Tag Archives: Thomas Sowell

How White Liberals Have Adopted Blacks as Mascots | Thomas Sowell

Here we have this fruitcake, Rachel Levine, Assistant Health Secretary, who was born a man and now claims to be a woman appointed with brain-dead bimbo Karine Jean-Pierre, who is “special” (according to her) as she’s the first black/woman/lesbian to … Continue reading

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The Rise of Anti-American Americans | Thomas Sowell

Members of “The Squad”, like those Americans who travel to Japan each year to apologize to Japanese citizens for the actions of the United States AFTER the bombing of Pearl Harbor, are nothing but haters of this country. Yet, hypocrites … Continue reading

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Why Trading Land For Peace Is Destroying Israel | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is brilliant, and says it like it is. All of these bleeding hearts who always root for the underdog, even when the underdog are ruthless, criminal terrorist groups, funded and supported by Iran, a country run by religious … Continue reading

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Why Inequality Exists (A Case Study) | Thomas Sowell

All of this nonsense that liberal retards are so obsessed with, including inequality and/or equality of outcome, is stupid beyond description. Anyone with a smidgen of common sense can immediately, with little thought, come to that conclusion… but not the … Continue reading

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How Leftists Are Blind To The Realities Of Crime!

The Leftist mentality, and the politicians who support it, continue to put the lives and well-being of tens of millions of law-abiding citizens at risk. These liberals cannot think through an entire issue. All they are capable of is getting … Continue reading

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Why I don’t Have to bother Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

Sad isn’t it, how the average black American can’t see that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are fakes. They’ve made themselves multi-millionaires preying on the misfortune of blacks. Yet these people just can’t see them for who/what they truly are … Continue reading

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These kinds of people will destroy America | Thomas Sowell

Listen to these words from Thomas Sowell, carefully listen to them, and you will realize that he is stating exactly what is happening in this country, pushed by educators who indoctrinate our children, and the liberal media attempting (and often succeeding) … Continue reading

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Find Out Why The Worst American President Ever Was So Loved

Here are some views from Thomas Sowell at then President Barack Obama and the rest of the “intellectual” class… Video: YouTube

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The Myth of Overpopulation

Food for thought… Most people would disagree with the argument put forth in this video. What’s your opinion on the matter? Video: YouTube

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Thomas Sowell – Brilliant Economic Insights

Here are some short takes from Thomas Sowell, a brilliant man with tremendous insight, knowledge and common sense. This may explain why he is shunned by the liberal media and criticized by leftist “intellectuals” who instead revere dirt-bags such as … Continue reading

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America’s Schools are a Failure. Here’s Why.

Food for thought… We are now living in a WELFARE STATE, with POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, WOKENESS and all the rest of the nonsense and stupidity all around us. The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is destroying … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell and Joyce Lee Malcolm On The MOST SENSITIVE TOPIC – WE CAN’T EVEN TYPE IT HERE 🤐🤐🤐

Like most indoctrinated individuals, gun control zealots (liberals) don’t want and are actually unwilling to have an open discussion on the flaws of gun control. In this sense they remind me of global warming activists, where no amount of evidence … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell EXPOSES BLM, Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson on SELF-VICTIMIZATION and Black Subculture

One wonders how long it will take for African Americans at large to recognize that people such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as well as crooks such as the individuals associated with Black Lives Matter (BLM) are out for … Continue reading

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The Hollywood Movie That Destroyed Black Americans Forever – Thomas Sowell || Most DANGEROUS Movie

Thomas Sowell, being black, can make the statement that the movie Roots destroyed black Americans. If the same was stated by a white individual, he or she would be ostracized and canceled forever. Watch the short video for some insight … Continue reading

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Why Did We Let Stupid People Run America?

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man, and as a former educator himself, he knows all too well the flaws of our educational system, as well as how other social and political institutions work – or more to the point, how … Continue reading

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Why Do These People Keep Calling Themselves Progressives?

Interesting discussion… Video: YouTube

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The stupidest Thing Obama Did To America

Yes, Barack Obama was pretty much a waste… A president who in eight years did basically nothing but increase rather than decrease racism in America in addition to showing the world what suckers and apologists Americans are. Ah yes, and … Continue reading

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These kinds of people will destroy America | Thomas Sowell

The Left is on a crusade to destroy American values and along with our values, the country as we know it. This has been a systematic and concerted effort on their part for at least the last couple of decades, … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell Facts Vs Fallacies On Black Family, Welfare State, Slavery & Black Crime Rate

Here is Thomas Sowell, once again expressing facts and debunking lies supported by leftist politicians, the mainstream (liberal) media and the woke, ignorant nitwits in society.  Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/LCrLm1x58wQ

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The Age Of Artificial Stupidity And Indoctrination

Yes, our children are being indoctrinated in our public schools, colleges and universities, there is no doubt about it. Home schooling during the Covid shutdowns proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt, as parents were suddenly exposed to some … Continue reading

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This Is How You Are Being Manipulated | Thomas Sowell

This except is several years old, but the concept is still relevant. In fact, it may very well be more relevant than ever. Video: YouTube

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1960s – A Decade Of False Excellence | Thomas Sowell

Ah yes, the hypocrisy of it all… Liberals want to control the masses. They want the power to tell people what to think, how to think, how to live… They want social programs to make us, the masses, dependent on … Continue reading

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The Stupidity Of Apologizing For Slavery

Common sense, s obviously in conflict with the liberal left’s irrational “thought” patterns… What the Left possesses a great deal of is hypocrisy. Video: YouTube

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Facts about SLAVERY They Don’t Teach You at School

Something to consider for all of you woke individuals out there, if you’re truly interested in the subject of slavery. But you have to be objective and willing to listen, rather than being subjective and only willing to speak. Video: … Continue reading

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How Woke Policies Promote Chaos | Thomas Sowell

Woke policies… woke rhymes with joke, which is what the woke are, a joke. As for their policies, they’re just empty, flawed ideas with no place in reality. Open borders, cancel culture, bail reform, defund the police, sex education (indoctrination) … Continue reading

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How Politicians Escape Economic Reality | Thomas Sowell

Do you believe what Thomas Sowell is pointing out is relevant today? It most certainly is, as the Biden administration continues its efforts to throw money at “issues” such as “climate change” and “social infrastructure”, which is another term for … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell on Jon Stewart’s “The Problem With White People”

The Jon Stewart’s of America, the ultra-liberal, socialist/leftists’ hypocrites, with their flawed welfare state, government handouts and relentless victimization of blacks are the ones responsible for their poverty and lack of progress as a people. What blacks need more than … Continue reading

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The Strange Myth of ‘Equality’ | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell methodically and systematically destroys the rhetoric of liberals as it relates to “equality”, just as he does to other vacuous leftist arguments. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/FRuH4jTji-Q

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Thomas Sowell vs Trevor Noah on Slavery and Reparations

People like Trevor Noah are very popular with the unintelligible majority who applaud like trained seals at the very mention of racism, slavery and/or “white privilege” when coming from a liberal. Listen to the opposing viewpoint from Thomas Sowell. Video: … Continue reading

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Joe Rogan is shocked to learn about Thomas Sowell’s Wisdom

I was actually surprised that Joe Rogan didn’t know about Thomas Sowell. Anyway, Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man who fought and fought against liberalism throughout his life, and despite being a black man and intellectual, liberals criticize him to … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell on the Chicanery of Global Warming

Thomas Sowell exposes the hoax of global warming… Video: YouTube

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Why the Japanese Were ATROCIOUS in WW2

A brief history of Japan. https://youtu.be/15Wd6BgzA8Q

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The Deceptive War on the 2nd Amendment | Thomas Sowell

More facts from Thomas Sowell, this time on gun control and those liberals who are obsessed with doing away with our Second Amendment rights. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/7Vo53vQvLJc

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MYTHS About the 1960s Promoted by the Left

Thomas Sowell points out the realities of many of the liberal fallacies. These fallacies continue to be believed today, despite the fact that liberal cities, run by liberal mayors, continue as strongholds of black poverty. It is clear by now … Continue reading

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Diversity; just one in the long list of liberal words and/or catch phrases. Leftists want to plug people of all races into every conceivable institution, job, etc. regardless of their qualifications. We need x-number of black head coaches in football, … Continue reading

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How Public Schools and News Media Twist History | Thomas Sowell

Race hustlers in this country, and by race hustlers I mean those on the Left, use the history of slavery in this country to divide people, and this begins in our public schools. They indoctrinate children as a way to … Continue reading

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How Schools Are Dumbing Down Young Students | Thomas Sowell

Artificial stupidity, that’s a good way to put what is happening in schools, colleges and universities, something that the Left continues to deny. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/EhZ0exModUM

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Why are Universities so Left-wing? | Thomas Sowell

More common sense explanations for segments of our society and why certain types of individuals seem to thrive in one area; the area being discussed in this video being universities, whereas they would fail in others. Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/aMU2udkoBsk

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Thomas Sowell – The Reality Of Multiculturalism

An interesting discussion wherein Thomas Sowell breaks down some of today’s societal beliefs and their corresponding flaws. Video: YouTube

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Lessons from the collapse of the Habsburg Empire | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is a walking encyclopedia.  But the point of this video, the example given (of which I suppose there are many) is that we in the United States should learn from the past and let go of grievances (from … Continue reading

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Unknown Facts About the ‘Top 1%’ | Thomas Sowell

This video could be directed at Bernie Sanders and The Squad (bimbos) in particular, who are always citing the top one percent (1%) – as if somehow those in that bracket don’t deserve to be there and need to give … Continue reading

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How Society Falls into Tyranny | Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man. Watch and listen to this short video clip and you will see that his words, taken straight out of one of the many books he’s written, are right on point.  Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/DPp2dAvqQFg

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What Woke Intellectuals Get Wrong | Thomas Sowell

The liberal mindset is all about views. They have this view of this, this view of that, but they never admit that their “views” are mostly pies in the sky, or when implemented, are catastrophic failures such as bail reform. … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell – The Origins of Woke

I find it interesting that this video was filmed in 1995, which is 27 years ago, and yet it seems as if very little has changed in society. No doubt many things are worse now than they were then, but … Continue reading

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These videos are a narration of the writings of Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here, the discussions deals with “education”. Everything Thomas Sowell says is true. … Continue reading

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The War on Personal Responsibility | Thomas Sowell

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here, the discussion deals with personal responsibility, which is a waning concept … Continue reading

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Why Geography is the Enemy of Equality | Thomas Sowell

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here, the discussion deals with how geography has affected the ‘inequality’ of … Continue reading

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Thomas Sowell on White Liberals

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here, the discussion deals with white “intellectuals”, you know, white liberals. Their … Continue reading

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What People Don’t Realize About America | Thomas Sowell

This video is a narration of the writings from Thomas Sowell, pictured below. I consider him to be one of the great intellectuals of the last 50 years.  Here he describes what some people are doing that could potentially destroy … Continue reading

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The Truth About the Founding Fathers Owning Slaves

Happy belated New Year to all! As those who follow this blog are aware, I’ve taken a few days off from posting anything just to reflect on 2021 and look ahead to 2022. Hopefully, this year will be better for … Continue reading

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