Tag Archives: Jesus

Pat Robertson Casts ‘Shield Of Protection’ Ahead Of Hurricane Florence

Pat Robertson, you’re a world-class moron!  I’m sure that Hurricane Florence is listening to your demands and will promptly follow orders.  The scary part of this is that there are millions of people who believe him!!! TGO Refer to story … Continue reading

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Louisiana televangelist seeks donations for $54M private jet: report

Religion is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? These people truly are shameless! My suggestion to him would be to ‘spread the Gospel’ riding coach… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Fox News By Bradford Betz | Fox News    Jesse … Continue reading

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21st century exorcists learn to cast out demons with a cellphone

Oh boy, here we go, the mentally retarded religious morons are out on the loose, and now they’re using cell phones! I’ll tell you what Catholics need to cast out, and it isn’t demons (which don’t exist). What they need … Continue reading

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Bill Maher reads from The Purpose Driven Life

This is hilarious. It shows just how idiotic religious people of any faith can be. They will believe anything, and I mean anything… TGO Video: YouTube

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‘Blood Moon’ seen as sign of end times by some Mormons

Mormons are morons, as are all people of faith who believe the archaic superstitions of people who lived centuries ago. Ignorant people who knew nothing about the world around them, who also happened to be the ones who wrote our so-called … Continue reading

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Iran film epic about Prophet Mohammed postponed

The world would be a much better place without the likes of Jesus and Mohammed. These two figures have been (and in the case of Mohammed) continue to be the cause of much of the misery and suffering of the … Continue reading

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Pope venerates mysterious Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin, one of the many fabrications of the Catholic Church, along with saints, the Holy Trinity, and many others. But, being that mankind are gullible beyond belief, they will continue to believe these silly inventions as they … Continue reading

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Krauss, Shermer, D’Souza, Hutchinson Debate God – Faith vs Reason

An interesting debate between believers and non-believers… Judge for yourselves which duo make the most sense. TGO Video: YouTube      

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Is America beginning to accept atheists?

The American masses sure are ignorant and stupid. The funny thing is, they think they’re smart. They actually believe that the Bible is literally true; along with its characters who lived for several hundred years or even over a thousand years. And … Continue reading

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Our love for Jesus

Talk about a load of crap! People talk about Jesus as if they knew him personally, when in fact they know nothing about him. All people “know” is what is written in the Bible, which is about as factual as … Continue reading

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Lewis Black explains Religion

This is funny… TGO Video: YouTube

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Most Toxic Christian Principles: Hell

The fact that adults today, in the year 2015, actually believe in hell, and its counterpart, heaven, speaks to the ignorance of our species. Hell is a despicable concept which should never be taught to children. Doing so is child abuse. … Continue reading

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Pope Francis: “God has bestowed on me a healthy dose of unawareness”

Yeah, yeah… God has really bestowed a great deal on you Mr. Francis. After all, what could be “greater” than being the front man for arguably the most corrupt organization in the history of mankind; certainly Christianity! Yeap, God has … Continue reading

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Sam Harris on Joel Osteen

If you’ve never read any of Sam Harris’ books, you should. TGO Video: YouTube http://youtu.be/TAdy0f_BbMw

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MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!

These fanatical Christians really do deserve our pity. How people can be this ignorant is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I’m just not that smart, then again, maybe this woman (and people who “think” like her) really are that stupid! TGO … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Britain’s Cultural Problem

The Brits ought to be embarrassed! But then again, they are a bunch of pansies. They think they’re superior to everyone else with their British accent and all the BS rituals they have. What a bunch of pussies, caving in … Continue reading

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Casting Out Demons: Pope Francis Declares Support for Exorcisms

Incredible isn’t it? Here we are in the 21st century and these brain-dead priests in the Catholic Church, not to mention Pope Francis, still believe in the practice of exorcism! In fact, as the article states, there is actually an … Continue reading

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It sounds to me as if the parents or grandparents (or both) of those children are putting them up to ask their uncle and his wife why they don’t go to church with them. Children that age generally don’t enjoy … Continue reading

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Pope, Netanyahu spar over Jesus’ native language

Really? What difference does it make whether Jesus spoke Hebrew or Aramaic? With all of the problems in the Middle East, all of which originate as a result of religion by the way, these two knuckleheads are also going to … Continue reading

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Pope prays at Western Wall, leaves note

The Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock, and the Room of the Last Supper are just some of the Jewish, Islamic and Christian “holy” places in Jerusalem. Some of the iconic landmarks of the world’s three most powerful religions, … Continue reading

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Pope Francis, huge crowd joyously celebrate Easter

Happy Easter to all of you Christians out there. May you enjoy your day… TGO Refer to story below. Source: Associated Press By FRANCES D’EMILIO  VATICAN CITY (AP) — Marking Christianity’s most hopeful day, Pope Francis made an Easter Sunday … Continue reading

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5 Unanswered Questions About Jesus

The most famous individual in the history of mankind was nothing but a mortal human being, a regular guy like most guys. He may have been a very good and peace-loving human being, but that was it. He certainly wasn’t … Continue reading

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Pope poses for ‘selfies’ after Palm Sunday homily

So much to do about nothing… Fanatical Catholics act as if the Pope is some kind of God, when the truth is he’s just a guy like any other; an elected leader like a judge or a senator. Nothing but … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Christian comedy blues…

One of the things I most enjoy when listening to Pat Condell is the sarcasm, especially when speaking about religion. TGO Video: YouTube

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Evangelist Benny Hinn: Fake, voodoo healer?

People such as Benny Hinn become multi-millionaires by preying on the ignorance and stupidity of the human race. And as one can see in this video, there are great numbers of ignorant and stupid people in this world. I never … Continue reading

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Sam Harris: Morality and the Christian God

A very impactful, though-provoking video expressing the truths of Christianity, and faiths as a whole. TGO Video: YouTube

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5 Things You Missed From Bill Nye’s ‘Evolution Vs. Creationism’ Debate

The fact that this “debate” is still going on is really and truly sad, sad for the human race. To think that there are millions of people who are so indoctrinated by ancient myths that they still believe in the … Continue reading

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The Virgin Birth: Why We Believe

People can justify anything. When a person or group of persons decides to believe in something, regardless of how absurd that something may be, they’re  going to believe it; period. Believing in miracles, virgin births, the supernatural, etc. is ridiculous. … Continue reading

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Why Catholic Priests Can’t Marry (at Least for Now)

A bunch of barbaric desert dwellers invented a religion 2000-plus years ago, followed by religious hustlers who refined it, shoved it down people’s throats, and imprisoned, tortured or killed those who didn’t adhere to its tenets. And here we are … Continue reading

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Biblical-Era Town Discovered Along Sea of Galilee

The information contained in this article, along with three (3) dollars U.S., will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks and little else… I understand that this is part of history, excluding of course all of the superstition surrounding … Continue reading

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Too mentally ill for death? Florida executes man who lost Supreme Court appeal

In my opinion, a person’s mental state should have no bearing on how the law is applied to him or her. The law is the law, and if a person is mentally ill or just plain crazy, etc., and this … Continue reading

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Fox News Presenter Asks Why Reza Aslan Can Write About Christianity, When He’s A Muslim

Anyone who has ever seen my Blog knows that I am NOT a lover of Muslims; quite the contrary. But why should anyone care whether or not a non-Christian writes a book on Jesus, the New Testament, or any other … Continue reading

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Bill Maher: The Mass Delusion

A couple of years ago in this stand-up routine Bill Maher made fun of religion… TGO Video: YouTube

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First contact with God

Dave Allen demonstrates how ridiculous Christianity is with humor…TGO Video: YouTube

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Egyptians targeted with blasphemy charges

Just when I thought Muslims couldn’t be any more f*cked-up than they had already proved to be, they exceed the lofty “standards” they’ve already set… Their obsession with Muhammad makes the obsession that dumb-ass Christians have with Jesus child’s play. … Continue reading

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Va. woman has no regrets over role in burial

This woman who is “credited” for having the Muslim scum-bag buried in U.S. soil is a douche-bag, and that’s putting it politely. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, now we have American police officers, paid by American tax dollars, … Continue reading

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Sam Harris: The Legacy Of Faith

I’d like for those of you who are religious fanatics out there to respond to this and other similar videos and try to refute the statements they contain. TGO Video: YouTube

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Sam Harris: Religions Are Failed Sciences

Until the day, should the day ever come, when religions such as Islam are no longer running people’s lives, we will fail to advance as a species. TGO Video: YouTube

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Sam Harris: Considering a Creator

It is impossible to argue against logic and common sense, which is what Sam Harris’ arguments are based upon. TGO Video: YouTube

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Chavez’s legacy gains religious glow in Venezuela

Just when I thought that humans as a species couldn’t be any more gullible and stupid than we have already shown, I am once again proven wrong. Hugo Chavez was a dictator who stole from the people, who by force became the … Continue reading

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Cardinals pray before conclave to choose new pope

All the prayers said by clergy since the beginning of organized religion, along with the prayers said by laypeople, together, amount to nothing. If all the time spent in prayer were spent to help each other, instead of pleading to … Continue reading

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Cardinal: Married Catholic priests a possibility

If the Catholic Church changes its policy and allows priests to marry, they need to consider what will be next, which will be same-sex marriage among priests. This is the natural progression as quite a large percentage of priests are … Continue reading

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Relics said to be from Jesus’ birth to be at Chicago church

The Catholic Church will do ANYTHING for money! And no doubt the mindless morons who believe this nonsense will flock to the church with pocketfuls of “donations” to view these bogus relics. Notice that the article states that the church … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Partying with Baby Jesus

Pat Condell says it like it is, as he always does… TGO Video: YouTube

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Christmas in an Anti-Christian Age

There are few things more underhanded then quoting another author (or authors) and taking the quote/s completely out of context. Yet this is what Pat Buchanan has done in this column. Pat, like most fanatical Christians in this country, you … Continue reading

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What Is Frankincense?

Interesting stuff… TGO Refer to story below. Source: LiveScience By Douglas Main, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor | LiveScience.com You’ve probably heard that Frankincense was one of the three gifts brought to the baby Jesus by the three wise men, according … Continue reading

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Roman Catholic cleric celebrates Palestinian state

It isn’t surprising that Catholic clergy are celebrating a Palestinian state. The Catholic Church has been resentful of Jews since it’s inception. It all began with a belief that it was the Jews who murdered Jesus. If so, what’s the … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: Godless Christmas

This guy is a trip, but everything he says is right on the money. TGO Video: YouTube

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“No religion” third world group after Christians, Muslims

Hopefully this group with no religion (this is the group I “belong” to) will soon be the most populous on Earth. Just imagine what a great world we would live in if most people didn’t believe in superstitious stupidities… No … Continue reading

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Vatican denies free Christmas crib linked to corruption scandal

Corruption in the Vatican? Nah… How could anyone think, if just for one moment, that men of God would be corrupt, which basically means they’re money-hungry. Why the Catholic Church is an upstanding organization, purely and simply devoted to bring … Continue reading

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