Tag Archives: Syria

Top Islamic State leader killed in US special forces raid in Syria | ISIS | Latest English News

Today there is one less religious nut-job turned terrorist in this world. The coward blew himself up, along with his own family.  And we’re supposed to be the “intelligent” species… Video: YouTube

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The Joe Biden ‘gaffes, stumbles and confusion just continue’

Once again, I hate to keep repeating my statements, but; what a buffoon! Biden is a bumbling idiot and Kamala Harris is a cackling idiot! The two individuals representing this country to the rest of the world are, in essence, … Continue reading

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Mike Pompeo goes inside the mission that killed al-Baghdadi

Another Islamic douche-bag terrorist and murdering scum is dead, and yet the Washington Post has the gall to refer to him as an austere religious scholar!!! The liberal media is beyond disgusting! TGO Video: YouTube

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President Trump Confirms Death Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi | Sunday TODAY

This “news” is already a day old. It’s one of the few reports (other than on Fox) where the information is presented in a non-partisan way. The reporting on this by CNN (as can be expected by the scum at … Continue reading

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Sen. Rand Paul on “The Lead with Jake Tapper” – Oct. 16, 2019

Just the facts on the entire “pulling out the troops madness”. TGO Video: YouTube

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Turns ‘War Hating’ Left into Bush’s BIGGEST Fans I Wilkow

You are absolutely correct, sir. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/18/19 | URGENT!TRUMP BREAKING NEWS O­c­t­o­b­e­r 18, 2019

The hypocrisy of these people (now including republicans) is beyond belief!  Sure, let’s go halfway across the world to help the Kurds, while democrats want to have open borders!!!  Our “leaders” (other than Trump) are demented! TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/nS22eDWmxNk

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Trump & The Kurds … A Betrayal or A Hard Choice?

The media (and ALL democrats along with SOME republicans) would have you believe that Donald Trump did what Barack Obama did several years ago, when in fact, he withdrew less than fifty (50) military personnel from the Turkey/Syria border; not … Continue reading

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Trump Fires Back at ABC Reporter for ‘Deceptive’ Question

The degenerates in the liberal media do NOTHING but criticize Trump, even when he is keeping the United States out of senseless wars! The hypocrisy continues… Fortunately, we have a president with balls who says it like it is and … Continue reading

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Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Radical Islam is a threat to all citizens of the world. TGO Video: YouTube

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Steve Says: The border crises was manufactured by decades of inefficient policy

This guy is right on point. Of course, democrats will never agree with him on anything he talks about and will continue to vilify Trump until the end of his term/s and beyond. TGO  Video: YouTube

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Graham to CNN anchor: That’s a bunch of bulls***

This guy is awesome! Senator Graham is one republican who isn’t going to pussy-out when asked loaded questions by these Communist News Network (CNN) bimbos. TGO Video: YouTube  

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Trump withdraws troops from Syria

The hypocrisy of liberals once again takes center stage. They are always anti-war, criticizing republicans for sending our troops into battle. Yet now that Donald Trump is withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan, all of a sudden these same liberals … Continue reading

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SE Cupp: Something is rotten in Trump’s presidency

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump… The Communist News Network (CNN) is OBSESSED with Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has reached a crescendo. These cretins are so over-the-top with the relentless anti-Trump rhetoric, that we … Continue reading

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Merkel says Europe should do more to stop Syria war

I hate this bitch! How did she ever get elected, I thought Germans (on the whole) were supposed to be intelligent? She has single-handedly done much to destroy Europe with her liberal attitude toward immigration, and now, she claims Europe … Continue reading

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Captured ISIS Militants Describe the Execution of U.S.’s James Foley and Other Western Hostages as ‘Regrettable’

They want a fair trial, really? I have a very simple comment to make regarding these two cockroaches. Get all the “intelligence” you can out of them. Then, fry them! TGO Refer to story below. Source: Newsweek Tom Porter,Newsweek Two … Continue reading

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Pope calls for immediate halt to Syria violence

I am sure that now that the Pope has called for the immediate halt to the violence in Syria, the crazy Muslims who have been slaughtering each other for 1400 years will stop fighting promptly. And for his next trick, … Continue reading

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What the End of ISIS Means

The simple response to the article’s title is; NOTHING. The end of ISIS means absolutely nothing. In no time a new, more radical Islamic group will emerge to take the place of ISIS. This is how Muslims operate, pure and … Continue reading

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ISIS (title unkown) simplified for article subject matter

Islam, the religion of peace. Whoever coined that phrase couldn’t have been more wrong. One thing for certain that Islam isn’t about, is peace. Islam is about savagery, hatred, ignorance and many other negative things, but surely not peace. It’s … Continue reading

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Foreigners who joined IS faced almost certain death in Raqqa

This is all so tiring! IS, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Islamist extremism, suicide bombings, and all the rest of the garbage associated with Muslims. Yet the politicians and media embrace this failed ideology as if it were the cure for … Continue reading

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First Images of London Bomb Suspect Emerge

Wait, you mean he’s one of them, a Muslim? Gee, what a surprise, I would have never thought!  “Suspected of being involved in extremist-related activities”, I believe they mean, suspected of being a f*cking Muslim terrorist! Why not call it … Continue reading

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Students sent home from Indonesian Islamic school linked to child fighters

Indoctrinating the children so they can grow up to be terrorists, infiltrate western societies and kill innocent people. Does that sound like the game plan?  One doesn’t need to look very far to see Islam at work. TGO Refer to … Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s son calls Muslims to Syria jihad

Like father, like son; pure garbage. Just one more in the long line of religious fanatics produced by Islam. Just another wasted life as a result of over fourteen centuries of Koranic worship by barbarians.  When will all this madness … Continue reading

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The New Era: How Terrorism Has Changed Since 9/11

More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason, and the killing continues… As long as humans love their imaginary gods more than they love their fellow human beings, the needless and barbaric slaughter … Continue reading

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France has seen 271 jihadi militants return: minister

Let  me get this straight. These people left France to fight in Iraq and Syria, and the French government let them back in??? This goes beyond stupidity!  It blows my mind that political leaders can be so f*cking ignorant! What’s … Continue reading

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5 of the Worst Countries for Human Trafficking

What do all of these countries have in common? They all have leftist governments. No surprise there… TGO Refer to story below. Source: U.S. News Deidre McPhillips U.S.News & World Report July 28, 2017 The Worst Human Trafficking Offenders Human … Continue reading

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ISIS Leader Baghdadi Really Is Dead This Time, Syrian Rights Group Says

Is this douche-bag, this rat’s ass finally dead? One can only hope. But there are so many of these vermin in the world that another one will no doubt appear. Another insect to motivate the brain-dead Muslims, willing to blow … Continue reading

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ISIS Violence In Syria Threatens More Than 40,000 Children

This is heartbreaking. TGO Refer to story below. Source: International Business Times Juliana Rose Pignataro International Business Times June 9, 2017 More than 40,000 children are in imminent danger as a result of the Islamic State’s fighting in Raqqa, Syria. … Continue reading

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President Trump Speech in Saudi Arabia At Arab Islamic – American Summit (FULL SPEECH)

To those of you who believed that Donald Trump would embarrass the United States of America when traveling/speaking abroad, I encourage you to listen to his speech in Saudi Arabia. TGO Video: YouTube https://youtu.be/LEnvulC3X-I

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Pope criticises US military for using word ‘mother’ to describe MOAB bomb

Really Mr. Francis? Is this what’s important to you? Why not put an end to the child rape that’s been a part of your church for decades once and for all? Why not hang out to dry your pedophile priests, … Continue reading

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‘We’re all Muslims’: How Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists united against Donald Trump in Detroit

No, you’re not all Muslims. You’re all morons, which come to think of it, is the same thing. But since you all consider yourselves Muslims, I have a suggestion. Why don’t you all leave the United States and move to … Continue reading

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Trump celebrates first 100 days as president, blasts media

I’m not a Trump supporter as such. Although having said that, I do agree with him on a couple of key issues. The main issue in which I support him is immigration. I really don’t know when it was that Americans … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Ban the Burka

Ah yes, the burka. What a fine example of Muslim design. If this doesn’t tell you something about just how f*cked up Islam is, nothing will. TGO Video: YouTube

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Mass evacuation in Syria to proceed after blast kill 68 kids

For those of you not interested in reading the entire article, following is a paragraph from the story below: “A wounded girl, who said she lost her siblings in the blast, told Al-Manar TV from her hospital bed that children who … Continue reading

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Syrian TV says dozens killed in blast near evacuation buses

More of the same in the Middle East… More violence, more bombs exploding, more people killed and maimed; it’s the Islamic way of life and it may never change. Not as long as the Koran is viewed as a holy … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: The Invasion of Europe

As always, Pat Condell is right on point with his views on the current wave of immigration in Europe (and all that will undoubtedly follow) as Europe will over time become a cesspool, just as Iraq, Syria and most other Islamic countries … Continue reading

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Study: Defectors call Islamic State brutal, corrupt

Are people that stupid? That was a rhetorical question. Of course they are. But one has to be beyond stupid to not know the brutality of Islamic State. If beheading people alive, drowning them, etc., all known to the world, isn’t … Continue reading

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Why is ISIS blowing up history?

The answer to the title of this article is simple: because they’re Muslims and they’re f*cked-up! Why else would they destroy history? One can analyze this question until the end of time. But the real answer is quite obvious. TGO … Continue reading

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Drowned toddler sparks fresh horror over Europe migrant crisis

This is horrific! This is the result of the barbaric Muslims, members of Islamic State, who have taken over parts of Syria and Iraq. This is the result of indoctrinated imbeciles destroying human lives over some archaic and bullshit ideology. … Continue reading

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Why Islamic State set off explosives at Syria’s ancient Bel temple

Unbelievable. These criminals are destroying two thousand years of historical artifacts, architecture and history for all generations to come. And why, because of their twisted and fanatical views on religion; on Islam. Everywhere Muslims are found in large numbers, Pakistan, Afghanistan, … Continue reading

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Clashes erupt at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque after toddler death

What a mess… The Middle East, with the Jews, Palestinians, and all of the crazy Muslims in Iraq, Syria and the like continue their century’s old clashes. This fighting will never end… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press … Continue reading

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IS beheads two Syrian women ‘for the first time’

Can these people be any more ruthless? Do they have no sense of humanity or compassion for the suffering of others? This is Islam at its ugliest, a faith that is ugly by nature. TGO Refer to story below. Source: … Continue reading

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IS ties 2 boys to pole for eating in Ramadan: monitor

I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: “Just when I thought I’d heard it all…” Yes, members of the religion of ‘piss’ strike again. Yet another example of why Islam is FUBAR (f*cked up beyond any … Continue reading

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IS suicide attackers slow Iraq’s Ramadi counterattack

KABOOM! Suicide bombers; what can be said of suicide bombers? Well, other than the obvious, which is that they are complete imbeciles, they are also indoctrinated by Islam. What other religion is there that can turn a person’s brain into mud by … Continue reading

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Islamic State faces battle in Iraq, bombs in Syria

We continue to bomb Islamic State fighters, meanwhile, they continue to expand their territories in Syria and Iraq. This whole endeavor is an exercise in futility. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters BAGHDAD/BEIRUT (Reuters) – Islamic State poured more … Continue reading

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ISIS is about to make A LOT of money off ‘the archaeological equivalent of a beheading’

In just a few days a group such as Islamic State can destroy thousands of years of history. At first thought it boggles my mind that the combined armies of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, the Emirates, etc. cannot … Continue reading

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IS leader urges Muslims to move to ‘caliphate’: recording

Well, the crazed lunatic, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, did say one thing which is completely true and no one can argue (at least not intelligently) when he said: “O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam … Continue reading

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EU leaders call for emergency talks after 700 migrants drown off Libya

People will continue to die en masse as long as Muslims rule north Africa and the Middle East, something which isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Europe better brace itself in the years and decades to come, because if not … Continue reading

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Why photo of surrendering Syrian child touches hearts

Heartbreaking. TGO Refer to story below. Source: The Christian Science Monitor. The image of a Syrian girl with hands raised over her head has gone viral and revived concern over the plight of men, women, and children in the war-torn … Continue reading

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Hugo Chavez’ favorite daughter makes UN debut as US bashed

She’s the daughter of an ape and just as communist. What could be worse than that? Last time I checked, Venezuela, another Latin American country with incredible natural  resources, was a toilet bowl. “What a surprise”! The masses in these … Continue reading

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