People continue to flee third-world countries and head west. No doubt this trend will continue into the next century. TGO
Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press
LONDON (AFP) – Forty years from now, Britain will be a much more diverse society, researchers said Tuesday, with ethnic minorities set to make up one fifth of the population.
The ethnic minority share of the population is set to increase from eight percent in 2001 to around 20 percent in 2051, according to experts at the University of Leeds.
Their study also predicts that the total UK population will soar from 59 million in 2001 to 78 million in 40 years.
“The ethnic make-up of UK’s population is evolving significantly.” said professor Philip Rees, who led the project.
“Groups outside the White British majority are increasing in size and share, not just in the areas of initial migration, but throughout the country and our projections suggest that this trend is set to continue through to 2051.”
The researchers also predict that ethnic minorities will move out of the most deprived local authorities and settle into more prosperous areas.
“At a regional level, ethnic minorities will shift out of deprived inner city areas to more affluent areas, which echoes the way white groups have migrated in the past. In particular black and Asian populations in the least deprived local authorities will increase significantly.”
White British and Irish groups are expected to grow very slowly, while immigration by Other Whites is projected to grow the fastest, boosted by people from Europe, the US and Australasia coming into the UK.
The total number of people in the UK classed as white was predicted to fall from 92 percent in 2009 to 79 percent in 2051.
Meanwhile, traditional immigrant groups of south Asian origin — India, Pakistan and Bangladesh — will grow rapidly in size, the researchers said.
To reach their findings, the Leeds team used existing data on 16 different ethnic groups and built a computer model to project ethnic population trends for the future under a variety of different scenarios.
The three-year study provides annual population projections for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland until 2051.
But the authors admitted predicting migration trends remained difficult.
“It is impossible to predict exactly how people will move into, out of and within the country the coming decades as all of these trends are influenced by a whole range of socio-economic factors,” explained Rees.
“However, our results suggest that overall we can look forward to being not only a more diverse nation, but one that is far more spatially integrated than at present.”
The new coalition government plans to limit the number of non-EU migrants coming to live and work in Britain. An annual cap on migration is set to come into force next April.
Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservatives promised before the election to cut net migration back to the levels of the 1990s, when it was “tens of thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands”.
Immigration Minister Damian Green said: “Britain has always benefited from being outward-looking and having a population with diverse backgrounds.
“Problems arise in periods when the population changes too fast for comfort.
“That’s why the government wants to control the level of immigration so that we can benefit from the arrival of talented people from all over the world without putting pressure on our public services.”
Great site, I haven’t noticed in the past in my surfing! Continiue the great work!
One more thing about the muslims that is in sharp contrast to any other religion is that, you will never find a muslim, peace loving or otherwise, to identify himself/herself as an American, or a Canadian, but as a muslim first ……… ! Muslims believe that this world belongs to their “Allah” and one day the whole world will belong to the muslims alone …there will be no infidel ( Kafir ) left on the face of this earth…. meaning no Christian, Jew or Hindu …… !
Your curiosity about a muslim Pope is interesting ……… there is none because as per muslim traditions, Muhammad was the first and the last person to be on top of the food chain. Now they have a few schools of Islamic ideological think tank who would provide guidance on all Islamic issues. Saudi Arabia is the nerve centre of Islam where the holiest Islamic shrine is located. The Saudis regularly pump in astounding amounts in the muslim world for propagation of the religion, and also proud display of their religion in the tall minarets of the mosques being built at all corners of the world.
One thing is for sure, the muslims have a very strong sense of belonging, and an extremely high discipline amongst the mullahs, and how do they overcome the barriers of region, language, culture etc. is an enigma to me …….. !
The muslims now a days feel particularly confident after the black celebrities like Muhammad Ali, Karim Abdul Jabbar, Mike Tyson spearheaded the spread of Islam in the US.
And you are right, in the muslim world women are seen as slave “baby-makers” and little else…… and there is hardly any resistance or protest from the women for that.
Are you aware that the muslims are encouraged and prodded to add to the numbers through breeding at faster than normal rates……. ? Do you know that this considered a sacred duty of the muslims, and preached by the mullahs on regular basis …… ? Do you know that this is being done in a pre-meditated systematic way all over the world for many years, to change the demography in their favour …… ?
I wasn’t aware of that but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
One thing I’m curious about: Muslims do not appear to have a structure similar to that of the Catholic Church, where the Pope is at the top of the food chain and there is a hierarchy that establishes Church dogma. So my question is, how are the Mullahs connected to one another that they preach the same ideology to their adherents? Who is at the top of the food chain in Islam; certainly it isn’t Osama bin Laden or any of the other terrorist leaders. And what about the hundreds of millions of “peaceful” Muslims who don’t have an agenda; where do they fit in? The whole issue with Islam is quite complicated.
In the end, the people I feel are suffering the most are the women who live in predominantly Islamic countries. They are basically slave “baby-makers” and little else.
And by 2150, the ethnic minorities will be 50%, and by 2250 they will by 75%…….. !
Are the British people ready for that day ……… ?
I don’t believe anyone is ready for that day.