Tag Archives: England

Thomas Sowell and Joyce Lee Malcolm On The MOST SENSITIVE TOPIC – WE CAN’T EVEN TYPE IT HERE 🤐🤐🤐

Like most indoctrinated individuals, gun control zealots (liberals) don’t want and are actually unwilling to have an open discussion on the flaws of gun control. In this sense they remind me of global warming activists, where no amount of evidence … Continue reading

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Why Do These People Keep Calling Themselves Progressives?

Interesting discussion… Video: YouTube

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Life of Marx: Meeting Engels | Thomas Sowell

A brief history of the lives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels… Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/01kvHOSYBCI

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Nigel Farage: America is ‘isolated’ and ‘friendless’ under Biden

Joe, the buffoon, Biden has made a mockery of the United States, and it took him less than eight months to do so; BRILLIANT! Video: YouTube

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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

Happy Independence Day! TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/6P6ZJBFnSmU  

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Cuccinelli on London Bridge attack, confrontation with former Maryland Gov.

There is no mention in the British press that this attacker is a Muslim, a man who was previously imprisoned for attempting to blow up the London stock exchange. But true to form in this ultra-liberal nation, he was let … Continue reading

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America Last! The Democrats New Slogan

More facts and common sense, something that liberals don’t embrace very often. TGO Video: YouTube

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Why You Should Be a Nationalist

Nationalism vs Globalism. There is no question as to which option is the best… TGO Video: YouTube    

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London Mayor Pushes For Second Brexit Vote

This low-life didn’t get the results he hoped for, so now he’s pushing for a second vote on Brexit. Reminds me of when Hillary Clinton, so sure of what the presidential election results would be, asked Donald Trump if he would … Continue reading

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Three-Year-Old Boy Seriously Injured in Suspected U.K. Acid Attack

Once again, the name of the perpetrator is not mentioned in the article. This is a dead giveaway that the individual is a member of the “religion of peace”. Just more proof of how politicians control the media to protect … Continue reading

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What They’re NOT Telling You About London

Liberal, political correctness is to blame for the current, and ever declining, state of affairs in England (and western Europe in general). TGO Video: YouTube

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London police call urgent meeting after six more stabbings

Continue allowing Muslims into your country you dumb politicians (maggots). Continue covering up for your liberal policies. Continue covering up for Islam. Continue doing all of these things and the violent crimes will continue. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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London murder rate overtakes New York as stabbings surge

Humn… It appears that AR-15s are not the problem after all (actually, those of us with a functioning brain already knew that).  You see, the general public are not allowed to own firearms in England, since (you know) Brits are … Continue reading

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At least one dead in French supermarket hostage-taking: mayor

France, England, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden… they are all f*cked thanks to their politically-correct leaders who continue to allow floods of Islamic immigrants into their countries. And naturally, all of these spineless politicians won’t admit that their liberal immigration policies … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: I Vote Against You

Pat Condell is awesome. I cannot for the life of me understand why intelligent, rational people can’t relate with everything he says? TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/Ry3PxoIr34k

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Four killed in London New Year knife violence: police

Time to ban knives! By the way, the article (naturally) fails to mention the names of those arrested. Odds are that names such as Mohammed are in the mix. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP December 31, … Continue reading

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Terror suspect ‘urged extremists to attack Prince George at school’

Aren’t these Muslims lovely people? Yes sir, everywhere there are large numbers of members of the ‘religion of piss’ one is sure to find violence, death and destruction.  Of course, these barbarians have infiltrated western Europe thanks to the liberal … Continue reading

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‘Soldier of Allah’ avoids terror charge due to Facebook settings

English politicians wanted diversity, now they have it. But wait, in their defense they will argue that he was “radicalized”. Interesting that there are no radicalized Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics, Mormons, or even none of the crazy Scientologists. I’ve not heard … Continue reading

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First Images of London Bomb Suspect Emerge

Wait, you mean he’s one of them, a Muslim? Gee, what a surprise, I would have never thought!  “Suspected of being involved in extremist-related activities”, I believe they mean, suspected of being a f*cking Muslim terrorist! Why not call it … Continue reading

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Man with sword injures police outside UK Queen’s palace

A sword. Really? What the f*ck is wrong with these Muslims? Do these people even have the ability to reason? How can  these people be so utterly stupid and malicious? What did he think he was going to do, hack … Continue reading

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Man arrested over footage of jogger pushing woman into bus

There are some real *ssholes in this world, but some people just go the extra mile.  I suppose this geek felt as if the woman was somehow invading “his” space, and so he almost killed her! TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Police say boy charged with 15 offences after London acid attacks

Humn, I wonder what the boys name is? I also wonder why they don’t release his name? I have a suspicion as to why they won’t release the name, and I’d bet so do you. Of course, authorities will say it’s … Continue reading

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Police hunt man who ‘tried to pull off woman’s hijab’ at Baker Street Tube station

When will people accept the fact that there are times when different ideologies, social classes, people in general, cannot co-exist peacefully? As barbaric as this may sound, at the end of the day we’re similar to animals. Chimpanzees and gorillas … Continue reading

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Five hurt in acid attack robberies in London, two teenagers arrested

I would be really surprised if these acid attacks, which are totally disgusting, aren’t linked to Muslim immigrants. But of course, the press and politicians will probably hold back information if in fact these attacks are being perpetrated by Muslims. … Continue reading

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Katie Hopkins! “London Bridge Has Fallen Down!”

Great Britain, like several other European countries, is under attack by Muslims. Too bad that politicians, and the media, are too spineless to admit it or do something about it. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/UrdCf7nu_aw

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Muslims targeted by violence in wake of IS-claimed attacks

Gee, I wonder why there may be violence against Muslims? Let me see now… maybe it’s because bombs are going off in their city and Brits are getting blown to bits! And who is responsible for these attacks? Let me … Continue reading

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7 killed, 3 suspects dead after ‘brutal terrorist attack’ at London Bridge, Borough Market

All of you brain-dead liberals out there who still defend Islam with your idiotic argument, claiming that not all Muslims are terrorists, here’s the reality. While all Muslims are not terrorists, it is Muslims who are terrorizing people throughout Europe, North … Continue reading

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Terrorism: Liberals and the True Threat

My sentiments exactly. And what any sane, logical, honest individual also believes… TGO Video: YouTube

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British police say 19 dead, 50 injured in Manchester ‘terrorist incident’

The cowards strike again, and we all know who the cowards are. They are people of a certain religion, the only religion that commits these types of cowardly atrocities. Naturally, this story is about Muslims. The story begins with a harmless … Continue reading

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Muslims condemn Britain’s plans to combat extremism

Don’t you just love it? These people leave their f*cked up countries, immigrate to another country, and then condemn the plans, laws, etc. of the other country. But as if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s the punchline. The politicians of those … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Am I a Racist?

Pat Condell says it like it is, and yet again, I wholeheartedly agree with his point of view. TGO Source: YouTube

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300-plus British IS jihadists have returned home: report

Leave it to the Brits to be this f*cking stupid! Just imagine how f*ucked up a government has to be to allow these jihadists back into the country. If this is not the ultimate in liberalism I don’t know what is. No … Continue reading

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British PM Cameron vows to hunt down ‘Jihadi John’

The only justice for Jihadi John would be to take a sword and cut off his hands, then his feet, then his arms, then his legs. Finally, a carpenters saw would be the tool of choice to slowly cut his head off. The … Continue reading

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Douglas Murray & Some Ridiculous Creatures

I know that these types of discussions are ridiculous beyond description. I know that the women seen here are slaves to their masters, who have been indoctrinated (practically from birth) to feel less than human. I also know that few … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Appeasing Islam

This guy is awesome! Now, if only we could get some politicians to grow a pair and speak the truth, as Pat Condell does, and stop sucking up to Muslims as they do. TGO Video: YouTube

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Pat Condell: A special kind of Hate

You gotta love someone who, in this hypocritical and politically correct world we live in, isn’t afraid to speak out. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Pat Condell: A Public Apology

Sarcastic as can be, but once again, he makes his point known loud and clear. TGO Video: YouTube

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Did ‘Deadly’ Spider Eggs Really Hitch a Ride on Imported Bananas?

Make sure you check your bananas people… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Live Science By Elizabeth Palermo, Staff Writer It’s enough to make you do a double take the next time you unpack your groceries! A recent British news … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Sharia Fiasco

This video is a few years old, but nevertheless, the statements made by Pat Condell still apply as few things change with Islam – and unfortunately, what change there is, is for the worse. TGO Video: YouTube

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Pat Condell: A Society of Cowards

As always, Pat Condell is right on point. TGO Video: YouTube cfvgubhnj

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Pat Condell: Andy Choudary rides Again

Pat Condell is one of a handful of people I know who aren’t blinded by religion and who also has the gonads to speak out against it; and we’re specifically talking about Islam, that barbaric belief system that over one … Continue reading

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Brazil child-sex warnings to air on WC flights

How pathetic is the human race, when videos need to be posted in an effort to curtail adults from paying for sex in Brazil? The fact that this goes on is totally disgusting! Anyone caught having sex with a child … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Our Crippling Fear of the Truth

Pat Condell once again saying it like it is… TGO Video: YouTube

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England census: Why have the ranks of the religious declined?

Without offering my usual sarcastic (albeit accurate) reply in response to the title of this article, my answer to the question would be that mankind is finally growing up; although ever so slowly. We as a species are slowly but … Continue reading

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Official: Shot Pakistani girl is moving her limbs

Is there one, just one American politician; ideally Barack Obama or Joe Biden, maybe Hillary Clinton, with the balls (or ovaries) to speak out against Muslims? Just one… It could be anyone; maybe a senator, governor, or even the mayor … Continue reading

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Els goes from “absolute fool” to major champion

Who would have thought that with all of those missed short putts Ernie Els would become the champion of the 2012 British Open? Adam Scott must be kicking himself this morning… As for Tiger, his conservative play through a lack … Continue reading

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Federer stuns Djokovic, makes eighth Wimbledon final

Yes! Roger wins… One match to go and he’ll be a 7-time champion of Wimbledon! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By Dave James | AFP Six-time champion Roger Federer reached a record eighth Wimbledon final on Friday … Continue reading

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Federer vs Djokovic in marquee semifinal

Hopefully Roger Federer has at least one more Grand Slam title in him, can beat Novak Djokovic and go on to win his 7th Wimbledon title. But it’s going to be really tough as his opponent is younger and, like … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: The taste of multiculturalism

As always, Pat Condell is right on point. TGO Video: YouTube

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Prince Charles Is Selling The Aston Martin William And Kate Didn’t Use At Their Wedding

Prince Charles has really had a tough life, hasn’t he? I wonder if he’s ever done anything, if only for an hour, that could even be remotely considered work? TGO Refer to brief story below. Source: Forbes By Hannah Elliott … Continue reading

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