Tucker: This video shatters the left’s narrative about January 6

What happened on January 6 was a disgrace. As usual, a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us law-abiding citizens, as is currently happening throughout many U.S. cities.

However, there is no question that democrats have no shame, and I’m referring to both democrat politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden administration, the same administration who supports open borders, and to the electorate throughout the country who support these shameless liars and their media cohorts. 

To lie about the death of a police officer and blame his death on those who entered The Capitol on January 6, and push this lie on the American people, is despicable!

Video: YouTube

About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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