Tag Archives: Pope Francis

Vatican Considers Relaxing Celibacy Requirement for Priests in Remote Areas of the Amazon

Does anybody really care about what the corrupt Catholic Church does anymore? This group of perverts has been responsible for the sexual abuse of countless minors throughout the centuries. They have also tortured, butchered and murdered hundreds of thousands of … Continue reading

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207 dead, including several Americans, after explosions across Sri Lanka on Easter

Isn’t Islam a “wonderful” faith? Why yes it is say all of the Muslim apologists. They will argue that Islam is the religion of peace. That Muslims have been discriminated against and therefore this is their way of fighting back. … Continue reading

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The Latest: Pope urges Europe to help 49 stranded migrants

It’s time that the world’s most profitable and corrupt business, the Catholic Church, stop telling others what to do. They’re very good about telling other governments how to conduct business and what obligations they have, yet they are incapable of … Continue reading

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Jesuits release list of 89 US priests accused of sex abuse

Sexual abuse by Catholic Priests? Really? Who would have thought of such a thing??? Once again, more of our friendly neighborhood priests found to have been abusing kids, mainly boys (they have a “thing” for little penises). As disgusting as … Continue reading

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Queer Catholics Condemn Pope’s Claim That Being Gay Has Become ‘Fashionable’

It’s amusing to hear the Pope talk about homosexuality, it really is. I say this because if I had a dollar for every gay priest and lesbian nun in the Catholic Church I’d have upwards of $50,000, and that’s a … Continue reading

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Sex abuse claims rock Dutch Catholic Church

As obvious as it sounds, these sexual abuses on the part of priests and other church officials will not stop because the church is “policing” itself!!! Where else in the modern world do you have criminals expected to bring down … Continue reading

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Catholic Church admits ‘shameful’ legacy of abuse after study leaked

After all of these ‘known’ abuses in Germany alone, how many criminal prosecutions have there been?  How disgusting! Those of you who still support this criminal organization have no shame and no morals; you’re almost as bad as the pedophiles! … Continue reading

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Under-attack Pope calls for ‘silence and prayer’

Pray, pray, pray… Just continue praying. This is the Pope’s and the Vatican’s answer for everything; prayer. A priest raped a child, pray. A bishop covered up for the priest, pray. An archbishop covered up for the bishop, pray. A … Continue reading

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Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign

The Catholic Church is total garbage and totally corrupt; it stinks from inside the Vatican and the stench spreads outward to its churches and schools…  By the way, doesn’t Pope Francis just look darling in this outfit? He looks like … Continue reading

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Pope Francis Needs to Resign

I’ll say it yet again, the Catholic Church is the most corrupt organization on the planet. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/p-Ad1uNP60I      

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Catholic Cardinal Calls On Pope Francis To Step Down Over Alleged Sexual Abuse Coverup

It doesn’t really matter who the pope is. Pope Francis can resign today and it won’t make a difference because the next pope will go through the same thing. Child sexual abuses took place under Pope John Paul II, and … Continue reading

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Pope Francis, Senior Church Officials Knew About Sex Abuse Scandal, Former Vatican Ambassador Claims

One would have to live under a rock or be mentally retarded to not be aware of the sex abuses on-going in the Catholic Church. This is nothing new, it has been going on for centuries.  What’s the old saying, … Continue reading

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Pope apologizes for ‘crimes’ against Irish women, babies

A great deal of praying. Hands clasped as a sign of peace, passiveness, reflection… Yet the Catholic Church is not about that. The ‘gay man’s club’ as I’ve often referred to it is one of if not the most corrupt … Continue reading

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Vatican Feels ‘Shame And Sorrow’ Over Abuse By Pennsylvania Priests, Spokesman Says

The Vatican has no shame. The Catholic Church is more corrupt than the biggest drug cartel on the planet. Joseph Ratzinger, the previous Pope, covered up for sex abuse on a daily basis. And here we have the communist Pope … Continue reading

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These Are The Chilling Stories Of Abuse Covered Up By The Catholic Church

These stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Just imagine what is going on in third world countries, where the Catholic Church is much more influential and powerful, where the people have no voice. I can only imagine the … Continue reading

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Chris Cuomo: Do you see pro-life in your politics?

Chris Cuomo, just like his colleague at CNN, Jim Acosta, is a penis. And here is my quick answer regarding the Pope’s stance on the death penalty: I don’t care what the Pope says! Don’t you just love the hypocrisy? … Continue reading

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Australian archbishop accused of abuse cover-up resigns: Vatican

Can someone explain to me why anyone of sound mind would go to a Catholic Church these days. While you’re at it, can you also explain why these child molesters/rapists and those who cover up for them are not in … Continue reading

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Catholic Cardinal in Washington Accused of Sex Abuse

When will people finally rid themselves of all these corrupt religions which do nothing but poison societies across the globe? The Catholic Church with the pedophilia, Islam with the violence, Scientology with the mind control and delinquency, etc.  Religions do more … Continue reading

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Pope Francis accepts resignations of three Chilean bishops

When are any of these criminal scum-bags ever going to be imprisoned for child rape? This is the least they deserve for destroying the lives of children! I’m sure prisoners would love to get their hands on them. What more … Continue reading

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yihuoijpko Pope to meet 5 abused Chilean priests

Five Chilean priests were themselves abused by another priest. Don’t you just love the Catholic Church? But hey, the pedophile was required to live a life of penitence by the Church. If it wasn’t so disgusting it would actually be … Continue reading

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Gay Man Says Pope Francis Told Him, ‘God Made You Like That And Loves You Like That’

This Pope is an ultra-socialist, in addition to being a Pope, which by definition already makes him quite a shady character. Having said that, at least Francis didn’t lecture the guy about how evil it is to be gay in … Continue reading

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Abuse Survivors Demand Concrete Action After Pope Admits His ‘Serious Errors’

As long as ignorant people continue to attend Catholic services and place their kids in Catholic schools, etc. priests (pedophile priests) of which there are probably thousands, will continue to abuse children. The stories we here of children being abused … Continue reading

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Pope urges church unity, blames divisions on work of devil

The poor Devil, he’s always getting blamed for all the ‘bad stuff’ in the world. Meanwhile, God gets a free ride. He gets credit for all the ‘good stuff’. Although, if God is all-knowing, all-good AND all-powerful, why doesn’t he … Continue reading

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Vatican Media Chief Resigns After Spreading Digitally Altered Photo

I believe the entire Catholic Church should resign; the entire establishment. All of you fake priests,  bishops and cardinals – right up to and including the Pope. When is enough, enough? When are all you clowns going to be accountable … Continue reading

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Polish priest wishes Pope early death over call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees

Pope Francis, in addition to being an ultra-left, socialist (if not an outright communist) is a hypocrite. It seems hypocrisy is a requirement for the papacy. Anyway, as stated earlier in this blog, being that he cares so much for … Continue reading

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Court hears some alleged historical offences by Vatican’s Pell were at a pool, cinema

Guilty!!! Enough cover-ups already! Enough pay-offs! Just another in the long line of sick, perverted Catholic f*cks… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters Reuters March 19, 2018 MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Some alleged historical sexual offences by Vatican treasurer George Pell … Continue reading

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Pope Francis Denounces ‘Fear’ Politics Amid Global Anti-Immigrant Sentiments

The Pope is a hypocrite. Instead of talking so much cow manure, Pope Francis should take action instead of simply preaching the same old nonsense.  Let in a few thousand immigrants into Vatican City. Welcome them with open arms, or … Continue reading

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Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence

I am sure that now that the Pope has called for the immediate halt to the violence in Syria, the crazy Muslims who have been slaughtering each other for 1400 years will stop fighting promptly. And for his next trick, … Continue reading

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Chileans lose faith as Vatican scrambles to contain sex abuse scandal

Religions; I suppose they served some purpose during Medieval times. They are certainly the motivating force behind some great architecture and art, but at what cost? Nowadays, religions are totally useless, and as corrupt as ever. There are no more … Continue reading

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Did Pope Francis Help Cover Up aSex Scandal? Letter Reveals the Pope Knew About Heinous Pedophilia Case

I’ve been writing about the corruption of the Catholic Church since I can remember. Yet all the while die-hard Catholics have criticized me for it, claiming that none of the sexual abuse allegations are factual, rather that they’re made up … Continue reading

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Fear and doubt should not determine response to immigrants, Pope says

Nice message Mr. Francis. Now do the right thing and take in several thousand immigrants into Vatican City. In other words, instead of just preaching, act. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters Reuters January 14, 2018   VATICAN CITY (Reuters) … Continue reading

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Pope Francis warns against ‘the thirst for power and for riches’

The leader of the wealthiest corporation on the planet, the Catholic Church, has the balls to warn against the thirst for power and riches! Really?  If this is not the most hypocritical, corrupt organization on earth I don’t know what … Continue reading

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‘Let’s Not Extinguish Hope in Their Hearts.’ Pope Francis Calls for Empathy Toward Migrants and Refugees

Since the Pope is such a good Samaritan he should act instead of just speaking. Why doesn’t he take in several thousand of the migrants (Muslims) who are currently raping women in Europe? These individuals could move into Vatican City … Continue reading

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Pope adds 35 saints to church, nearly all martyrs

More BS from the Pope and the Catholic Church. All of these customs, all of these rituals… These once served to fool the ignorant masses in Europe, who knew no better. Nowadays these silly acts are as meaningless as tits … Continue reading

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Pope meets French cardinal accused of paedophilia cover-up

Don’t you just love these clowns? The Catholic Church, one of the most repulsive organizations in the history of mankind, and yet revered by so many hundreds of millions of people!  This gay man’s club, with several hundred if not … Continue reading

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Conservative Catholic Group Accuses Pope Francis Of Promoting Heresy On Divorce

These turd-brains should check themselves into the nearest zoo (now that Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus has closed) because quite frankly the apes at any zoo have a higher IQ than they do.  But beyond stupid, first and foremost … Continue reading

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Pope asks world leaders to listen to ‘cry of the Earth’

Is this all that the Pope/Vatican/Catholic Church is good for; prayer? Now we’re going to save the environment by praying??? This is all I hear from the Catholic Church – pray for this, pray for that, pray for the other…  … Continue reading

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Vatican hospital corruption trial starts with setbacks for defense

For me, all those hands clasped in prayer by grown men only mean one thing; HYPOCRISY! The Catholic Church is rotten to the core. Period. Enough said. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Philip Pullella Reuters July 18, 2017 … Continue reading

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Vatican hospital corruption trial starts with setbacks for defense

Hey, don’t judge the Vatican! So, the cardinal’s flat needed some renovations, so what? One of the richest corporations on the planet isn’t going to expect the cardinal to use his own money to pay for repairs! After all, what would … Continue reading

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Children at risk as Vatican hospital chased profits

Incredible! The Vatican, one of the richest corporations on earth, putting children in a hospital at risk for the sake of money!!! When is enough, enough? How many more priceless works of art, precious stones, gold, property, etc. does the … Continue reading

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Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up

The Catholic Church is a joke and total farce. It amasses more wealth than half the countries on this planet, yet preaches humility. It has in its ranks more gays and lesbians than most if not all corporations on the globe, yet … Continue reading

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Pell case shows poor judgment, will stain Pope Francis legacy, victims say

The Catholic Church is rotten ‘from’ the core, and because it is those who are closest to the Vatican who are perverted and/or permit crimes against children in order to protect the “integrity” of the church, those on the fringe (clergy … Continue reading

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Pope’s close aide charged, bringing sex abuse scandal to Vatican

I’ve been saying it for years, the Vatican (Catholic Church) is a corrupt organization. It’s members feel they are above the law. A significant percentage of them are homosexual, which is fine, except for the fact that homosexuality is against … Continue reading

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Vatican: Pope to visit Chile and Peru in January 2018

And these trips are important because…? Is the Pope/Vatican going to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Peruvian people who lost their homes and possessions during the floods? I didn’t think so. What the Pope is going to do is … Continue reading

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Fatima mystery blends visions, miracles and supernatural

Visions of the Virgin Mary? I have other visions, although my visions are not inspired by faith. Instead, my “visions” are inspired by logic, and what they tell me is that people are really, really stupid! Visions, miracles and the … Continue reading

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Swiss guards, loyal soldiers of the pope, take the oath

Aren’t they cute in their colorful uniforms? Especially interesting is that they not only protect the Pope with weapons, but also with faith. Awww, how sweet, they protect the Pope with faith. They look and sound pretty fruity to me. … Continue reading

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Pope criticises US military for using word ‘mother’ to describe MOAB bomb

Really Mr. Francis? Is this what’s important to you? Why not put an end to the child rape that’s been a part of your church for decades once and for all? Why not hang out to dry your pedophile priests, … Continue reading

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Pope likens migrant holding centers to ‘concentration camps’

I have a suggestion for the Pope. Why not take in several thousand of these refugees living in what he calls concentration camps, and move them to the Vatican. Certainly the Vatican has enough space for these people, doesn’t it? And … Continue reading

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Vatican confirms pope met Kentucky clerk in gay marriage row

Woohoo! The pope met the indoctrinated Bible-thumping, born-again a-hole. A pair made in heaven; no pun intended. Does it really matter? Does it change the course of life on this planet? Will the sun still rise in the east and … Continue reading

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Pope meets victims of clergy sex abuse, says ‘God weeps’ for them

Yeah right, I’m sure God is weeping. Meanwhile, as God weeps, the boys are still violated. Nothing but empty words from popes; both Pope Francis and his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI offer nothing but empty words; prayers and a weeping … Continue reading

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