Tag Archives: France

Has Israel Learned From The Stupidity Of The West?

Unless we rid ourselves of democratic leadership in this country, immoral, inept and incompetent as they are, we WILL become the next France and Iran will make Hitler look like a nice guy.  This administration, similar to the Obama administration … Continue reading

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Life of Marx: Meeting Engels | Thomas Sowell

A brief history of the lives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels… Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/01kvHOSYBCI

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Tweets, Lies, and Videotape: Featuring AOC and Rashida Tlaib

You gotta just love it! This is too good to pass up. Are they politically motivated, or just plain stupid?  The truth of the matter is that they’re both, politically motivated AND stupid. This is a terrible combination, especially for … Continue reading

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France admits ‘failings’ over Paris police attacker’s radicalization

Interesting how this story barely made the news… Do you think that maybe the liberal media is protecting Islam? No, no, no… they would never do that, would they? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press afp.com France’s … Continue reading

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The Suicide of Europe

Europe is doomed. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Bernie Sanders supports letting jailed felons vote in elections

I have come to the conclusion that these democrats are such low-lives, such scum, that they will try and get votes from anyone with a pulse, regardless of who these people are. Drug dealers, child molesters, rapists, serial killers, you … Continue reading

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Hungary’s illegal immigration plunges over 99% after building border fence

The Left-Tards claim that walls don’t work. Here’s proof to the contrary. TGO Video: YouTube

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Ingraham: The rise of socialism is Trump’s gain

Socialism, what a joke! The only people who benefit from this farce are those in power. The general public on the other hand, is deprived of even the most basic of needs and more importantly, freedom. TGO Video: YouTube   … Continue reading

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Macron prepares response to ‘yellow vest’ protesters as Paris cleans up

The revolt currently taking place in France will undoubtedly spread throughout Europe and will someday be coming to a city near you here in the States. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters  By Geert De Clercq and Elena Gyldenkerne … Continue reading

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What is Really Happening in France?

It’s only a matter of time before this revolt occurs here in the United States, as people are fed up with immigration and the socialist movement. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/RJxVCsWzRx8

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Paris Riots, they are chanting in the streets ‘We want Trump’

This is what you get when with socialism. Big government, higher taxes, social unrest, a failed economy and a crumbling society. This is what the likes of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the Left-Tards are promoting. TGO … Continue reading

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Macron Attacks Nationalism | Wants EU Army | The Most Dangerous Man In Europe

Scary comparison between Macron and the liberals in this country, who are given all of the free propaganda they could ever hope for by the liberal media, academia and Hollywood.  Open borders for the elimination of the nation state. Ring … Continue reading

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‘Take a Lesson’ from Trump: Gorka Blasts Macron Amid Tax Hike Protests in France

Emmanuel Macron is the prototypical, modern-day politician of western Europe; liberal on almost all levels. The problem is that this socialist-mentality is severely flawed as it’s all about looking out for the “other guy” and not for the individuals who … Continue reading

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7 wounded including 2 British tourists in Paris knife attack

Liberal politicians call it diversity. Somehow, I don’t believe their description is accurate. But, hypocrites will be hypocrites and imbeciles will be imbeciles. Liberals are both. The article says that terrorism is being ruled out in most cases (of knife … Continue reading

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Knifeman kills mother and sister near Paris, IS claims attack

“The assailant has not yet been named”. Of course not, because if he were named, he would be known to be a Muslim, and we all know that the press in Europe is instructed not to publicize the name of … Continue reading

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Woman Becomes First Person in Denmark Fined for Wearing a Face Veil

Awesome! There are always people who want to test the law. Well, the test passed. Wear a cloth-bag, curtain, sheet, whatever over your head and you will be fined, and hopefully arrested. And if people continue breaking the law, hopefully … Continue reading

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U.S. Citizens Warned to ‘Shelter in Place’ as Looting Follows Violent Protests in Haiti

Looting? Sounds familiar. Sounds like something a particular group of people always seem to migrate to. Stealing from each other and burning down their own businesses. Brilliant! This is one reason these people don’t advance.  The Haitian government is no … Continue reading

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One killed in Paris knife attack by man shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

Open borders. How’s that working out in Europe, especially with all the crazed, fanatical members of that Bronze-Age religion? You know, whose members have been slaughtering each other for 1400 years. Now they’re slaughtering western Europeans thanks to the spineless … Continue reading

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Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan ‘paid woman for silence’

I’ve seen this guy in numerous debates. There was something about him that never quite sat well with me. He gave me the impression of being somewhat of a fake. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Free Press AFP April … Continue reading

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Two charged with anti-Semitic murder of elderly French Jewish woman

Anyone want to take a guess at the religious affiliation of the individuals guilty of this horrific crime against an elderly woman? The liberal French wanted to let in the Muslims, and now they have to deal with the consequences. … Continue reading

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At least one dead in French supermarket hostage-taking: mayor

France, England, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden… they are all f*cked thanks to their politically-correct leaders who continue to allow floods of Islamic immigrants into their countries. And naturally, all of these spineless politicians won’t admit that their liberal immigration policies … Continue reading

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Germany Not Alone Concerning ‘No-Go Zones’ and Lack of Assimilation

Andrea Merkel is the worst kind of politician. She couldn’t care less for the German people! Her agenda was to allow millions of Muslims into Europe for her own political gain; to suck up to the liberal mentality of the … Continue reading

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Vatican rolls out exorcism training course to counter rise in ‘demonic possessions’

Oh boy, here we go… You know, there are some really, really stupid people in this world! Just consider, there is actually an organization called the International Association of Exorcists. But if you think they’re stupid, just consider paying $178/hour … Continue reading

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Islamic scholar courted fans, detractors before rape charges

I’ve seen Tariq Ramadan in debates with Sam Harris. I don’t have an opinion as to whether in fact he raped the two women accusers. It seems these days that every man in the media limelight is a sex offender. … Continue reading

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French intelligence ‘doctored files’ to cover up failings over Islamist murder of priest

When one considers all of the BAGGAGE associated with letting Muslims into their country, many of whom are absolute pigs, is it really worth it? I think not. TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Telegraph Henry Samuel The Telegraph January … Continue reading

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France vows crackdown after New Year attack on police

Just keep those migrants (Muslims) coming baby… The European movement by its political leaders in England, Sweden, Germany and France (just to name a few) is turning Europe into a cesspool. You wanted them, you got them. Now deal with … Continue reading

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Is it really THAT BAD in Sweden?

No explanation needed… TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/XXEemsZ88ks

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What the End of ISIS Means

The simple response to the article’s title is; NOTHING. The end of ISIS means absolutely nothing. In no time a new, more radical Islamic group will emerge to take the place of ISIS. This is how Muslims operate, pure and … Continue reading

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Knifeman yelling “Allahu Akbar” shot dead after killing two in France

Here we go, how long has it been since we heard from our Muslim “friends”? Not long enough I can assure you.  More lives lost at the hands of Muslim cowards.  The assailant was a Muslim; a Muslim. Incredible as … Continue reading

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The Latest: 4 Boston college students hurt in France attack

The liberal press has gotten so utterly pussy-whipped, that now they won’t even say the name of the Islamic perpetrator; same situation in London with the latest attacks. The western world is f*cked as the press and politicians are spineless. … Continue reading

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France’s Charlie Hebdo publishes provocative Islam cartoon

Naturally, the spineless, gut-less press writes an article about a cartoon yet won’t show it. Keep pandering to Islam you pussies. Continue sucking up to the bad guys like the wimps that you are. Meanwhile, Muslims will continue to slaughter … Continue reading

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French archbishop admits failings in response to pedophile scandal

No need to elaborate too much on this issue. It’s pure and simple, the Catholic Church is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, and undoubtedly the most hypocritical. It is rotten to the core. TGO Refer to … Continue reading

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Car rams into soldiers, injuring six, in Paris suburb

Any guess as to what the driver’s origin is? One million to one odds he’s a Muslim. But we already knew that, didn’t we. Keep importing them into Europe. Keep putting your citizens at risk. Keep building mosques. It’s all … Continue reading

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France has seen 271 jihadi militants return: minister

Let  me get this straight. These people left France to fight in Iraq and Syria, and the French government let them back in??? This goes beyond stupidity!  It blows my mind that political leaders can be so f*cking ignorant! What’s … Continue reading

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French suspect held for planning attack with Belgian pair

French, Belgian, British and Swedish politicians, to name a few, must feel really “good” about opening up their borders and allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslims immigrants into their countries. Give it another generation, about 25 years, and Europe will … Continue reading

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Europeans learn to live with _ and adapt to _ terror attacks

Muslims, what a piece of work these people are. There are approximately 1.6 billion of them throughout the planet. This is bad news for us, especially since they breed like rats because many of them have more than one wife, … Continue reading

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Spanish bullfighter dies after being gored

Good, one less bullfighter in the world is a good thing. I don’t wish harm on anyone, but if a person is stupid enough to get into an arena with a bull, and willing to kill an animal for self-adulation, … Continue reading

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US forces back Philippine troops in Islamist held city

Why is it always the United States? For once I’d like to see other nations support countries going through a crisis. How about Russia, China, India, Japan, France, Germany, etc. getting in on the action? TGO Refer to story below. … Continue reading

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Douglas Murray Interview on the Death of Europe

Honest narrative on Muslim immigration in Europe. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/JQrkcM1t7Ws

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Some major attacks in Europe in recent years

Islam is a religion of peace. And if you believe that, I’ve got several hundred acres of pristine farmland in Antarctica, good for growing corn. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press The Associated Press Associated Press June 4, … Continue reading

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Police officer killed, two wounded in Paris shooting

This is what Muslim apologists, these stupid morons with little if any brain matter between their ears want for the United States. They are so overwhelmingly obsessed with liberalism that they don’t know their ass from their elbow. Mindless, gutless … Continue reading

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France expels Swiss Islamist

How impressive. The French actually put on their man pants and expelled a Muslim from their country. Personally, I’m very proud of the French government for this. Now all they need to do is keep it coming… TGO Source: Associated … Continue reading

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Media fear of Islam ‘obsessional’: France’s Houellebecq

It’s good to know there are still people with balls, especially in Europe, which has become almost as pussy-fied as the United States. The only way to fight these Islamic dickheads is to be as ruthless as they are, but … Continue reading

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An Unlikely Trigger of Racism in France

It’s only racism when civilized people “do it.” However, civilized people don’t kill innocent people who work for a satirical publication. Civilized people don’t blow themselves up for the purpose of killing infidels, or commit the dozens of other heinous acts that … Continue reading

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French police grill attack suspect after grisly beheading

Muslims. In my dictionary, this is a bad word, as is Islam, Allah and Muhammad/Mohammed (however one chooses to spell it). The reason is obvious, these people are barbarians. And for those of you who consider yourselves ‘peaceful’ Muslims, realize … Continue reading

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Terror probe after French factory attack leaves 1 beheaded

When are western-world governments going to wise-up and prevent these barbaric Muslims from entering their countries, while simultaneously tracking down and exporting anyone remotely considered to have terrorist affiliations? TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By LORI HINNANT … Continue reading

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Hunt for the Knights Templar’s Wealth in the New World

The Knights Templar’s were awesome. These people were centuries ahead of their time. They were so well-organized and efficient that they became a serious threat to the Church and to the hierarchy at the time. In fact, on Friday, October the 13th, 1307 (Friday … Continue reading

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Plane crash kills 150 people in French Alps; Europe in shock

Hopefully this was not a terrorist attack, because in this day and age with all of the sick people on this planet (Muslims) one can never be sure. One way or the other it won’t bring back all of those … Continue reading

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The Knights Templar Shows How to Fight ISIS and Win

The Knights Templars were awesome. They were more than warriors, they were also businessmen. But as warriors they were completely loyal to the group. Maybe the author of this article is correct; maybe it will be a non-state entity that … Continue reading

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CERN’s revamped particle smasher ready to push physics into unknown

Where would we be as a species if it wasn’t for science? We would still be living in caves and hunting for food with primitive tools, much as our ancestors did tens of thousands of years ago. Yet here we are, trying … Continue reading

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