Muslim man wins handshake case in Sweden

Why are Muslim men not permitted to shake hands with women? Is it because women are considered “unclean,” because women are considered to be of a lower class in Islamic belief, or some other reason? If anyone knows please comment. TGO

Refer to brief story below. Source: Associated Press

STOCKHOLM – Sweden’s unemployment agency has been found guilty of discrimination for expelling a Muslim man from a job training program because he refused to shake hands with a woman.

A Stockholm court Monday ordered the Public Employment Service to pay 50,000 kronor ($6,700) in damages to an immigrant from Bosnia who lost his jobless benefits when he was kicked out of the program.

Citing his faith, the man had refused to shake hands with a woman when he was interviewing for an internship. The agency said his behavior was part of the reason he didn’t get the position, and decided to exclude him from the program.

The court ruled that the man was discriminated against because of his religion. It wasn’t immediately clear whether the ruling would be appealed.

About The Great One

Am interested in science and philosophy as well as sports; cycling and tennis. Enjoy reading, writing, playing chess, collecting Spyderco knives and fountain pens.
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