‘Biden’s cognitive issues can no longer be ignored’

I’m not a Joe Biden fan, I’m a Trump supporter. I look at policies and results. I’m not a part of the mob who blindly follow the liberal media in condemning Trump.

Just recently, Trump was accused of helping spread the corona virus. This was inevitable of course, we all knew this would happen. The media once again accused him of being a racist (nothing new there) when he shut down travel from China into the United States. That goes to show you just how stupid the liberal media hacks are, as well as those of you who support such preposterous claims. Shutting down travel from China was absolutely the logical and sensible thing to do. Yet, he is being condemned for doing so.

Anyway, I digress. My point in all of this is that there is no one better equipped to be president of the United States than Donald Trump. Not ‘Bernie the Commie’, who will destroy this country within two years if elected president, and certainly not Joe Biden, who is sincerely not well.

Odds are that if these primaries end up in a convention, democrats might just appoint another candidate. Who knows? One thing we all know is that neither Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders are equipped to be president.

The bottom line is that I actually feel sorry for Joe Biden. I’m surprised that his family is allowing him to go through with this, which is undoubtedly going to take a toll on his body. TGO

Video: YouTube


About Fernando

Am interested in science, politics and sports. I relish learning about the world and our (mankind's) place in it and where we're headed as a society, both locally and globally. Am a collector of fountain pens and folding (pocket) knives. Enjoy a good book, a good movie, playing chess and fantasy football.
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