021 and look ahead to 2022. Hopefully, this year will be better for … Continue reading

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Newly-leaked dossier makes claims about coronavirus origins

The Chinese government is as corrupt if not more so than any other government in the world. It is amazing that not much more than 20 years ago China was nothing but an overpopulated third-world country. Yet, thanks to the … Continue reading

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Some Things You Might Not Know …

One man’s opinion on the corona virus? Do you agree or disagree? TGO Video: YouTube

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Where Are the Moderate Muslims?

The truth about Islam, as told by a Muslim. TGO Video: YouTube

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The Suicide of Europe

Europe is doomed. TGO Video: YouTube  

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The Latest: Pope urges Europe to help 49 stranded migrants

It’s time that the world’s most profitable and corrupt business, the Catholic Church, stop telling others what to do. They’re very good about telling other governments how to conduct business and what obligations they have, yet they are incapable of … Continue reading

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Merkel’s Message to Europe: Stand Up Against Nationalism in 2019

Andrea Merkel and Nancy Pelosi, two women who are akin to malignant tumors for their respective countries.  Nancy Pelosi is a bumbling idiot and world-class hypocrite who is in favor of open borders, although she lives atop a hill in … Continue reading

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Five terror suspects held in Netherlands, Germany

Political leaders in western Europe wanted open borders, now they have them. They also have a major problem on their hands with all the migrants they have so willingly allowed to flood their countries. Liberals get more than they bargained … Continue reading

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Why You Should Be a Nationalist

Nationalism vs Globalism. There is no question as to which option is the best… TGO Video: YouTube    

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Macron prepares response to ‘yellow vest’ protesters as Paris cleans up

The revolt currently taking place in France will undoubtedly spread throughout Europe and will someday be coming to a city near you here in the States. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters  By Geert De Clercq and Elena Gyldenkerne … Continue reading

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What is Really Happening in France?

It’s only a matter of time before this revolt occurs here in the United States, as people are fed up with immigration and the socialist movement. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/RJxVCsWzRx8

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Macron Attacks Nationalism | Wants EU Army | The Most Dangerous Man In Europe

Scary comparison between Macron and the liberals in this country, who are given all of the free propaganda they could ever hope for by the liberal media, academia and Hollywood.  Open borders for the elimination of the nation state. Ring … Continue reading

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Europe imposes pro-Islam blasphemy law

What can I say about the idiotic liberals that I haven’t repeated ad nauseum? It’s almost as if they want to turn the world into total anarchy. They are opposed to everything that is decent and moral.  Now Europe of … Continue reading

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Vatican meets #MeToo: Nuns denounce their abuse by priests

At the end of the day, there is no denying (no matter how blinded people want to be) that the Catholic Church is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. I’ve been saying this for years, although my … Continue reading

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Man arrested after knife attack on German bus

Name please! No name, then we know he was a member of the “religion of peace”. This is always a dead giveaway… Angela Merkel, these people’s blood is in your hands! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters Reuters July 20, … Continue reading

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France calls for sanctions as Italy defiant on stranded migrant ship

Where is it said that governments are required to take in thousands or even millions of foreigners who try to enter their country illegally?  Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel are a pair of douche-bags who are doing their best to … Continue reading

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Indonesia Suffers Its Worst Terrorist Attack in a Decade. Here’s What to Know About the Latest Wave of Violence

What, these people don’t believe in the same fairytales that we do? Let’s bomb them! This is the mentality of members of the religion of “peace”. I know, I know, you Muslim apologists out there, I know your defense: “not … Continue reading

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Merkel says Europe should do more to stop Syria war

I hate this bitch! How did she ever get elected, I thought Germans (on the whole) were supposed to be intelligent? She has single-handedly done much to destroy Europe with her liberal attitude toward immigration, and now, she claims Europe … Continue reading

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Laughing At The Fake Feminists

Keep flooding your countries with immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa you stupid European politicians. You’re all doing a “wonderful” job. And to the feminists… ah, what’s the use? They’re incapable of rational thought, so why even bother. … Continue reading

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Anti-Muslim ‘incidents’ surge in Germany, Spain

Gee, I can’t imagine why people would want to protest against Islam in these countries? What a surprise! By the way, there is no Islamophobia. This is a bogus term. It isn’t fear of Islam, it’s simply not wanting Islam … Continue reading

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A Word to the Google Feminists

Awesome, because it’s true! TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/YA0GQNtI8lQ

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Pat Condell: I Vote Against You

Pat Condell is awesome. I cannot for the life of me understand why intelligent, rational people can’t relate with everything he says? TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/Ry3PxoIr34k

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Islamic scholar courted fans, detractors before rape charges

I’ve seen Tariq Ramadan in debates with Sam Harris. I don’t have an opinion as to whether in fact he raped the two women accusers. It seems these days that every man in the media limelight is a sex offender. … Continue reading

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Dutch PM disavows US envoy’s ‘no-go zones’ claims

It must be the water, or maybe the air; something. There has to be some sort of malaise that is affecting ALL the politicians in Europe. To categorically deny what everyone with half a brain knows, especially the people living … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: A Special Kind Of Hate

As always, Pat Condell is right on point. TGO https://youtu.be/1bE9MaRIt2g    

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Is it really THAT BAD in Sweden?

No explanation needed… TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/XXEemsZ88ks

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Six Syrian men arrested across Germany on suspicion of Isil ‘Christmas market’ plot

Andrea Merkel is a world-class *sshole for letting all of these terrorists into Germany, which eventually meant Europe at large. They should thank her in typical Muslim style, by bombing her house. TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Telegraph … Continue reading

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Teen attacks, wounds several people with ax in Switzerland

Another immigrant attacking innocent people in western Europe, no surprise there. This time it wasn’t a bomb, a truck, an automobile, a knife or acid. This “boy” used an ax. I suppose it’s time to ban axes as well! TGO … Continue reading

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One killed, two injured in London Underground stabbing

Funny, the author of the article says that authorities stated that the attack did not appear to be terrorist related. A knife attack in London, at the same location where Muslim terrorists (is there any other kind) exploded a bomb … Continue reading

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Europe is Doomed. Don’t believe it? Look at Germany

Angela Merkel and many like her have turned the European continent into a sewer. This is what liberals in the United States, those who support people such as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, can expect if people like them are … Continue reading

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Clinton Says Angela Merkel Is The Most Important Leader In The Free World

Yeap, Angela Merkel sure values stability. So much so that she is responsible for allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into Germany, which in essence means Europe. How’s that for stability!  Hillary Clinton is a scum-bag, and a BIG one, … Continue reading

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Europe Is Killing Itself

Pat Condell says it all… Wake up sensible people! TGO Video: YouTube

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Man with sword injures police outside UK Queen’s palace

A sword. Really? What the f*ck is wrong with these Muslims? Do these people even have the ability to reason? How can  these people be so utterly stupid and malicious? What did he think he was going to do, hack … Continue reading

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Barcelona attacker stabbed man to death during escape: police

Well, now they know who the killer is, and if I know anything about the Spaniards, it’s that they’re not going to pussy-foot around with political correctness like the Brits, French, Dutch, etc. If/when they find this bastard, he won’t … Continue reading

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Two dead, six injured in Finland stabbing spree

Any guesses as to which religion the man belonged to? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP August 18, 2017 Turku (Finland) (AFP) – Police shot and wounded a suspect after a stabbing spree in which a man … Continue reading

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Angela Merkel condemns ‘revolting attack’

Angela Merkel, you douche-bag! You are part of the reason these terrorist attacks are happening throughout Europe; and they will continue to happen. Thanks for letting in a million Muslim “immigrants.” The blood of the victims is in your hands! … Continue reading

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Car rams into soldiers, injuring six, in Paris suburb

Any guess as to what the driver’s origin is? One million to one odds he’s a Muslim. But we already knew that, didn’t we. Keep importing them into Europe. Keep putting your citizens at risk. Keep building mosques. It’s all … Continue reading

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France has seen 271 jihadi militants return: minister

Let  me get this straight. These people left France to fight in Iraq and Syria, and the French government let them back in??? This goes beyond stupidity!  It blows my mind that political leaders can be so f*cking ignorant! What’s … Continue reading

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ISIS in Europe: Suspected Terror Attack in German Nightclub Mass Shooting

Good work Merkel, you stupid bitch! Thanks to you Germany, and much of western Europe for that matter, is becoming a sewage pit and breeding ground for terrorism.  And what can be done about it now? Nothing, it’s too late, … Continue reading

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How many people are killed by terrorist attacks in the UK?

The correct title to this article should have read: How many people are killed by Muslims in the UK? Of course, the press will never call a spade a spade, not where Islam is concerned. Nevertheless, here is my response … Continue reading

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London delivery drivers protest against rise in acid attacks

Let’s cut to the chase. London is fcked. England is fcked. Western Europe is f*cked. Period. Now, if spineless democrats, the liberal media and the world at large wants to bury their heads in the sand and are willing to look … Continue reading

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Five hurt in acid attack robberies in London, two teenagers arrested

I would be really surprised if these acid attacks, which are totally disgusting, aren’t linked to Muslim immigrants. But of course, the press and politicians will probably hold back information if in fact these attacks are being perpetrated by Muslims. … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: The Invasion of Europe

You gotta give it to Pat Condell, he certainly says it like it is. Too bad politicians are too spineless to do the same. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/ileLXZz95lw    

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