Tag Archives: Sunni

FACE THE FACTS: D’Souza goes scorched earth on leftist #FakeHistory

Dinesh D’Souza answers a student’s question pertaining to WWII. TGO Video: YouTube

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Suicide bomber targets Shiite students in Kabul, killing 48

Another member of the “religion of peace” blows himself up (because he’s a deeply religious guy) and kills innocent students.  The stupidest, most ignorant people on earth (as well as some of the most dangerous) are religious fanatics, and no … Continue reading

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Millions mark key Shiite commemoration in Iraq holy city

This is what a society of brainwashed, fanatical, ignorant masses looks like. Tell me something, do these people look like members of a well balanced, socially advanced society in the 21st century? And of course, notice one thing – there … Continue reading

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Ruling dynasty gave its name to Saudi Arabia

And we are supposed to be interested in this because… Is this somehow a news story? Why is the media so obsessed with Islam that every single day there is a story about it? Granted, most of the time the stories … Continue reading

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Pakistan Taliban target Shi’ite minority with roadside blast, kill 10

KABOOM! Another bomb detonated by Muslims against Muslims. That’s one thing about these crazy bastards, they kill everyone (not just infidels). Westerners, Christians, Muslims, women and children; it’s all the same to them. They just like to kill. The irony … Continue reading

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Iran premieres big-budget epic film ‘Muhammad’

Shiites supposedly like the film, while Sunnis don’t. No surprise there. Sunnis don’t seem to like much of anything. For those of you unaware, the Sunnis are the conservative Muslims. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By Ali … Continue reading

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Iran film epic about Prophet Mohammed postponed

The world would be a much better place without the likes of Jesus and Mohammed. These two figures have been (and in the case of Mohammed) continue to be the cause of much of the misery and suffering of the … Continue reading

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Islamic State militants behead archaeologist in Palmyra: Syrian official

More barbarism from the most backward and barbaric of all religions; and of course I’m referring to Islam. Just imagine beheading an 82 year-old man and hanging his headless body from a column in the town square! Who would do … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber strikes Saudi Shi’ite mosque, many dead or wounded

KABOOM! Another mental cripple, Muslim of course, blows himself up. What a moron! For all of you sane people out there, those who are not Muslims, just consider the amount of indoctrination required to strap oneself with explosives and willingly … Continue reading

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Activists say ISIL abducted at least 90 Christians

Unbelievable; that grown men are kidnapping and beheading people because they belong to a different religion. Shiite Muslims believe one fairy tale, Sunni Muslims believe another fairy tale, Kurdish Muslims believe yet another fairy tale, and then there are the … Continue reading

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Islamic State storms town in western Iraq, kills 19 police: officials

Sometimes I wonder what is the best way to approach the problems in the Middle East, given the continuous killing that goes on in the region as a result of religious fanaticism? Is the best approach to leave these people … Continue reading

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Gunmen kill 5 in attack in eastern Saudi Arabia

More killing by Muslim fanatics, this time in “the kingdom.” Some kingdom, the hub of Islam, where Sharia law is practiced. That makes it a sewer, not a kingdom. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By ABDULLAH AL-SHIHRI  … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber in Iraq kills 27 Shi’ite militiamen near Baghdad: police

KABOOM! Another brain-dead Muslims bites the dust. I know that people are totally oblivious to the fact that almost every day of the week at least one moron blows himself up in an Islamic country. But just consider for a … Continue reading

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IS jihadists execute four women in northern Iraq

IS members are real tough guys, aren’t they – killing women. How low can these people get? They have no regard for human life whatsoever. I’m surprised they haven’t begun executing children, although I wouldn’t put it past them. Religion, … Continue reading

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In northeast Syria, Islamic State builds a government

For those interested in learning a thing or two about “Islamic State,” read the story below. It seems these blood-thirsty hoodlums are more organized than most believed. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Mariam Karouny BEIRUT (Reuters) – … Continue reading

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Islamic State militants behead captive Lebanese soldier:

The senseless torture and slaughtering of innocent people continues in the Arab world, the result of the religion of piss, otherwise known as Islam. One has to go back centuries to the days of the Inquisitions to find such ruthlessness. … Continue reading

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Suicide attacks kill at least 17 in Iraq after mosque shooting

Here we go again… Yes folks, the indoctrinated brain-dead rag-heads continue to blow themselves up. Brilliant! There is no other religion in this entire planet that produces imbeciles; that takes a human brain and systematically turns it into mud, as … Continue reading

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Yemen bombs Shi’ite rebels after truce collapses, 70 killed

More madness at the hands of Muslims, this time in Yemen… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters SANAA (Reuters) – The Yemeni air force bombed Shi’ite Muslim fighters north of Sanaa on Saturday in fighting that killed at least … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 15 in attack on Iraq forces

KABOOM! Yet another towel-head bites the dust. And guess what you ignorant, Muslim terrorists, he’s not in heaven with virgins; he’s nowhere. Pieces of his remains are scattered all over the ground – and that’s it, that’s all that is … Continue reading

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Iraq, Syria conflicts merge, feed off each other

Once again it must be said; these people are barbarians. All they know how to do is fight and kill one another. The only difference between 1000 years ago and the present is the weapons they use, but the mindset … Continue reading

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Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad

The tribal wars continue in this sewage pit of a country, just like in most other countries in the Middle East, among members of the different factions of Islam. Muslims don’t just hate the West or the Jews, they also … Continue reading

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Sunni insurgents close in on Iraq’s biggest oil refinery

The circus that is Iraq continues… At the end of the day, it all (once again) boils down to religion. The Sunnis, who follow Sharia Law, despise the Shiites, who are more liberal. Meanwhile you have the Kurds, which are … Continue reading

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Mosul falls to militants, Iraqi forces flee northern city

What a cluster-f*ck! Anyone with a brain knew that this was inevitable. Sooner or later the bad guys always win, because they “play” with a different set of rules. They’re willing to take all the chances; make all the sacrifices, … Continue reading

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Bombing on Kurdish party HQ in Iraq kills 18

KABOOM! Yet another religiously indoctrinated rag-head blows himself up in the name of ignorance and stupidity. How does one stop people willing to sacrifice their own lives? This is the danger with Islam, a danger which most people in this … Continue reading

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50 killed in bomb attack on rally, police and troops voting in Iraq

Surprise, surprise, surprise… More bombs and more dead and dismembered bodies in a Muslim country! Let me think about this for a moment; do children love ice cream? Yes. Is the Pope Catholic? Yes. Are Muslims religious freaks still stuck … Continue reading

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Suicide attack in Iraq kills at least 11 people

KABOOM! The killing continues… Another religiously indoctrinated towel-head (Muslim, what else) believes he’s going to heaven by blowing himself up and killing innocent people. How logical is that? But yes, let us not forget that Muslims say that Islam is … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 45 in Iraqi city of Hilla

Muslims wouldn’t be Muslims if they didn’t blow themselves up and kill innocent people in the process. This is what people who follow Allah, Muhammad and the Koran do. It is their “duty” to kill everyone who doesn’t think as … Continue reading

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Officials: Gunmen kill 15 troops in northern Iraq

The killing continues in Iraq, a country which is the “perfect” model for an Islamic society. You want to know what it’s like to live in a Muslim country, look no further. If this doesn’t say all there is to … Continue reading

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Nine killed in brutal Iraq assassinations

What can be done with these people? And I’m talking about Muslims. Collectively, they seem to have some genetic defect that “forces” them to become radicalized into believing that members of the tribe they belong to are the only people … Continue reading

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Four bombs hit central Baghdad, killing 23

One of the biggest hypocrisies in the world today is that of Muslims. How on earth does the Arab world have the gall to criticize the West, when 99% of their countries are war zones; and those that aren’t are … Continue reading

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Group: Iraq holding thousands of women illegally

Barbarians, that’s what these Muslims are, barbarians. In addition, these men are cowards for taking advantage of those they can easily overpower. And it all goes back to Islamic roots, where women are treated like dogs. TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Shi’ites overrun rival strongholds in north Yemen; 40 dead

Amazing,isn’t it; that in the 21st century these morons are still tribal barbarians… There is nothing civilized about Muslims. They all belong to the same breed of idiots. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters SANAA (Reuters) – Shi’ite rebels … Continue reading

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Bomb hits Pakistani bus full of Shi’ite pilgrims, 22 dead

KABOOM! More camel jockeys killing innocent people; a daily occurrence in Islamic countries… Ironically, when I first started posting news reports on this Blog, I thought suicide bombings were a rare occurrence. Stupid me, I never thought that any one … Continue reading

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North Yemen strife has killed at least 210, Salafis say

I’ll say one thing about Muslims, they certainly are consistent. They are consistently mentally crippled and barbaric. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters SANAA (Reuters) – At least 210 people have been killed in two months of fighting between … Continue reading

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Car bomb kills four in Hezbollah Beirut bastion: minister

More craziness from those crazy Muslims… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By Rita DAOU  Beirut (AFP) – A car bomb killed four people in south Beirut Thursday, the fourth attack to hit the Hezbollah bastion since the … Continue reading

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Suicide bombings kill 23 near Iran embassy in Beirut

KABOOM!!! More of the same from Muslims; experts in suicide bombings; they’re claim to fame… These people are such cowards. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Reuters By Laila Bassam and Erika Solomon BEIRUT (Reuters) – Two suicide bombings rocked … Continue reading

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In Iraq, Sunni Attacks Spark Shiite Calls to Arms

All these Muslims know how to do is blow each other up; oh, and I almost forgot – pray. They’re very good at praying and killing each other. I suppose the way they figure, if you pray it doesn’t matter … Continue reading

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Iraq: Gunmen attack Shiite families, kill 16

You all just keep on killing don’t you, you crazy Muslims? Yes sir, if one of your own just happens to be the “wrong” brand of Islam, just blow him away. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man, woman or … Continue reading

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Spike in violence in Iraq has echoes in the past

Cruel and evil as he was, Saddam Hussein kept these people in check. Sadly, Muslims are a violent and barbaric people, and without a ruthless leader they will always live in total anarchy. TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated … Continue reading

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Pakistan’s largest city rocked by wave of violence

Let’s not mince words people; Pakistan is a toilet bowl, it’s as simple as that. It is a third world country where the overwhelming majority of the population is made up of ignorant, religiously indoctrinated people. And anyone can tell … Continue reading

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20 people killed in Iraqi police academy blast

KABOOM! Another mindless, crazy Muslim freak blows himself up in the name of Islam. As anyone can plainly see, Muslims don’t just hate Jews and the West – they hate each other as well.  I have an idea… Instead of … Continue reading

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40 women arrested over Bahrain vote protest: opposition

These Muslims are savages, and it’s no wonder… The most religious people on the planet are also the most ignorant and backward people on the planet. And since Muslims are arguably the most religious people of all, it goes to … Continue reading

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Suicide bomber kills 8 in western Iraq

It seems that at least once a week there is a story of a suicide attack somewhere in the Muslim world; be it in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. This has become such a common occurrence that most of us are … Continue reading

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Gunmen kill 2 Christians in northern Iraq

More “peaceful Muslims” doing what they do best; killing innocent people. It’s interesting how atheists such as myself are labeled as being intolerant of religion and religious people, yet it is NEVER a non-believer, or a collective group of non-believers, … Continue reading

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Gunmen kill 4 anti-al-Qaida fighters in Iraq

These people truly are barbarians. Their life consists of nothing but turmoil, violence and hatred, all of which is inspired by religious belief. Sad as it is, each and every American life lost in the war in Iraq was wasted. … Continue reading

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Female, single, over 30: Iraqis count cost of war

When most people think of war it is only the fighting that they envision. But as the article states, there are many ‘hidden costs’ to a war beyond the actual fighting; death and destruction is just one part of the … Continue reading

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Beirut sectarian battle kills 1, wounds 3

These Muslims are completely insane; they have no concept of civility whatsoever. To be exchanging machine gun fire in city streets is crazy, especially since both groups are Muslims! Knowing the mindset of these people, political leaders still have the … Continue reading

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11 killed in persistent Iraq violence

Is Iraq a great country or what? These barbarians continue to set off bombs and kill innocent people; and the reason, you guessed it: religion. It’s not enough that the people in this stinking country are Muslims. For you see, … Continue reading

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Iraq: Car bomb kills 15 south of Baghdad

More bombs, more destruction and more deaths from those “peaceful” Muslims. Just how screwed up must people be to ruthlessly kill their own kind, living in the same cities, worshiping the same God; men women, children, the elderly. Is this … Continue reading

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High Iraq deaths cast doubt on US stability talk

Next time we decide to engage in war I certainly hope that it is an absolutely necessary war and that we do all we can to win it; rather than putting our own soldiers in harms-way by toning things down … Continue reading

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